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The Bringer of Wrath

Page 19

by A. E. Via

  Alek was spent, his cock twitching still snug inside Bell’s channel. He wasn’t sure he could move, but then when he thought about it, he didn’t want to. Bell’s fangs oh-so-slowly retracted from his throat, causing another satisfying shudder to run down his spine. He could feel Bell’s satisfaction all the way through. His mate was drunk from their lovemaking, lying plaint under him, his legs splayed and his arms loose at his sides, making Alek feel real damn good about himself.

  He somehow managed to get his dick to stop jerking long enough to slide out of Bell. He maneuvered them around so he could spoon him from behind while they, once again, caught their breath. They lay a long time in silence, just listening to each other exist. It was as if the world slowly began to come back into focus. Nothing had mattered during that moment but them, but their love. Alek had almost forgotten he was even in another country.

  The afternoon turned into evening, and the haze of his lust no longer clouded his vision. With his mate tucked safely in his arms, he realized a couple of things in his moment of clarity. That it was time for them to go home, and also he was freaking starving. Alek’s stomach growled loud enough to scare the shit out of both of them. Bell jumped in his arms, the sound ripping him awake, his eyes shooting open. Alek chuckled against the back of Bell’s head and muttered, “Sorry.” He’d been giving his mate around-the-clock blood transfusions… of course he was starving.

  Bell held onto Alek’s hand as they descended the jet’s stairs behind the Lord Protector and the guards. He had to admit that it felt wonderful to be back in the states, back in Maine where the air was cold and clean. Bell had never thought he’d feel that way in a hundred years—that London was no longer his home—but home was where Alek was. It was late, after three in the morning, but Bell knew his best friend was inside one of those four black SUVs that were awaiting them just off the airstrip. There was no way Wick would send a transport for him. Bell could almost feel his king’s eyes on him from several feet away. The few guards loaded into the front three vehicles as the mercenaries hurried off in another direction, not bothering to say farewell. Their business with them concluded, they had no reason to stick around and since they weren’t even friends, parting pleasantries weren’t necessary.

  Bell watched as two large shifters got out of the front seats to open the rear doors. Wick and Justice stepped out, looking relieved and concerned at the same time. Justice was happy his siblings had returned safe and sound, and Wick’s relief over seeing Belleron in one piece was palpable. Bell felt a tinge of moisture form in his eyes as he took in his best friend’s disheveled appearance. For the first time, King Chadwick Bentley looked his one-hundred-seventy-two years. Tired and worn, his black dress slacks were wrinkled and his ribbed, navy-blue turtleneck was stretched around the collar, as if he’d been tugging at it. Wick’s typically smooth skin was ghostly pale, not to mention it seemed as if he'd lost a few pounds. Had his best friend not been eating?

  Bell let go of Alek’s hand just in time to catch Wick’s fierce hug as he flashed towards him and slammed into his chest. They held each other for a long moment while the guards and Alek’s family moved around them. He heard Justice congratulating his brother for a job well done, as he and Wick continued to hug like they never had before. Because for a moment in that cave, he had truly believed he’d never see his best friend again.

  “Goddamn you, Belleron.” Wick squeezed him, burying his nose in his hair. “If you ever scare me like that again, I’ll behead you myself.”

  Alek growled behind him at Wick’s idle threat, making them break apart with embarrassed laughter.

  “I’m okay, Wick. I am.” Bell pulled back until they were face to face. Wick smoothed both hands over Bell’s long mane before touching his mouth to his forehead. “I never meant to scare you.”

  “I know. But, you can’t do that, okay… you… you can’t leave me, Bell. I need you here with me… always,” Wick confessed. He wrapped his arms around Bell’s neck and gazed at him in fascination, “I’ve been going bloody mad and you come back here looking so strong… and beautiful.”

  “Alek and I—”

  “Oh, I know.” Wick huffed a laugh. “I can smell it.”

  Bell frowned, “How do I smell now?”

  “Don’t get me wrong. You smell as good as you always did… only better,” Wick said, leading Bell to their SUV. This time, Justice got behind the wheel and Wick sat in the passenger seat while Mac, Farica and the Lord Protector sat in the third row, with him and his mate in the second. When they were finally loaded up, Mac was the first to mention how fast the mercenaries had sped off in their own direction.

  “I thought at the end there we’d made a few allies. Those are some fighting motherfuckers, for real. I was shocked. No wonder they’re in such high demand.” Mac pfft’d, staring out of the window. “But a high-five and a see ya later wouldn’t’ve hurt.”

  Alek snorted beside him. “Your wolf thinks everyone behaves as righteously as him.”

  “Does not. I just wanted to shake their hands and tell ’em we appreciated their contribution to—”

  “And that’s quite decent of you. But they’re not gonna be your friends, Macauley. They live for one thing—to hunt and get paid,” Wick informed him. “Besides. With the bounty I put on Alessandro Giuliani’s head, I’m sure they’ll be on the next thing smoking back to England.”

  Wick’s statement hit Bell so hard he felt like he’d been slapped in the face. “What?” Bell glared at Wick from the rear seat.

  “You heard me,” Wick said firmly. The King may’ve looked worn-all-to-hell, but he spoke as he always did… with the final word. “He’s been officially declared a traitor to our race and an enemy of the crown. He’s wanted dead or alive, and brought to your feet.”

  Bell’s head began to throb as his anger spiked to another level, but he remained respectful when he responded, “I don’t want him brought to my feet, Chadwick.” Bell took a deep breath then growled, “I was hoping you wouldn’t do this, Wick.”

  “I didn’t do anything…except rule.” Wick’s casual tone grated on his nerves even more. He had no idea what Bell had really been through, chained to that goddamn table. He deserved his revenge. He’d been killed and resurrected for it. “As of right now you are out of the field. Your responsibilities have changed and your position is too important to lose you to covert missions. You’ve trained an entire army for this, Bell. I have the troops scouting for leads, and the intelligence unit is working on this nonstop. He will be found.”

  Bell was poised to say something else when he felt his Beloved press himself into his side and lean in until his lips were against his ear, but still used their link to talk.

  “You are quite angry, little bird.”

  Bell gasped at Wrath’s dangerous tone. It’d been Alek holding his hand when he’d stepped off the jet. He was beginning to get whiplash with how flawlessly Wrath and Alek could fade in and out. And while it was taking some getting used to, he loved it. Both of them had a unique feeling they brought to the surface, and right now Wrath’s presence was calming his rage. He didn’t want to feel as betrayed as he did. Wick knew he’d want retribution, he’d earned it. So, why would his friend try to take that from him… unless he thought Bell was no longer capable?

  He was more capable now than ever! Bell held in another growl, his chest expanding but the hot air brewing behind his ribcage had nowhere to go.

  “Mmmm. Your anger brings me forward all its own.”

  Bell shook his head. “Why would he do this? It’s not right and he knows it. Alessandro killed all my men, then tortured me.”

  “Grrrr. Don’t remind me.” Wrath gripped the back of Bell’s neck with one hot palm, the heat immediately dulling the throb in his head. The other, he placed over his sternum. “I never want to think of that moment again.”

  “It’s our way of life. An eye for an eye.” Bell turned and looked at Wrath, almost getting lost in the beautiful, orange flecks in his e
yes, “you promised me vengeance.”

  “And you will have it.”

  “HOW?” Bell yelled, his anger spiking.

  Wrath’s eyes blazed as his grip tightened even more. Bell released the hot air and tilted his head as Wrath nudged his jaw with his nose, forcing his head back, “I don’t know. But, staying away to hunt Alessandro was not an option. I rain down in many ways, fragile mate. Not with just fire. Your enemy is my enemy. And now he’s a wanted man, a hunted man. He won’t have a moment’s peace. Wrath has already fallen upon him.”

  Bell understood what Wrath was saying, that Alessandro would get what was coming to him one way or another. But it didn’t take away the sting that it wouldn’t come from him. “Still doesn’t mean we can’t go back later.”

  “I can practically hear you and your mate plotting, Belleron. And, I’m sorry if you don’t approve of my decision. But, the Lord High has a very important position and it’s no longer being a foot soldier. The hunt for Alessandro and his rebellion will be done by the reserves.”

  The truck was quiet after that. Bell didn’t have anything else to say. Wick was right. He was no longer a general on the front lines. His duties were to advise the king and unite the covens. He was trusted, his name was well known. However, he never wanted it to be synonymous with being considered a coward or weakling. He didn’t want to completely lose hope that he’d somehow, some way, repay that asshole for what he’d done to him.

  Justice took the ramp off I302 as they made their way through the sleepy town of Bretton Woods, where everything was closed down by six o’clock. Bell shut his eyes when Wrath massaged the sensitive skin beneath his hairline. Even his touch was different from Alek’s. He found himself leaning towards it, Wrath’s energy flowing into him and calming the fire licking at his belly, as if the demigod’s power was meant to absorb fury and turn it into something pleasant.

  He’d been so lost in Wrath’s touch that’d it taken him a moment to realize the massage had stopped and he’d gone stiff beside him as if he sensed danger. Bell sat up. “What’s wrong?” He allowed Wrath to direct his attention to the fire engines blocking their path several yards ahead. Bell’s eyes widened. The building that sat on the corner was engulfed in flames as black smoke billowed into the night sky. It appeared to have been burning for a while, as firefighters blasted their high-pressure hoses on the angry flames licking out of the second-floor windows.

  “Oh man. This is not good,” Justice grumbled. “I don’t think we can get by right now. Damn. This could take a while. Going back around the other way doesn’t make sense.”

  Bell turned to see that Wrath looked entranced by the flames. “Are you okay?”

  Wrath shook his head solemnly, his voice eerily dark in the confines of the vehicle. “Someone is about to die… horribly.”

  Justice yanked his head around so fast he winced at the loud crack it made, his hand clamping the side of his neck, “Ouch. Shit. Wrath. Don’t do that. Where’d you… oh, never mind.”

  Bell shook his head. They had no clue how extraordinary Alek really was.

  “There are vampires up there standing in the street,” Wrath told them.

  “You can see them?” Wick was craning his head to get a better view, but all that could be seen were the bright red and white lights of the fire trucks and first response vehicles from a neighboring town.

  “I can see and hear them.” Wrath closed his eyes and exhaled calmly, “A woman has lost her beloved to the flames. She cries out painfully for him.”

  “Oh no,” Farica sighed. “How awful.”

  “What the hell? I can’t hear any of that,” Wick rumbled. “I’m hopping out.”

  “No!” Justice and Ramon said at the same time. The Lord Protector had been silent for the entire ride, until now. Ramon shook his head, “There’ll be no hopping, my Lord. We have no registered vampires in this town, which means they are loners and could be enemies.”

  “You think there’s a rebel force up there poised to attack on the off-chance I may’ve been driving by?” Wick was already opening the door and stepping out onto the curb. He didn’t advance on the scene, but he seemed unsure of what to do, or how to help. His beast must’ve been going crazy inside, but his tiger didn’t have the ability to rescue another from a burning building. Bell knew what they were all thinking. The thought of watching one’s other half get burned alive was something none of them could fathom.

  Bell squeezed Wrath’s hand, pulling his attention from the mayhem. “What are you thinking?”

  Wrath frowned. “Alek wants me to save him. The man inside the building still has time. I have to go.”

  “What?” Bell asked, but Wrath was already climbing out the huge vehicle.

  Mac, Farica and Ramon scrambled to get from behind the third row after them.

  Bell watched as Wrath started to remove his shirt. No way was he letting his beloved go, “Are you crazy? You can’t just—”

  Bell clamped his mouth closed when Alek’s hand came down gently over his lips, his sweet, pale blue eyes glistening with adoration. “Alek.” Bell sighed. “What are you doing?”

  Alek ran the pad of his thumb along Bell’s bottom lip. “Don’t be afraid.”

  “You can’t say that… and you can’t, can’t go into that fire.” Bell’s heart began to beat way too fast at the sight of the building collapsing on the back end, as firefighters scrambled to stay at a safe distance.

  “Alek, may I ask what you’re doing?” Justice stood close, but didn’t push his way between them.

  Wrath reappeared before Bell, transforming Alek’s eyes from blue to black, tinged with smoke and flickering embers. Without removing his smoldering gaze from Bell, Wrath answered Justice. “I understand your position AZ. But, again, I don’t answer to you. I have only one master… one alpha. And he says to save him, so that’s what we’re gonna do.”

  “Alek… Alek?” Farica searched Wrath’s face.

  Bell wanted to snap. They didn’t have time for all the questions and hesitation. He didn’t want to contribute to the doubters. Alek stood confident, calm and sure. He needed Bell to be that way too.

  Alek came forward. “I’m right here, Farica. Wrath and I need to keep working together and reinforcing our bond. And this is the only way. By trusting, wholeheartedly. I wouldn’t go in there if for one second I thought I might—”

  “Don’t say it,” she growled, gripping her brother’s forearm. “Don’t even think it.”

  Justice and Mac didn’t look as convinced as their baby sister. Mac stood in front of him as if he could block Wrath’s path.

  Farica put one hand on her hip and waved at her brothers and the few guards who’d gotten out of their vehicles, “You all move out the way. If Wrath says he can save someone trapped in there, then let him do it!”

  “Those flames aren’t even hot, sweet wolf,” Wrath told Farica in a voice that had her staring in fascination. “Your fierceness continues to astound me… while your brothers—the alphas—hesitate.”

  She nodded, almost in a bow, then retreated out of Wrath’s space, backing into the thick chest of the Lord Protector, who always seemed to be just feet from Farica’s side. Bell touched Wrath’s shoulder, feeling the extra warmth soak into his palm. And something else. He tried to send as much love and respect as he could into their link before he told his god, “I’ll be right here for you when you come out.”

  “You won’t have to wait long.” Wrath inched back and let Bell’s hand slide off his shoulder, then in a blink and a gasp, he shifted into his huge wolf. The slick black fur on his chest gleamed even in the darkest hours of the night. A surge of pride rushed thorough Bell at seeing Wrath in this spectacular form. He’d confessed to never being a wolf but relished it. Wrath’s beast stood almost as tall as them in their human form, his size incomparable to the other Volkov wolves.

  Wrath lifted his dark muzzle and howled into the night sky, the sound stretching on for miles. The heads of the many spectators t
urned towards the deafening sound as Wrath charged forward. Vampires flashed about fretfully, taking cover. They’d never seen anything quite like what was barreling towards them at a startling speed. The sound Wrath’s steps made as he thundered across the ground, shook the earth. Firemen dropped their hoses and hurried out of the way, unsure why a massive wolf was aiming headfirst for a building fully engulfed in flames. Bell had to see. He flashed forward, and Wick and the Lord Protector were at his side in a second.

  “Careful,” Ramon said, scanning the crowds that were growing at the sound of Wrath’s call. Shifters had appeared who hadn’t been there seconds ago. And the vampires who’d flashed away in fear had quickly returned. “They will recognize you both if—”

  “It’s the king.”

  “That’s King Bentley… and his guards.”

  “It’s the Alpha Zenith.”

  “Is he here to help us?”

  “It’s the Lord High, look!”

  “He lives.”

  The murmurs grew to loud whispers of amazement. It was a blessing that none of them appeared to be hostiles. While they had non-supporters of the vampire and shifter matings, they had plenty of allies too. Bell watched as the vampires began to subtly bow their heads in respect.

  The woman who’d been wailing had gone silent, her sobs still wracking her body as large tears rolled down her pale cheeks. She was a vampire, young, with sandy blonde hair and a long, slender stature. She was being held up by another woman, who was struggling with anguish as she stared at the building as if it was about to somehow show mercy. The woman turned her watery green gaze on them and Bell saw the moment recognition dawned on her. She flashed towards them, but Ramon was faster, jumping in front of her and stopping her. He held her in a tight restraint as she flailed to get closer to them.


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