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The Bringer of Wrath

Page 11

by A. E. Via

  Alessandro spun on him, ready to do some serious damage to Bell with his own cane, when large arms were wrapped around him pulling him back towards the center of the room. “Sir. Don’t kill him yet. That’s what he wants, then we’ll lose our leverage.” The vampire was young and spoke with a British accent. He looked to be a fresh face as well. Newly made vampires had a clarity to their dark pupils that older vampires lacked, as the light in them typically faded over time. Bell was going to keep antagonizing his captor and keep him talking—and enduring the pain leveled on him—because he had no doubt help was on the way.

  Ask them how much longer until this thing is on the ground? This is torture! I can hardly hear myself think over the engine noise, Wolf growled.

  Alek had his hands clasped in front of his stomach, his eyes closed and his head tilted back against the thick cushioning of his first-class chair, trying to remain as calm as he could. He had a set of Dolby earbuds pressed inside his ears, with the sounds of nature filtering through his mind. Wrath was surprisingly quiet and focused. Very focused. So much so that it was having a positive effect on him. Alek didn’t feel like he wanted to throw up the moment the sleek jet had picked up speed on the small runway and the wheels had left the ground. Wolf, on the other hand, was driving them insane.

  Will you turn off those fake waterfall sounds… it’s stupid. And it DOESN’T WORK!

  For fuck’s sake, Wolf. Alek lowered the volume on his cell phone’s music app, rolling his eyes. You’re not the only one who’s uncomfortable. Farica and Mac haven’t stopped holding hands since we took off six hours ago.

  Good for them. Wolf snarled, pacing like a caged beast. I want off this thing!

  Alek held still. He peeked at his siblings who were both huddled together. Farica was whispering something in Mac’s ear, words that he assumed were meant to soothe him. Surely, Mac’s wolf was just as pissed as his. Alek reclined farther, feeling relieved that his baby brother and sister weren’t going insane. He was again surprised at how cool he was… and Wrath. He could still feel his energy on the surface, so he hadn’t gone far. Wrath’s mood was good, dare he even say pleasant. This one-eighty Wrath had pulled was far too extreme for him not to question it. He didn’t want to be suckered or walk into any kind of trap. Demigods were very cunning, charming and exceptionally smart. However, the dark ones could be crafty as fuck. Alek was a naturally trusting and loving person. He wanted to let that part of himself free for Wrath to feel, but if it was mishandled, bad things would happen again.

  Okay, what’s up with you? Why are you so quiet, Wrath?

  Oh, am I?

  Alek trembled in his seat at hearing Wrath’s smooth tenor after so many hours. That was the voice he much rather preferred over the threatening roar Wrath used to speak in. Alek blew an easy breath and spun his chair around so he was no longer facing his siblings or any of the mercenaries—who’d been taking advantage of the fully stocked bar at the rear of the jet—to conceal any reactions. He guessed he and Wrath were about to have a conversation.

  Alek’s body felt hotter the closer Wrath got. He rubbed his hand over his chest, noting its warmth. As a shifter, his normal temperature ran higher than a human’s, but at that moment, the heat far surpassed that. He glanced around to see if it was radiating off him and making others uncomfortable, but it didn’t appear to be. The vampire guards were in their seats, quiet, some with ear buds, others gazing out of the windows of the jet at the vast darkness. When the sky began to lighten as they flew further east, the shades were closed.

  I didn’t realize I was… quiet. Wolf’s anger pleases me. It relaxes me, Wrath admitted.

  Alek shook his head. Interesting. Anger relaxes you?

  Yes. I’m Wrath. Is that so difficult to fathom?

  Alek guessed it wasn’t. It was amazing how good he felt, how strong and confident he was. For so many years, they’d operated as three separate beings, and it’d done more harm than good. If they were going to save Bell, then unity was the only way to accomplish that. Wrath kept pushing that into their minds, and Alek believed him.

  I’m glad my pain amuses you, Wolf barked.

  Alek caught his chuckle in his fist before it escaped. He didn’t want anyone to think he was talking back to the voices in his head. What is this heat I’m feeling, Wrath? I don’t remember this. We have to be mindful of the people around us.

  It’s my fire. It stays with me. No one will feel it unless we want them to. You’re older, Alek. More mature. You can handle it now. Alek could sense Wrath’s pride in his abilities flowing through him. Feels good, doesn’t it?

  Yes, Alek whispered. He couldn’t describe the radiant, almost indestructible sensations.

  We’re getting close to our mate. Very close, Wrath said, going still and quiet again. Open the window shield, Alek.

  Fuck. Alek reached over and slowly lifted the cover a fraction so too much light didn’t filter through. It was almost five-thirty in England, and the time zone jump made Wolf feel off-balance. Most of the vampires had black sleep masks over their eyes, the cabin of the jet still shrouded in darkness. Alek chanced a quick peek out of the small oval window and saw nothing except wide open sky. The sun had set and the sky was cast in a deep gray, almost dreary color as the plane coasted through it. Staring at nothing but land so far down made his stomach flip.

  Keep watching. Wrath rumbled as he inched closer. Then closer, until he’d melded into the surface right along beside Alek. He gasped quietly, swimming in the adrenaline of fire and strength. Alek flexed his hands, feeling the power in them.

  Wolf stopped seething and slumped in an exhausted mass of distress.

  Hang in there, Wolf. Just as Alek thought it, the pilot alerted them to refasten their seat belts—Alek had never removed his—that they were beginning their descent. It was as if those words were the secrets to the Holy Grail, because Wolf released the largest sigh of relief that had Alek concealing his amusement again.

  Wrath turned them back towards the window and Alek thought he’d have a heart attack. Using Wrath’s vision, he could see all the way to the ground and could even make out the smallest details. My gods. Alek couldn’t believe it. He saw animals in the forest. He could make out buildings’ names, and structures. Homes. He saw people walking along paved streets, enjoying their lives, dining, and holding the hands of partners or kids. Alek blinked, seeing as clearly as if he was standing directly in front of them. Unbelievable. He wondered if he could see like this all the time. The plane descended more and Wrath sent a startling amount of concern to them.

  What is it? Alek slammed the window cover down.

  Bell is close… real close. And he’s hurting! Wrath fumed. Alek held himself in check but he too, wanted off this goddamn plane. Alek swiveled his chair around and faced the rest of the passengers. His sister shrieked, then slammed her hand over her mouth.

  “Alek. Alek, oh my gosh! Calm down,” she said as softly and quickly as she could, pushing her tranquil energy towards him.

  “It’s okay, Farica. It’s Wrath with me,” Alek stated.

  “Y-yeah, uh. We can see that,” Mac stuttered. “Um, do you know your eyes are all black, with a ring of fire in the center?”

  Oh shit. No wonder they were gaping at him like he… had flames in his eyes. “I’m in control. Stay focused. But, you gotta tell the pilot to land this thing and let me out.”

  The Lord Protector gritted his teeth. “He’s landing about fourteen miles from the Dales. Ten minutes. Please tell me you can hold it in for that long?”

  “‘It’?” Alek bit out. He turned their gaze on the vampire soldier, noting how Ramon Vega didn’t challenge them directly, but he didn’t advert his eyes, either.

  “Apologies,” Ramon muttered.

  “Bell is hurt,” Alek continued to convey Wrath’s words, his voice coming out a lot raspier, with him so close. “He is very hurt. We want off this contraption so we can get to him.”

  “We’re ready,” Farica assured him. S
he sat taller, she and Mac backing him up just as they’d promised to. “We’ll hit the ground running.”

  “Sounds like we got several miles to trek. Try to keep up,” Alek said. He’d be running a lot faster than they were accustomed to.

  “I think we’ll manage.” Farica smirked.

  Hurry. Wrath growled.

  “How much longer?” Alek bit out.

  “This isn’t a helicopter. The pilot can’t drop us down,” one of the mercs said, sarcastically.

  Wrath sizzled inside as he stared down the weak individual, but he didn’t react the same as he would’ve before, which would’ve been to grip the disrespectful immortal around his throat and burn all his flesh off until it was nothing but exposed tendons and glands.

  So glad you’re not thinking of doing that, Wolf grumbled. He’s the least of our worries. Get ready.

  “It’s kind of obvious you’re not interested in strategizing. I believe you said our job was to stay out of your way,” Ramon said, with one brow raised. “How about you lead, we’ll follow and try to recover any viable scraps you leave behind.”

  Sounded good to him. Alek pulled back, and allowed Wrath to the forefront, ready to emerge through Wolf when they landed.

  It’d been hours and no one had come. There hadn’t been a hint of any kind of disruption near the entrance. It remained clear and heavily guarded by more of Alessandro’s soldiers. It would only take the reserves a couple of hours at most to make it to the deepest valley in the Dales. When Bell had been captured there was still enough night hours left to have orchestrated some kind of rescue attempt. Had Wick abandoned him? Not possible. What about his mate? Bell knew that indeed wasn’t possible. He’d traveled thousands of miles away from Alek after he’d begged him not to. Bell felt that pain deeper than the blows they’d continued to inflict on him to keep him weakened.

  One of the many vampires surrounding Bell gazed down on him in rapt fascination. He was a fresh face as well. New to this lifestyle. Sired by Alessandro, therefore completely faithful to him. However, young vampires were able to be swayed with the right temptation. Bell blinked and softened his eyes, trying to charm the vampire’s mind. There was a lot of steadfastness and dedication in him, but also plenty of goodness. Alessandro would, no doubt, eliminate all humanity from the young man in due time.

  “You don’t have to do this,” Bell moved his lips. No sound came out, but he was sure the young man understood him.

  He frowned then dropped his radiant black eyes to the mark on Bell’s throat.

  “My cherished is real and true. The king has great gifts. He won’t hurt you.”

  “Hey!” Alessandro flashed to him from the center of the hub and grabbed the adolescent vampire Bell had been trying to work on, and threw him across the floor until his back slammed into the wall. He crumpled into a heap on the floor before slowly getting to his feet and dusting himself off. The others didn’t interject or go over to help, instead they turned their backs on him. “Trying to work on my team with those pretty eyes of yours.”

  Bell hissed when Alessandro ran the pad of his thumb along his mouth and chin. He smoothed his hand up his face, over his forehead and into his tangled tresses. Hate clouded his eyes as he stared at the stark white streak.

  “Ya know.” Alessandro leaned in so close he could smell the stench of greed and deceitfulness all over him. “They say your family was touched by one of the Gods long ago. Is that true?” he asked matter-of-factly, “That’s the myth behind your streak of long white hair.”

  Bell had heard the rumors and tall tales himself. All nonsense. One of his ancestors had been struck by lightning, which had turned every strand of his hair as white as snow. Over the generations, the trait had faded, but not completely. Bell doubted that that lightning bolt had been sent by a god. None of the men in his family had ever displayed any abilities. However, Bell didn’t answer. He just wanted that motherfucker to stop touching him.

  “I happen to come from a great line of conquerors myself. We have that in common, Belleron. Both descendants of greatness,” Alessandro continued. “My brother was the first to start this revolution, and I will finish it for him so his death will not be in vain. I was expecting the king himself to come marching in with his troops the second I committed this treasonous crime, but instead he sent you to do his dirty work. Just goes to show how much he cares about you. But, no worries, when he sees the state you’re in, I’ll demand he come himself to negotiate your release. Once I have Chadwick Bentley separated from his fake beloved, I’m going to drive my blade through his cold heart before I take his head off. Then his wolf mate will die a slow and painful death in isolation. My plan is quite brilliant. I don’t even have to concern myself with the Volkovs. They create their own self-destruction by mating and sealing their lives to another.

  “Now it appears they’ve done it to you too. Our coveted Lord High!” Alessandro spoke loudly. “The king convinced another of our kind—one of our best leaders and our biggest advocates—to bond with a shifter! Damnit. I say no more!”

  The vampires cheered.

  “As you can see, we’re not going to continue to stand for it! Every old and new vampire you see before you despises these unions and is ready to fight for our natural way of life. I didn’t have to persuade them. They’re all smart enough to know that just because a vampire fucks a wolf doesn’t make it his mate, and it sure as hell doesn’t turn it into a beloved. You mock our culture with these vile lies and revolting breeding. If you were truly mated to a Volkov wolf then I wouldn’t’ve been able to capture—and soon kill you—so easily.”

  Being subdued by two hundred vampires wasn’t easy. Bell had to keep the guilt and regret at bay for not listening to Alek when he’d said Bell would be stronger if they were together. Now look what he’d done. Why hadn’t he listened? It was too late now to fret over wrong decisions. He only wished he could’ve said goodbye. The thought of never seeing Alek’s soft, pretty blue eyes again revived and ignited a different type of fury inside him.

  “Conquerors rise… and they fall. As will you,” Bell cited through clenched teeth and bloodied lips. He should’ve kept his mouth shut, because when Alessandro yanked Bell’s blade from its sheath, he knew he’d gone a step too far.

  He turned his head to the side when the blinding flash from a camera went off in his face. One of the minions kept taking multiple shots of him from various angles. “Got it,” he said, checking the screen.

  “Good. Get it uploaded immediately, and sent to the king. Let him know he has exactly twenty-four hours to come here and face me, or Belleron dies.” Alessandro surveyed the sharp blade. “You killed many of my men before you were pinned down. You made a formidable adversary with this weapon. Now… it’s mine.”

  Bell closed his eyes. Wick would not negotiate. Not at the expense of their entire species. He was sure of it, and besides he wouldn’t want him to do that, anyway. All he wanted Wick to do was make these assholes pay with their own lives. No mercy. He wanted him to bring his tiger forth and shred each one of those rebels who’d landed a blow to his battered body. Bell felt himself dying. He could feel his energy fading. He needed blood to heal—Alek’s blood. He’d come close to death before but not this close. Just when the edges of his vision was blurring and his consciousness started to drift in and out, the ground trembled and the walls of the hill shook hard enough to crack the foundation.

  Bell’s breathing quickened. Was Wick here? He felt an enormous shift in the atmosphere, and from the confused expressions on the other vampire’s faces, they’d felt it too. Bell flexed the best he could and tried to lift his head when he was struck brutally across his temple by someone, causing a blinding pain to ricochet through his face as lights danced behind his eyelids.

  The ground shook again, this time it almost took Alessandro off his feet. “It must be the army reserves. Get ready!” he yelled as vampires started to flash out of the room towards the top of the hill to double-guard their entrance.
“Kill them all. Feed and get back in here.”

  One of the important members of Alessandro’s squad raced towards him. “Sir. Since when has the reserve’s numbers been large enough to shake the foundation?”

  Alessandro snarled at his comrade. “I don’t know. Since now, I guess. Just get everyone in formation.”

  “They’re not ready. The new ones are okay, but the ones recently pulled from the tombs are still awakening. It could be several more hours before they’re one hundred percent.”

  Bell bet that Alessandro wasn’t feeling like such a great conqueror at the moment.

  “Sir, we need to be prepared to evacuate.”

  “Our men are strong enough to hold back the second wave of reserves. We knew they were coming. Ninety percent of the army is in the states. The king probably sent more when he lost Belleron’s communication. The reserves in the UK total two hundred and fifty soldiers, max. So, like I said. No worri—”

  The ear-piercing, soul-attacking howl of a great wolf broke through the chaos of Alessandro’s team.

  “Sir…” The vampire who’d taken the photos, watched the entrance as if he was petrified of what might lie beyond it. He ran his slim fingers through his sandy brown hair, retreating behind the hub’s center.

  “Hold your positions!” Alessandro bellowed.

  “It’s a wolf! What if it’s his mate, or the Alpha Zenith? You said that the Volkov wolves couldn’t get over here,” another foot soldier stressed.

  Alessandro backhanded his own man. “Anyone else want to show me how afraid they are? This is what a revolt is about. Stand your ground! If you are afraid of that howl because you fear it may be Belleron’s so-called mate, well then there’s only one way to take it down and eliminate that fear.” Alessandro spun around, his face a twisted mask of hate, and held Bell’s sword high above his prone body. And before Bell could even answer what he knew was Alek’s call, Alessandro plunged the poisoned tip of the blade into his stomach. He did it with such rage and force that the sword pierced his body and came out the other side of the table. Impaling him.


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