Notorious Devils MC Complete Collection: BoxSet

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Notorious Devils MC Complete Collection: BoxSet Page 211

by Hayley Faiman

  He tilts his head to the side, his eyes finding mine. “Nope.”

  “You’re an asshole,” I hiss.

  “Gonna fuck your asshole later, babe. Keep talkin’.”

  I let out a scream of frustration before I walk over to the toilet and sit down, my shame somehow disappearing as I pee, right there in front of him.

  The ass.


  I shouldn’t get as much joy out of frustrating her as I do, but fuck she’s cute. I watch her shower, handing her a razor from a pack that my mom left in the cabinet in hopes that I would shave my beard off one day. Though, I’m not sure why, my dad’s had a beard my entire life.

  She snatches the plastic Bic from my hand and I can’t help but chuckle at her annoyance. I watch as she washes her hair with my shampoo and conditioner. I try not to think about the fact that she’s going to smell like me for the entire day.

  Once she turns the water off, I grab a towel and toss it over the shower stall. She lets out a grunt and dries off. She wraps the towel around her hair then turns toward me, placing her hands on her hips.

  “I need another one,” she announces haughtily.

  “Sorry, babe, only got the one left. I’m a minimalist.” I shrug, knowing that’s a fucking lie, I just want to piss her off and keep her naked longer.

  Her eyes narrow and she rolls them to the ceiling before opening the shower door and stepping out.

  “Fine,” she grinds. “Do you have something that I could put on before my underwearless clothes arrive?”

  I hold back my laugh, then lift my chin as I walk into the bedroom. She follows behind me, her feet padding through the house and I can’t deny that I enjoy the sound of another person in my home, even if she’s pissed off at me right now.

  Opening up a couple of my dresser drawers, I grab a tank top and a pair of athletic shorts. Tossing them toward her, I watch as she catches them. The tank probably won’t cover all of her tits and I can’t wait to see them in the top.

  She tugs it on first and my smile widens at the sight of her voluptuous tits spilling out of the side. Next, she slips the shorts over her thighs and hips, then lifts her eyes to mine.

  “You’re an ass,” she seethes.

  “I know,” I agree. “Stella texted while you were taking the longest fucking shower on earth. She should be here any minute. I told her to get you some girlie shit too, whatever you needed.”

  “You’re so kind.” She smiles looking like the beautiful smartass that she is.

  As if I spoke the devil into existence, my front door slams open and Stella’s voice calls out. Wrapping my hand around Thea’s bicep, I tug her into the living room. Without much fanfare, I toss her onto the sofa and Stella watches in horror.

  “That is Lysandra Hill,” I announce.

  Stella’s eyes widen, then she drops the bags that she had in her hands with a gasp.

  “Without going into detail, she’s running from the Demon Loyalty club, don’t know much yet. Just know the bitch lied to me and I fucked her, which means I’m fucked,” I growl, ignoring the way Thea flinches.

  “Stop being a bear, Bear,” Stella sighs before she walks over to Thea and sinks down on the sofa next to her. I blink, unsure why my cousin has taken this liar’s side over mine.

  “Excuse me?” I ask.

  Stella narrows her eyes, lifting her gaze to meet mine. “You’re being an ass. I’m sure she had a good reason for being on the run. Jesus, you act like the world is out to fuck with you.”

  “They usually are,” I snap.

  “Ignore him, he’s a dick. Now, are you okay, what do you need?” Stella asks Thea, ignoring me.

  “Did you not hear the part where she lied to us, Stell?” I growl, not allowing Thea to answer her.

  Stella stands, her eyes turned into small slits and she is pissed the fuck off. She marches toward me, pointing her index finger at me and poking me in the middle of the chest with the claws that she claims as nails.

  I bat her hand away before I rub my chest. “Christ, why are you trying to kill me?” I ask.

  “Why are you being an asshole to her, I thought you liked her?”

  “I do,” I admit on a whisper. “I don’t know her game. She lied, she put me at jeopardy with my brothers. That shit ain’t cool. I gotta make her my Old Lady now or Torch is going to freak the fuck out.”

  “Torch is going to freak the fuck out anyway. You fucked the club princess,” she snorts.

  I grunt, lifting my hand and running my fingers through my still damp hair. “I know he is. But it’s the only way to keep her protected one hundred percent.”

  “And you want to keep her in your bed, just say it.”

  “Why do you care who I fuck?”

  “I don’t. I care if you’re being an asshole for no reason. I care if someone is going to fuck with us, with the club, but she won’t. She’s one of us, Bear.”

  Shaking my head, I level her with a gaze. “Unfortunately, being one of us doesn’t make a person trustworthy. We have to know that she is just that.”

  “So, by making her your Old Lady, that’s going to accomplish that?” she asks, lifting a brow.

  “Let me worry about me and my woman. You worry about your husband and your kids.”

  Stella lets out a heavy sigh. “You’re an asshole. Seriously, Bear. Jelena and I are going to take her out tomorrow to get bras and panties, because you’re a dick. Then, we’ll meet up with Bristol and maybe Ellie for drinks.”

  “Oh, hell no,” I growl. “She is not going out with the group of you, no way in hell. Fuck that.”

  “I think you’ve traumatized her enough. I mean the poor girl slept with you last night, the least you can do is let her have a fucking drink.”

  “She wasn’t complaining when she was crying my name,” I smirk.

  Stella shakes her head, lifting her hand to wrap her fingers around my shoulder. “They aren’t supposed to cry, Bear. You depressed the poor thing.”

  “Christ, you piss me off. You can take her tomorrow, but I want three men on you at all times. Eyes on you, if you lose them, I’ll hold you personally responsible.”

  “Fine,” she snaps, then her lips turn up into a bright smile.

  It’s trouble, she’s trouble. Flicking my gaze over to Thea on the sofa, I see that she has a small smile on her lips, too. I’m a fucking idiot for allowing this shit, a goddamn fool.

  Chapter Ten


  Stella leaves us alone, again, after I’ve changed into some of the clothes that she brought me. Thankfully, she didn’t really try to guess my size, she brought me some stretchy leggings and an equally stretchy top that is long enough to cover my ass.

  After using Bear’s brush, I tug on my tangled hair and apologize to it for not having a comb and my smoothing cream. Surprised that he’s left me alone for so long, I venture out of the master bedroom and go in search of him.

  The house is quiet, too quiet, so I glance out in the back yard, but he isn’t anywhere to be seen. Just when I think that he’s possibly left me alone, I hear him curse from the garage. Making my way in his direction, I don’t know why, but I have no other reason except I’m drawn to him.

  Biting the corner of my lip, I reach for the door that leads to the garage, where I hear the distinct sound of tools clinking together.

  It reminds me of home, of my dad, and not for the first time, I wish I would have gone back after college. I wish I would have settled down in the small town they live in and just been content with finding someone there.

  Stepping into the garage, I watch Bear for a moment. His hair is pulled back in a low ponytail, his head is bent and I can only see his profile. He’s gorgeous and I hate that, because he can be such a fucking asshole, a beautiful fucking asshole.

  “You gonna stare at me all day or come over here and give me a hand?” he asks.

  I glance over to what he’s bent over, since when I stepped out here all I could do was stare at him. He’s act
ually over the engine of a car. A black muscle car. I almost whimper at the sight, it’s sleek and sexy, just like him.

  “I don’t know how I can help,” I murmur.

  He grins, it’s not his cocky smirk, its genuine and his beauty makes me rock back on my heels. “Sittin’ next to me lookin’ pretty would help a hell of a lot.” He winks.

  Walking closer to where he is, I sink down on the small stool next to him. He reaches out and I hold my breath when his grease-covered hand wraps around my knee and gently squeezes.

  “Pissed at you, Red,” he murmurs as he goes back to working on his car.

  “I know. You aren’t the only one and you won’t be the last.”

  “No, I figure your dad’s gonna be goddamn livid.” He shrugs.

  I watch as his tongue peeks out and he sinks his teeth into it as he concentrates on whatever it is he’s working on. Right now, like this, I can see more for us. I like this part of him, I hate that I lied to him, that I made him so mad. I also hate his reaction to that anger.

  “Still, glad you’re mine,” he mutters without looking at me.

  “Bear,” I breathe.

  He turns his head slightly, those gray eyes that I’ve fallen instantly for find mine and his lips twitch into a small smile.

  “It’s the fuckin’ truth of it, Red. Pissed at you, so goddamn mad, but fuck. Couldn’t imagine another bitch where you’re sittin’. Only you, babe.”

  Sliding off of the stool, I close the distance between us and he tosses his tool onto a blanket on the ground and wipes his greasy hands on a rag. I watch as he straightens his back and turns toward me.

  We’re mere inches away, except I stop moving and he doesn’t even twitch. Then, as if it’s just instinctual, his arm shoots out and his hand presses against my back as he forces me off balance and toward him.

  Falling forward, I place my palms on his chest as I tip my head back to look up into his gray gaze. He’s intense, his eyes darkening as he searches my face. His free hand lifts and my breath hitches when he runs his knuckles along my cheek.


  I don’t know whether to tell him to stop or beg him to keep going. Keep touching, keep looking at me the way that he is. Shit, part of me wants it all from him and then the other part wants absolutely nothing.

  “I don’t do apologies. I’m still goddamn pissed, Thea. But, maybe I overreacted slightly.”


  He narrows his eyes slightly, then shakes his head once, before he dips his chin and his lips brush against mine.

  “Give me everything on this fucker in Cali. Let me mark you, willingly and let’s move on from hiding shit from one another, yeah?”

  God, he makes everything sound so damn easy. He doesn’t say what those words truly mean though. Let me mark you with a permanent tattoo that declares you as my property. Let me treat you however the fuck I want to, cheat on you, beat you, whatever the fuck because I own you now.

  Pressing my lips together, my face shifts to the side. He gently guides me back toward his gaze. “Bear, it’s just not that simple.”

  He snorts. “It is, you’re just scared shitless, what did he do to you?” he asks.

  “Nothing I can’t get past, but what will you do to me? I’m not sure I could survive it.”

  His face goes hard, his eyes shut down and that soft look that I was lost to is now gone. He releases me and I feel his loss like a blow to my gut. I hate it. I hate every second. I hate it so much, that I throw myself at him.

  Wrapping my arms around his neck I press my chest against his and rise to my toes before I slam my mouth against his own.

  He’s frozen for only a second, then his hands wrap tightly around my hips and his head slants as he takes over my fumbled attempt of a kiss. I moan against his mouth as his tongue slides between my lips.

  Bear consumes me. He owns me. As much as I loathe to admit it, I’m going to get his mark, be his Old Lady, and I can’t seem to even be too upset about it because deep down inside, this sick part of me is so fucking excited I can’t handle it.


  She tastes like sin.

  She tastes goddamn delicious.

  Pulling her even closer toward me, I growl down her throat before I let out a moan. She whimpers against me and I know that this isn’t the end of us. Pissed off, livid, angry, fuck it doesn’t matter, this woman makes my cock hard no matter fucking what.

  Jerking my head away from hers, I rest my dirty forehead against her clean one. Isn’t that the way of it, too. My dirty fucking life against her clean one, invading her clean goodness.

  By the end of today, she’s going to be marked by my dirt, too. My name is going to be unmistakable on her body, never able to be hidden from the world, not even if she fucking wanted to hide me.

  “You ready?” I ask.

  She bites the corner of her lip, tilting her head to the side. “For?”

  “Your mark, Red.”

  “Do you think that’s what we should do?” she asks.

  I try not to get pissed off at her question, I shouldn’t get mad at all. I’ve known her for only days, but my dad was right. When you know, you fuckin’ know and I have no desire to put either one of us through a bunch of bullshit before I mark her.

  She’s mine. Simple. Plain as fucking day, this woman belongs to me.

  “I do,” I agree. “It will make it easier when your dad gets here. You’re mine, Thea, and I’m not going to hide that from anyone.”

  “Even if you’re pissed at me?” she asks.

  Tipping my lips in a grin, I smile toward her. “Especially if I’m pissed at you, babe. I’m going to fuck the absolute goddamn shit out of you tonight after you’re introduced to the club as mine.”

  She blinks, then her lips twitch as she attempts to hide her smile. “Sounds awful,” she breathes, though judging by the way her pupils dilate, she’s full of fuckin’ shit.

  “Terrible.” I grin. “Let’s go,” I say, jerking my head toward her car that’s in the driveway.

  I had Stella take Thea’s keys over to her husband, Grinder, while Thea was getting ready this morning and he brought her car over while she packed up her motel room before bringing her meager amount of shit to my place.

  “Do I want to know how you got my stuff here?” Thea asks.

  “Stella and her husband.” I grin.

  Thea shakes her head as she follows behind me. Attempting to be somewhat of a gentleman, I open the car door for her, then close it as I make my way over to the driver’s side. Starting the engine, I cringe.

  “Woman, how did your dad allow this travesty of a vehicle?”

  She bristles next to me. “My dad didn’t buy me a car. I’ve always bought my own vehicles.”

  Frowning, I look over at her. “Not anymore. This shit is getting dumped the minute we get a chance. No woman of mine drives a piece of shit like this.”

  “My car’s not a piece of shit,” she cries as I back out of the driveway.

  “Red.” I grin, reaching over and wrapping my fingers around her thigh. “It is. But it’s cool, we’ll get you something shit-hot.”

  She doesn’t say anything, pressing her lips together, she turns her head and looks out the window.

  “Whatever you want, Red,” I mutter as I pull into the tattoo shop’s parking lot.

  Her eyes hold mine, her gaze so fucking hot that I want nothing more than to stoke that goddamn fire, even if she burns me.

  There is something about her, something unmistakably alive. So goddamn mine it makes my entire body ache with the need to lay claim to her, every fucking way possible.

  Chapter Eleven


  If I had a list of things that I never thought possible in my entire life, this moment would be on the top five. Standing in the middle of an empty tattoo parlor with Bear Duhart next to me, just after he’s promised to buy me whatever car I want.

  “Land Rover Discovery, blacked out, completely upgraded,” I state
as soon as the tattoo artist appears.

  Bear’s arm slides around my waist, his mouth finding my neck and I try to hold back the shiver that runs throughout my entire body at his lip’s touch. “You got it, Red,” he murmurs. “This shit works out the way I think it will, whatever you want is yours.”

  Turning in his arm, I look up at him. “The way you think it will?”

  He grins. “Yeah, you and me, a real fuckin’ relationship. Anger and lies aside. I like you, Red. I think we could work.”

  “Maybe,” I breathe.

  He shakes his head once. “No maybe. Almost thirty years old, babe. Never had a woman in this shop, never had the desire to see my name stamped on any bitch on earth. You walk your sexy as fuck ass into my club and I’m down to mark you almost immediately. Your dad bein’ who he is just upped my timetable. We mark you, then we deal with your past, then we’ll deal with daddy.”

  “God, why can’t you just be a dick all the time? It would make all of this so much fucking easier,” I exhale.

  His lips twitch, then he leans forward and brushes his mouth against mine. “I know,” he murmurs. “Why can’t you just be some easy piece I fuck and forget?” he asks, then he speaks again as my mouth opens in surprise at his words. “Because we were meant to be more, Red. That’s fuckin’ why. Now, lay down and take my ink.”

  Taking a step back, I turn from him and walk over to the chair where there is a man sitting, and waiting, his eyes on us. Sinking into the seat, I try to relax my body, but I’m wound tight. I’ve never had a tattoo before and now I’m getting one with a man’s name, something I swore that I would never do.

  “Where do you want it, same design you called in?” he asks, ignoring me and looking directly at Bear.

  Bear glances at me with a grin. “Yeah, lemme see,” he says.

  The man holds out a piece of paper and Bear takes it from him, his eyes roaming over it with a grin. “Yeah, that’ll fuckin’ do.”

  “Where do you want it?” he asks, still never looking at me.


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