J D Bernal
Page 83
and China, 386, 399
communism in, 384
economy of, 387, 399
housing in, 385–6
independence of, 404
Kendrew in, 257–8
and nuclear weapons, 268, 423
peace movement in, 387, 399, 424
Sage’s visits to, 260, 262, 384–7, 399, 476
science in, 259, 385, 435
Indian Academy of Science, 384
Indian Association of scientific Workers, 386
Indian Peace Council, 420
Indonesia, 466
Industrial Revolution, 364, 366, 397
in China, 395, 398, 404
in Hungary, 401–2
in India, 387
nationalized, 438
and research, 160, 436–8
Sage on, 68, 75, 322–3, 486
and science, 83, 122, 160, 322–3
in South America, 410
in Third World, 467–8
in USSR, 391
influenza epidemic, 17, 20, 488
Information Research Department (IRD), 333
information services, 291–6
and journals, 292–5
and libraries, 291, 294
Institute of Advanced Study (IAS; Princeton), 278
Institute of Fibre Chemistry (Dahlem, Germany), 80–1, 127–8
Institute of Nuclear Research (Bombay), 384
insulin, 137–40, 156, 170, 345, 350
and cyclol theory, 150–1
International Computers and Tabulators, 279
International Confederation for Disarmament and Peace (ICDP), 428
International Congress of the History of Science and Technology, Second (London; 1931), 95–7, 105–7, 113, 148, 299–300
Russian delegates to, 105–6, 123
International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), 289, 324, 383, 452–3, 457, 462, 465–6
Iran, 321
Ireland, 468, 477, 488
Easter uprising in (1916), 11, 15, 26
history of, 66–7
Home Rule for, 10, 27
and Land Acts, 3
Land Wars in, 2, 21
Sage in, 1–21, 40, 222
and Sage’s radicalism, 66–7
violence in, 10–11, 26–8, 32–4, 38–9
working conditions in, 34–5
Irish Nationalists, 10–11
Irish Republican Army (IRA), 28, 33
Irish Volunteers (Irish Republican Army), 26–7
‘The irrelevance of scientific theory’ (Bernal), 316
Isaacs, Nathan, 59
Isaacs, Susan, 59
Islam, 364
Ismay, General ‘Pug’, 267
isomorphous replacement, 348, 350, 352–3
Israel, 469–70
Italy, 122, 125, 174, 232, 260
and Non-Intervention Pact, 129
and peace movement, 424, 427
Ivuna meteorite, 377
Jack, Homer, 422, 424–5, 428
Jackson, H. Gordon, 274
Jánossy, Lajos, 388–9, 402
Japan, 182, 198, 202, 255–6, 258, 318
Jeffery, Jim, 285–6, 297, 356, 360
Jewish Antifascist Committee, 340
Jews, 340
Joad, Cyril, 205
Joffe, A.F., 106
John Innes Horticultural Institute, 298–9
John XXIII, Pope, 428
Johnson, Lyndon B., 421, 431–2, 468
Joint Technical Warfare Committee (JTWC), 263–4, 268–9, 271–2, 289
Joliot-Curie, Frédéric, 173, 264, 452, 479
death of, 415
in India, 384, 386
and peace movement, 323–4, 328–9, 331–2, 335–6, 341, 412, 416, 429, 433
politics of, 125–6, 268, 289
on Sage, 485
Jones, R.V., 476
Joyce, James, 65
Jubilee, Operation, 213–15
Kapitza, Peter, 84–5, 105, 111, 116, 147, 433
Kapitza Club, 105, 111
Kapp, Helen, 80
Karpinsky, A.P., 110
Kendrew, John, 314, 439, 450, 463
and information services, 292, 294
in North Africa, 222, 224–5, 288
research of, 346, 348–51, 362, 457
on Sage, 351–2, 485
in WWII, 257–8, 260–2
Kennard, Olga, 296, 388, 463, 470, 473
Kennedy, John F., 409–10, 432
and Berlin Wall, 421
and Cuban missile crisis, 426–7, 433–4
and nuclear weapons, 419–20, 425, 428–9
Kenyatta, Jomo, 423
keratin, 87, 89, 95, 142, 148–9, 343, 346–7
Kerridge, John, 378–9
Keynes, John Maynard, 24, 26, 41
Khrushchev, Nikita, 383, 395
and Berlin Wall, 421
and China, 403, 428–30
and Cuban missile crisis, 426–7, 434
denunciation of Stalin by, 364, 373–4, 399–400, 402
and Eisenhower, 419
and JFK, 420
and Mao Zedong, 402, 411, 416
on nuclear war, 433
and nuclear weapons, 392, 418, 425, 428–9
and peace movement, 415, 424–5, 428, 433
and Sage, 390–2, 394, 403–4, 416–17, 429, 461, 469, 489
and U-2 incident, 418
Kim Il Sung, 332
King, Admiral Ernest J. 237
Kingsley, Jose, 30–1
Kirov, Sergey, 117–18
Klampenborg meeting (1938), 298
Klug, Aaron, 352, 359, 362, 378, 441, 450–1, 464, 478 n.
and crystallography, 445
and Hungarian uprising, 400–1
and protein research, 353, 358
on Sage, 355, 364, 452, 485–6
virus research of, 354, 356–8, 360–1, 465
Koestler, Arthur, 485
Korda, Alexander, 227
Korean War, 332, 336–8, 395, 416
Kosygin, Aleksey, 469
Kremer, M., 459, 461
Kunitz, Moses, 345
labour movement, 24, 38, 58–60, 125
Labour Party (UK), 42, 103, 112, 131, 394
Holborn, 59–60
and nuclear weapons, 413–14
pre-WWII, 120, 123
and Sage, 207, 487
science policy of, 437–9
Lane, Allen, 175–6
Lang, Linderström, 435
Langevin, Paul, 125–6
Langmuir, Irving, 39–41, 149–52, 158
Lanham, Arthur, 78–9
Laos, 416–17
lattices, 49–50
in metallic substances, 84–5
reciprocal, 54–5
Laue, Max von, 47–9, 54, 61, 289
Lawrence, Ernest, 163
Laycock, Maj-Gen Sir Robert, 239
League of Nations, 18, 20, 131
Leavis, F.R., 475
Lectures on Quaternions (Hamilton), 36
Lemaître, Abbé, 205
Lenin, V.I., 105, 117, 136, 299, 304, 308
Sage on, 75, 317
Lenin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 299, 301–2, 304–5
Lenton, Stan, 281, 333–4, 355, 358, 439, 444, 454–5, 458, 460
and Picasso mural, 466
Leonardo da Vinci, 74, 154
Lepeshinskaya, Olag, 388
Levine, Sam, 277
Levit, Solomon, 302
Levy, Hyman, 113–14
Lewis, G.N., 39
Lewis, Julian, 272, 484
Liao Cheng-chih, 429–30
Libessart, Paul, 173–4
life, definition of, 342, 374
life, origins of, 343–4, 366–82, 440, 452
and meteorites, 376–8, 381–2
and organic molecules, 371–2, 375, 379, 381
and origin of earth, 372
and polymerization, 368, 371, 381
and proteins, 367–70
, 372–3, 375, 379, 381
replication of, 371
and reproduction, 375, 379, 381
Sage on, 369–70, 373, 380–2, 397
and water, 371–2, 379
light, 47–9, 389
Lindemann, Frederick (Lord Cherwell of Oxford), 186–90, 229, 232, 242, 266, 480
and bombing strategy, 196–7, 200–1, 203–4, 264
and Churchill, 187, 189–90, 200, 202, 218, 477
and Habbakuk, 219
and Sage, 194–5, 198–9
title of, 196, 202
and Tizard, 188, 202, 476–7
Lippincott, Ellis R., 449
‘Liquid crystals and anisotropic melts’ conference (1933), 98
liquid structure, 440–50, 459, 461
and Xuidity, 443
mathematics of, 441, 443–4
models of, 441–4, 447
piles vs. heaps in, 442, 444–6
and symmetry, 441, 445–6
see also water Litvinov, Ivy, 116–17
Litvinov, Maxim, 116–17
Litvinov, Tanya, 117–18
Lloyd, Geoffrey, 131–2
Lloyd George, David, 24, 28
Lockwood, John, 297, 358, 362, 455–6, 462–3
London Blitz, 181–3, 188, 190, 194
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 359–60
Lonsdale, Kathleen Yardley, 51–2, 54, 83–5, 291, 341, 465
Lucretius, 315
Lukács, George, 401–2
Lyell, Charles, 374
Lysenko, Trofim D., 300–1, 303, 305, 364, 387–8, 391
and Sage, 309, 384, 487
Lysenkoism, 304–9, 312–17, 403, 450
McCarthy, Joseph, 328
McCarthyism, 427
MacCurtain, Thomas, 28
MacDonald, Ramsay, 103–5, 112, 119, 124, 185
Mackay, Alan, 155 n., 285, 355, 374, 441, 446, 479
Mackenzie, Dean, 225, 235–6
Maclean, Donald, 112
Macmillan, Harold, 421, 438
MacMillan, Maj-Gen Gordon, 269
McNamara, Robert, 420
Maginot Line, 174
Malaya, 332, 338
Malenkov, Georgy, 390–1
Malleson, Andrew, 155
Malleson, Joan, 155, 461
Malleson, Miles, 155, 461, 464
Malleson, Polly, 461, 464
Mallory, Leigh, 480
Manchuria, 321
Manhattan Project, 163, 257, 268, 318–20
and security, 265–6, 272, 330
Mao Zedong, 329, 340, 392, 394–5, 433, 468–9
and Khrushchev, 402, 411, 416
and Korean War, 332
Martin Bernal on, 404
and Sage, 403
Mark, Hermann, 80–4, 87, 128, 137, 143–4, 215–17, 225
Marrian, Guy, 93–5
Marshall, General George, 212
Marshall Plan, 309, 326
Martin, Kingsley, 24, 126, 133–4, 486–7
Marx, Karl, 26, 77, 107, 375
Marx and Science (Bernal), 317
Marxism, 25, 124, 224, 331, 402
vs. fascism, 105, 163
and genetics, 300–1, 304, 308
and Pasteur, 289–90
and psychology, 103–4
Sage on, 75–6, 206, 317, 488
and science, 77, 162, 193–4, 304–5, 364
and threat of USSR, 270
see also communism
Mason, B.J., 453
Mason, John, 442–4, 455–6
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 278
mathematics, 5, 35–6, 66
of liquid structure, 441, 443–4
Mathematics for the Million (Hogben), 363
Maxwell, Robert, 439
May, Alan Nunn, 112, 272, 407
Mayhew, Christopher, 332–3
Medical Research Council (MRC), 346, 352, 362
medicine, 1–2, 275
research in, 160, 163
in South-East Asia, 256–8
in UK, 287, 292
in USSR, 109, 128
Megaw, Helen, 100, 137, 144, 147, 276–7, 285–6, 447
Melchett, Lord Henry, 196
Mendel, Gregor, 299, 364
metallic substances, 84–5, 129, 140
metals, 91, 283
and liquid structure, 441–2, 446
meteorites, 407
carbonaceous, 378–9
fossils in, 377
and origins of life, 376–8, 381–2
Meyer, Kurt, 81, 87
MI5, 417, 456
Michurin, Ivan, 301, 309
Microcosm (unpublished memoir; Bernal), 65–70, 74, 76, 103
microscopy, 156
electron, 275, 277, 342, 362, 368, 379
Middle East, 321, 468–70
Sage on, 468, 470
Sage’s travels in, 220–5
military, 262, 318, 323, 331, 467
and capitalism, 123, 308–10, 419, 425
and science, 262, 265–6, 308, 311–12, 437, 477–8
see also nuclear weapons; weapons; World War I; World War II
Miller, John Johnston (uncle), 1–2, 62
Miller, Laetitia (Cuddie; aunt), 1, 5–7, 43, 64, 152
Sage’s political disputes with, 27–8, 34, 39
Miller, Mrs. Riggs (aunt), 2
Miller, Persis, 111, 137, 227, 471
Miller, Stanley L., 371–3
Miller, William Young (grandfather), 1
Millikan, Glenn, 101, 105, 109–10
Ministry of Works (UK), 283–4
missiles, inter-continental ballistic (ICBMs), 418, 420
see also Cuban missile crisis
of DNA, 350, 354
of liquid structure, 441–4, 447
of proteins, 348, 351
Modern Quarterly (journal), 327
‘Modest proposal to the peoples of Ireland’ (Swift), 468
‘Molecular architecture of biological systems’ (lecture; Bernal), 155–6, 342
molecular biology, 102, 157, 299, 342–62, 365
at Birkbeck, 275, 282, 285, 296–7, 355, 361
at Cambridge, 362, 451
and organization of science, 450–1
and origins of life, 342–4
and Pauling, 349
Sage on, 155–6, 342, 408, 466, 488
see also proteins Molecular Structures and Dimensions (Kennard), 473
chirality (handedness) of, 289–90
organic, 51, 90, 94–6, 140, 371–2, 375, 379, 381, 465
and origins of life, 371–2, 375, 379, 381
symmetry in, 289–91
three-dimensional structures in, 465
Molotov, Vyacheslav, 270, 333
Mongolia, 392–3
Montagu, Ivor, 40, 103, 115, 166, 461, 471
in China, 393–4
and peace movement, 324, 332–3, 335, 340
as Soviet spy, 184
Montgomery, General Bernard, 213, 220, 244
moon, 451
Moore, Harvey, 329
Mora, Peter, 380
Morrison, Philip, 427
Mott, Neville, 111, 294, 326
Mountbatten, Lord Louis
and Americans, 212–13, 215
as CCO, 208–27
and Churchill, 213–14, 217, 228
and D-Day, 228–30
and Habbakuk, 216, 218–19, 223, 231–2, 234, 236
and Order of Merit, 478 n.
and Quadrant Conference, 232–4
and Sage, 238, 243, 257, 263, 272, 281
on Sage’s role in D-Day, 478, 480–4
in South-East Asia, 234, 255–63, 482
Muggeridge, Malcolm, 109, 127, 136, 183, 333
Muirhead, Hilary, 351
Mulberry harbours, 229, 233, 241, 245, 254, 477, 479, 483
Müller, Alexander, 51–2
Muller, Hermann J. 300–2, 304, 306, 316, 484
Munich Agreement (1938
), 133–4, 167
Mussolini, Benito, 125, 129, 133, 136
myoglobin, 346, 351, 457
Nagasaki, 267, 271
Nagy, Bart, 376–8
Nagy, Imre, 389, 400–1
napalm, 262
National Health Service, 287, 292
National Institute for Medical Research, 94
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 309, 328–9, 421
Nazis, 80, 105, 112, 294, 470
and genetics, 300, 306, 308
Nazi–Soviet Pact (1939), 136, 167, 184
Needham, Dorothy, 90, 148
Needham, Joseph, 106, 148, 162, 172, 289
biological research of, 95, 97
and Chinese science, 363, 394
on crystallography, 146–7
politics of, 90, 104, 107
in pre-WWII period, 120, 122
in WWII, 256–7
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 385, 387, 397, 419, 423–4
Neptune, Operation, 238, 241, 244–5, 247, 258
Nernst, Walter, 186–8
Neruda, Pablo, 388, 408, 423, 432
Netherlands, 139, 175, 177, 196, 255
neural networks, 73
Newton, Isaac, 12, 106, 364
Nicolson, Ben, 154
Niggli, Paul, 84, 86
Nilometer, 224
1917 Club, 56, 106, 112, 114
1940 Council, 283
1984 (Orwell), 474
Nkrumah, Kwame, 404, 406
NKVD, 303, 364
Non-Intervention Pact (1936), 129
Normandy coast, 228–54
medieval sources on, 240–1, 244–5, 247
reconnaissance of, 235, 241–6
Sage’s landing on, 248–54, 482–3
Sage’s study of, 240–1, 245–7
tides on, 244–5
Norrish, R.G.W., 45 n.
North Africa, 220–5, 488
North Korea, 332, 469
Northrop, John H., 102
Norway, 177, 211–13, 260, 424
‘Note on the military significance of power-driven rivers’ (Pyke), 256–7
nuclear testing, 421
ban on, 428–9
resumption of, 422–4
suspension of, 415–16, 418
underground, 429–30
nuclear weapons, 234, 313, 399, 489
as deterrent, 413
Geneva talks on, 422–3
and peace movement, 412–34
proliferation of, 318, 429–30, 469
research on, 267, 326
revised Tizard Report on, 268–9, 271–3, 318, 484
see also atomic bomb
nucleic acids, 141–3, 279, 297–8, 316, 465
and origins of life, 373, 378–9, 381
and protein research, 350, 354, 358
see also DNA; RNA
nucleotides, 279–80, 359, 446
Nuffield Foundation, 275–6, 296–7, 352
Oakeshott, Michael, 114
O’Brien, Connor Cruise, 406
oestrin, 93–4, 111
Official Secrets Act, 135
Ogden, C.K., 40
Ogden-Smith, Bruce, 242–3
Oliphant, Marcus, 111, 147, 268
‘On the analytic theory of point group systems’ (Bernal), 46–7, 52
Oparin, Alexander, 367–8, 370–1, 373, 380, 452