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Havoc: Snakes Henchmen MC

Page 4

by Grayson, Alivia

  I wipe the tears from my cheeks. “John went to prison for the rest of his life. He escaped the death sentence because he was certified insane.” Even if the judge had given him the death sentence, it’s doubtful they would have executed him.

  I sigh dramatically and roll away the tension from my neck. “I was taken to a group home, and it wasn’t long before my best friend ended up there too. We looked out for each other in there, but I always wondered if I had more family out there somewhere. Cassie always wanted to find her father. Her mother was useless, and that’s why she ended up in the system. My grandparents didn’t give a damn that I was there, and I don’t even know if they’re alive or dead.”

  Jack gives me a look that tells me that his parents are both dead. Somehow, I can’t find it in me to care, and that is just not like me.

  I startle when Jack crouches down in front of me and takes my hands in his. “I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through, Wynter. Nothing I or anyone else says can ever take away your pain. You’ve been alone these twelve years, but you’re not alone any longer. You have a big family, one who loves you.”

  I blink rapidly. I wasn’t expecting him to say something like that to me. Sure, I’m his niece, but he doesn’t know me at all. Yet here he is, telling me that he loves me.

  “That man in there,” Jack tips his head toward the door. “You could have picked a worse husband.”

  “I lost him there for a while,” I admit. “My insecurities because of my father...” I shake my head, shaking away the thought. “I’ll never make that mistake again.”

  Jack puts his hand to my face and smiles. “We all make mistakes, Wynter. But if something is worth fighting for, we never give up.”

  I like this man so much. I don’t understand how two siblings could be so different. My father was evil, yet this man isn’t. I don’t doubt that Jack does terrible things, but nothing like my father.

  “You have a family now, sweetheart, and there is nothing we won’t do for you. My sons and I...”

  “Wrench, Hawk, and Stryker?” I didn’t mean to interrupt him, but he laughs and nods his head.

  “Wrench, Hawk, and Stryker. We’ll protect you with our lives, Wynter.” I blink and swallow the emotional lump in my throat. “Now, my daughter, Phoenix, is eighteen, but she’s as strong and fierce as any man I know. I know you’ll be really good friends.” I like the idea of that.

  Havoc told me about my cousins earlier. Wrench already told me that his Christian name is Dominic. Havoc told me that Stryker’s real name is Mark, Hawk’s name is Dante, and Phoenix’s name is Dana. Havoc also told me a lot about Jack and Taylor, and it seems everyone thinks a lot of them.

  I can’t deny that I’ve fallen in love with my new family and I don’t even know all of them yet.

  “My wife is probably going to try and mother you,” He laughs. “It’s in Taylor’s nature to love, and she will love you endlessly.”

  I can’t help smiling nervously. I really want to meet Taylor now.

  “I will never let anything happen to you, Wynter. If you believe nothing else, believe that, and the fact you are loved.”

  I suck back my emotions when Jack gently pulls me into his arms. I hesitate for a second before wrapping my arms around his back, and he kisses my head.

  I pull away from him and smile. “So, when do I get to meet the rest of my family?”

  Chapter Four


  “Can I have a quick word?”

  I look up at BlackJack and nod my head while placing my beer on the kitchen counter. “What's up?”

  He walks closer. “Wynter would like to meet the rest of the family. I hadn't told her that they were all outside, at first. When she asked me when she'd be able to meet them, I blurted it out.”

  I raise my eyebrow, while BlackJack rubs the back of his neck. “Why the hell are they all outside?” I get why Taylor would have come along, but all of them?

  Great, sixteen people in my house, for Christ knows how long.

  “We were having a family dinner, waiting for Wrench, as always. When he arrived, he told us all about Wynter, and Phoenix wanted to come right over.”

  I refrain from rolling my eye. Typical fucking Phoenix. “So, you all decided to come over?”

  BlackJack shrugs his shoulders. “It is what it is. Wynter would like to meet them, but if you'd rather she come over to our place, that's no problem.”

  He knows full well that I'm not going to agree with that. Son of a bitch. “It's fine, bring them in.”

  BlackJack nods his head and leaves the room, passing Wynter on his way out.

  Wynter smiles at me shyly. “Havoc, I'm sorry about this, I wasn't thinking. When I asked when I'd be able to meet the others, I didn't think Jack would say right now.” She nervously tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear.

  I walk towards her and wrap my arm around her waist. “You have nothing to be sorry for, Wynter. You have every right to want to meet your family.” I cup her cheek, and she leans into my touch. “Just be warned, the Anderson's are a loud bunch. It can be a little overwhelming having them all in one place.”

  Wynter giggles. “I'll be okay as long as you're with me.” Her hand clasps the side of my neck. “I've really missed you, Havoc.”

  “I've missed you, too, darlin'. More than you'll ever know.”

  Both hands come to my face, and I look into Wynter's eyes. This woman is everything to me. She has been since the day I met her, I love her, and I won't lose her again.

  I rest my forehead against Wynter's for a moment and breathe in the scent of her skin. She kisses me, and I'm lost for a moment. “I love you,” She whispers against my lips. “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too.” I slide my hand to her face again. “I have never and will never love anyone the way I love you. Come home, baby. Tell me you'll stay.”

  Wynter smiles at me, and she's about to say something when someone else buts in. “For the love of God put the man out of his misery so that we can meet already.”

  I roll my eyes but can't help smirking. Wynter looks at me with wide eyes, and I can see that she's embarrassed. “That would be Phoenix,” I tell Wynter. “She has no tact, but you'll get used to her. Come on, let's go see your family.” The family that is disappearing one by one into the den.

  “Wait,” Wynter yanks on my hand, stopping me from moving.

  “What is it?”

  “Before we go in there, I just wanted you to know that...” She swallows hard. “That I want to come home, Havoc. I love you, and I don't want to be without you any longer.”

  Instantly, I pull Wynter into my arms and kiss the shit out of her. “I love you. Now, let's get in there before Phoenix sends out a search party.” Wynter nods and takes a deep breath. “Don't be nervous, everything will be all right, you'll see.” I wink, and she laughs.

  I lead Wynter to the den, and I can feel her shaking with nerves beside me. I squeeze her hand. She looks up at me, and I shoot her a wink.

  “There she is,” BlackJack smiles. “Everyone, this is Wynter.” He comes closer and wraps his arm around Wynter's shoulders, gently tugging her away from me. Wynter shoots me an apologetic smile my way, but I just smile while shaking my head.

  “Now, I'm going to introduce you one by one, so bear with me. It'll take a while.” BlackJack chuckles. I haven't seen him this giddy about anything in a long time. “This beautiful angel is my wife.”

  “It's nice to meet you,” Wynter holds her hand out to Taylor, but Taylor is out of her seat and hugging the shit out of Wynter. Taylor never changes, nor should she. She's kind and loving, and everyone's favorite person, and if anyone can show Wynter what a family looks like, it's Taylor.

  “I'm so happy to meet you, sweetheart.” Taylor pulls away from Wynter but keeps one hand on her face. “I don't want you to worry about anything, Wynter. You have a big family here, and we're going to take such good care of you.”

  From the moment I met Wynter, all
she's ever wanted was a family of her own. Now she has one; I don't think she knows how to process it all. I'm not opposed to Wynter getting to know the Anderson's, but I do believe this was pushed on her too soon. She looks so out of her depth. Sure, they wanted to meet her right now, but she hadn't had time to settle in before they descended on her like this.

  “This is Stryker and Coral. Stryker is our eldest,”

  “Adopted son?” Wynter asks.

  “That's right,” Stryker smiles while shaking Wynter's hand. “Coral is my wife.”

  “Hi, nice to meet you.” Coral smiles.

  “This is Axel, and this is Knox, Stryker, and Coral's sons. Over here, we have Elie, Stryker, and Coral's daughter and eldest child.” I can see Wynter trying to remember names as BlackJack points them out. “Now, Elie is married to Wrench. That might sound a little strange to you, but Stryker and Wrench aren't blood-related, and we never adopted Stryker through the courts, so it's all legal and above board.”

  That shit is a lot for anyone to get their head around, though I can see Wynter is taking it all in her stride. The crap my wife has been through means nothing surprises her these days.

  “Here we have Kaleb, Dominic, and Cindy, Wrench and Elie's children.” They each say hello to Wynter before BlackJack moves on to Hawk. “This is Hawk and his wife Brooke and their children, Gabe and DJ.”

  “Welcome to the family.” Wynter smiles at DJ while shaking his hand.

  “Anything you need, you let us know.” Gabe winks.

  “Thank you.”

  I'm not sure anyone has noticed Phoenix yet. She's standing in front of the open fire with her eyebrow raised, tapping her foot in annoyance. I smirk behind my hand because she's such a brat sometimes.

  “Why am I always last?”

  “Aww, my princess,” BlackJack kisses Phoenix's cheek, making her smile. “I always save the best for last.” He winks. “Wynter, I'd like you to meet my baby girl. This is Phoenix. Phoenix, this is Wynter.”

  “Nice to meet you, cousin,” Phoenix winks. The girl isn't big on hugging, especially the last few months. Phoenix has changed a lot since her boyfriend left for the military. I don't know what happened between them; I only know it hardened that girl's heart.

  I stand at the back of the room, looking in on them all talking and laughing. It's nice to see Wynter laughing the way she is. I don't think I've ever seen her smile this much.

  I listen to the stories each person tells, stories of BlackJack's kid when they were small. Wynter laughs along with the embarrassing things Taylor let's slip. Then it's the younger generations turn to be embarrassed by stories their parents tell about them.

  When asked about her past, Wynter is reluctant to speak about it. BlackJack points out that she doesn't have to talk about anything she doesn't want to. I think everyone understands that he'll fill them in on what he and Wynter spoke about.

  “Apart from being embarrassed every five seconds,” Axel says. “It's not so bad being an Anderson.”

  “I can see that,” Wynter laughs. By blood, she's an Anderson, but by name, Wynter is a Caldwell. Something these people seem to have bypassed.

  “You'll love being an Anderson,” I rub the back of my neck in frustration as Phoenix bangs on about Wynter being one of them.

  It shouldn't irk me the way it is doing, but I can't seem to stop the annoyance creeping in. Why is it so hard for them to understand that Wynter is a Caldwell? Yeah, she's got Anderson blood, but that's as far as it goes now.

  “I'm sure I'm going to like being part of your family. However,” Wynter looks over at me, and I can tell she can see how annoyed I am. “I'm not an Anderson any longer. I'm a Caldwell, the same as my husband.”

  I can't help the smile of pride creeping across my face. I wink at Wynter, and she smiles shyly.

  “Of course, you are. Sweetheart, we meant no offense, we're just so happy that you're part of our family.”

  “Thank you, aunt Taylor. I'm happy to be part of your family.”

  * * *

  It's been a long fucking day, and I'm relieved when BlackJack decides it's time to leave. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Wynter had this time with her family, but we haven't had enough time alone since I brought her back.

  I lean my forehead against the front door as soon as it's closed. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. The sound of motorcycles pulling away soothes me, as it always does.

  “Havoc,” Wynter strokes her hand down my back. “Are you okay?”

  I lift my head, turn on the spot, grab Wynter, and pin her to the wall beside me. She looks at me, eyes wide, and swallows hard. I press my mouth to hers, and she slides her hands into my hair, holding me against her hot body.

  “You have no idea how much I want you right now.”

  “Havoc,” Wynter groans against my mouth. “I need you. Fuck me, please.”

  I growl like a damn dog and pull her top over her head. She's not wearing a bra, and my mouth latches on to her tits one at a time. I've missed the taste of her skin. I want my mouth on every inch of her body, but I'm too wound up for that.

  I yank her leggings and panties down her thighs while she attacks my belt and then my zipper. My eyes roll to the back of my head when she pulls my cock out and stroke the length. I unbuckle my jeans and push them past my ass. I don't have time to undress either of us; we're both too frantic and wanting each other.

  I push Wynter's thighs apart a little, line my cock up with her cunt, and drive home. Wynter screams at the invasion, and I grunt at the feeling of her pussy, crushing my cock. Damn, she's still tight, and I'm fighting not to blow my load already.

  Wynter wraps one arm around my neck and holds onto my forearm with the other. She moves her hips in time with my thrusts, and we fuck, savagely, where we stand. Neither of us is going to last long. It's been months without each other, months where I haven't touched another woman. I didn't because all I wanted was Wynter.

  Am I worried that Wynter slept with someone else in the time we've been apart? No. I know her better than that. Besides, if she had, Wynter would have told me the moment we got here.

  Wynter hooks the fingers of her right hand into my hair and clutches my neck with her left. I grab her ass in my hands and fuck into her as hard and fast as I can. She screams as she comes, her head dropped back, and her body convulsing.

  Seeing her come like that has me coming so hard, I have to slam a hand against the wall to stop myself falling. “Jesus Christ, Wynter,”

  She giggles cheekily then kisses the breath from within me. “I love you. Thank you for giving me another chance.”

  I pull out of her body and put my dick away, while Wynter kicks off her leggings and picks them up from the floor. She stands against the wall, naked as the day she was born.

  I lick my lips and touch my hand to her face. “Thank you for giving me another chance.” I counter back. “And for the record, I love you, too. Now get up those stairs, I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you.”

  Wynter squeals, ducks under my arm, and runs up the stairs. I shake my head and chuckle. Fuck sleep, who needs it?

  Chapter Five


  “Don’t be nervous; everything will be just fine.” He says that, but I am beyond nervous. I shouldn’t be nervous; I’m about to see Cassie again after all this time. I’ll finally be able to see for myself that she’s okay.

  “Do I look okay?” I ask while smoothing down my white shirt front, and then my hair.

  Havoc smiles while climbing off his bike. “You look beautiful.” I smile despite myself. He always makes me feel beautiful.

  The magnet pull between us is suddenly so strong that I forgot to breathe for a moment. Our eyes are locked, and I know Havoc feels this too. It’s been there since the moment we met.

  Heres the biker cliché. Havoc is tall, handsome, blue-eyed, collar-length hair, scruff on his jaw, and muscles that go on for days, but don’t overshadow his body in any way. There’s just no denying how good-looking t
he man is, and he’s all mine. Nothing is going to go wrong this time because I’m not letting the doubt creep in.

  Havoc’s good looks aren’t the only thing that draws me to him. Any man can be good-looking, but there is something about Havoc that has me wanting him and needing to be near him. I know he feels the same – the way he’s looking at me right now tells me that he does.

  “We should get inside.” I nod my head in agreement, yet I haven’t moved. Havoc has moved closer to me, and one hand slides around my waist, the other cups my cheek, and I lean into his touch with my eyes closed. “What are you doing to me?” He whispers against my lips.

  “Havoc,” I whisper his name like a plea while holding onto his hips to steady myself. You’d think after fucking all night long that I’d be too sore to want him again so soon. But the fact is, I want him so badly my body aches.

  “I want to kiss you so badly, Wynter. God knows I want to kiss you every moment of every day. Losing you never nulled the need I have for you, Wynter.” Both hands now frame my face, and I can’t help smiling.

  I slide my right hand around the back of his head, bringing his forehead to mine. “Ditto, husband of mine.” The smile he throws my way sets off a spark in me. I’ll never love anyone the way I love Havoc. I know I lost my way a little in the beginning, but I know that I can trust him now. “Kiss me, Havoc. Please.”

  “This is a bad idea.”

  “I know.”

  “If I kiss you now, I’m not sure we’ll make it inside.”

  I raise my eyebrow and smirk at him. “We could always slip away for a few minutes.”

  Havoc chuckles. “Baby, you don’t think much of me if you think it’ll only take a few minutes.” I run a hand down his thick chest while biting my lip. “No,” He laughs.

  “Fine,” I sigh dramatically. “But I’m not going in there until you kiss me.”


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