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Chess Part Two Box Set

Page 13

by Sean Michael

  Knight stared silently at Bishop for a moment that stretched. Jason did his best not to wriggle as the tension in the room increased, as they all waited for Knight to acknowledge Bishop one way or the other.

  Jason squeezed Rook’s hand tighter as Knight and Bishop stared at each other, and his lover squeezed back, gave him a gentle smile. Rook didn’t seem concerned and Jason made himself relax.

  Finally, Bishop raised an eyebrow and Knight rolled his eyes again, eventually giving an answer. “Yes. Wonderland. Happy?”

  Bishop’s smile said clearly that he was.

  Grinning, Luke shook his head and Jason thought he heard the man mumble “stubborn, man,” before Luke turned to give him and Rook a warm smile. “Are you guys getting anything done tonight or is it just Knight today?”

  Jase looked at Rook. “I think we’re going to let this be about Knight, right?”

  Nodding, his Rook smiled. “Whatever you want, honey.”

  He wasn’t sure what he wanted, exactly, but he was more than happy not to have to think about anyone but Knight getting pierced and he stole a kiss from Rook.

  “So nipple rings, a cock ring and a guiche for Knight then?” Luke opened his briefcase. “Here’s the jewelry selection you asked me to bring.” The original jewelry had been lost—everything had been such a mess the day Knight had been brought to the ER.

  “Are you going to have to re-pierce everything?” Jason couldn’t help but be curious.

  “Exactly how long has it been?” Luke asked.

  Knight was the one to volunteer that information. “Seven months. January.”

  Jason shook his head at Knight’s words. Seven months since everything had changed. It seemed like such a long time, but also not nearly long enough.

  “Then yeah, I’ll have to re-pierce everything, just to make sure it all goes back in cleanly. Healing won’t be nearly such an issue, though.”

  Knight sighed, looked to Bish, who gathered Knight close.

  “He loves them once they’re in,” Rook pointed out. “This part… He doesn’t give in easily, our Knight.”

  Luke didn’t seem at all phased. “The fight is part of the fun. I get it.”

  Luke probably saw all sorts of things, but Jason couldn’t imagine that any of it was weirder than the four of them.

  Bishop didn’t say anything. He was busy stroking Knight’s arms, keeping Knight easy in his skin.

  “I want Bish to pick,” Knight said when Luke offered him the case with the jewelry in it. “I want him to like them.”

  Jason couldn’t help his smile. Like Bishop wouldn’t love anything if it was on Knight.

  “You sure, baby?” Bishop started looking through the jewelry before Knight answered, pushing a few things to the side already.

  “I’m positive. You’re the one who’ll be touching, looking.”

  The intimacy of the words made Jason hide his face in the curve of Rook’s throat to offer Bish and Knight some privacy.

  Rook stroked his back, almost like how Bishop had been stroking Knight. “You want us to go, Bish? We can play with them later…”

  Bishop laughed but came over and kissed Rook softly. “You’re a treasure, Rookie. We can go deeper in if it’s just the two of us. And that’s what he needs right now.”

  “I know. I love you, Bish.” God, Rook was a good man.

  Jason stood and took Rook’s hand. “Night guys.”

  Bishop kissed Rook again, then him. “Night.”

  Rook leaned against him as they headed for their bedroom, still holding his hand tight.

  “Are they okay?” Jason didn’t really understand the whole thing between Bish and Knight, but he knew it worked, he knew Knight needed it and that Bish lived for it. That didn’t stop him from needing reassurances now and then.

  “They’re amazing together, aren’t they?” Rook smiled up at him as they went into their bedroom. “Bish is going to make Knight fly and tomorrow he’ll be easy to pounce and love on.”

  “They are. They bought a lake house. Are they leaving?” He hated that he had to ask, but he did. He wasn’t sure what it meant if they did.

  “I want to say no.” Rook’s lower lip was just the tiniest bit unsteady.

  “Is it because of me?” He was the new kid on the block, so to speak.

  “No, honey. It’s because of Knight.” Rook sighed and wrapped around him, holding on tight. “We need to talk to them, find out what this means.”

  “We do. I don’t want to break up our family.” Because they were, weren’t they? Family? He didn’t always get the dynamics, and it was the strangest family he’d ever known, but they were all better together, he got that. They worked.

  Rook nodded vigorously. “No splitting up the family. Bishop wouldn’t do that.” Rook sounded a little more confident this time.

  Jason nodded and grabbed his lover, dragged him close. “Touch me.” He was worried but when Rook made love to him, everything else kind of flew out of the window.

  Rook smiled for him. “I can do that.”

  “Oh, good.” He moved them to the bed, sitting and drawing Rookie into his lap.

  Straddling his legs, Rook rubbed them together. “Gonna make me scream, honey?”

  “No.” That wasn’t his thing. “I’ll make you moan a lot, though. I’m good at that.”

  “You’re good at everything.” The thing was, Rook believed it.

  “I love you, Rook. Thank God Knight found me.” He needed to be here with them. With all of them, but especially with Rook.

  “God yes.” Rook’s mouth covered his, the kiss passionate.

  He held Rook’s head, fingers curling into his lover’s thick, soft hair. Rook’s tongue slid along his, making tingles go up and down his spine. His cock was heavy, but that was nothing new. Not at all. Not anymore.

  “God, I want to suck you.” Rook loved sucking more than was natural, Jason was sure. Of course, as he was often the recipient of it, he wasn’t complaining.

  He leaned back onto the bed, bringing Rook with him. Breaking their kiss, Rook made a beeline for his cock, leaving quick, sloppy kisses along the way. Jason’s cock perked up, waving like it was hoping to get attention. And attention it got, Rook moaning as soon as he got into range.

  Fuck, Jason loved to watch that, the way Rook wanted him, needed him. Rook gave his belly a quick kiss before putting his entire focus on Jason’s erection.

  “I… You know how hot that is?” His eyes felt like they were burning out of his skull.

  Rook grinned up at him. “Blow jobs are always hot.”

  Yeah, but Rook was his first, his one and only.

  Sticking out his tongue, Rook made sure Jason was watching. Wiggling it, he attacked Jason’s slit. The sudden sting had Jase jerking, one leg drawing up. He felt Rook’s smile against the tip of his cock and Rook drew his hand up along Jason’s inner thigh.

  “Rook.” That touch made his whole world tingle.

  “Uh-huh.” He got another sultry look, then Rook took the head of his cock in, sucking almost gently.

  His thighs spread, his breath catching in his chest. Oh, God. Rook’s hand stroked up his thigh again before he danced his fingers over Jason’s balls. The suction never ceased—Rook excelled at multi-tasking.

  Jason felt his balls draw up tight, a sweet ache building in the pit of his belly. His lover’s hum went right through him. He spread a little wider, eyes crossing as Rook’s fingers nudged his guiche, then tugged it.

  Rook pulled off, smiling up at him. “You taste so good.”

  “I taste like salt and soap, right?” And look at him, not whining about Rook pulling away, even though he wanted to.

  Shaking his head, Rook made his chin rub over the top of Jason’s cock. “You taste musky and hot as hell.”

  Jason felt himself blush all over at the words. Rook beamed up at him then swallowed him again, taking half his cock in.

  “Rook!” Oh. Oh, fuck yes.

  Doing amazing things to
Jason’s erection with his tongue, Rook made Jase squirm. Then Rook took his cock in hand, squeezed the tip and slowly began to tongue-fuck it, pushing hard enough to create an ache. With his other hand, Rook continued to touch along Jase’s inner thighs, and behind his balls, not resting anywhere long enough to be more than just a tease.

  Those touches were maddening, but the big sensation was at the head of his cock. The pressure was intense, and it made his mouth dry. Every day Rook taught him something, made him feel something new.

  Jason opened and closed his hands over and over, his ball sac drawing up tight, almost aching.

  “You need a ring, honey?” Rook licked the tip of his cock again. “I’m not letting you come yet.”

  “Please.” It was so hard, so fucking hard to ask, but he needed it. And sometimes he even wanted it. “That’s overwhelming.”

  Rook took another lick of his cock before climbing over Jason to get to the drawer in the bedside table. Rook’s lean, beautiful body draped over Jason and he had to touch, to slide his hands over all Rook’s amazing skin. Wriggling, Rook hummed and moaned, and pushed into his touches.

  “Want you,” Jason whispered. “You were making me nuts, licking me there.”

  “Oh goodie—it’s working.” Rook grabbed a black leather cock ring out of the bedside table drawer and moved—very slowly—back down Jason’s body.

  “I never knew.” He was going to try it on Rook soon, playing the slit. He loved being able to use what Rook taught him to drive Rook crazy, too.

  Rook kissed him, tongue invading his mouth like it had his cock hole, pushing in over and over. By the time the kiss eased back, his cock and balls were bound, pushed forward, displayed.

  “Fuck. Look at that.” Rook’s voice was thick, painted with need.

  “Obscene.” He felt like a fucking god.

  “Uh-huh.” Rook licked his lips. “And you know how much I love obscene.” Bending, Rook licked at his sac.

  Jason sprawled and panted, his whole world focused on his groin and the things Rook was showing him.

  Rook spent a good amount of time tracing every inch of his balls with that hot, wet tongue. It was like having them all bound up made them more sensitive, Rook’s wet touches driving him crazy. His toes clenched and relaxed, over and over, his world hiccupping between licks.

  Spreading Jason’s legs wider apart, Rook licked quickly at his hole, almost a stab of the hot tongue, then it was gone again and Rook began working his cock.

  This time, when Rook went to fucking the tip of his cock with that clever tongue, it was even bigger. Whether it was because Jase was more sensitive now or because he knew what was coming, he didn’t know. Hell, he didn’t care what the reason was. Jason needed more of it.

  Rook curled his lips around Jason’s erection then backed off again, licking and lapping then fucking his slit.

  “Rook.” His hands landed on Rook’s head, curling through the heavy mass of blond hair.

  His lover nuzzled, but wasn’t distracted. Not at all—Rook knew exactly what he was doing.

  Jason’s cock felt heavy, too full.

  Rook ran his tongue back and forth across Jason’s slit, then grabbed his cock and squeezed it. That gave Rook better access to his slit, and it let that tongue in a little farther as Rook began fucking his cock-hole again.

  “Driving me crazy, love.” Jason didn’t think it was a bad thing. Not at all. This was the good kind of crazy.

  “I know.”

  God, Rook made him happy. Jason chuckled, the sound bubbling out of him.

  One of Rook’s fingers slid between his legs and began playing with his hole. The touch was familiar and wonderful, right and perfect all at once.

  Then Rook pushed two fingers from his other hand against Jason’s mouth. He groaned and leaned up, sucking hard, laving the long fingers with his tongue. Rook moaned around his cock, the vibrations making his balls tingle. All he could do in response was suck harder. That had Rook moaning louder, the vibrations stronger, a beautiful circle of pleasure. Then those sweet fingers popped out of his mouth.

  “Please.” It was like Rook had pulled the word out of him.

  Still playing Jason’s slit with his tongue, Rook pushed his spit-slick fingers into Jason’s hole. Jason’s eyes closed and a soft, deep sound escaped him. Rook’s fingers pushed deeper, hitting his gland. Lightning lit him up inside, made him shake.

  Slapping the tip of his cock with that magical tongue, Rook pushed against his gland again.

  “Rook!” The word roared out, and he grabbed the headboard, so thankful for the cock ring keeping him under control or it would have been over already.

  His lover kept licking and pushing, driving him utterly insane. The bedframe groaned as his muscles tensed. Rook pushed a third finger into him, spreading them. The stretch burned so good, and he grabbed one knee, trying to make more room.

  Rook took more of his erection in, sucking quite hard now, driving him harder.

  “Oh, fuck.” He focused on pushing up, fucking Rook’s lips and taking Rook inside him. He rocked between fingers and mouth, loving every second of it. The ring kept him from coming, let the pleasure go on and on.

  Rook began to hum, to make everything kind of vibrate.

  “Rook. Rook, that’s…” Everywhere. It was everywhere.

  Rook hummed even harder.

  Jason wanted to shoot, but just when he thought he would, Rook tugged his bound balls. “Rook!”

  Pulling off his cock, Rook grinned up at him. “Yes, honey?”

  “Tease.” He had to smile back. “Fuck, that’s hot, huh?”

  Rook nodded enthusiastically. “Yes!”

  Rook cracked him up, and he reached for his lover, tugged Rook up and took a hard, needy kiss. Moaning into his mouth, Rook lined up his thick cock with Jason’s hole.

  Oh. Oh, yes. Jason moaned and arched, bearing down and taking the tip into him. Filling his mouth with a groan, Rook kept pushing, spreading him wide as Rook’s cock went deeper. It never ceased to amaze him, how they stretched and spread for each other.

  Rook began to rock, pushing into him and sliding back out, then pushing in again. This never got old, either, the sensations of being filled, of being made to feel. Of being loved.

  He grabbed Rook’s hips, adding his strength to Rook’s. Nodding, Rook deepened the kiss, tongue working his mouth just like Rook’s cock worked his ass. Jason gave everything he could back—returning the kiss, working Rook’s hardness.

  Rook’s fingers slid along Jason’s cock, playing with the ring, but not removing it. He couldn’t fight the tiny whimper—and he had to be honest with himself, he wasn’t sure if he was begging or protesting.

  Rook’s tongue slowed, as did his hips, the strokes longer now, backing Jason off the edge of coming. Jason moved, fingers massaging the hard globes of Rook’s sweet ass.

  After a few moments, Rook thrust faster again, pushing into him and sliding over his gland. Christ, Rook was going to make him lose his mind. Just absolutely make him wild. He couldn’t believe it was still this hot, still this good after this long. Almost a year and every time was almost brand new.

  Rook reached for the cock ring again, this time opening it. Jason’s entire body shuddered, and he couldn’t hold back his groan.

  Rook met his eyes. “Let’s do it together.”

  “Uh-huh. Love. Together.” He was all over that.

  Rook started stroking his cock, rhythm matching Rook’s thrusts into his body. His belly tightened, shoulders leaving the mattress. Fuck.

  “Now, honey,” Rook ordered. “Come on.”

  “Come.” He bit the word out then did it, shooting hard, emptying himself out. Rook’s cum filled him, even as his own cum left his body.

  Jason rested back, panting hard. Rook lay on him, skin slick and hot against him.

  “Hey.” He rubbed their cheeks together, their stubble rasping. It was almost better than when they’d both just shaved and were smooth.

sp; “Hey.” Rook smiled, looking relaxed and happy.

  “I got accepted to school.” It was kind of amazing and it bore repeating.

  Rook’s smile widened. “I know! I’m so proud of you.”

  “I’m a little scared,” he admitted. “Maybe nervous.”

  Rook’s answer was immediate. “Why? You’re going to be awesome.”

  “I’m going to have to learn so much.” And unlike everyone else in the program, it had been a while since he’d been in school.

  “You’re a good learner, honey.”

  “I’m going to try.” Rook, Knight and Bishop had money—lots of it. He didn’t, and he wanted to hold his own. He wanted to contribute. Sure he had the money they’d given him to be here in the first place, but he didn’t really count that—it was their money still. He knew Rook wouldn’t understand that, though, would never see it the same way he did.

  Rook shook his head. “No, you’re going to succeed. You’re smart, honey, and you are a fast learner, trust me. I believe in you.”

  “I feel like with you three behind me, I can’t fail.”

  “There you go. Because we are.”

  “I know.” The weird thing was, he did. He knew they supported him, full-heartedly. His own personal cheering squad. Although that put an image of Knight wearing a cheerleader’s outfit in his head and that was just weird. He shook the image off.

  Rook snuggled in. “See? Everything’s going to be just great.”

  “Pollyanna.” He wrapped his arms around Rook and held on tight.

  Rook laughed for him, eyes dancing, twinkling. “Now you sound like Knight.”

  “He’s rubbing off on me.” Jason paused a beat, and winked. “Pun intended.”

  Rookie howled. “Oh, God. So bad.” Rookie gave him a kiss. “I’m so proud.”

  “You two be quiet in there!” Knight pounded on the door, high enough that Jason guessed Bish was carrying him. “No one’s allowed to laugh in this house!”

  Jason chuckled softly, surprised. That had actually sounded like Knight—like their happy, horny, about to do kinky things with Bishop, Knight.

  “Ha! Ha! Ha!” Rook laughed loudly—and fakely—before dissolving into giggles.


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