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Etheric Adventures Boxed Set: Books 1-3

Page 7

by S. R. Russell

  Are you talking in my head now? Anne thought at Jinx.

  It appears so, just like you are talking in mine.

  “Get OUT!” Anne exclaimed as she hugged Jinx. “This is so freakin’ cool.” Noticing the puzzled looks on the faces of the others, Anne explained, “Jinx and I can talk to each other telepathically!”

  “TOM?” Bethany Anne looked toward the ceiling.

  “I’m sorry, Bethany Anne, I just don’t have answers to your questions.” Everyone in the room could hear the frustration in TOM’s voice.

  “If Anne will permit a link with me, I can research the issue later.” A different voice came from the speakers.

  “Would that work for you, Anne? Would you mind working with ADAM to find out what happened?” Bethany Anne asked.

  “That was ADAM?” Anne enthused. “And no, I don’t mind working with him. How do I contact him?”

  >> You were given the latest implant while in the Pod-doc. Not only will it translate all known alien languages for you, but I have just set up a dedicated channel between us. <<

  “ADAM just set up a link in my implant so I can talk to him,” Anne told the two women, who had been waiting patiently as they recognized the out-of-focus look in Anne’s eyes.

  “Lucky bitch,” Tabitha grumbled. “You get to talk to ADAM while I have to deal with that reject-of-failed-code Achronyx.”

  “Considering that Achronyx can travel with you when I need to send my Ranger on a mission, be happy,” Bethany Anne chided, then abruptly changed her focus.

  “All right, I have a whole bunch of Empress-type work I need to get back to. Anne, you’ll need to go shopping again. We’ll find some footwear for you. Keep those clothes,” Bethany Anne nodded to what Anne was wearing, “and go buy enough to get you through three or four days at least. That way you will have clothes to wear that fit correctly while you shop for whatever else you need. ADAM will set your tablet up to charge your purchases to my account. You’ll also need to get used to your new body. The best way I’ve found to do that is training. Look up Peter in the Guardians’ facilities, and he’ll arrange an instructor for you. I’ll send the school a note explaining your absence, and have them set up a schedule to get you caught up.” Bethany Anne took a deep breath as she glanced at Anne, then Tabitha. “Have I missed anything?”

  Tabitha and Anne looked at each other, then shrugged and shook their heads. “Can’t think of anything at the moment, Boss Lady,” Tabitha said to Bethany Anne.

  “Good.” Bethany Anne smiled at the others. “Anne if you run into difficulties with anything, ask Tabitha for help. If it’s urgent and she’s not available, use your link with ADAM. He handles most of my administrative tasks anyway, and if he’s not sure of something he’ll ask.” Bethany Anne waved her hands towards her bedroom door and smiled as she told Anne, “Off you go now, I’ll check on you later in the week. I imagine it will be an eventful one.”

  Bethany Anne chuckled to herself as she heard Anne ask, before the door closed behind her, “Isn’t that some oriental curse? Living in interesting times.”

  Chapter Eight

  Tabitha said she was going to All Guns Blazing, leaving Anne and Jinx to head off to the shopping district. Having been shooed out of Bethany Anne’s apartment, still in bare feet, Anne decided the first stop would be for footwear.

  “I’m sorry miss, but you can’t come in here without shoes.” The clerk met Anne two paces inside the door.

  “Fine, bring a chair outside then, and you can run back and forth to find what I need,” Anne told the clerk.

  “That’s not possible,” the clerk replied in a huff.

  “Well, since I don’t have any shoes that fit, you need to figure something out,” Anne exclaimed with exasperation.

  “What, your dog ate all your shoes?” The clerk snarked.

  “I. Said. I. Don’t. Have. Any. Shoes. That. Fit.” Anne bit off each word, becoming angry with the clerk’s attitude towards her and the implied insult that Jinx would be so unruly as to chew up her shoes. “Not … my dog ate all my shoes!”

  The clerk took a step back and started to raise a hand as if to ward off a blow. “I’m sorry, Miss. Please come in and have a seat. Let’s start by getting you a pair of socks.”

  Well, that got her to change her mind quickly, Anne sent through her link to Jinx.

  Jinx looked up at Anne and replied the same way, I imagine your eyes glowing red had something to do with it.


  Jinx flinched and shook herself. Not so loud, that hurt! She couldn’t keep the whine out of her voice.

  Sorry, Anne sent back, my eyes turned red?

  Yes, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were related to Bethany Anne.

  Maybe I am in a way, Anne speculated, we’re both ‘children’ of a Kurtherian Pod-doc.

  I hate to say it, but that sounds creepy, Jinx replied.

  Kinda, but you’re one too. Anne sent, sticking her tongue out at Jinx.

  That is a thought I really could have done without, Jinx told the girl beside her.

  They had been following the clerk toward the back of the store, and she interrupted their mental conversation. “Just have a seat here, and I’ll get your feet measured. Then we’ll see if we can find something you like.”

  Two hours later, wearing a pair of athletic shoes and carrying bags containing five more pairs in different styles, Anne left the store.

  You need more stuff, right? Jinx asked.

  Anne sighed. Yes, I have to buy another wardrobe in my new size.

  Why don’t you ask for one of those floaty cart-things? Jinx asked her.


  >> Yes, Anne, what can I do for you? <<

  Oh, cool, it works! Anne sent happily. She could almost hear the sigh in ADAM’s voice.

  >> Of course it works, now what can I do for you? <<

  Sorry, Anne replied contritely. I went from having no implant to being able to talk to the Empire’s AI sub-vocally, so it’s a big deal to me! What I wanted to ask was, how do I get one of those hover carts?

  >> Use your tablet and just ask Meredith. <<

  I don’t have my tablet. I went from the Pod-doc to Bethany Anne’s to the shopping court for new clothes. I haven’t been home yet.

  >> Ah, female and clothes shopping, now I see the need for the hover cart. Wait one second… There, I have enabled a verbal command channel in your implant. Just say ‘Meredith’ and it will connect you to the station’s EI. <<

  Anne refrained from getting snarky with ADAM over the female-shopping-hover cart comment. After all, she had seen the inside of Bethany Anne’s closet. The shoe selection alone indicated that Bethany Anne believed in retail therapy.

  Thank you, ADAM. “Meredith?” Anne asked quietly.

  “Yes, Anne? ADAM just told me you might be calling, what can I do for you?” Meredith’s voice came in quite clearly through Anne’s new implant.

  “I’m going to need one of your hover carts, cuz I have a bunch of new clothes to buy. And, hey, could you get a message to my dad?” Anne asked with sudden urgency, remembering that her dad had probably not been updated on her condition.

  “A hover cart is on the way, and yes, I can get a message to your father. What would you like me to tell him?”

  “Ask him if he can meet me at the ice cream place in the shopping area.” Anne figured that being cured was a good reason to celebrate.

  “He says he can be there in twenty minutes,” Meredith informed her.

  “Thanks, Meredith, that’s great!”

  Twenty minutes later, Anne and Jinx both stood from where they had been sitting at one of the tables outside the ice cream shop. Anne watched in amusement as her father came to an abrupt halt, his jaw literally dropping when he saw her.

  “Baby girl?” Mason managed to choke out. His eyes roamed up and down his daughter’s body, trying to make sense of what he was seeing.

  Anne took the couple of steps remaining between them and gave
her dad a hug. “Hi, Daddy. I’ve changed a bit.”

  “I’ll say,” her father mumbled as he wrapped Anne in a tight hug. “If it wasn’t for the dog, and she’s changed too, I might not have recognized you.”

  “Let’s grab some ice cream and I’ll tell you what’s happened.” Anne headed into the store, thinking she could really go for a hot fudge banana split right now.

  Anne ended up disappointed. There were no bananas in Yollin space, so she had to settle for a hot fudge sundae instead. She, her dad, and Jinx had all finished their bowls of ice cream by the time Anne got to the end of her story. “And so now I have to shop for new clothes all over again,” she said, bringing her father up to the present.

  Mason scrubbed his eyes, not wanting his tears to show. “So, you actually were sick, not just being difficult,” he muttered. “And you’re cured now?” he asked, looking for reassurance.

  “Yep, I’m all good now,” Anne confirmed. “Apparently the Kurtherian Pod-doc-gizmo tweaked my DNA to make sure I’d never be susceptible to that sort of disease again, which resulted in the changes you see now.” Anne stuck her tongue out teasingly in an attempt to reassure her dad that she was good with what had happened.

  You’re not telling him about the glowing red eyes? Jinx asked her.

  Nope, Anne sent back, between my mom’s issues and the changes he can see, he has enough to deal with. There are some things he just doesn’t need to know.

  Mason had gotten time off from work to visit his just-out-of-the-hospital daughter, and needed to head back to his job. He gave Anne a hug as they agreed to get together another time soon, and with that Anne’s father strode away, whistling a happy tune.

  Tabitha came home to find Anne on the sofa, Jinx curled tightly beside her while tears ran down her face.

  Tabitha rushed over and asked. “What’s wrong?”

  Anne sniffled a little and used the tissue that had been clenched in her hand to blot her eyes. “I went shopping, and when I got back here I realized I wasn’t tired and I didn’t hurt.” A few fresh tears rolled down her cheeks. “Do you know how long it’s been since I haven’t been exhausted or in some sort of pain? I got home and unloaded all my new clothes, and it just hit me all at once. I’d spent several hours walking between stores while shopping, walked home carrying in all my bags, and I didn’t hurt. I wasn’t sore, and I didn’t need to lay down for a nap. It’s just so overwhelming to think that all that crap is behind me now. Sorry, I don’t mean to …”

  “Hush!” Tabitha cut her off as she sat on the opposite side from Jinx and wrapped an arm around Anne’s shoulder. “I didn’t go through what you have recently, but I had my own rough times growing up and I understand what a relief it is to realize you don’t have to fight a particular battle anymore.”

  Anne blotted fresh tears and whispered, “Thanks.” Coughing to clear her throat, she continued, “I imagine it will take a few days to accept my new normal.”

  Tabitha nodded. “Yup, I expect it will, and just when you get used to everything being under control, that bastardo Murphy will stick his nose into your business just to prove he can.”

  “Is that the voice of experience?” Anne asked her roommate.

  “That’s a big 10-4, mi amiga,” Tabitha assured her, then stuck her tongue out at Anne’s incredulous expression.

  “What is this 10-4 and why is it big?” Jinx asked.

  Tabitha made a sound that was suspiciously like a snort and looked at Anne. “You know the answer?”

  “Sure,” Anne replied.

  Tabitha patted her on the knee, then stood and headed for the kitchen. “I’ll leave it to you to explain then.” She heard “Thanks, a lot” quite clearly, but “Citizen’s Band and truck drivers” became more of a murmur as she left the room.

  The next morning Tabitha found Anne and Jinx in the kitchen, already eating breakfast, by the time she got up.

  “This is new,” Tabitha voiced her thoughts.

  Anne kept her head bowed over her plate for a moment, and when she looked up Tabitha could see that her eyes were bright with unshed tears. “I had gotten so used to the pain and fatigue, I didn’t realize just how bad it was until it was gone. Besides, since we came out of the Pod-doc it’s as if both of us are starving. My empty tummy is what really got me up this morning,” Anne confessed.

  Tabitha remained quiet as she poured herself some coffee and dropped a couple frozen pastries in the toaster. Once equipped with caffeine and food, she sat by Anne. “Well, make sure you don’t stuff yourself. Bethany Anne wants me to introduce you to Peter today to get you some physical training.”

  Anne didn’t look happy about the prospect, but nodded. “She said that would be the fastest way to get comfortable with the changes,” she agreed, waving a hand down the front of her body.

  “Well, she would know if anyone would. The word is, she spent more time in the Pod-doc than you did, but came out with similar physical changes. I’ve seen before and after pictures, and except for her face, you wouldn’t think it’s the same person,” Tabitha confided.

  Once the three had finished their breakfast, Tabitha led Anne and Jinx to the Guardians’ training room.

  Chapter Nine

  Tabitha looked around the busy room while Anne and Jinx stopped just inside the door. “Peter!” Tabitha called, seeing the person she was looking for.

  Peter Silvers, Wechselbalg and leader of Bethany Anne’s Guardians, easily heard his name over the noise of all the people training. He looked toward the door and saw Tabitha waving a hand over her head. “Okay, group, take a break,” he told the Guardians he’d been watching train. He walked toward Tabitha, and his expression became confused as he neared the Ranger and saw a young woman and a German Shepherd just behind her. There were only seven dogs on the Meredith Reynolds, and Peter didn’t know any that were Ashur’s size.

  “Hey,” he asked as he got to Tabitha, “what’s up Ranger Tabitha?”

  “Lucky for you it’s just Tabitha today, no Ranger business,” Tabitha retorted.

  Peter nodded, acknowledging the difference. Even a Wechselbalg of his capabilities would be in serious trouble if Ranger Tabitha and her Tontos were after him. “Okay, then what can I do for you?”

  Tabitha turned so she could see both Peter and Anne, and explained their visit. “Peter, meet Anne and Jinx. Anne, Jinx, meet Guardian Peter. Anne and Jinx just came out of the Pod-doc, and they underwent some unexpected changes. Bethany Anne figured that working out with your group would be the fastest way for Anne to get comfortable with her… modifications.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Peter acknowledged, as he fought to keep his expression neutral. He’d had a chance to look the two over while Tabitha was making introductions, and he’d realized that Anne was going to be absolutely gorgeous. He wasn’t quite sure how the Pod-doc did it, but the females who came out of that device seemed to always be a step, hell, maybe several steps, above normal women. “Jennifer, Joseph,” Peter called into the room.

  Two heads turned to find the source of the summons, and a young woman and a very fit middle-aged man headed towards Peter and the visitors.

  “Anne, Jinx, meet Jennifer. She’s a Were, and she will change and show Jinx effective and proven ways to fight in canine form,” Peter introduced the young woman.

  Jinx stood, her tail whipping back and forth in a small arc. She was almost quivering with excitement. “Really? I get to train too?”

  Peter nodded. “A normal-size German Shepherd is a formidable opponent. With you approaching the size of a shifted Were and having the intellect to understand and learn strategy, there is no reason for you not to train.”

  “Anne.” Peter turned back to the young woman as Jinx and Jennifer headed off to an unused corner of the room. “This is Joseph. He’s one of the Guardian Marines, and he’ll be able to evaluate you and get you started on a training program.”

  Anne looked down at her feet, “Okay,” she whispered. “I’ve been very sick for
the last while, and I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  Peter broke into a big grin, putting a hand on Joseph’s shoulder. “And that’s why you have Joseph. Before he was recruited by the Etheric Empire, Joseph was a Drill Sergeant in the Army. It was his job to help shape people who had never done stuff like this before into soldiers. You’re in good hands.”

  Peter listened in as he left the two to work things out between themselves.

  Joseph: “You’ve never done any physical training before?”

  Anne: “No, sir.”

  Joseph: “And that is your first lesson. I work for a living. You can call me Joseph or Sergeant, but don’t call me sir. When you say sir, I’ll be looking around for the brass. Understood?”

  Anne: “Yes,”

  Peter couldn’t help smiling to himself as he walked out of range.

  Joseph was quite pleased after an hour’s evaluation of Anne. While she seemed to need a demonstration and basic instruction for the exercises he asked her to do, once she got the form correct she was able to meet and exceed the number of reps required of new soldiers.

  With the fitness evaluation done, Joseph started Anne on basic self-defense, and that was where he ran into trouble. Anne easily learned the basic dodges and blocks he showed her, but she would not attack or counterattack with any force whatsoever. When he had dealt with young men, they were normally eager to try to land one on their drill sergeant. Taunting her to quit hitting like a girl didn’t have the desired effect either. In fact, it seemed to make Anne even more timid.

  Peter had been monitoring the situation with Anne and Joseph for the last few minutes, and he walked over to the two. “Take five, Joseph. Let me have a chat with Anne here.”

  Joseph nodded his thanks and backed off a few feet from Anne and Peter.

  “I don’t want to hurt people,” Anne confessed, looking down at her feet as she shifted her weight back and forth.


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