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The Bringer of Wrath

Page 13

by A. E. Via

  He wiped away the drops that’d run down Bell’s chin. “You’re a messy eater, gorgeous. I think you had a drop on your chin the last time you fed from me.” Alek’s voice shook as he settled Bell in the bed and resumed their positions. His heart felt as if it’d been ripped from his chest as Bell laid there so unresponsive.

  Alek must had dozed off while he’d watched ever-so-diligently over his mate for the last forty-eight hours. He came to with a startled jolt, his mind scrambling to catch up as to why he was in such a small bed, and in a strange room. He blinked in shock as he focused on Bell. It still looked as if his mate hadn’t moved, but his color was better—much better. Alek’s heartbeat sped up when he flung back the sheet and saw that the ugly, protruding veins that’d been carrying poison were half the size they were before. Oh thank you, Gods. Thank you.

  Alek cradled Bell against him, pressing his face into his neck. More of his scent was present, however his pulse still beat faintly. Come on, Bell, that’s it. Keep fighting. He rubbed his scruffy cheek along Bell’s jaw, hoping to get a reaction. He wasn’t as cool as he’d been when lying on the table in that tomb, but he wasn’t as warm as when Alek had held him in his arms only a couple of nights ago. He draped his leg over Bell’s hips, trying to cover every part of him with his body heat. Alek wasn’t the slightest bit aroused being naked with his mate. He was too terrified, not to mention too exhausted to even get an erection. At this point, he didn’t care if he ever fully bonded with Bell. He just wanted to hear his voice again. Speak to him, hold him and be held back. Alek brought Bell’s head up to his throat, willing his blood to pump harder, louder, so his mate would respond. But, he still didn’t.

  He lay there restlessly as he heard movement about the cottage. Ramon had returned with a report, so it must have been almost dawn. He couldn’t tell, with the heavy sun-blocking drapes. Alek overheard the Lord Protector tell Mac and Farica that the rebels were still being questioned, but they didn’t know where Alessandro and the rest of his officials had run to. No one had confessed as to where the mutineers were going to strike next, or even what Alessandro’s contingency plan was. Alek ran his fingers through Bell’s long white streak of hair, then leaned in and kissed his smooth forehead.

  “Maybe you know, sweetheart. Did you hear anything when you were down there? We need you to wake up and tell us where that fucker is headed so we can catch him and burn him alive,” Alek whispered. “Wrath has promised you vengeance, baby, and I know he will deliver it. I can feel it. I can feel all of them inside me and they’re so worried about you.” Alek almost choked on a sob as he fought to hold back his emotions when he was flooded by the others’ wishes, meshing with his own.

  Alek closed his eyes and homed in on those specific feelings, wanting Bell to know how much he was adored. “Wolf wants to see you walk in the morning sun again. Free and uninhibited in the woods. Hair blowing in the wind, your eyes wide while you marvel at any and everything around you. Even a squirrel.” Alek swallowed as his chest warmed, a longing, humorless bark of laughter escaping him. “And Wrath wants to fight with you some more. He says he likes that about you.”

  Alek kissed Bell’s cheek, then slid his arm from under him, using the pillow to elevate his head. Alek fed Bell from his wrist again, making sure enough went down his throat before cleaning up the drops with the tail end of the sheet. “There you go. If you won’t come to me, then I’ll come to you.”

  The Lord Protector approaches. He’s upset about something; his smell is robust. Wolf told Alek.

  He covered Bell, even though he wasn’t going to allow him or anyone else into the room. Wolf wasn’t for it and neither was Wrath. After a few seconds, Alek heard the faint footsteps of a vampire who knew how to be stealthy, then the quiet rap of knuckles on the door.

  “Alpha Alek. I come to inquire about my Lord,” Ramon said, in his strong accent. “Has he woken? The king is quite concerned.”

  Alek stood and pulled the quilt from the end of the bed, and wrapped it around his waist. He wasn’t delicate about nakedness, but he only wanted Bell’s eyes on his skin. He went to the door and cracked it open a fraction, sniffing the air around the tall vampire. Wolf didn’t go on the defensive, but again said the same thing that Ramon was radiating some intense fumes. But Alek assumed Ramon was worried for his commander and the now mountainous responsibility he had of maintaining the guards in Bell’s absence. Alek tried to be reasonable and ease the man’s concerns, trying to do what Bell would’ve wanted him to do.

  “No. He’s not awake. But, I’m giving him my blood and he’s recovering, slowly.” Alek didn’t like anyone else having such a deep interest and connection with his mate before he did. But, that wasn’t Ramon’s fault, and Alek knew Bell would want him to treat his comrades with respect.

  “How are you giving him blood?” Ramon swallowed audibly. “If he’s not awake.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Alek stared hard at the Protector, his mouth in a tight line, trying not to say what he really wanted to say.

  For a long moment Ramon didn’t speak, nor move, just watched him. Alek hoped he wasn’t challenging him. He held the man’s eye contact when he asked. “Are you sure he’s responding? How familiar are you with our anatomy, Alpha?”

  He wasn’t about to be interrogated. He knew full well what he was doing and exactly what would make Belleron well. “You’ll have to take my word for it.”

  “My apologies, but I cannot.”

  Alek frowned, keeping one hand on the door and the other propped against the frame, creating a barricade. Well, tough shit.

  “It’s almost daylight. I want to bring one of our physicians back with me tonight if Bell is still not awake,” Ramon insisted.

  Alek fumed. Did this man presume to tell him that he knew what was best for Bell and not him? Wrath sizzled his way closer to the surface, sensing Alek’s frustration and his anger.

  Is there a problem here? Wrath asked slowly in that dark, deadly voice that Alek was starting to like very much. He liked the way it made him feel when Wrath stood beside him—invincible.

  I got this, Alek responded, enjoying that Wrath had his back, instead of exploding to the forefront and shoving Alek down.

  “Let me see my Lord, Alpha, por favor.”

  Alek allowed some of Wrath’s heat out, watching as Ramon’s eyes widened. He stepped back, continuing to retreat until his back hit the wall and he was clear of the heatwaves. That was a warning. The vampire had better hope he didn’t step out of line again. Without a word, Alek eased the door open wider so the bed came into view, and Ramon was able to get a peek at Bell. A few seconds was all Alek allowed, before he closed the door, thinking Ramon better take it and call it a win. Surely, he had to see that Bell’s skin appeared a helluva lot softer and warmer than when he’d first got there. And if he brought some stranger there to try to touch his mate, his heatwaves would be the least of Ramon’s concerns.

  Alek didn’t move from the door for some time, until Wolf confirmed that everyone had gone except his siblings. Alek went over to the fire and got it roaring again. It probably wasn’t needed because Wrath was still providing them with his extra warmth, added to Wolf’s, it was a sauna in there. He pulled back the edge of the drapes and saw the sky had brightened to a lovely, rich blue, the sun was high above the trees. The surrounding woods were breathtaking, the evergreens bursting with fragrant winter foliage, the wildlife scurrying about for breakfast. Bell would love this. He could hear the gushing of the waterfall not that far away, so similar to his own home’s environment, yet in a strange country. Strange to him, at least. He’d never been to Europe. Their father had visited twice, and had taken Justice for one of those rare meetings with the vampire council, but Alek hadn’t been granted the privilege. He hadn’t been trustworthy.

  His mind drifted to his childhood. Remembering how time had been before his mother’s death. Life had been prosperous and packs thrived. Their father was always happy and laughing. He’d been an a
mazing AZ, strong and fearless just like Justice. All Alek’s life he’d felt overlooked, had stayed in his big brother’s shadow and had been his faithful beta as he ruled the packs. Because of his broken spirit, he never thought he’d be blessed with such a precious gift from the Mother. But he had. When he thought she’d abandon him, she’d heard his pleas. Answered his prayer, to not die young and alone.

  Alek walked over to the bed and sat on the edge, tucking the sheets around Bell’s lower half. His abdomen looked so much better. The veins were fading faster since the second feeding and the wound was completely closed, replaced by a wrinkled scar and dark purple bruising. The other superficial bruises from his beating had faded drastically, and Alek was able to release a reassured breath. This was a good sign.

  “Alek?” Farica called quietly through the door. “I brought you some breakfast.”

  Alek hadn’t noticed the delicious smell wafting into the room, nor had he thought of his stomach until food was mentioned. He supposed he hadn’t wanted to satisfy his own hunger until his mate was eating.

  “You need to keep up your strength, brother. You haven’t eaten for two days,” she urged.

  His sister was right, as usual. He wouldn’t be able to keep supplying Bell with blood if he didn’t consume some nutrients of his own. With Bell still in a coma, Alek’s blood wasn’t being replaced at such a fast rate, so Alek had been forcing it and he was starting to feel the effects.

  “Mac and I went to this amazing restaurant called the Saddle House. I got you some bangers, bacon, lots of fried eggs and grilled tomatoes. Few pieces of buttered toast. And you have to taste this Bakewell tart, it’s to die for. We tried it, and it was great.”

  Alek smiled at the comfort in her voice. As a wolf, she knew naming all those mouthwatering foods would have him opening the door in no time. He made his way off the bed, wavering a bit on his feet. Man, he was hungry and quite dehydrated. When he opened the door his sister’s nose crinkled at the stench that escaped. Yeah, he hadn’t had a chance to bathe himself or Bell after the gruesome fight. That wasn’t his primary concern. But, now that his mate was on the mend, he could tend to those needs as well.

  “How is he?” she asked, with a loaded tray taking up both hands.

  Alek opened the door wider and relieved her of her burden, allowing his sibling inside. Mac was down the hall, on guard. He gave his little brother a quick nod before he closed the door. Farica respectfully stood away from the bed, staring at Bell’s healing body. “Yes, Alek. He does look much better. I’m sure he’ll rouse soon. The body knows when it’s ready.”

  “He’s getting there,” Alek rumbled. He set the tray on the small end table next to the bed. He lifted a couple pieces of bacon and tossed them into his mouth. He didn’t moan at the first taste of grease on his tongue, but he wanted to. The dishes were hot and fresh, and the aroma of the bangers began to overtake the lingering stink of the tomb.

  “Thank you for this, Farica,” Alek said. “For being here. Thank you so damn much for everything.”

  “I’m always there for you. You know that,” she said softly.

  Yeah, he did know. When he finished a few scoops of eggs, he asked, “How’d your wolf learn to fight like that? She’s always so peaceful and sweet.”

  Farica scoffed and rolled her eyes—looking just like their mother, a beautiful, amused smile gracing her face. “Only when she needs to be. She’s sugar and spice, can charm the fury out of the meanest man… and then, she can kick ass if all else fails.”

  Alek smiled for the first time since he’d landed in the UK. He finished his breakfast while Farica updated him on Justice’s briefing from the home front. Which was still pretty quiet, but Alek knew they couldn’t stay away much longer. They all needed to get back to the White Forest Mountains.

  Never in his life had he come so close to death. As a matter of fact, he’d thought he was dead—floating in the void of the Underworld. It had taken him a long time to realize he wasn’t dead, and he knew it because his entire body hurt like hell. He’d fought in many battles, but never had he experienced such a crushing defeat. For hours upon hours his mind had wandered, refusing to come to consciousness because of the excruciating agony that awaited him. But, he couldn’t continue to ignore Alek’s pleas. He wasn’t sure of the exact time when his beloved became real in his head and not fantasy, when he realized that Alek was there talking to him, touching him, caressing him… feeding him. It’d been his cherished’s blood that’d saved him.

  Bell had been too weak, too confused, too hurt to even lift his head, not strong enough to puncture Alek’s skin with his fangs. He’d been barely cognizant, but he’d heard Alek when he’d said ‘he’d come to him instead’; then his parched throat was again coated by Alek’s rich blood. It’d been like warm, saccharine honey gliding down his throat and filling his stomach. He’d felt the difference immediately. The life slowly coming back to him. Gods, he’d been so close. At that moment, Bell knew without a doubt that Alek was his fated love. Look at all he’d done.

  Bell fought his way through the haziness, clamoring to focus enough to form words. He was still achy all over, but no longer feeling like a fragile mortal on life support. There was another voice in the room with Alek that he remembered hearing before, but couldn’t quite place it. His ability to scent was very limited, but Alek’s enticing, manly scent was strong. Then the smell of fresh-cut roses drifted around him, making him feel as if he was lying in a hammock in the middle of the Keukenhof Gardens. Then a pleasant laugh that gave him flutters in his stomach. It was Farica. She was there too. Was Alek’s entire pack there? Gods. Bell needed to wake up. He figured he’d start with his eyes. He should’ve been able enough to open them by now.

  Several minutes went by before Bell could feel his eyelids twitching. Coming to full consciousness from such a deep slumber was extremely difficult. No wonder those half-woken vampires were so useless and easy to manipulate. Bell teetered on the edge of what was real for a long time before his mind realigned itself.

  “I’ll be in the main house while Mac watches the grounds, then we’ll swap in a few hours,” Farica said in a low tone, her footsteps moving to the other side of the room.

  Bell was more awake now. He’d just cracked his eyes open, his vision slowly clearing as Alek’s muscular back came into view. He watched him embrace his sister and kiss her forehead.

  “Thank you,” he murmured. Bell thought his beloved’s voice sounded full of weariness and heartache. Alek closed the door then leaned his head against the frame, exhaling a few long breaths.

  “Alek,” Bell mouthed, unable to speak yet. His throat started to throb. That heat that had flooded his mouth when he was hungry was the first sensation to make itself known with his full consciousness. Bell squeezed his lids closed at the feeling of pain in the center of his abdomen, breathing shallowly through the discomfort. He had to hold on and not fade to blackness, where the pain didn’t exist. Alek couldn’t reach him there. Bell swallowed several times, trying to work his neck muscles and vocal cords. He wanted his mate’s attention.

  Bell almost felt as if he was panting now, he was working so hard. “Alek, please.” His throat felt too raw and tender to make a sound. Finally, Alek turned towards him, gasped and sprinted to the bed, knocking over a lamp on the end table in his haste. Bell sighed and closed his eyes as he was hefted into a long, warm embrace.

  “Bell, baby,” Alek spoke his words between placing soft kisses all over his face. “I’m so glad you’re awake. I was so scared.” Alek clutched him with a grip that told Bell just how terrified his beloved had been. “I’ve never been so afraid in my life.”

  Alek leaned back, and Bell reopened his eyes. Alek gave him the most gorgeous smile he’d ever seen. It was one that screamed relief. Bell wanted to apologize so much, but each time he opened his mouth it felt as if he was going to breathe fire.

  “Farica!” Alek shouted.

  Alek’s sister charged through the door like a r
am, frantically searching for her brother. “Alek?”

  “Water, please. Can you get me some water?” Alek asked, drawing Farica’s attention to Bell’s face.

  “Oh my gosh.” She clasped her hands in front of her chest, smiling with her brother Mac, who’d ran in behind her.

  “He’s awake. Yes!”

  Alek nodded.

  “I’ll get the water.” Mac hurried away.

  Farica shook her head in disbelief. “That is one strong mate you have, brother. A true immortal.”

  Alek kept his face buried in Bell’s neck, whispering all the things he desperately needed to hear. “You are strong. I don’t know anyone that could’ve recovered from those injuries. But, you fought, hard.”

  And I lost. And because of my pride, many of my guards lost their lives. I should’ve listened to you.

  “I don’t know what you’re thinking right now,” Alek said, watching Bell’s eyes. Possibly seeing the enormous amount of guilt and disappointment in them. “But, I’m telling you it’s gonna be all right. We’re gonna get that bastard for this. Wrath already killed off most of his rebellion.”

  Mac returned with a glass of cool water, and a few unopened plastic bottles in his other hand. “Here you go.” Mac glanced at Bell. “Welcome back.”

  Bell didn’t respond but he hoped his eyes did. He was struggling with moving his limbs, wanting to hold Alek in return. Damnit, he hated this invalid state.


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