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The Orphans of Davenport

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by Marilyn Brookwood

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 87–88

  Holmes, Samuel J., 77

  “Hospitalism” (Spitz), 216–17

  Huey, Edward, 66

  Human Betterment Foundation, 89, 196

  Humphrey, Hubert, 252

  Humphrey, Muriel, 252

  Hunt, Joseph McVicker, 161, 223–26, 259

  Huxley, Julian, 244

  hybrid generations, 75

  IASSIDD (International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities), 254

  identical twin studies, 258, 259

  “idiot,” use with IQ test score, 2, 39–40

  “imbecile,” use with IQ test score, 2, 40


  fears of reproduction of “inferior” classes, 79

  Jews fleeing Germany denied US entry, 72, 88, 214

  Johnson-Reed Immigration Restriction Act, 72, 82, 86

  mental testing of immigrants, 68, 115

  industrial psychology, 250

  “Infant Development under Environmental Handicap” (Dennis and Najarian), 219

  “Influence of Methodological Factors on Doll Play Performance” (Sears), 202

  influenza epidemic (1917–1918), 171–72

  Institute for Child Behavior and Development. see Iowa station

  Institution for Feebleminded Children (Glenwood, Iowa). see Glenwood Institution for Feebleminded Children

  Intelligence and Experience (Hunt), 223, 224, 226

  “Intelligence as Related to Socio-Economic Factors” (Loevinger), 175

  Intelligence of Immigrant Groups, The (Brigham), 115

  “Intelligence of Isolated Mountain Children, The” (Sherman and Key), 117

  Intelligence of School Children, The (Terman), 68

  intelligence quotient (IQ), defined, 67

  intelligence tests

  of army recruits, 69–70, 71, 72, 84, 115, 116–17

  Bayley Scales of Infant Development II (BSID II), 271

  Binet-Simon test, 21–22, 66

  higher-than-expected adoptee IQ test results, 95–97, 104

  introduction in America, 2

  Kuhlman-Binet test, 41, 57, 62, 181

  nonverbal intelligence tests, 127–28, 237

  Ravens Progressive Matrices, 237

  Stanford-Binet test, 41, 67–68, 113, 218

  use in schools, 112–13, 193

  Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, 127–28

  Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI), 271


  Board of Control for Institutions, 26, 54–56, 97, 104, 132, 204–6

  Dust Bowl, 8, 33

  electricity lacking in 1930s, 7–8, 94

  Great Depression impact on, 8, 28, 33

  roads during 1930s, 7, 27

  sterilization in, 58, 60

  Iowa Child Welfare Research Station. see Iowa station

  Iowa School for the Deaf, 129

  Iowa Soldiers’ Orphans’ Home. see Davenport Home

  Iowa station

  case study method, 9, 37, 240

  changes under Sears, 202–3

  credibility damaged by McNemar’s critique, 186–87

  eugenicist attacks on results, 7, 10–11, 90, 178, 256, 262–63

  fiftieth anniversary in 1967, 216

  founding by Cora Bussey Hillis, 33–36

  grants from Laura Spelman Memorial of the Rockefeller Foundation, 8, 45, 118

  Hunt’s support for station’s discoveries, 224–25

  Iowa point of view under Stoddard, 43–44

  in mainstream of early development, 280, 281–82

  numbers of graduate students, 33

  outreach to farm families, 43

  partnership with Davenport Home, 56, 202

  reports and publications in 1937–1938, 145–48, 155

  research, overview, 7–10

  response to McNemar paper, 166, 168–69, 170, 179–82, 256

  as “singularity,” 7–8

  studies confirming Iowa’s work, 216–20, 281

  vision and investigations, 1928 to 1939, 118–19

  see also specific individuals

  “IQ: A Problem in Social Construction, The” (Wellman and Stoddard), 162

  IQ constancy, 41–42, 45–46, 111, 150–51, 258–59

  “irrecoverables” in Romanian institutions, 266, 267

  “Is a Science of Man Possible?” (Osborn), 153–54

  Jennings, Herbert Spencer, 79–80, 86–87, 116

  Jensen, Arthur R., 258–59

  “Jerry” mentioned by Skeels, 255, 256–57

  Jessup, William H., 36

  John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, 268–69, 272

  Johnson, Dana E, 267–68

  Johnson, Lyndon, 224, 242, 278

  Johnson-Reed Immigration Restriction Act, 72, 82, 86

  Jones, Harold E., 164, 185

  Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation, 251–52, 255

  Kagan, Jerome, 259

  Kallikak Family, The (Goddard), 23–24

  Kandel, Eric, 245

  Kankeleit, Otto, 88

  Kelley, Truman L., 66, 116

  Kennedy, Edward M., 252

  Kennedy, Ethel, 252

  Kennedy Foundation, 251–52, 255

  Kennedy, John F., 224, 242

  Kennedy, Robert, 252

  Kennedy, Rosemary, 252

  Kephart, Newell C., 176

  Kevles, Daniel, 76, 214

  Key, Cora B., 117, 151

  Kirk, Samuel A., 219–20, 249

  Kleinberg, Otto, 151, 175

  Koch, Helen L., 117

  Krebiozen, 198

  Kuhlman-Binet test, 41, 57, 62, 181

  Laski, H. J., 79

  Laughlin, Harry H.

  deposition about Carrie Buck, 87

  epilepsy, 83

  “Eugenical Sterilization in the United States,” (1922), 83

  ERO superintendent, 80–82, 87, 89

  on immigration of Italians and Jews, 82, 88

  masters and doctorate degrees, 82

  sterilization advocated by, 87, 88

  support for Nazi cause, 88, 89

  Laura Spelman Memorial of the Rockefeller Foundation, 8, 44–45, 118, 201

  “Let’s Explore Your Mind” (Wiggam), 153

  Lewin, Kurt, 169

  Lincoln, Abraham, 48

  Lindsley, Donald B., 165

  Line, William, 170

  Lippmann, Walter, 84–85, 111

  Lipsitt, Lewis, 243–44

  Lipton, Rose C., 274

  Livio, Mario, 75

  Loevinger, Jane, 165, 175

  Longman, Lester, 189–90

  Lowenfeld, Margaret, 241–42

  Luby, Joan, 276–77

  MacArthur Foundation, 268–69, 272

  MacDowell, Carlton, 80

  magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 270, 273, 274

  Marans, Allan, 242

  Maternal Care and Mental Health (Bowlby), 218

  Maxfield, Francis, 20

  McCandless, Boyd R., 52, 206, 215–16

  McCardell, Lee, 213

  McCauley, Syl, 133–34

  McEwen, Bruce, 244, 245, 275

  McNemar, Quinn

  attacks on Iowa station results, 178–82

  bias and errors in Psychological Bulletin paper, 173, 178–82

  Iowa response to Psychological Bulletin paper, 166, 168–69, 170, 179–82

  Iowa station’s credibility damaged by, 186–87

  paper withheld from 1940 Yearbook, 165–66, 168–69, 170, 174–75, 177–81

  statistical analysis, 66, 156–57, 178–79, 182

  Wellman and, 169, 178

  McNutt, Steve, 68

  Meaning of Intelligence, The (Stoddard), 163, 196

  Measurement and Adjustment (Terman), 156

  Measurement of Intelligence, The (Terman), 68

  Meers, Dale, 242

  Mendel, Gregor, 75–76, 80, 86

  Mendelian unit trait inh
eritance, 75–76, 80, 85–86, 90, 116

  mental age, 23, 67

  Mental Development of Adopted Children Whose True Mothers are Feeble-Minded, The (Skodak), 142

  Merriam, John C., 84

  milestones of child development, 56, 59–60, 61, 120, 121

  Minton, Henry L., 44, 71, 90, 184

  Mirsky, Alfred, 86, 243–44, 245, 275

  Mitchell, H. A., 55, 56

  Mongeau, Lillian, 280

  Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 38, 40, 85–86, 116

  “moron,” use with IQ test score, 2, 25, 39–40

  Murphy, Lois Barclay, 191–92

  Murray, Charles, 259

  Murrow, Edward R., 213–14

  Najarian, Pergrouhi, 219

  National Academy of Sciences, 72, 80, 207

  National Education Association (NEA), 146–47, 166, 167

  National Socialists (Nazis), 84, 88, 89, 213–14, 214

  National Society for the Study of Education (NSSE)

  meeting in 1921, 38, 114

  meeting in 1928, 113, 114, 115, 117

  meeting in 1940, 154, 164–65, 168–69, 174–77

  see also individual Yearbooks

  nature-nurture debate

  Baldwin on, 36–37

  Burk’s analysis, 117

  Iowa’s “heresy,” 147–48, 171, 191

  Nature-Nurture Controversy, The (Pastore), 208

  negative eugenics, 75, 76

  see also sterilization

  Nelson, Charles A., 268–69, 272–73, 282


  brain changes related to experience, 226–27

  brain development in foster or institutional care, 266, 270, 272–74

  confirmation of Iowa work, 7, 262–63

  in design of US policy initiatives, 280, 282

  head circumferences in foster or institutional care children, 273

  Hebb’s discoveries about brain development, 226, 242, 259

  infants’ inborn developmental program, 274

  as new interdisciplinary field, 245

  poverty, effect on gray matter volumes, 276

  Romanian children’s brain functions, 266, 273

  serve and return communication, 59, 274

  stress, effect on brain development, 274–76

  on visual stimulation limitation, 58

  New Decalogue of Science, The (Wiggam), 83

  New York Association for Jewish Children, 218

  New York State Custodial Asylum for Un-Teachable Idiots, 24–25, 27

  NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health), 206, 221–22, 228, 241, 246, 247, 261

  nonverbal intelligence tests, 127–28, 237

  Nuremberg Laws, 89

  nursery schools. see preschool

  Ohrdruf (concentration camp), 213

  Organization of Intelligence, The (Hebb), 226

  Origin of Species, On the (Darwin), 73

  orphanages mostly outlawed in United States, 217

  Osborn, Frederick H., 143, 153–54, 155, 165

  Ozawa, Seiji, 252

  Page, Marjorie, 28

  Passing of the Great Race, The (Grant), 83–84

  Pastore, Nicholas, 208

  Paul, Diane, 187

  Pearl, Raymond, 116

  Peck, Gregory, 252

  peer review, 186

  Perry Preschool Program, 277

  Personality and the Behavioral Disorders (Hunt), 223

  Peter, Paul and Mary, 252

  Popenoe, Paul, 89

  positive eugenics, 74–75, 76, 77

  postwar psychological research priorities, 214–15

  Powers, Elmer, 64

  prefrontal cortex, 275


  Barrett and Koch on IQ and nursery school, 117

  children who left University of Iowa preschool, 144

  Davenport preschool study, adoption of children, 130, 138, 139, 178–79

  Davenport preschool study, design, 132–35

  Davenport preschool study, experiences and results, 135–40, 144–45

  Davenport preschool study, McNemar critique of, 178–79

  heredity argument and, 156, 176, 181

  long-term effects, 146, 162

  Murphy on IQ and nursery school, 191–92

  National nursery school program proposed by Stoddard, 185–86, 243

  “Study of Environmental Stimulation, A,” 134

  Wellman on effect on college entrance exams, 146

  Wellman on effect on IQ scores, 8, 41–43, 104, 118, 131–32, 134, 140

  Woolley on IQ and nursery school, 114

  Works Progress Administration and, 185

  Provance, Sally, 274

  “Psychological Approaches to the Biography of Genius” (Terman), 208

  Psychological Corporation, 71

  Punnett, R. C., 85

  Pursuit of Education, The (Stoddard), 260

  Ravens Progressive Matrices, 237

  Raver, Cybele, 275–76

  recessive traits, 75, 85

  reports on Skeels’s statistical contrast cases

  case 15 (statistical contrast group), 127, 236

  case 17 (statistical contrast group), 127–28, 237

  case 19 (statistical contrast group), 129–30, 238, 249

  case 20 (statistical contrast group), 128, 237–38

  statistical contrast group, defined, 126–27

  statistical contrast group, follow-up, 188, 236–38, 247, 248–49

  statistical contrast group, overview, 126–27, 130, 161, 188, 218

  Research in Child Psychology: History and Prospect (Frank), 200

  Reymert, Martin L., 176

  Richmond, Julius, 226

  rocking as self-soothing, 5–6, 235, 252, 267

  Rockwell, John, 175

  Rogers, Sophie, 19


  BEIP (Bucharest Early Intervention Project), 269–72, 274, 281

  brain development in foster or institutional care, 266, 270, 272–74

  child mortality in institutions, 266

  conditions in orphanages, 265–67

  developmental disorders in children, 267–68

  diseases suffered by children, 266, 267

  foster care not established in, 266, 269

  “irrecoverables” (disabled children), 266, 267

  orphans adopted by foreign parents, 267

  plan to increase birth rate, 265, 266

  policies of child institutionalization, 268, 270

  Rome school (New York State Custodial Asylum for Un-Teachable Idiots), 24–25, 27

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 185, 195

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 34

  Ruch, G. M., 39–40, 194

  Ruml, Beardsley, 44–45, 201

  Rusk, Robert, 176–77

  Rutledge, Wiley B., 196

  Schiff, Michel, 257–58, 259–60, 261

  Schlosberg, Harold, 242

  Schmidt, Bernadine, 220

  Scholastic Aptitude Test, 117

  Science of Human Improvement by Better Breeding, The (Davenport), 26

  Seagoe, Mae, 156

  Sears, Robert R.

  American Psychological Association president, 206

  changes at Iowa station under, 202

  at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, 206

  head of Stanford’s psychology department, 206

  as Iowa station director, 198–201, 202–4, 205

  resignation as Iowa station director, 206

  Skeels and, 203–4, 205

  Terman and, 199, 208–9

  Wellman and, 200

  Seashore, Carl E., 35, 36

  selective placement, 93, 180, 270

  Senn, Milton J. E., 43–44, 186, 189, 195

  serve and return communication, 59, 274

  “Sex Differences in the Projective Doll Play of Preschool Children” (Sears), 202

  Sherman, Mandel, 117, 151

  Shonkoff, Jack P., 280

  Shriver, Eunice Kennedy, 242, 252, 253, 255, 2

  Shriver, Sargent, 242, 278

  Simon, Theodore, 38, 68

  Simpson, Benjamin R., 155–56, 159, 165, 183

  Skeels, Harold M.

  adoption effects on Davenport infants, 144

  American Association for Mental Deficiency address, 157–58, 159–61

  arrival at Iowa station, 8

  BD and CD placed at Woodward State Hospital, 63–64, 111

  BD’s and CD’s improvement at Woodward State Hospital seen, 99–100, 104

  concerns about adopted children, 92–93

  on Davenport institutional conditions, 48, 49, 204–5, 281

  Davenport preschool study, design, 132–35

  Davenport preschool study, experiences and results, 135–40, 144–45

  death, 255, 257

  diagnosis of BD and CD, 62

  education, 43, 104

  environment’s effect on intelligence, 6–7, 46, 96–97, 150, 188

  follow-up on Woodward-Glenwood studies, preparation, 228–30

  follow-up visit to BD and family, 231–32

  follow-up visit to CD and family, 230–31

  G. Stanley Hall Award in Developmental Psychology, 251, 260

  Head Start discussed with Shrivers, 242–43, 278

  health difficulties, 247, 253

  higher-than-expected adoptee IQ test results, 95–97, 104

  Iowa adoption process reformed by, 56–57

  Iowa Board of Control and, 26, 54–56, 97, 104, 132, 204–6

  Iowa’s state psychologist, 30, 46, 56, 94, 97

  IQ testing at Iowa’s institutional facilities, 26, 55, 97–98, 99–100

  “Jerry” mentioned in letter, 255, 256–57

  Kennedy Foundation award, 252

  letter about Davenport’s poor management, 204–5

  marriage, 190

  Mirsky and, 243–44

  at NIMH’s Community Research and Services, 206, 221–22, 228

  observation of BD and CD at Woodward State Hospital, 101–3

  popular press coverage, 146–47, 161–62, 165, 249–50

  private life, reticence about, 188–91, 221, 256–57

  resignation as director of psychological services, 205

  response to McNemar paper, 182

  results accepted in 1960s, 240–45, 250, 251, 257–60

  results reported at AAAS meeting, 145–46, 171

  retirement, 241, 247, 257

  retreat from research after Chicago speech, 163, 188, 221, 246, 256–57

  return to Iowa station after war, 203–4

  Sears and, 203–4, 205

  self-doubt and uncertainties, 163, 246

  sexuality, reticence about, 188–91, 256–57

  Simpson attack on, 155–56

  Skeels, “Adult Status of Children with Contrasting Early life Experiences: A Follow Up Study,” (1966), presentation of, 248–249

  Skodak hired by, 26–27, 28, 29, 30–31

  studies of adoptees, 9, 45, 46, 163

  Terman attacks on, 189

  testing before finalizing adoptions, 57, 91–95


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