Notorious Devils MC Complete Collection: BoxSet

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Notorious Devils MC Complete Collection: BoxSet Page 210

by Hayley Faiman

  “What are you going to do to me?” she whispers.

  “Hostage time, babe,” I growl.

  Without another word, I march her into the house, slamming the sliding glass door behind me. Throwing her into one of my wooden dining room chairs, I find some bungee cords and I strap her ass down.

  Hurrying toward my bedroom, I throw some jeans on and grab my phone. It’s time to call my dad. Admitting I could have fucked an enemy is going to fucking sting, but my dad isn’t one to throw shit in my face, not like that.

  “The fuck, boy, it’s too goddamn early,” he growls in my ear.

  “Got a situation. Need you at my place.”

  “Fuck. The girl?” he asks.

  I hear my mom’s murmurs in the background, but I can’t make out what she’s saying. “Yeah, the girl,” I grunt.

  “Be there in ten.”

  Thea’s eyes are wide, she looks scared as shit, but right now, until I know if I can trust her or not, she doesn’t exist to me.

  Making my way into my bedroom, I throw on a shirt and my socks and boots, then start the coffeepot as I wait for my dad.

  Tears stream down Thea’s face, then eventually she lets her head fall as she sobs into her lap. I want to tell her to stop crying. Oddly, I want to hold her. I don’t do either. I wait for my dad.

  Fury Duhart doesn’t even knock when he gets to my house. He throws the door open and the air crackles as he steps inside. His eyes find mine and they soften just a touch. Then. I watch as he turns toward Thea.

  She slowly lifts her head. My dad’s brows shoot up in surprise and then he does something that I don’t expect.

  He bursts out into laughter.

  Chapter Eight


  Oh shit.

  He recognizes me.

  I give him a pleading look, silently begging him not to tell Bear who I am, but he just shakes his head.

  Fury’s eyes soften and he jerks his chin. “Sorry, darlin’ he’s gotta know.”

  “Know what?” Bear growls.

  “Just that you’ve got Torch’s kid tied to a chair in your living room, wearin’ nothin’ but your t-shirt,” he nonchalantly states as if he’s ordering a coffee at Starbucks.

  Pinching my eyes closed, my head drops in defeat and I inhale through my nose, exhaling out of my mouth while I wait for Bear’s reaction. I expect something monumental, something huge, but there’s nothing but silence.

  Lifting my head, I turn my head to the side to look over at him. He has his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes are narrowed as he stares at me. His jaw is clenched and I watch as a muscle ticks in anger in his cheek.

  “Outside, Pops,” he growls, ignoring me as he turns around and walks out and onto the back patio where he found me less than an hour ago.

  They don’t bother closing the door, so I’m not sure why they even walk away from me. Pressing my lips together, I listen to them talk.

  “What the fuck do you mean, Torch’s kid?” Bear roars.

  “That redhead looks exactly like her mother. Can’t mistake that shit, not even if you tried. That, son, is Lysandra Hill, the daughter to the president of the California chapter of the Notorious Devils,” Fury announces.

  My entire body loses all of its tension. I’ve been hiding who I am from Bear, trying to keep my secrets without completely lying to him. It’s done now though.

  My dad is going to find out where I am, his brothers are going to find out and they’re all going to go after Spider.

  I just hope that none of them get caught up in the crosshairs, that they don’t get into any trouble defending me. I’m not worth anyone going to jail, not even if Spider deserves to be brought down in a blaze of fire.

  “Her name’s Thea,” Bear announces, sounding completely dumbfounded.

  Fury chuckles. “Son, she may have told you her name is Thea, but that girl is Lysandra Hill. My guess is, by the look in her eyes she’s in trouble.”

  There’s a moment of silence, then I hear Bear’s heavy sigh. “She says she’s mixed up with Demon Loyalty out in Cali. Knew she was running, didn’t know what from. Just found that out this morning and I couldn’t figure out why class like her would get involved with them, then try and strip when it’s painfully obvious she’s never danced a stage, or pole, a day in her life. Fuck,” he hisses. “Fuck, Torch is gonna kill me when he finds out I fucked her. Jesus fucking Christ.”

  “Gotta play the hands you’re dealt, Bear. You could do worse for an Old Lady. Her mom’s still a knockout. Bodes well for the future,” Fury chuckles.

  Wrinkling my nose, I try not to think about Fury checking out my mom. It’s too quiet behind me, I don’t know what’s happening then I hear a big sigh and exhaled breath.

  “Fuck,” Bear grunts.

  “What trouble is she in with the Demon club?”

  “Not sure, dated a guy named Spider, that’s all she gave me. She was on the run, trying to get cash to move on. She’s scared, that’s all I know. Figured working near the Devils would keep her safe.”

  Fury’s deep chuckle fills the room, and I try not to let it lull me into a sense of comfort, but it does. Everything is out, he knows who I am, and since he’s the president and my dad used to be part of his club here in Idaho, I know that he’ll protect me.

  Unfortunately, I know that he’ll also contact my dad which is its own brand of trouble. My dad is going to kill me, if Bear doesn’t first.


  I am in so much damn trouble.

  Their voices become low murmurs, then a few moments later Fury walks back into the room, stopping right in front of me. He puts his hands on his hips and I lift my gaze to his. Bear looks so much like him, it’s startling.

  If what he said about my mom stands true, then it works for men too, and the future bodes well for Bear if he takes after his dad, even a little bit.

  “Girl. I’ll give you two days to prepare, but then we’re contacting Torch,” he warns.


  He lifts his chin behind me, where I assume Bear is still outside. “Trust is a fickle cunt. When you break it, it can take time to repair. Unfortunately, you only have two days. Once your dad gets here, he won’t be too fucking happy about this situation right here. You got some decisions to make.”

  Pressing my lips together, I roll them, then I wonder why he sounds like fucking Yoda, the way he’s talking in code practically. Without another word, he turns and walks out of the house. The door closes softly behind him and I brace myself for Bear.

  I wait for what feels like hours until the sliding glass door opens and closes. I hear his footsteps, then he’s in front of me. All mouthwatering, long-haired, six-foot-four inches of him.


  “We got a fuckin’ problem,” he announces.

  She blinks, looking innocent and fuckable all at the same time. My dad isn’t wrong, she’s a fucking knockout and I should have seen the resemblance between her and Cleo Hill, but Christ, it’s been years since I’ve seen Cleo or anyone else from Cali, except my grandpa.

  “What’s that?” she whispers.

  I hate how she looks scared of me. She shouldn’t be. Even if she was plotting against me, I would have never hurt her. Just like my dad warned, I fell for her, immediately. Her big eyes stare up at me, fucking terrified looking.

  “You’re a daughter of the Devils. A club princess at that. Why didn’t you just tell me who the fuck you were?” I growl.

  She shakes her head, hanging it in defeat before she lifts her gaze back up to me. “I didn’t want my dad or any of the other men to get in trouble, to go to jail for hurting Spider. I thought it would be easier to disappear for a while.” She shrugs as if her dad wouldn’t figure out that she was missing and send a search party to end all search parties for her, his only daughter—his only child.

  Lifting my hand, I run my fingers through my hair, catching a couple knots on the way and let out a sigh.

  “Not smart, Red,” I say,
shaking my head. Her eyes narrow, but thankfully she doesn’t try to defend her shit plan. “You need to be forthcoming with me from now on. I need to know what Spider did and what his club is capable of. Also, you need to figure out where you want my name on your body.”

  Her breath hitches and she shakes her head a couple of times. “Bear,” she breathes.

  Snorting, I roll my eyes. “Trust me, it’s not for my goddamn benefit, babe. I don’t trust you, hell, I don’t even know your real name. But, your dad comes here, finds out not only did you try to strip in my club, but I fucked you, he’ll nail my balls to the wall.”

  “I won’t tell him, it’s just our secret,” she quickly spits.

  Frowning, I decide that I hate her words. I’m nobody’s dirty secret, no way in fucking hell. I’m the son of the president of the Notorious Devils in Idaho and the grandson of the longest running president of the entire goddamn original charter, the man who made her father president when he retired. This bitch should be down on her goddamn knees begging to wear my mark. I’m goddamn royalty.

  Taking a step toward her, I extend my hand, reaching behind her, I tangle my fingers in her hair and tug her neck back with a snap. That fear in her eyes, it overtakes her entire face as she looks up at me.

  “Ain’t a dirty secret, Red. Fucked you, liked it, keeping you. That’s how this story goes. Maybe one day if I can trust you, then you can be something other than the bitch on the back of my bike that I sink my cock into. But right now, that’s what you are. The rest you’ll have to earn.”

  Her eyes narrow in gorgeous defiance, and I smirk down at her. “If I say no?” she asks. “If I tell my dad just what you said to me?”

  I shrug, ignoring the sick feeling that twists in my stomach at the idea of her leaving me. She’s mine. Whether she likes it or not, I’ve already claimed her.

  “He won’t believe a fuckin’ word you say. Won’t matter anyway, my name on your body trumps all.” I grin.

  She tries to shake her head free of my grasp, but my grip is too firm, too strong. “You’re an asshole,” she hisses.

  I snort. “Yeah, I know, Red. You’re a liar and could have put a lot of people in danger and given your family grief that they didn’t deserve with this stunt. You could have come forward day one and you know, without a doubt, that we would have had your back just because of who you are.”

  “I told you, I was afraid,” she says, her voice shrinking and defeat finally filling her gaze.

  Dipping my chin, I run my nose alongside hers. “Fear is a motherfucker, Red. You came to the Devils for protection, because you know at the end of the day, we’re inherently good men. But you fucked up, babe.”

  “Fuck you,” she growls.

  I smirk, closing the distance between us, my lips almost touching hers. “I plan on it, babe, and often.”

  Releasing her, I take a step back and shake my head. Digging my phone out of my pocket, I find Stella’s name.

  “Why are you calling me this early?” she growls, sounding pissed right the fuck off. I chuckle, having forgotten that she is definitely not a morning person.

  “Need you to go shopping for Thea.” Her name comes out in a disgusted hiss and judging by the way Stella hums, I know that she can hear it.

  “Do I want to know?” she asks.

  “Not really, but I’ll tell you when you get here. Get jeans and shirts,” I instruct, then lift my gaze to Thea’s. “No bras or panties.” I grin.

  Her eyes widen and her mouth drops in an O shape before her eyes narrow into extremely tiny slits. She mouths, fuck you, and I just smirk in her direction.

  “Bear,” Stella warns.

  “Just do it,” I snap before I end the call.

  “You’re a pig and an asshole,” Thea growls.

  “You’re a liar,” I point out.

  Turning away from her, I make my way into the kitchen and start breakfast. I’m fucking starving and I know that Thea has to be too, no, Lysandra. Fuck. It’s going to be hard to think of her as Lysandra from now on, but that’s her name—her true identity.

  Chapter Nine



  I lied.

  But it was mostly an omission and not a full-on lie. My name is really, Lysandra-Theodora. I was named after my mom’s best friends, my uncles, Lisandro and Theo.

  I really don’t care to be called, Lysandra, most of my friends call me Lysa or Thea. So, I didn’t truly lie, but I’m not going to tell Bear that. Not when he’s being a dick.

  Inhaling a deep breath, I curse myself as the scent of bacon fills my nose. The bastard is not only going to keep me tied to this chair, but he’s going to make me suffer as well. Huffing out a breath, I decide that two can play the suffering game.

  He wants to mark me? He wants me to be his woman? Fine. Then he’ll get the worst of me, the absolute fucking worst.

  My decision has been made. I’m going to make his life miserable until he releases me from his hold. Smiling to myself, I wonder how long it’ll last, I have a feeling Bear Duhart is used to the entire world bending to his will.

  Just as I’ve hatched my plan, Bear walks in with two plates in his hands. I blink, then decide he probably made something for Stella. Wordlessly, he sets the plates down on the table, then walks away again, only to reappear with coffee and milk.

  After he sets the drinks down, he walks over to me, bending down and wrapping his fingers around the seat of my chair. I let out a small scream when he picks me up and shifts me beneath the table, right in front of a plate of food.

  There are four pieces of bacon, what looks like two scrambled eggs, and a biscuit on the plate in front of me. I blink, then look up to him. My hands are tied behind my back, so I can’t pick any of the food up.

  Bear reaches for his fork and scoops up some eggs then lifts them to my lips. “Eat,” he grunts.

  Opening my mouth, I allow him to slip the fork full of food into my mouth. Closing my lips around it, he pulls the fork out and grins as I chew. I watch as he uses the same fork and scoops up some eggs of his own.

  That’s how our morning goes. He feeds me, then holds the glass of milk to my lips. It’s sexy, I hate myself for thinking that, but it is. His eyes stay completely focused on me, no longer angry, but instead filled with sexual sensuality.

  Once our plates are both empty, he leans back in his chair, his eyes roaming over me. I kind of hope he doesn’t say anything to piss me off, because right now, I could very much imagine being his woman.

  “We gotta get some shit straight,” he announces. “Being mine means you don’t fuck anyone else. Until I can trust you, you don’t go anywhere without me or one of my men on you. You also don’t make any phone calls. Your cell phone is now mine. You’re going to call your dad in a couple of days and tell him what you did.”

  “He’ll know we aren’t real,” I state. “Besides, I don’t even have my phone anymore.”

  Bear tilts his head to the side, his gray eyes so gorgeous that I could get lost in their depths for eternity. “Better think of a good story to convince him that we are then,” he smirks. “I ain’t calling you Lysandra, though, that shit’s too long.”

  “Are you done?” I snap.

  He smirks, looking like the smartass that he is. “Not even close, but what do you want to add?”

  “You seriously are criticizing my name?”

  He leans forward, his eyes searching mine as I hold my breath. “You aren’t Lysandra.”

  “Some of my friends call me Lysa,” I admit though I’m not sure why I’m telling him this.

  His breath fans my face, his eyes searching mine and he grins.

  “I’m not your friend, Red.”

  He lifts one of his hands and uses his fingertip to slide from my chin down the column of my throat and stops right at the neckline of his shirt that I’m wearing. My breath hitches when his finger slides back up and traces my lips.

  “No, you’re not,” I agree.

  “But I
am your man now.”

  I shake my head. He only grins then stands and his hand falls down from my face. He licks his lips, tilting his head to the side.

  “You’ll be begging for it by tonight. I’m going to shower, when I get back, we’ll get you cleaned up. You have a busy day today.” He grins before he walks away from me, leaving me alone and tied up.

  “This motherfucker,” I growl.

  “Heard that,” he calls out and if I could flip him off, I would.

  I huff out a breath as I stare at the empty plates on the table. What did I do? I got away from Spider, sure, but I am now under the thumb of some other asshole.

  Though, the good news is that I don’t think Bear will hit me. The jury is still out on whether he would chain me to his bed or not. He also won’t use me to get anything from the Notorious Devils, so there’s that, too.

  Bear’s shower only takes a few minutes, I’m not sure how he washed everything that he needed to, but when he walks back into the room, I can’t stop myself from licking my lips at the sight of him.

  He’s shirtless, his hair is damp, and there are still droplets of water on his chest, clinging to his ripples and ridges. I lick my lips with the desire to lick him.

  My eyes flick up to his when I hear him chuckle. “Begging, Red. I’ll have you fuckin’ begging for this dick before you realize what’s even happening.”

  “Never,” I hiss, knowing the word is a lie.

  Bear only laughs as he reaches down and unties me from the chair. I massage my wrists, wishing that they didn’t ache as much as they do. He wraps his hand around my bicep and hauls me to my feet.

  Without another word, he marches me into the bathroom and just when I think he’s going to leave me alone, he hops up on the counter and stares at me, challengingly.

  “You’re staying in here with me, aren’t you?” I ask.

  He dips his chin in an affirmative nod, then tugs his phone out of his back pocket and begins to touch the screen.

  “I have to go to the bathroom, can’t I have at least a little privacy?” I ask.


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