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Demise (The Clans Book 13)

Page 3

by Elizabeth Knox

  “Mr. Lazar,” One of the men states my name, giving me a nod before he steps to the side, allowing me to get to the door. The other man on his left instantly moves as well. Neither of them putting up a fight. Well, this should make things a bit easier.

  I take in a deep breath before rapping my knuckles on her door, knowing very well how her reaction might not be pleasant. I honestly doubt Ion told her anything about me being the one who would take her to Anton’s funeral.

  She opens the door with an unreadable expression before the realization hits her. Bianca’s eyes widen quickly, “What’re you doing here?”

  She asks me a question and yet I’m mesmerized by her overall look. From the slight Marilyn Monroe style curl, to her winged eyeliner. Then add in the way her shoulders are exposed, the dress wrapping around her like a silk bow. It fans out like something you’d see women wear in the 50s or 60s. She looks regal.

  “You look . . . ravishing,” I can’t help but compliment her. Though, based on the way she rolls her eyes, she isn’t pleased.

  “I asked why you’re here, and still you haven’t given me an answer.”

  “I’m taking you to the funeral—,”

  Immediately, she shakes her head. “No, you aren’t. This isn’t a fucking date, Mircea. This is my uncle’s funeral. He might not have been my blood, but my uncle Anton . . . he was one of the first people who stood up for me when my parents declared their intention on who would take the throne. Other’s didn’t want me to because I’m a bastard . . . but he helped change their minds.”

  “You’re right, this isn’t a date, Bianca. I’m simply giving you a ride to Anton’s funeral. Nothing more, nothing less. Your father asked me to—”

  She scoffs, “Of course he did. I suppose he cancelled my car as well, hmm?”

  I nod, remembering this detail. “Yes, he did.”

  “The man loves to play dirty. I guess I don’t have a choice here and we should go.” She grumbles, holding onto the leather strap of her small purse. She walks through the door and allows it to shut, looking to the two men by her door. “I take it you two will follow me in another car?”

  “Yes Ma’am.” One nods, and Bianca starts to walk down the hallway while I stay a couple feet behind her, giving her some space for a moment.

  We make it down to the Porsche I’m renting in town while I’m here. I open the passenger door for her and she slides in, while I shut it and then go around the car to get into my seat. I grab a single flower from the bouquet on the floor next to Bianca’s legs and hand it to her. “This isn’t a date, but I’m a man of symbolism. Do you know what daffodils represent?”

  “No, I don’t.” She answers smugly, emotionless.

  “New beginnings, so I give you this daffodil in the hopes we will have a new beginning. As a child I was cruel to you, and I’m sorry for that. I was horrific and I can understand why you’re not fond of me.”

  She’s quiet for a few moments. “Why did you bring them for Anton’s grave?”

  “Because, this is a new beginning for him too.”

  Chapter Seven


  I don’t like him one bit. It’s all I can think about while my driver is on the way to my parents’ hotel here in Miami. We’ve just had the most incredibly hard day, grieving the loss of a man who meant so much to so many people . . . and here I am, thinking about the incorrigible Mircea Lazar.

  Ysenia came to our uncle Anton’s funeral, while our younger brothers stayed back in New York with the family staff. God forbid there was an attack on us at his funeral, our brothers would hold the throne. In this life we always have to prepare for the worst case scenario, no matter what’s going on.

  My parents went out for the evening, so I promised Ysenia we’d find a nice restaurant that overlooked the water and have some sisterly bonding time. Often times, we don’t do it. Always finding one excuse or another for being too busy. Her with her schooling, and me with my . . . whatever I’m doing at the time. The point is, we let things get in the way of keeping our relationship up.

  My driver pulls to the front of their hotel and Ysenia’s guards walk her out to the SUV. One of them opens her door and she hops inside. They close it shut and pat on the door, signaling the driver to go ahead. I have one of my men in the passenger seat as our bodyguard for the day, so we’ll be completely safe no matter what goes on.

  “Do you have any clue what they’re doing?” Ysenia questions, the nosiest of all my siblings.

  “I’d put my money on it that they’re speaking with Natasha, letting her know what’s the next step and any progress, or lack thereof they’ve made.”

  “Ah, understandable. Are her children still away?”

  In Montana, but she doesn’t need to know that. “Yes, and Natasha will soon join them again. It’s safer for everyone that they weren’t here today.”

  “It’s awful that they weren’t here for their father’s funeral . . .” I understand Ysenia’s sadness, her empathy . . . but sometimes things need to be done for the better good. This was one of them, like us leaving our brothers back in New York.

  “It’s awful, but it needed to happen. Children are our future, plain and simple.”

  “God, you sound like Father.”

  I roll my eyes, “Please, don’t say that again. He’s growing on my last nerve lately.”

  “He’s always getting on your nerves. You two butt heads like goats fighting over the same woman.”

  “Jesus. Are you on one of those Animal Planet binges again?” I ask, laughing at her ridiculousness.

  “No, it’s the Discovery channel. Duh.”

  Ysenia is the smart one. Maybe too smart for her own damn good. I swear, if she didn’t grow up in a mafia family she’d be a neurosurgeon, or a scientist for NASA. She’d accomplish great things, and while she still might, they’ll be entirely different. You see, when you’re in a mafia family . . . you rarely have any choice. I’m certain our father will give her a task for the Clans, which is only to be assumed.

  “I found some sort of paperwork in his study,” Ysenia starts off saying, causing me to really pay attention. “I didn’t open it, but, I held it up to the light like they do in the movies and saw a few words. It was from a doctor.”

  “Oh? What did it say?” I ask.

  “I’m not sure. I didn’t see much. Was too nervous I’d be caught.”

  Chuckling lightly, I ease her worries. “It’s probably something normal. Like results to a prostate exam or something.”

  “Ew, Bianca.”

  “He’s around that age where they start becoming necessary. Colonoscopies too. It’s probably just formal test results where he’s told he’s A-Okay. Stop worrying.”

  “Okay, fine, but only if you help me master my snooping skills. They need some work.”

  “Obviously they do.”

  “Yep, but, I know you have a boyfriend. I heard about the big ‘I have a boyfriend’ thing at the meeting. Dad was furious.”

  “Whoa, I never said I had a boyfriend. I said what if, essentially.” I need to stop the rumor mill from going whenever I can.

  “Yeah, okay. We both know that’s bull crap. Mircea Lazar has grown into quite a handsome man though.”

  Rolling my eyes, I look to my right and cock my brows. “What makes you think I’d ever be with someone like him? For fuck’s sake, he was my childhood bully. My tormentor. I won’t give him a chance, even if it’s something Father says on his last dying breath. Mircea Lazar will never be my husband.”

  “He’s told me how it’s the mafia daughters’ duty to marry prestigious men who can keep the peace. I’m sure I’m next, in a few years or so.” Ysenia goes on to say, diverting her gaze out through the window.

  The night lights of Miami are gorgeous, with the multitude of colors from the shops, restaurants, and streetlights. People just seem so much happier here, like they’re high on life. Every time I’ve been out today I’ve only seen people smiling.

her hair back behind her ear with my hand, I keep my gaze focused on my younger sister. “Ysenia, promise me you’ll be true to yourself, always. Even if it’s not what people want for you.”

  She looks back over to me with a worrisome expression. “How can I promise you that? I’m not even the one who makes decisions for myself.”

  I grab the bottom of her chin and hold it between my fingers, “Yes, you are. Even if people tell you otherwise. At the end of the day, you make every decision. We have Vasile blood running through our veins. You and I are women to be reckoned with, and don’t you ever forget it.”

  “Ugh, enough about the serious stuff. Let’s move to something more interesting, shall we?” Ysenia wiggles her eyebrows.

  “Like?” I’ll play, not sure what she’s getting at.

  “Mircea. Tell me your thoughts. You haven’t said a word and I’m dying for some good stuff over here.” Ysenia whines, showing yet again how she believes my life to be so much more extravagant than hers.

  I shrug my shoulders, “I’m not sure. Part of me hates him for being such a jerk to me when we were little, but then I see how he’s aged into a beautiful, beautiful man and it makes me want to give him a chance. He . . . I’m not sure how to take it, Ysenia. He tried to comfort me at Anton’s funeral when I started to sob underneath my sunglasses. You know I don’t ever show emotion like that, but given who it was, it just came crumbling out. I’m not sure if he did it to get closer to me or because he actually cares . . . but it showed me a different side to him.”

  “So, what does that mean? Are you actually going to give the guy a shot?”

  What a question.

  “I’m not sure, maybe.” I answer her with a lie, knowing I’ll probably show the guy a little bit of compassion. I’ll give him a chance, but . . . it sure won’t mean what my father thinks it will. I’m the one who chooses who I care about, not him.

  Mircea Lazar might’ve been my childhood terror, but maybe he’ll be something different to my adulthood.

  Hell, I figured we’d have some semi-serious discussions over dinner. Not in the car on the way there. The driver pulls up to the restaurant I made reservations at and the timing is perfect. My stomach is growling so loudly I’m certain people can hear it from miles away.

  Chapter Eight


  It’s been over two weeks since I’ve seen Bianca, and meanwhile, I’ve caught wind Ion is making some big charade about Mircea and Bianca working together on some things for the Clans. I have no idea what they’re ‘working’ on, but I do know it’s happening at the Petran family home. So, I’ll be making an impromptu business meeting to speak to Ion and Mariana.

  Maybe I should’ve called, or showed up at her apartment . . . but with the way we left things, her running out and all. I thought she wanted some space. Now I’m worried that my space has given her too much time with that bastard, Mircea. Fuck.

  I called Ion twenty minutes ago and he didn’t answer, so I haven’t been told I can’t make a visit to the Petran residence. I head up their cement stairs and ring the doorbell. Within a minute one of their men in black opens the door. “Do you have an appointment today, Mr. Dalca?”

  I shake my head, “No, I’m afraid not. However, I did call and try to arrange one with Mariana and Ion. By chance are they home? I have something dire to tell them about.” I’m lying through my teeth, but this big guy doesn’t need to know that.

  “Give me a moment,” He shuts the door in my face and minutes pass before he comes back and opens it. “It appears they have some time today, please come in.”

  I walk through the doorway into their small foyer area, and then through the other door which leads directly into their open concept living room, dining room combo. The stairwell up to their second floor being directly on my right.

  Though, I spot Bianca and Mircea at the dining room table. Mircea can’t see me yet, but Bianca can. She almost makes no reaction to seeing me, as if it’s something completely ordinary. God, how I miss her in my bed and vice versa.

  “Stefan, you wanted to speak to us?” Mariana questions from the second floor.

  I nod and head up. “Yes, I do. Sorry for the intrusion, though I did try to call.”

  “Let me guess. Ion’s phone? We haven’t been able to find it today. He must’ve left it somewhere in the house.”

  “That would be the one,” I reply, walking in behind her to the study.

  Ion sits behind his massive chestnut brown desk, reading something on his laptop. “What’s going on?” he asks.

  “I have some news regarding the Steele brothers. They’re in town tonight, and if it’s alright with you I’d love to meet with them on behalf of the Clans. Things have been a bit too quiet since Anton’s death. Considering Natasha and the kids are still in hiding . . . I think we should take this opportunity to get some help from them. They might be able to lend some resources we don’t already have. Add in the fact the trail is growing cold and . . . I don’t like it.” I speak from the heart, giving them honest answers.

  Ion furrows his brows like he’s thinking about it.

  “He’s right you know. We need the help, even if we don’t want to accept it. The Steeles have always been allies of ours, and in times of need they’ll lend a helping hand, like we would do the same for them. I think Stefan should meet with them while they’re in town.” Mariana jumps to my defense, her eagerness for justice showing plain as day.

  “I’d prefer Melody meet with them, since they have a better relationship.” Ion comments.

  “Melody’s in South Africa.” Mariana replies.

  “Fuck . . . fine, Dalca, but Bianca will be going with you to make sure you don’t speak out of your ass like you’re always doing with us.” Ion grumbles, not even realizing he’s giving me exactly what I want— alone time with his daughter.

  “What about Mircea?” Mariana asks her husband.

  He scoffs, “I have a few other things he can do. He still has so much to prove being new blood and all. Don’t you worry about him. I’ll keep him busy.”

  Mariana nods, understanding what her husband is saying. “Alright, well, I’m going to go take the kids out for a day in Times Square. And before you say anything about it, we’ll have some men with us. I promised the boys a fun day and to take them to the Nintendo store too.”

  Ion waves, “Fine. What about Ysenia?”

  “She said she was coming too, so you’ll be stuck here all alone.” Mariana teases him.

  He scoffs, “No, I won’t. I’ll use Mircea for as long as I can. There’s still so much to go through.”

  “Alright then, Stefan, can you set up a meeting for tonight?” Mariana asks.

  I nod, “I’m sure I can. I’ll make a reservation at a restaurant in a private room for the brothers, Bianca, and I.”

  “Sounds perfect. I’m sure it’ll be a late dinner, so give us a report sometime tomorrow morning on what’s transpired,” Mariana says with a smile. “Now, I’m going off to be with the kids. I’ll see you both later.”

  “I’ll take my leave as well,” I comment, heading toward the study door. I hold it open for Mariana and she walks out before me. Going down the stairs, I follow her.

  “Bianca, I’m going out with your brothers and sister. Tonight you and Stefan will be representing the Clans at a formal meeting. Talk with him and figure out what the details are and whatnot.” Mariana tells her, heading off into the kitchen area.

  Meanwhile, Bianca cocks a brow . . . glancing at me with an unamused look on her face.

  Perfect. If I’m going to be running in a competition with Mircea, I’m going to damn well show her why I’m the perfect man for her. Never will I let her forget how well I know her.

  Chapter Nine


  “You are a foul snake,” Bianca snips as we’re in the elevator at a new restaurant in the city. It opened tonight and I managed to persuade the owner to give us one of their private rooms. Though, I might’ve paid a hefty pr
ice as well.

  “If I remember correctly, you happen to like my snake, don’t you, prinţesă?” I push my body against hers, feeling her nipples budding below my chest. Taking her hand, I place it over my flaccid cock. Though, it doesn’t stay flaccid for long. The warmth of her palm stirs the blood within me, causing it to rise, to come alive, craving her sweet nectar.

  “Actually, I like it better when you keep your mouth shut.” She sneers, giving me exactly what I need to know.

  Dropping down to my knees, I push aside the high slit on her long, cherry colored dress. Pulling her panties down, I place my lips over her clit, sucking the soft button inside my mouth. “Fuck, Stefan. We’re in public.”

  Does she think I give a damn? Whenever these doors open they’ll see a woman being pleasured beyond compare.

  Darting my tongue out, I dive between her soft lips, missing the floral essence of her pussy. She’s naturally sweet, like fresh, raw honey. My mouth begins to salivate even more before I’m slurping at her like a kitten on milk.

  “Oh!” She arches her back, shoving her hip further against my face.

  Fuck it.

  Bringing my right hand up, I shove three fingers inside her tight heat while my mouth goes to work on her. She clamps down on my fingers. Her sweet cunt begging for more. Oh how I want to let her know how her body betrays her, telling me what she’s truly craving. But I won’t. Not until I can look straight into her eyes. Not until I can see the confirmation on her fucking glorious face.

  Intensifying my speed, I pump my fingers inside her. They glisten with her essence, growing wetter and wetter. Until I rip them from her and wrap my tongue around my wet fingers. Fuck, she’s delectable.


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