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Highlander Lord of Fire

Page 5

by Donna Fletcher

  They both grew quiet.

  Then Tarass asked, “Do you remember my features?”

  “I remember your eyes. They were such a bold blue they frightened me. They reminded me of the sky when a storm was drawing near. And you were so tall.”

  “You were petite then and still are. My father actually admired your courage, for one so small, to strike out at me.”

  “That was the only time I saw your da and I was terrified of him. He was so big, a giant in my young eyes, and I feared he would devour me for hitting you and my sister for climbing the tree, and I worried my da would not be able to stop him.”

  “Yet you defended your sister anyway.”

  She smiled. “I was a fearless fool that day.”

  “No,” he contested, “you were brave, though I don’t blame your da for not bringing you with him after that when he visited again.”

  “I didn’t want to go with him, though Sorrell did, but my da wouldn’t let her go.” She laughed softly. “He had heard her plotting revenge against you.”

  “Well after all these years she finally got her revenge by marrying Ruddock and the Clan Macardle claiming fealty to him instead of me.”

  “You can blame that on fate and love. Fate brought Ruddock and Sorrell together and love did the rest.”

  “Love does nothing but get in the way of things,” he argued.

  “You don’t wish to marry for love?”

  “A marriage’s sole purpose is for gain, whether to strengthen ties, expand holdings, or grow more powerful. That’s what a marriage will bring me.”

  “I wish to love, wed, and have a bushel of bairns, but due to my blindness I never will. How sad that you have the chance to have it all, and yet you don’t want it,” she said, turning to look at him though she could only see a gray shadow.

  “I don’t need love to have a wife and bairns. As I said, love gets in the way of things and I refuse to let it get in my way.”

  “How would love get in your way?” she asked but didn’t wait for a response. “Love doesn’t hinder, it helps. You’re not alone. There’s someone there to share your smiles, your laughter, your tears, your sadness.”

  “I need no such help,” Tarass said as if affronted that she thought he did.

  She reached out, her hand touching his arm and traveling down it to take hold of his hand, her fingers wrapping around his to give a light squeeze. “Everyone needs help one time or another, whether if it’s just to hold someone’s hand or give a hug or a kiss. Or remind them that you love them.”

  At that Thaw moved from where he laid curled by her side to her lap, placed his paws on her chest and licked her cheek.

  Snow smiled and laughed softly as her hands went to capture his face and give his snout a kiss. “I love you too.”

  Tarass watched the pair with annoyance. Or was he annoyed that she had let go of his hand? He grew even more annoyed at himself for thinking it. But he had enjoyed the way her small hand felt wrapped around his and how she had given it a squeeze as if saying, I’m here with you, you’re not alone.

  It was an intimacy that was foreign to him, since it hadn’t stirred his loins… it had stirred his heart.

  Thaw settled himself in her lap, curling himself in a ball and closing his eyes, completely content.

  Snow yawned and turned once again to Tarass. “I never asked and I’m curious. What brought you out in a snowstorm and dressed in barbarian garments?”

  “I was returning from meeting with some of my mum’s people. I honor her name and tribe by dressing their way when I visit with them.”

  She scrunched her brow when another thought came to mind. “The blinding snowstorm must have confused us all. It threw Finn off course and yourself as well, the direction all wrong for all of us being in the area we were in.”

  “I was to meet someone. That was what brought me to that area.”

  “Someone you knew?” She gasped. “Could it have been the man who grabbed me?”

  “No, I am familiar with this man. He had information I was looking for.”

  Curious, she asked, “What information?”

  “Information about the man who killed my parents. I intend to find him and kill him.”

  Chapter 6

  Tarass sat in a chair by the hearth staring at Snow sleeping, Thaw curled at her feet and his eyes opening now and again to look at him. The pup was keeping a cautious eye on him and he had to admire him for it.

  He had been surprised at her response when he had told her he intended to kill the person who had killed his parents. She had told him she would do the same if it were her parents. She hadn’t asked anything more about it after that, and he hadn’t wanted to offer any more.

  She had fallen asleep as they discussed the weather and what it would take to make it home, her head lolling to the side until it had finally settled on his shoulder. He had sat there with her resting comfortably against him and a slight snore coming from Thaw curled in her lap. He had listened to the wind whipping around the small cottage and the crackle of the fire in the hearth. He had felt more content than he had in years, and it had surprised him.

  It hadn’t been until the fire had died down considerably that he reluctantly left the bed, lying Snow down on the lumpy mattress, while Thaw moved to curl at her feet, of course, after giving him a growl.

  The fire was once again blazing and he felt sleep poking at him, but his thoughts weren’t ready to rest. There was far too much on his mind. It hadn’t been long after they’d first met that his da had left and not long after that his mum and he had taken their leave. His mum had told him they were going to join his da. He asked about their home and who would protect it and she had told him not to worry it rested in good hands until their return. He had wondered over his da’s departure and theirs as well. He had worried that it had something to do with his mum’s people. But each time he had asked her, he had gotten the same response. Everything was fine. He was not to worry.

  He had been shocked when his da met up with them on their journey and even more surprised at where their journey had ended… his mum’s tribe. He had missed Scotland, and he had promised himself that someday he would return. He had thought it would be with his mum and da. He had sworn to himself and his mum’s tribe that he would revenge their death. And he would let nothing, absolutely nothing, stop him from doing just that.

  His thoughts began to settle as sleep began to poke at him. He added more logs to the fire so the heat would stay strong until morning, then he snatched his furs off the table where he had laid them to dry and went and placed them over the cloak that covered Snow.

  With no other choice, the ground too cold to sleep on, he stretched out on his side beside her.

  Thaw lifted his head and went to growl.

  “Quiet,” he ordered in a harsh whisper, “I keep her and you safe.”

  Thaw gave a low growl, stretched himself to his feet with a yawn, and moved up to settle himself against Snow’s stomach.

  Tarass thought that Thaw was lucky Snow would never marry, since no man would allow the dog in bed with him and his wife. The strange thought troubled him, recalling Snow’s words about wanting to fall in love and have a family. It was a shame, since he had no doubt Snow would make a wonderful mum.

  Snow woke buried in warmth that she didn’t want to emerge from, and she didn’t. She remained snuggled under her fur-lined cloak. A noise close to the bed had her opening her eyes to see a shadow standing over her. She was ready to scream when she recalled where she was and who was with her.

  “The snow stopped sometime last night, though the sky remains ominous. I’m going to have a look. We may be able to make it to my keep before the snow starts again. Get dressed while I’m gone. Your garments are dry and on the table and your hose are in your boots by the bed. Is there anything you need help with before I leave?”

  “No,” she said, sitting up, “though if you could take Thaw with you, I would appreciate it. He probably needs to go out.�

  “I can do that. I’ll be out front the whole time.”

  “I also appreciate that,” she said, worried that he would wander off leaving her completely alone and vulnerable.

  “Come on, Thaw, you’re coming with me,” he said with a wave to the pup.

  Thaw didn’t move from Snow’s side. He actually leaned against her arm as if letting Tarass know he wasn’t going anywhere.

  Snow looked down at the gray blob that was Thaw to her. “It’s all right, Thaw. You go with Tarass. I’ll be right here waiting for you.” She scooped him up, kissed him on the top of his head, and placed him on the earth floor. “Go with Tarass, I’ll be right here.”

  Thaw looked to Snow than to Tarass.

  “We’ll be right outside,” he said and wondered why he was even bothering to talk to the pup.

  “Go now, Thaw,” Snow urged in a more commanding tone and the pup trotted over to Thaw growling all the way.

  “I’ll knock before I enter,” Tarass said, then opened the door, a burst of cold air rushing in and the pup and he hurried out quickly.

  With little time before he returned, Snow hurried out of bed with a wince, her side still painful, and into her dry hose, then her boots, surprised both were warm. She made her way carefully to the table, found her garments folded on top, though she didn’t rush to slip into them for fear of getting herself tangled up. She tempered her movements and got the garments on much easier than she had gotten them off.

  A sigh fell from her lips when she finished, relieved she was no longer naked, no longer exposed to Tarass. It had been unnerving and humiliating, and she didn’t want anyone to ever know of it.

  A bark came before the knock at the door and she turned to face it with a smile. Thaw came running in and sped right to her. She went to snatch him up.

  “He’s wet from the snow and you’re dry and warm,” Tarass said.

  Snow leaned down and patted Thaw. “Sit by the fire, Thaw, then I will give you a hug.”

  Tarass shook his head as he watched the pup do as Snow told him. It was as if the pup understood her every word.

  “The sky hints of more snow, but my keep is not far from here. The snow on the ground will slow us down some, but it shouldn’t take us long to reach it if we can keep a steady pace. How does your wound feel today?”

  “It’s sore but not as bad as yesterday,” she said. “I’m ready to leave when you are.”

  “As soon as I see to dousing the fire, we’ll go,” he said and hurried to see it done.

  Snow slipped on her cloak and gloves and made her way to the door, Thaw following close by.

  “Can you see me enough to follow behind me?” Tarass asked, watching her take cautious steps and stretching her hands in front of her as if making sure nothing blocked her way.

  “You’re a gray shadow to me, but it is enough for me to follow as long as you remain in front of me,” she said with confidence, eager to do anything that would help get her home sooner.

  “Stay close to Snow, Thaw,” he said after they stepped outside, then shook his head. Now he was talking to the pup as if he could understand his every word.

  Snow realized soon enough why he wanted her trailing behind him. He made sure to clear somewhat of a path for her to follow. There was far too much snow for him to clear it enough to set a quick pace. It took time and effort to go only a short distance. At least it felt like a short distance. At the laborious rate they traveled, she thought it might have been wiser for them to remain at the cottage.

  She didn’t give up, though, she kept going, her legs growing heavy with fatigue as she trudged through the snow. She didn’t dare take her eyes off the gray shadow that was Tarass. She feared being abandoned again. She stayed on his tail, taking step after endless step, while silently praying they would reach their destination soon.

  A worry took hold when she noticed Tarass’s shadow had faded some. How had he gotten farther away from her? She rushed her step to catch up and felt her boot catch on something. She went flying forward so fast, she had no time to stop herself from toppling head first into the snow.

  Tarass turned at the sound of the barking, shocked to see Snow’s face planted in the snow. He rushed to her. She was already struggling to stand when he reached her. With a firm grip on her arm, he got her to her feet and kept hold until she found firm footing.

  “What happened?” he asked, wiping away the snow on her face.

  She coughed and shook her head. “I’m not sure. I think I tripped over something.”

  Thaw was still barking and digging furiously in the snow.

  “Quiet, Thaw, all is well,” she ordered, but the pup didn’t listen.

  The pup was not only disobeying Snow, he had stopped digging to look up at Tarass, then to the spot on the ground.

  “I believe Thaw is angry at whatever it was you tripped over. I’ll assure him all is well. You stay right here. Don’t move.”

  “He can be stubborn at times,” Snow said, dusting the snow off herself.

  “I wonder where he gets that from?” Tarass said with a chuckle that quickly faded when he spotted what Thaw had revealed… an arm.

  “What’s wrong?” Snow demanded. “Your laughter ended suddenly. Something is wrong.”

  She might be blind but Tarass had learned quickly that she was astute to her surroundings. He didn’t for once think to keep it from her, not after the ordeal she’d been through.

  He returned to her side and rested his hand on her arm. “It’s a dead body.”

  Shock turned her silent. Though only briefly. “Who?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. I don’t want to remove the snow to reveal anymore of him and leave him vulnerable to the animals until I can get some men out here to dig him out.”

  She nodded. “That would be wise.”

  Though, she couldn’t help but wonder if it was the man who had grabbed her. If so, that would mean he had not waited around to make another attempt to grab her. Why then had he tried in the first place? Had she misunderstood his actions? Had he been trying to help her? She’d never know if it was him, since she couldn’t identify the man.

  “Give me a moment to leave a marker so he can be found when I return for him,” Tarass said and with a command in his voice, shouted, “Thaw, stay by Snow.”

  The pup hurried to her side to sit and lean against her leg.

  After a bit of a search, Tarass uncovered a substantial rock. It took some effort to lift and place in front of the dead man’s exposed arm, then he covered the arm with a good amount of snow. He had noticed that Snow tried to follow his movements, not always successfully.

  He couldn’t imagine living with such a debilitating affliction. He couldn’t live constantly dependent on someone for the simplest need. It would make him insane. How she managed to remain strong was remarkable.

  “All done,” he said as he approached her.

  “How far are we from your home?” she asked.

  “Not far. There’s a small rise up ahead—”

  “And your home sits just beyond,” Snow said excited to discover they were close.

  “You remember from your only visit there?”

  “I accompanied Sorrell when she visited with Twilla, the old woman who occupied your keep in your absence. Sorrell made sure to stir my memory of different places so I wouldn’t forget what the surrounding area looked like. Though, she did mention that your keep had fallen into disrepair after being abandoned for several years.”

  “It has seen much improvement since my return. You’ll see for yourself—” He caught his words to late.

  “Hopefully, one day I will,” she said. “We should go. I look forward to food and a warm bed tonight.”

  “I will make certain you get both. Stay close,” he said as he walked around her.

  Snow turned around and settled what sight she had on the gray shadow in front of her.

  “Ready?” Tarass asked.

  “Ready and eager,” she said wit
h a light laugh.

  “We go,” he said and started walking, marveling at her light humor in a difficult situation.

  It wasn’t long before they reached the rise. The slog up it wasn’t easy and Tarass made sure to keep hold of Snow’s arm. He stopped at the top, giving her time for her labored breathing to calm.

  “Not far now and it’s a good thing since it’s starting to snow again,” he said. “It’s a light snow but it was a light snow that started this all.”

  “We should go,” she said, her breath still labored, and Thaw agreed with a bark.

  The distance wasn’t far but the snow on the ground made the trek seem endless.

  After a while Snow began to make out other gray shadows and the bigger they grew the more difficult it became to see Tarass.

  When he was about to meld with the other shadows, she called out to him, “Tarass!”

  His hand was on her arm instantly. “What’s wrong?”

  “You’re beginning to blend with gray shadows that draw near.”

  “We are almost at the village and the keep is not far away,” he said and his hand moved down along her arm to take her hand. “Hold tight to my hand.”

  She closed her hand around his and Thaw gave a bark.

  “Keep up, Thaw,” Tarass ordered and the pup grumbled and growled as he followed along.

  Snow was surprised when they were met with an endless round of greetings as they entered the village. She thought most of the villagers would be inside, out of the cold.

  “Tell me this is your bride and not just a woman to warm your bed for the winter?” a man called out with robust laughter.

  Thaw planted himself in front of Snow as soon as Tarass stopped and let out a warning growl as the thick-chested man approached.

  “This wisp of an animal will not make much of a meal,” the man said.

  Snow gasped, her hand falling away from Tarass to reach down and snatch Thaw up in her arms. “You will not dare touch my pup,” she threatened.

  Tarass shook his head. “Rannock, meet Snow of the Clan Macardle.”

  “The blind Macardle sister?” Rannock asked with a scrunch of his nose. “What is she doing with you?”


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