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Havoc: Snakes Henchmen MC

Page 24

by Grayson, Alivia

“Spring?!” James yells loudly. I cringe because the bastard made my ears ring.

  “James?” Spring comes running from behind an old bookcase. “James!” She jumps into his arms.

  Then I see her, my Wynter, and I charge toward her. She sobs as I scoop her up. “I thought I’d never see you again.”

  I set Wynter on her feet and take her face in my hands. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”

  She shakes her head. “John didn’t hurt me, but he killed Riff, and I saw it.” Wynter closes her eyes and shakes her head.

  Seeing someone murdered is mind-altering, and I can’t imagine what that was like for Wynter. However, Riff is gone and so is John Anderson, and they can never hurt her again. Though I never expected John to take himself out, and it was selfish to do so in front of BlackJack. No matter how BlackJack felt about his brother, it’s never easy seeing someone die the way John did.

  “Where’s John?”

  James looks at me, then back to his wife. “He’s dead, sweetheart. John took his own life.”

  Neither Spring nor Wynter shed a tear, though I believe that’s because they’re in shock. Whatever John had done, he was still their father. I’d never tell Wynter how she should feel, but if she does breakdown, I’ll be there to catch her when she falls.

  Wynter looks at me as I stroke her face with the back of my hand. “It’s over now.”

  “Yes, baby, it’s over now.” Wynter wraps her arms around my waist, and I hold her tightly in my arms.

  I hope I never witness anything like this again in my lifetime. Hell, no one is that unlucky. Wynter is safe, and we can finally move on with our lives.

  Things are sent to try us, and we either battle through or succumb. Wynter is a fighter, and she’s all mine.

  Chapter Twenty-Four



  Two years later...

  “Come back here, Drake! Daddy is going to be so cross with you when he gets home.”

  Drake stares at me for a second before taking off upstairs. I love him to death, but I could strangle him sometimes!

  “What’s he done this time?”

  I look at Spring and point to the overturned potted plant. “He was digging it up again. No matter how many times Havoc and I have tried to teach Drake not to, he can’t help himself.”

  Both Spring and Phoenix laugh, and I roll my eyes and carry on brushing up the soil.

  It’s been two years since Riff kidnapped Spring and I. Two years since John broke out of prison and saved us, and two years since John blew his own brains out. I can’t say as my sister, and I went home and lived happily ever after. We had nightmares, and we needed therapy to move on from it all. But we survived because that’s what we do.

  Spring and I now have a close relationship with BlackJack and his family. My sister finally let our uncle in, and we’ve all be happily getting along since.

  It’s with Phoenix that Spring and I have the closest relationship. The three of us meet regularly to discuss how our week has been. Put Cassie and Ava in the mix, and the five of us are a force to be reckoned with.

  Julianne has been a rock for Spring and me. She put aside her own pain at almost losing us to help us move on from it all. We’d be lost without our mother, and that’s a fact.

  I also have close relationships with my much younger brothers and my nephews. Brody and Brady are amazing, and I love them more than I could say. I have two nephews now due to Spring giving birth to her second son last year. Bradly is the image of Matthew, and I adore them both.

  “I don’t think you should be on your knees in your condition, Wynter.”

  “Come now, Spring,” Oh, here we go. I roll my eyes before Phoenix can finish what she’s saying. I know what’s coming, and I’m hardly in the mood. “You know that’s where Havoc likes her best.” They both start laughing, and I’m trying not to bite back.

  I don’t know why I feel so annoyed right now, but I think it has something to do with how uncomfortable I am.

  “How I like her best is none of your concern.” I look up from my position on the floor. My husband is looking at me with concern on his face. “I’m taking it Drake misbehaved again?” I nod my head as he looks at Phoenix and Spring. “And neither of you could have picked this shit up?”

  I listen to them bickering for a moment. I really don’t need this today; I just want to lie down and sleep. Drake comes paddling over to me, and I smile as he nudges me with his nose. I wrap my arms around the husky’s neck and bury my face in his fur.

  Havoc bought Drake for me a couple of months after John killed himself. He thought the dog would bring me comfort and help me feel safe while Havoc wasn’t with me. He was right, and I worked hard to train Drake. That and it helped to have my mind on something other than John and Riff.

  Drake has been a good friend to me, but the past couple of months, he’s been a nightmare. I don’t know what’s wrong with him, but he’s driving me nuts. I love my dog to death and I would never re-home him, I just wish I knew why he was acting this way. I’m just days away from giving birth to my first child, and I don’t have the energy for Drake’s doggie tantrums.

  “Hey,” I feel Havoc’s hand on the back of my head. I look up at him as he crouches down beside me. “What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” I hadn’t realized that I was.

  “She’s been in pain for over an hour, but pretending she isn’t,” Spring tells Havoc. “I’ve had two kids, and I know what labor looks like.”

  Havoc looks at me. “Is that true? Are you in pain?” I nod my head before dropping it to his shoulder.

  I didn’t want to make a fuss. I thought that pain was nothing more than Braxton Hicks again, but now I’m not so sure. I’ve been terrified of having this baby. I don’t know why, but hearing how Spring struggled with her first pregnancy worried me that it would happen to me too. When it didn’t happen, I became obsessed with what might happen.

  Would my baby die before it was even born?

  Would I die giving birth?

  What if I’m not a good mother?

  What if I don’t love my child?

  I know it was irrational thinking, but I couldn’t help what my mind was telling me. Everything that ever happened in my life had me believing that I couldn’t be anyone’s mother. It didn’t matter what anyone told me; I couldn’t make myself feel that I was good enough.

  Havoc helped me through my fears. He made me see that I’ll be the best mother I can be to our child. I’m not John Anderson, and I won’t hurt my baby. It took a while, but I got there.

  Right now, a little bit of my fear of dying in childbirth is creeping in. I don’t think I could ever go through this again. I feel like I’m going insane with it all.

  “Spring, call the hospital and tell them I’m bringing Wynter in now.” I hear Spring mumble something to Havoc, but I’m trying to concentrate on breathing through the pain shooting through me. “Phoenix, let the family know what’s going on.”

  “Havoc, I’m okay,” I clutch the bottom of my stomach and whimper. “Maybe I’m not okay,”

  Havoc raises his eyebrow, you think? I laugh and wrap my arms around his neck as he lifts me in his arms. “Let’s go have a baby,”

  * * *

  “He’s beautiful, Wynter,” I tear my eyes away from my son and smile at my mother. “Welcome to the world, little man.”

  Havoc wraps his arm tighter around my shoulders as my mother kisses my newborn son’s head. Mom kisses my cheek and leaves the room with Neil. Spring and Phoenix follow, with BlackJack and Taylor.

  It was a long seven-hour labor, but Hunter Scott Caldwell was born an hour ago, weighing a healthy 7 lb 3oz. I got away with just three stitches, and I’m feeling pretty good about things. Havoc stayed with me the whole time, and we both got to welcome our little man into the world at the same time. That’s just how I wanted it.

  My family and Havoc’s, waited outside for news. I had no clue so many of them would be out there to welcome our s
on. Each person came into the room to welcome Hunter personally. Tammy was beside herself with glee as she held her grandchild. She, along with my mother, couldn’t stress enough how beautiful they believe Hunter to be. Mom and Tammy have become best friends over the past couple of years, and it’s so amazing to see.

  Red held his grandson for a few moments, before handing him off to BlackJack. I don’t have a father, and though BlackJack is my uncle, he’s become a father figure to me. Watching him with Hunter brought a tear to my eye. BlackJack held my son so tenderly and told him how he now has a big family to love him, and how he’d always be safe.

  My uncles Julian and Justin, and my grandparents were here. I love them all, and it wouldn’t have been the same if they weren’t here to welcome Hunter to the world.

  I kiss my son’s head. I knew I’d love him the moment I held him, more than I did while I was carrying him. However, I never imagined I’d love him this much. I never want to do this again, so Hunter is going to be my one and only child.

  “Do you want to hold him?” Havoc nods and takes Hunter from my arms. He gets out of his seat and gently paces the floor. I smile while lying back on my pillow. I’m exhausted, and I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be able to keep my eyes open.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to meet you, Hunter.” I smile again as Havoc speaks to our baby boy. “I have a lot to teach you, little man. We’re going to have so much fun getting to know each other. Daddy loves you so much, Hunter.”

  I smile at Havoc when he kisses Hunter’s head. He turns to see me watching him, and he winks. I sigh happily and close my eyes.

  If someone had asked me two years ago where I’d see myself today, I never would have imagined I’d be here. I may have resented Havoc for coming to the diner were I worked and not leaving me alone. However, I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t happy that he did.

  My life may not be perfect, but it’s perfect for me. I don’t know what the future will bring, but I’m up for the challenge.

  About the Author

  So, heres the thing. I’m quirky and crazy, and I’m not afraid to be just who I am. Why should anybody have to be afraid of who they are?

  I live in London, England with my man and three children, whom I love more than life itself.

  I am also a teacher of history and I enjoy every aspect of it. I love children, they can teach you just as much as you can teach them.

  A child’s mind is a sponge that absorbs informations from every person around them. Teach them well and they can do anything, be anyone.

  I’m probably too talkative sometimes, or so I’ve been told by my older siblings once or twice. But I believe it’s good to talk!

  So don’t be afraid to get in touch any time!

  Also by Alivia Grayson

  Snakes Henchmen MC First Generation Series

  The President’s Wife (Shepard President)

  Strike Fast (Stryker)

  The One I Need (Tank)

  All For You (Hammer)

  Never Give You Up (Jett VP)

  Kill For Me (Hawk)

  Vidal! (Draven A MC/Mafia Crossover)

  Die For Me (Wrench)

  Crucify Thy Demons (Roman)

  Two Of A Kind (Trace)

  Awaken The Beast (VJ)




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