J D Bernal
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South-East Asia
amphibious operations in, 255, 259, 262
British Army in, 260–2
Mountbatten in, 234, 255–63, 482
Sage in, 259–63, 283
US in, 417
WWII in, 234–5, 255–63
see also Vietnam War
South-East Asia Command (SEAC), 255–63
Soviet Academy of Sciences, 303–4, 306, 313, 384, 388, 444, 446, 452
Soviet Communism (Webb), 128
‘Soviet Partisans for Peace’ (conference; London; 1949), 310, 383
Soviet Peace Committee, 423, 427–8
Soviet Union (USSR)
agriculture in, 110, 300, 303, 307, 312, 390–1
architecture in, 383, 388
and Berlin, 325–6, 332, 421
and Castro, 410
and China, 398, 403, 411, 416–17, 426, 428, 469
collectivization in, 111, 300, 313, 391, 486
communism in, 193, 271, 432
Communist Party of, 107–8, 124
criticism of, 310, 422, 485
and Cuban missile crisis, 426–7
genetics in, 299–317, 450
and Habbakuk, 219
and Hungary, 389, 400–2, 414, 471, 486
and intellectual freedom, 107–8
invasion of Czechoslovakia by, 471–2
Jews in, 340
and Nazi–Soviet Pact (1939), 136, 167, 184
and Non-Intervention Pact, 129
and nuclear weapons, 308, 310, 318, 320–1, 329–30, 414, 429
and peace movement, 318–41, 388, 390, 424–5, 433, 487
pre-WWII attitudes towards, 104–6, 113, 124, 127–8
in revised Tizard Report, 267–9, 271–3, 318, 484
Sage on, 77, 136, 167, 184, 206–7, 273, 409, 455–6, 465, 467, 472, 485–8
Sage’s cancelled trip to, 266, 272
Sage’s visits to, 97, 108–11, 115–18, 137, 300, 308, 329, 373–4, 383–4, 387–8, 390–2, 452, 476
science in, 109, 160–3, 194, 288, 298–317, 367, 384, 389–91, 395, 399, 435, 448
Snow on, 475
spies for, 113, 183–4, 273, 338–40, 407, 456
and Third World, 405
and UK, 269–71, 322, 418
and US, 270, 310, 312, 330–1, 413, 418, 420, 469
in WWII, 136, 167, 184, 193, 202, 219, 318
see also Cold War; Khrushchev, Nikita; Stalin, Joseph
space groups, see point groups
space travel, 71–2, 365
Spanish Civil War, 129–30, 133, 136, 139, 168, 209, 327
Speakman, J.B., 86
Spectator (magazine), 106–7, 162
spectrometer, ionization, 80
spectroscopy, 12–13, 138, 168, 377, 449
Spender, Stephen, 399–400
spies, see espionage
Sprague, Eileen, see Bernal, Eileen Sprague
Sprague, Thomas Bond, 42
Sputnik, 418
Stalin, Joseph, 77, 172
and agriculture, 390–1
and Bukharin, 105, 136
and Cold War, 270, 321
death of, 389
and Doctors Plot, 340
face of, 117
first Five Year Plan of, 104, 128
Khrushchev’s denunciation of, 364, 373–4, 399–400, 402
and Korean War, 332
and Lysenkoism, 300, 302, 304, 308
and peace movement, 328, 331
and Rosenbergs, 339
Sage on, 273, 309–10, 313–14, 317, 388, 400, 486–7
and science, 109, 309, 313–14, 317
and Spanish Civil War, 136
in WWII, 193, 202
‘Stalin as a scientist’ (Bernal), 313–14
Stalin Peace Prize, 341, 388, 390, 395, 412, 414, 452
Stanford University, 1, 165
Stanley, Wendell, 141–2
Stavisky affair, 125
Steer-Webster, Major V.C., 229, 237
Steinbeck, Max, 468
Stephen, Adrian, 126
sterols, 92, 94–5, 111, 138–40, 147
stilboestrol, 170
Stilwell, Joseph, 256
Stockholm Peace Appeal, 331, 338, 340–1
Stonyhurst college, 8
Strachey, John, 112, 133, 166, 183, 330
Stradling, Reginald, 135, 168–9, 173, 178, 180, 190, 283
‘The structure of liquids’ (Bakerian lecture; Bernal), 444
‘The structure of solids as a link between physics and chemistry’ (lecture; Bernal), 158
submarines, 197, 199, 202, 215–16, 225, 237, 266
weapons against, 455–6
Sudbury Hardyman prize, 45
Suez Canal, 414
Suffolk, Earl of, 175, 179
Sumner, James B., 82
superconductivity, 84
Supreme Allied Commander (SAC), 229–30, 234, 244
Supreme Allied Commander South-East Asia (SACSEA), 234, 255
see also Mountbatten, Louis
Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF), 259
Svedberg, Theodor, 82, 101
Sweden, 424
Swift, Jonathan, 468
Switzerland, 402
in architecture, 154
and crystallography, 37, 49, 80, 156
and genes, 96
in graphite, 53–4
icosahedral, 357–8, 361–2, 441
and liquid structure, 441, 445–6
in molecules, 289–91
nomenclature of, 85
and origins of life, 368–9
point groups in, 37–8
in proteins, 88–9, 151, 345
in viruses, 357–8
Synge, Ann, 463
Synge, R.L.M., 90
Syria, 467
Szent-Györgyi, Albert, 484
Tansley, Arthur, 293
Taoism, 171–2
tartaric acid, 290
Taylor, A.J.P., 325–6
Taylor, Geoffrey I., 168–9, 257
Tedder, Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur, 264, 477, 480
Teller, Edward, 321, 330
test ban treaty, 417–19, 461
Partial (1963), 429–31
and US, 417–18
see also nuclear testing
textiles, 63, 91, 385
see also Wbres Thales of Miletus, 445
Thapar, General Daya Ram, 386
Theatre Intelligence Section (TIS), 244, 482
Third World, 365–6, 383, 432, 467–9
see also particular countries and regions
Thomson, George, 263, 268
Thomson, Sir J.J., 22, 49, 105, 108, 125
Tibet, 422
Tizard, Henry, 83, 189, 198–9
and bombing strategy, 201, 203–4
and Cherwell, 476–7
and Lindemann, 188, 202, 476–7
and Mountbatten, 209
and Nuffield Foundation, 275–6
and second Tizard Committee, 263–7
in WWII, 220–1
Tizard Committee, 188–9, 267, 484
second, 263–9
Tizard Report, revised, 267–9, 271–3, 318, 484
tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), 141–3, 284, 299, 315, 357, 376, 380
and protein research, 342, 353–4, 356
tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV), 143, 357–8
topology, 154–5
Topolski, Felix, 335, 385
Tots and Quots (club), 104, 108, 172, 175–6, 181–2, 196, 215
Trades Union Congress (TUC), 58–9, 123–4, 207, 327
A Treatment of the Projection of Figures (Poncelet), 29
Trenchard, Hugh, 185, 203
Trotsky, Leon, 471
Truman, Harry S, 267, 318–19, 321, 326, 332, 432
and hydrogen bomb, 329–30
‘Truth and propaganda’ (Polanyi), 128
Tube Alloys Directorate, 268
Tuchman, Barbara, 433
Turkey, 426
turnip yellow mosaic virus (TYMV), 357–8, 361
Twain, Mark, 392
Twamley, Broughton ‘Twam’, 18, 23, 30–1, 43–4
‘The two cultures’ (Snow), 474–5
Tyndall, John, 376
U-2 spy plane, 418
U Thant, 426
U-boats, 197, 199, 202, 215–16, 225, 237
ULTRA list, 480–1
ultracentrifuge, 82, 101, 275, 342
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, scientific and Cultural Organization), 288, 306, 479
‘Unholy alliance’ (Bernal), 77
Unilever Research Laboratories, 448
Union of Democratic Control, 25
unit cells, 37–8, 54–5, 61, 80, 89, 102, 137
United Kingdom (UK)
Army of, 220–1, 260–2
economy of, 103–104, 105, 112, 124, 159, 322–3, 435, 439
and Korean War, 332
London Blitz in, 181–3, 188, 190, 194
and Manhattan Project, 265, 318
medicine in, 287, 292
Ministry of Works in, 283–4
and nuclear weapons, 321–2, 413, 415, 429
peace movement in, 310, 341, 383, 422, 424
in revised Tizard Report, 267–9, 271–3, 318, 484
science in, 435–6
and US, 322, 329–30, 366
and USSR, 269–71, 322, 418
see also Cambridge University; Churchill, Winston; Communist Party of Great Britain; Labour Party; RAF
United Nations Educational and Cultural Conference (1945), 288
United Nations (UN) and Cuban missile crisis, 426
and disarmament, 319–20, 423
and Hungary, 400
and nuclear energy, 268, 318–19
and nuclear weapons, 418, 421, 430
and peace movement, 338
and science, 288, 306, 479
and World Government, 321
United States (US)
anti-communism in, 328, 340, 349, 366, 410, 432, 468
bombing targets in, 269, 271
capitalism of, 326, 366
and China, 321, 413
and espionage, 267, 338–40
and Habbakuk, 219, 236
and Korean War, 332
and nuclear weapons, 321, 323, 413–15, 417–18, 423, 429–30, 433
and peace movement, 325–6, 329, 336–8, 424
and preemptive attack, 420
Sage in, 165–6, 225, 227, 298, 460
Sage on, 207, 311–12, 319, 326, 365–6, 409–10, 431–2, 466–8, 472, 489
science in, 159–60, 163, 288, 300, 308, 435, 451
scientists in, 177, 212, 277, 349
and South America, 409–10
in South-East Asia, 255–6, 258
and UK, 322, 329–30, 366
and USSR, 270, 310, 312, 330–1, 413, 418, 420, 448, 469
and Vietnam, 365, 416, 431–2, 468
and World Government, 321
in WWII, 198, 202, 232
University Grants Committee (UGC), 436
Urey, Harold, 371
US Public Health Service, 358, 360, 362
Vavilov, Nikolai I., 106, 109–10, 299–303, 305–6, 313
Vavilov, Sergei, 304, 308–9, 313, 384
vector analysis, 36, 40, 84
Vegetable Staticks (Hales), 442
Venona decrypts, 184, 339
vernalization, 300
Versailles Peace Treaty (1919), 119
Vian, Rear Admiral Sir Philip, 247
Vietnam, 395, 404, 416–17
Vietnam War, 365, 431–2, 468
at Birkbeck, 142, 276, 357–8, 362
and Buckminster Fuller, 361
Crick’s work on, 357–8, 361
Fan’s work on, 140–3, 145, 284–5, 315
Franklin’s work on, 357–60, 376, 379
helical, 142–3
Klug’s work on, 354, 356–8, 360–1, 465
and liquid structure, 441, 446
and origins of life, 342, 373
plant, 156, 190, 285, 358
polio, 358–61
potato, 142
and protein research, 140–3, 275, 342, 353–4, 356
Sage’s work on, 145–6, 165, 285, 291, 296, 378, 465
spherical, 142–3, 357–8, 361, 441, 465
symmetry in, 357–8
tomato bushy stunt (TBSV), 143, 357–8
turnip yellow mosaic (TYMV), 357–8, 361
see also tobacco mosaic virus
‘Vital blarney’ (review; Pirie), 344, 369–70
vitamins, 90, 386
B12, 345, 463
D (calciferol), 92, 94, 101, 138
von Neumann, John, 278, 330
Waddington, Conrad ‘Hal’, 90, 122, 126, 173, 262, 275, 298, 305–6, 316
Waddleton, Norman, 224
Wakulla Springs conference (Florida; 1963), 378–80
Wall Street crash (1929), 103
Waller, Mary, 27
The War of Steel and Gold (Brailsford), 26
Warner Memorandum, 270–1
Warsaw Pact, 400
Warsaw Peace Conference (1950), 335–8, 340
anomalous (polywater), 446–9, 472–3
and origins of life, 371–2, 379
and proteins, 152, 285
structure of, 98–9, 128–9, 440, 453
thermodynamics of, 285
see also liquid structure
Watkins, Kathleen, 192–3, 214, 283
Watson, James D., 131, 163, 362, 373, 379, 450–1
and DNA, 96, 314, 351, 354, 359
The Double Helix, 314–15
and models, 441
and protein research, 350–1, 354
on Sage, 352, 485
and virus research, 357–8, 361
Watson-Watt, Robert, 188–9
Waugh, Evelyn, 93, 171, 228
waves, 47–8, 229, 234, 237, 239–40, 245
of mass destruction, 331, 338, 489
research on, 175, 193, 258, 266, 312
underwater, 455–6
see also nuclear weapons Weasels (vehicles), 260
Weaver, Warren, 278–9
Webb, Beatrice, 77, 127
Webb, Sidney, 77, 127
Webster, W.L., 109
Weissenberg, Karl, 84, 128
Wells, H.G., 31, 129, 181, 363, 453, 487
Wernher, Harold, 208, 256
West Germany, 394, 417–18, 420–1, 424, 427
W.G. Pye and Company, 61
What is Life? (Schrödinger), 344
Whitehead, Henry, 388
Wilde, Oscar, 35, 57
Wildman-Lushington, Brigadier Godfrey, 216
Wilkins, Maurice, 130–1, 351, 450, 485
William the Conqueror, 241
Wilson, C.T.R., 146
Wilson, Harold, 437–8
Windaus, Adolf, 92, 94, 138
Wingate, Brigadier Orde, 232, 234–5
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 105
Woese, Carl, 381
Wood, Alexander, 47
Wood, P.W., 18, 27, 32
Woodger, Joseph Henry, 97, 147
wool, 88, 95, 343, 349
structure of, 86–7, 148
Woolf, Leonard, 126–7, 129, 153
Woolf, Virginia, 126–7, 129, 153
Woolton, Lord Frederick, 266
Wooster, Nora, 100, 121
Wooster, W.A. (Peter), 78, 90, 100, 111, 121–3, 130–1, 286, 385
Wootton, Barbara, 44
working class, 104, 107, 124
The World, the Flesh & the Devil (Bernal), 69–77, 127, 473
World Assembly for Peace (Helsinki; 1955), 413–14
World Conference against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs (1964), 430
World Congress of Intellectuals for Peace (Wroclaw; 1948), 324–6, 332
World Congress of the Partisans of Peace (Paris; 1949), 328–9, 332
World Congress on Gener
al Disarmament and Peace (Moscow; 1962), 422–7, 456
World Federation of scientific Workers (WFSW), 289, 308, 324, 326, 383–4, 412, 422
World Government, 320–1
World Peace Conference (New York; 1949), 327–8
World Peace Council (WPC), 414–34
and Arab–Israel war, 469
and Berlin Wall, 421
and China, 461
founding of, 336
meetings of, 338, 463
and Sage, 383, 432–3, 452, 459, 465
and USSR, 414, 416, 419, 471, 487
World War I, 51, 167, 199, 238
and Cambridge, 22–3, 25, 31–2
and civil defence research, 123, 132, 159, 190
literature of, 120
vs. nuclear war, 433–4
and Sage, 9, 12, 14–15, 24, 67, 488
and WWII, 119–20, 318
World War II, 165–254
aftermath of, 255–73
aliens in, 177
Battle of Britain in, 179, 181, 188, 190, 194
bombing strategy in, 185–204
CO in, 205–27
end of, 267
and military research, 165–204
and Operation Overlord, 228–54
and peace movement, 318
prelude to, 119–36
Soviet spies during, 183–4
World Without War (Bernal), 434, 474
Wrinch, Dorothy, 126, 147–51, 445
Wu, Mr., 396, 398
X-gerät (radio navigation aid), 191
‘X-ray analysis and organic chemistry’ (lecture; Bernal), 384
X-ray spectrometer, 51–2
X-ray tubes, 276–7, 297, 357, 360
in crystallography, 39–40, 47–8, 51, 90–2
diffraction of, 93, 314–15, 342–4, 348, 350, 352, 354, 359
discovery of, 291
and fibre analysis, 80–1, 83
and genetic mutation, 300
and nucleotides, 279–80
as particles vs. waves, 49–50
and protein research, 275
Sage’s photogoniometer for, 61
Yalta Conference (1945), 270
Yardley, Kathleen (Lonsdale), 51–2, 54, 83–5, 291, 341, 465
Yates, Frank, 190, 192
Yugoslavia, 427, 455
Zavadowsky, B.M., 106
Zeeman, Peter, 397 n.
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie (journal), 86, 89
Zhou Enlai, 392, 394, 403–4
Zhukov, Yuri, 425
zipper hypothesis, 299
Zuckerman, Solly, 92–4, 104, 126, 176, 235, 464, 478 n.
attacks on Sage by, 477–84
and bombing strategy, 190–3, 196–7, 199–203, 264
and Cherwell vs. Tizard, 476–7
in France, 174–5, 264–5
and Gardiner, 115, 470–1
and Labour Party, 437–8
and military research, 134, 169, 180–2, 275
in North Africa, 220–5, 488
and organization of research, 436–7
on Sage, 95, 162, 182, 272
in WWII, 172–3, 209–25, 239, 257, 259, 476
1. Desmond’s father, Samuel Bernal, and mother Elizabeth ‘Bessie’ Bernal (née Miller)