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Claim Me Cowbear (Curvy Bear B&B Book 2)

Page 8

by Liv Brywood

  For a while they lay side by side until she finally broke the silence.

  “I don’t want to lose you,” she whispered.

  He rolled onto his side and gazed into her eyes. “You’re the most beautiful, most interesting, more erotic woman I’ve ever met in my life. This week… it’s been the best week of my life.”

  “But you’re leaving.”

  “I’m supposed to leave,” he said. “But I don’t know if I can.”


  A flicker of hope blossomed in her heart.

  “My bear thinks you’re our mate,” he said softly.

  “He does?”

  “Yeah.” He traced her cheek with his thumb. “My bear’s never had this kind of reaction before.”

  “Mine hasn’t either.”

  “You know this is ruining my travel plans, don’t you,” he joked.

  “You’re staying?” She sat up and swallowed back her nervousness.

  “At least for the Halloween dance,” he said. “But maybe longer.”

  The coy expression on his face unnerved her. Was he just toying with her, or was he serious about staying?

  “Do you have a date to the dance yet?” he asked.

  “No. I wasn’t planning on going. Madison mentioned it when I registered for the trip, so I brought an outfit, but…”

  “I’d like you to be my date,” he said.


  She wasn’t sure what was going on at this point, but she decided to just follow his lead. It seemed silly to go on a date after she’d already bared everything to him, but if it brought her one step closer to him, then she was willing to take the risk of looking like a fool.


  As Jack stood at the bottom of the stairs, he fidgeted with the scratchy collar of his Dracula cape. He hadn’t tried it on. It was a cape, of course it would fit. He just didn’t expect it to be starched. Who the hell would do that to a Halloween costume?

  He paced back and forth before stopping to check his watch. She was five minutes late. Not much, but every passing minute only served to increase the tension in his spine. Sure, they were dynamite in bed. They had great conversations, but what was he doing?

  The moment he spotted her at the top of the stairs, he froze. Dressed in a sexy Alice in Wonderland costume, she floated down the stairs like a queen. He instantly wanted to take her back upstairs and peel the white thigh-highs off her legs. He wanted to flip that skirt up and tear off her panties with his teeth. Every red-blooded instinct in his body screamed at him to throw her over his shoulder.

  “You look handsome,” she said.

  He pulled her into his arms and dipped her back into a kiss that left them both gasping for breath.

  “Let’s skip the party and go upstairs,” he growled.

  “No way.” Her bright blue eyes sparked with challenge. “You said you’d take me on a proper date, so I’m holding you to it.”

  “I did, didn’t I?” He ran his palm over his face. “Okay. We’ll make an appearance and then it’s back to bed with you.”

  She laughed and laced her arm through his. He pulled her tight against his side as they left the B&B. He turned toward one of the other brother’s homes. Madison had told him the party would be in their barn. It had been built recently and had plenty of space.

  They strolled arm in arm through the snow. Spooky Halloween music drifted across the field. Jack-o’-lanterns lit a path down to the barn. Fake spiderwebs covered the door. It cracked open and a woman dressed as a witch greeted them. He almost didn’t recognize Madison.

  “What’s the password?” she asked.

  “Um, jungle juice?”

  Madison’s laugh transformed into a cackle as she opened the door to allow them to pass. In a normal voice, she told them where to find refreshments.

  They passed partygoers dressed in everything from mouse costumes to the grim reaper. A pair of skeletons danced toward them. Jack recognized Drew and his wife Cindy.

  “Hey,” Drew said. “I’m glad you guys made it.”

  “I love your costumes,” Cindy added.

  “Thanks,” Jack said. “This place is great.”

  “Mack may have gone a little overboard with the fog machine,” Drew said as he swiped his hand through the haze. “But the food’s great and the company’s even better.”

  “There are a ton of people here,” Sasha said. “Where did they all come from?”

  “Most of them are from town. It think we had about sixty RSVPs. I’m not sure how many turned out,” Drew said.

  “We were just headed to get drinks,” Cindy said. “Would you like to join us?”

  “Sure.” Jack placed his hand on the small of Sasha’s back and guided her beside him.

  The buffet table sat off to the side. Everything from sliced meats and cheeses to apple pie were spread across the table.

  “Wow,” Jack said. “I don’t even know where to start.”

  “You should grab some of Madison’s adult punch before it’s gone,” Cindy said with a wink.

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Jack ladled two clear plastic cups full of fruit punch and handed one to Sasha.

  “Cheers,” he said.

  Everyone clinked glasses. The first sip burned a trail of fire down his throat. When he gasped, Sasha chuckled.

  “Lightweight,” she whispered.

  “It burns less over time,” Drew said. “Oh, Hank’s signaling us to help him with the bobbing for apples station. We’ll see you guys later.”

  After they’d left, Jack turned to Sasha. She’d already downed her entire glass.

  “Whoa,” he said. “You might want to slow down.”

  “I guess I’m just nervous,” she murmured.


  “It’s our last night together.”

  “I’ve been thinking about that,” he said.

  “And have you come to any conclusions?”

  “I canceled my flight to Bali.”

  “You did?” Her eyes went wide. “When?”

  “About an hour ago.”

  “Why?” she asked.

  “I was getting ready for the party and I realized something.” He paused. “Can we go outside? It’s really hot in here.”


  He led her behind the barn to the welding area. Light snowfall drifted down from the sky so he pulled her under the wooden structure that housed the finished art pieces.

  “Did you finish your sculpture?” he asked.

  “Yeah. It’s over here.”

  He pulled his phone out of his back pocket and clicked on the flashlight app. Colored glaze reflected the light. The added tint of green, brown, and peach brought the scene to life.

  “It’s beautiful,” he said.

  “Thank you.”

  He turned to her and took her hands in his.

  “I decided that I couldn’t leave yet,” he said. “I want to see Yellowstone with you. I want to watch Old Faithful erupt and hike out to Fairy Falls. I want to have a picnic in the woods and make love to you under the pine trees.”

  “Jack,” she whispered. “Are you sure? I don’t want you to change your plans for me.”

  “I want to spend more time with you,” he said. “I want to see where it can go. Where we can go.”

  “I don’t want to prolong things if you’re not going to stay,” she said.

  “This wouldn’t be like that,” he said. “I started packing my bags last night and I couldn’t do it. All I could think about was you.”

  “How long would you be staying?”

  “As long as it takes to find out what we have,” he said.

  “You think… you think we have something?”

  “I don’t know, but I want to find out. All I know for sure is that I’ve never wanted to stay in one place before, but I do now. I don’t want to promise you anything, but…I need more time with you,” he said.

  “I don’t know,” she said.

�I don’t want to hurt you. That’s not my intention.” He clasped her hand in his. “But I think if I leave now, I’ll always wonder what could have been.”

  His heart hammered in his chest. Maybe he’d waited too long. Too little, too late.

  “Don’t make me fall in love with you if you’re going to leave me,” she whispered.

  “Oh, honey.” He pulled her into his arms. “I would never do that.”

  “You’re afraid I’ll domesticate you,” she said.

  “Maybe.” He buried his face in her hair for a moment before asking, “Does it scare you that I’m not sure if I’m ready for that?”

  “Yes. But at least you’re being honest.”

  She leaned up to kiss him. The sweetness of her lips was his undoing. He groaned and crushed her against him. He couldn’t get enough of her. Not just because she was the sexiest woman alive, but also because she’d melted a part of his heart that had been frozen ever since the plane crash. For the first time in years, the restless feeling that had haunted him was gone. And it was all because of her.

  He broke the kiss when he heard footsteps approaching.

  “Hey you two,” Mack said. “Madison sent me out to make sure you didn’t get frostbite, but I see that’s not a problem.”

  “Nope.” Sasha laughed. “We were just finishing up.”

  “What time’s your flight tomorrow?” Mack asked.

  “I canceled it,” Jack said.


  “I decided to stay a while longer,” Jack said. “I decided that I couldn’t leave without seeing Old Faithful go off at least once.”

  “The best view is from Observation Point Trail,” Mack said. “You can get away from the crowds, although most of the tourists are gone by now. It’s a short hike, about a mile total. The view is spectacular. After it goes off, I recommend grabbing some coffee from the visitor’s center. It gets cold on those snowmobiles.”

  “That sounds like a plan,” Sasha said.

  “I’m heading back inside,” Mack said. “But don’t stay out here too long or Madison’s going to send a search party out.”

  “Okay,” Jack said.

  After Mack had left, Jack turned to Sasha.

  “How are you feeling about everything?” he asked.

  “Excited. Scared.”

  “Try not to overthink it too much,” he said. “I can tell you one thing—if I didn’t think this was headed somewhere, there’s no way in hell I’d be staying.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  As they walked back to the barn, he rubbed her back. A few weeks should be plenty of time to know where they stood. If their bears were right, then he’d be putting down roots for the first time in over a decade.

  Chapter 8

  Sasha raced up the snow-covered trail behind Jack.

  “Hurry,” he said. “Old Faithful isn’t called that for nothing. It’s going to erupt at any moment.”

  “I’m coming,” she panted.

  Her boots crunched through the wake of his footsteps. It was so much easier to follow the path he’d cut through the snow than to create one. And she also got a great look at his butt from this vantage point.

  The sign at the bottom of the trail had indicated that they’d only be climbing two hundred feet. It felt like two thousand. But she managed to keep up. As they reached Observation Point, she stepped closer to the edge. A low fence comprised of long logs kept her from going over. She leaned a foot against it to stretch.

  “Be careful.” Jack moved behind her to hold her. “I don’t want you falling.”

  “It feels sturdy enough,” she said. “Look at this view.”

  She gazed out across the valley. Clouds of steam rose up from Geyser Hill. In the distance, the Firehole River twisted around a bend of frosted pine trees. Down below, the cluster of buildings that made up Old Faithful Village glistened in the light. She’d been afraid they’d be stuck in a snowstorm today, but a cerulean blue sky hung over the land.

  “Is it starting?” Jack asked as he pointed at Old Faithful. “I see water spewing out.”

  “No.” She smiled. “You’ll know it when it happens. The geyser shoots over one hundred feet into the air.”

  “It looks pretty high right now,” he said.

  “That’s just steam.”

  She snuggled back against his warmth. Her warmest coat wasn’t doing much to protect her against the frigid air. With only a couple of days to go before Thanksgiving, winter was in full effect. They wouldn’t see temperatures above freezing for months, except for an occasional day here and there. She loved this season, and being able to spend it with Jack made it even more magical.

  “When we get back to the hotel, we should get some hot toddies,” she said.

  “Mmm, I could go for something a little spicier.” He nuzzled against her back.

  They’d spent almost every waking moment together over the last month. She couldn’t get enough of his kisses, amongst other things. She grinned as he nipped at her earlobe.

  “How much longer do you think it will be?” he asked.

  “It’s predicted to go off any minute now, but it’s plus or minus ten minutes so it could be in the next few seconds, or we might have to wait the whole ten minutes.”

  “As long as I’m with you, I’ll wait for as long as it takes,” he murmured.

  She shivered with longing. Although their relationship seemed to be moving forward, she couldn’t help but worry that his wanderlust would come back to tear him away.

  “We have so much to celebrate together,” he said.

  “I know. I finally got my art mojo back,” she said.

  “I’m glad Mrs. Bran liked the half-man, half-bear sculpture.”

  “Liked it? She loved it! She already gave me an advance toward another piece.”

  “I’m so glad you’re able to create again,” he said.

  “Now that I’ve got my muse to keep my creative juices flowing—”

  “Mmm, I could go for that right now.” He cupped her butt and gave it a quick squeeze.

  “In the middle of the forest?” She laughed. “Hold that thought until we get back home—uh, I mean to the hotel.”

  She turned back to check on Old Faithful. If only he were as predictable as this old geyser.

  “You inspire me,” he said softly.

  “I do?”

  “Every second that we’ve spent together over the last few weeks has been better than the last,” he said. “I wake up every day never knowing what to expect. It’s like living a continuous adventure. And Yellowstone has been amazing. I never want to leave this place.”

  Her heart thudded in her chest. And what about her? Did he want to leave her? Was she enough for him? Could he ever be happy staying in one place?

  These questions soured on the tip of her tongue. She wasn’t ready for his answers. She’d been careful not to talk about their relationship for fear of bursting the blissful bubble she’d been living in since the day she’d met him. Eventually she’d have to ask, but not today.

  “We should move in together,” he murmured.


  When she tried to turn to look at him, he held her hips in place.

  “Look honey, it’s starting.”

  Plumes of vapor rolled up from Old Faithful. The first few splashes of boiling water sputtered out of its base to coat the ring of barren earth around it. Runoff streams arced down the small mound.

  For a moment, she forgot about the questions that had plagued her over the last few weeks. She surrendered to the wonder of nature. Columns of water shot up higher and higher until they peaked in a display of pure ecstasy. If the earth could have an orgasm, this would be it.

  As he moved to her side, she glanced at him. His wide eyes took in the splendor of nature. Just one more thing she loved about him. He appreciated everything in life and never took a moment for granted. She’d changed just by being with him. Now she didn’t rush through life; she slowed down to li
sten to the chirping of birds and watch clouds billow across the sky. She’d never done that before meeting him. Now it was second nature.

  When the eruption began to fade, he moved back behind her. The last spurt of water left an emptiness in her heart. If only she knew how to make him love her.

  “Honey?” he asked.


  She turned around and gasped. Down on one knee, he held his exposed hand out to her. Stunned, she stood there like a fool. He scooted forward on his bent knee until he could reach her. After pulling off her glove, he grasped her hand in his.

  “Honey, I know we haven’t been together for very long, but I’ve never been so sure about anything in my entire life. You make me happier than I ever dreamed I could be. When I wake up and you’re lying beside me, I feel like the most blessed man in the world.”

  Her jaw dropped as tears formed in her eyes.

  “Before I met you, I wandered from country to country, from adventure to adventure, and I never knew what I was looking for…until I met you. Now I know why I lived through that plane crash. I didn’t deserve to live more than anyone else, but I knew there had to be a reason, and it’s you.”

  “Oh, Jack,” she whispered.

  “I traveled the world searching for a way to fill the hole in my heart,” he said. “I never thought I’d find a way to heal, but I did. The moment I met you I knew you were special. And with each passing day, you captured another piece of my heart.”

  When he reached into his jacket pocket with his free hand, her knees wobbled. He pulled out a small red box and popped it open. A sparkling cushion-cut diamond shimmered in the sunlight.

  “I love you, Sasha. I’ve loved you from the moment I met you. And I’m ready to stay in one place. I’m done searching, because I’ve found the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

  She choked back a sob as her heart filled with all the love she’d been holding back.

  “Honey, I never want to spend another day without you by my side. So if you’re willing to take a chance on me, I’d be honored to be your husband.” As he paused to take a breath, his eyes locked with hers. “Will you marry me?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.


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