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The Bringer of Wrath

Page 2

by A. E. Via

  The ache in his sternum was telling him to fall into Alek’s arms and make all his sadness go away, but his rational mind was telling him to run… run while he still could. They hadn’t fucked, yet. He might tolerate feeding from another’s blood in time. A very long time. But once they consummated there’d truly be no going back.

  “I want to tell you the truth. I do,” Alek continued. “But you have to promise not to leave.”

  Hell no. Bell was just about to step into the light and risk it on his own when Alek blurted out, “You’re right. It wasn’t me who bit you the first night we met. Um. Technically.”

  Bell spun around, his hand clamping onto to the partially healed bite mark just above his collar bone. What the hell did his beloved mean? “Then wha-who?”

  “I’m sure it sounds crazy. But sometimes Wolf will act impulsively. If he believes it’s for our good, or if it has anything to do with what’s been prophesied or the prophecy, he’ll react. He’s driven purely by his animal instincts. And, most of the time I can’t stop him.” Alek bit his bottom lip. “Damnit. I’ve never had to explain this before.”

  “You’re doing a good job,” Bell said, without thinking. “Continue. Tell me how this is possible?”

  “Shit.” Alek stared at the floor while Bell slowly moved back towards the bedroom, still keeping his distance. “I’m sure you’ve heard stories of my family’s bloodline.”

  “Yes.” Bell stood in the darkest corner of the room while Alek resumed his position on the bed. “That you have powers.”

  “Strengths,” Alek corrected. “When you say ‘powers’, it kind of implies that we have some sort of magical abilities, when we don’t.”

  “Okay,” Bell reiterated. “Strengths.”

  “Yes.” Alek didn’t look up.

  “And did I just feel yours?”

  Alek met his eyes. “Barely even a fraction of it.”

  My gods. Bell had never felt that kind of energy before. “Your strength frightens you?”

  “He frightens all.” Alek’s baritone timbre was heavy with pain. “Apparently, even my mate.”

  Bell shook his head. “He? You speak as if he’s someone else… as if your animal is not a part of you.”

  “He’s not,” Alek grumbled. “And he probably never will be again.”

  Bell frowned. “Aleksei.”

  “No. I have to accept this.” Alek stood. “All of my siblings’ wolves are glorified in the prophecy. Except me… I’ve been condemned.”

  “Hold on. Chadwick said Taleb explained some of this to him, about the foreseen gifts for the alpha-mates. That’s why he’s able to shift into a tiger because it’s what was prophesied by one of the first shamans. And something else about mighty conquerors rising up only to be defeated by vengeance and fire.”

  “Exactly. And it’s already begun.” Alek paced the small area in front of his bed. “Justice has mated with the king, and together, their animals will unite our kinds. Justice’s wolf is the bringer of fairness and truth. We all knew it would start with him, but it wouldn’t end there. My youngest brother, Taleb, has studied under a shaman for years. He knows more about this than any of us. His wolf is the bringer of wisdom.” Alek dropped his ass onto the bed, looking defeated. “His wolf speaks knowledge to everyone… except me. Because he’s afraid.”

  Bell stood. “I’m not afraid of you, Alek. But, I am… hesitant. What role do we play in all this?”

  Alek joined him in the center of the room. Heat radiated from him as he slowly laid his hand on Bell’s shoulder. The warmth was amazing to someone who was usually so cold.

  “I’m not sure. I never thought I’d have a mate. Heaven knows I wanted one, but I didn’t think I was worthy. Or able. I know what my role is in all this, but I’m not sure if I can fulfill it. As you may’ve figured out by now, I’ve torn apart from my wolf. And in turn, a monster was created.”

  Bell held still as Alek touched him. It wasn’t easy. He wanted to curl into him and press his mouth to his throat. Bell could feel the restrained power smothered deep down in his beloved’s body—too much power for him to keep there safely. Bell rested his palm over Alek’s heart “Maybe it’s time to bring you all together again.”

  “You don’t know what you’re saying,” Alek whispered, caressing Bell with the gentlest touch he’d ever felt.

  Bell stared into troubled, pretty blue eyes. Alek. The other night… when he’d been bitten—those eyes could’ve shot ice daggers, they’d been so brilliant and sharp. Wolf.

  Someone was missing. There was another… the feared one. Bell could feel it.

  And what are you called?

  What in Hades was all this he was feeling for Aleksei Volkov, and so soon? Bell had no knowledge of this sort of issue in a shifter. A man and wolf divided, their souls ripped into pieces. Unheard of. Bell probably shouldn’t have been making recommendations just yet. However, this was his beloved. He ached for him. He didn’t want to feel this way. Didn’t want to feel someone else’s pain. Bell had so much work to do, a king to advise, and an entire community to speak for, but yet there he stood, paralyzed for the first time in his life. Just as conflicted and torn as his cherished. Not able to budge until he knew more and understood.

  “Come with me,” Alek whispered.

  Maybe I should. Bell turned his back to Alek, staring at the window and not knowing what awaited him on the other side of those heavy drapes. He tensed when he felt Alek’s rough palms gliding down the sleeves of his dress shirt.

  “Don’t fear me, mate. Please don’t. I might get overly passionate about certain things—like solidifying our bond—but I won’t ever harm you. I really hope you believe that, Bell,” Alek begged. “I know this is a lot to take in at once but I just need a chance to fully explain.”

  “You asked me if I had patience, Aleksei… but do you?” Bell challenged.

  Alek touched his waist, slowly embracing him as if giving him a chance to refuse the contact. “Oh I do,” Alek paused. “Just not all of me does.”

  Bell was overcome by Alek’s scent as he pressed closer into his back. Warm breaths caressed his cheek while heavy hands palmed his stomach. “Bonding is extremely important to me… and to Wolf right now.”

  “I know this is your way. To sense your mate, then to bite, then consummate.” Bell ducked his head when Alek’s forehead met the base of his skull. He tried to keep his voice soothing. “But you seem to be neglecting that vampires have a way as well. I need a moment to sort some things out in my head, Alek. Speak to Wick about the time you want.” Bell laughed humorlessly. “But first I have to get outside.”

  “It’s okay,” Alek assured him. “I’ll go with you.”

  Did he want Alek to go out there with him? Fuck, yes. He was anxious and he didn’t want to show that kind of weakness, but he wasn’t sure he could step into the light for the first time on his own. He should feel safe with the large shifter at his back, and to some degree he did, but Alek had already shown he could be unpredictable.

  “Nothing will happen to you, Bell. Mating with a shifter should make you compatible with me.”

  “‘Should’ doesn’t sound very reassuring. Doesn’t sound like a fact. I’m not the king. The Mother may not have given me the same blessing for being fated to one of her children. I could explode as soon as I open the door.” Bell gulped at the thought.

  “I didn’t mean to make it sound that way. I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

  “I need to hear more.” Bell struggled to believe the impossible.

  Alek’s voice dropped a few octaves. “You were about to step into the light in the living room a few minutes ago. If you were in any danger… Wolf would’ve reacted. Way before I even could. He knows trouble is coming before I do. And he’ll… ” Alek trailed off before finishing with, “He’ll save you. Always.”

  Alek made it sound as if Bell had several mates who would all act for him. Gods. How do I do this? Bell’s pulse raced and he wondered if this was what it felt
like when humans had panic attacks. He was sure he was having those symptoms. The labored breaths, dizziness, the heat in his throat, and the tingling in his gums to bite into tender, supple flesh... Okay. Maybe humans don’t experience all those symptoms.

  Perhaps Bell was just craving another taste, with Alek holding him and the sound of his blood rushing in Bell’s ears? As soon as he finished that thought, the pleasant warmth in his throat ignited into an all-out inferno. Alek clutched him tighter and Bell leaned into the embrace without thought. He swore he felt each erratic beat of Alek’s heart and each tensing of muscle. When Alek’s lips touched just beneath his ear, a wave of lust washed over Bell, causing his cock to throb in his designer slacks. Alek’s body was hard everywhere, especially the thick bulge digging into the upper part of his ass. Bell didn’t mean to respond by grinding against that hardness, but it was difficult to resist.

  Alek groaned with pleasure when he buried his nose along the side of Bell’s wayward bun. “Do you have any idea what your smell does to me?”

  “Alek,” Bell gritted out. His fangs were already descending a couple of millimeters in preparation to eat. He put his hand to his throat, gasping at the intensity of his thirst. He had no clue why he was suddenly starving.

  Alek’s grip got stronger as his pulse sped up. “You’re hungry, Bell. I can see how badly you want to bite me. You don’t have to fight it.”

  Alek spun Bell around in his arms and drove them backwards until they collided with the wall.

  “Ungh,” Bell grunted at the same time Alek did.

  Alek looked down at him through darkened eyes, his voice a gritty rasp. “Drink.”

  Bell stared hard, not sure if he should speak or not, knowing that indeed it wasn’t Alek who’d shoved them. It wasn’t a move to hurt him—because it would have taken a helluva lot more than that to mark him—it was meant to show authority. Bell gasped as the crystalline-blue pupils widened until they almost covered the soft blue of Alek’s irises.

  “Drink,” he rasped again.

  Wolf? Bell was terrified to call him by name, and he wondered if the animal could sense it. Sense his fear… and his hunger.

  “You’re afraid.”

  Hell, that voice. Bell shivered. That answered his question. There wasn’t a damn thing wrong with Alek’s animal’s senses. Bell never broke eye contact from the penetrating glare of Alek’s other part, that he simply called Wolf. And it appeared he’d shown up when it had taken Alek a few seconds too long to bare his throat and sate Bell’s appetite.

  Bell had to swallow down the heat a couple of times before he could answer, “I don’t know what to… I’m… Why am I speaking to you like this? Is Alek still there?”

  “He was trying to explain all this to you, but you wouldn’t go with him. Alek takes too long to get nothing done.” He tilted his head just slightly. “Now drink. You’ll be interrupted soon.”

  “I need to see Alek.” Bell couldn’t just lean in and feed. He wanted his sweet beloved. Needed to see how close he stayed to the forefront when Wolf came forward.

  “All right.”

  “Wait.” Bell huffed. His stomach felt as if a swarm of killer bees had been let loose. Now that the fear had ebbed, there was nothing left but nerves. “There’s another one of you, isn’t there?”

  Piercing eyes studied him. “You don’t want to call on him. None of us do.”

  “Why?” Bell swallowed harshly. His hunger was becoming unbearable for the first time in his life. It felt like if he didn’t bite Alek right then, his throat would catch fire. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to get himself under control. This wasn’t like him. Composure should’ve been his middle name. When he opened his eyes, he was met with Alek’s sorrowful ones.

  Bell lifted his hands and cupped Alek’s scruffy cheeks. It looked as if he hadn’t shaved in a few days. His beard was deep brown like his unruly locks, mixed with dark and light strands of silver. He smoothed his palms over them repeatedly, not understanding what or why he was doing so, but knowing it somehow brought Alek comfort. Enough until his blue eyes gleamed and he tilted his head and leaned closer to him. “Wolf can feel your hunger like his own, and it upsets him.”

  “I was speaking with him,” Bell said, with his lips pressed to Alek’s pulse. He flicked his tongue out and lapped at the heated skin as his fingers dug into the muscles in Alek’s back. Desire and want cloaked him until he could focus on no other emotion.

  “I know.” Alek craned his neck even farther and cradled Bell’s head in his wide palm, guiding him to his throat. The gesture was so thoughtful and gentle. In Alek’s arms, with those beautiful eyes gazing down at him, he felt like the most adored vampire in the universe. When Wolf was there, holding him, securing him. He’d felt guarded. Safe. Bell would have to analyze that more, because none of those feelings were negative. They were all things he hadn’t known he’d wanted.

  “Were you there the entire time? Could you feel me, Alek?” Bell whispered. He spoke the best he could with his fangs descended and his lips pulled back and pushed against Alek’s throat.

  “Yes. I’m right there the entire time. I’ll never leave you, Bell. You’re the most important—” Alek let out a loud, satisfying groan when Bell could no longer wait—not even for him to finish that sentence, before he pierced his beloved’s flesh just above one of the most critical arteries and started to suck hungrily, swallowing satisfying mouthfuls of his mate’s blood as it replenished almost as fast as he could drink it.

  Alek thrust his hips forward, sealing their pelvises together. They were both tree-trunk hard, but he didn’t do anything about it, or try to take it to the next level. Bell gripped the back of Alek’s neck and squeezed, still drinking as his beloved encouraged him to take every drop he wanted. Alek was so full of compassion, trust and comfort that it blended into his blood, making him taste as sweet as honey. Bell felt a deep rumble in Alek’s chest as another part of him made his contentment known. Then an overwhelming feeling of pride and power surged through him as the taste of Alek’s essence grew bolder, sharper, until he could hardly take it. Bell pulled away at the surge of energy that coursed through him, staring wide-eyed at the man in front of him. He licked the remaining deliciousness from his lips, unable to leave a trace behind. His eyes almost rolled to the back of his head when the last few drops eased down his throat. My gods. He’d tasted all of them. Every single part of his complicated mate. And he’d be damned if they didn’t sate every inch of his hunger. His unknown want for kindness, love, strength, power… and domination—they were all there in abundance. Alek possessed them all.

  For the first time in a long time, Bell smiled a toothy grin.

  Bell closed the bite wounds, continuing to pant through what he’d just experienced. His smile was gorgeous and predatory. Enough so that it made Wolf perk up in response. Alek could see how satisfied Bell was from his feeding, could smell his arousal grow until it filled the room. It took everything to keep Wolf down and not pounce on Bell the second he’d felt that tight ass press against him. The sexy vampire was playing with a fire that could consume him. All Alek knew was he was barely reining in his animals. He understood their urgency to mate, because without the sex after his bite, the bond was wasn’t complete. He could only communicate telepathically through their link when Bell was feeding. Most importantly, his animals couldn’t track Bell anywhere he went if the bond was incomplete, and that wasn’t sitting well with either of them. All he needed was to establish a little trust and he could go from there. Let Bell see that while he may have been a fucked-up individual and needed some repairs from within, he’d do his best to always put his mate first and love him harder than he knew possible. Alek believed he could do that without having to consult the Wolf.

  Alek closed the distance Bell had put between them. His fangs no longer touched his bottom lip and his smoky, slate-colored eyes were warm and glazed over. He was glad his mate didn’t pull away when he pressed their chests together. He gri
pped Bell’s chin and lifted his head so he was looking him in his eyes. His gaze roamed freely over Bell’s smooth, pale skin. He was very fair, but not as ghostly as a lot of vampires. His mate took good care of himself and stayed well-groomed.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Alek rasped, smoothing one hand over Bell’s satiny mane. It felt amazing against the rough callouses on his palm. His entire body buzzed from Bell’s bite, his dick pulsing and solid, yet he still wasn’t going to dive on top of him.

  “And you’re extraordinary,” Bell countered. Alek almost moaned out loud when his mate returned his affection and rested both hands on his chest, stroking his muscles through the thin material of his T-shirt. “I’ve never tasted anything so… so… hell, I can’t explain this energy you give me when I taste you. All of you.”

  “I’m glad you believe me.”

  “It’s not a question of belief. I’ve seen it for myself. And, I can literally taste their individuality.” Bell’s voice was wistful, not frightened.

  “Let’s go speak to your king,” Alek told him, trying to even out his breathing.

  They continued to stand there unmoving for a long time. Bell touched his face, his neck, while Alek marveled far longer than his animals wanted.


  Bell and Alek startled at the same time as heat swamped them. Bell swallowed audibly, but only Alek could hear the monster in him. He hissed at the intoxicating flood of adrenaline it brought with it anytime he surfaced. He couldn’t let him come forward. Not yet. He wished he knew what the goddamn rush was with his animals. Alek understood the prophecy was being revealed, but surely nothing was going to happen that night. They had some time. He had to get them calm. Easy. Alek replied. He slowed his breaths and blinked a few times, keeping physical contact with his mate.

  “I think we should do that.”


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