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Devil's Conflict

Page 12

by Percival Constantine

  “I’m very disappointed, Luther. I truly expected more from you. Now, I just need you to tell me where Dakota and the child are. I swear to you, no harm will come to her. Thanatos just wants the child, and I’ve no need to hurt your friend.”

  This was it. The one chance I had to get Asmodeus off my back. At least temporarily until I could get back to Tessa and Morrison and we could figure out a way to protect Dakota and the kid. But to pull this off, I was going to have to give the performance of a lifetime.

  “Here’s my counter,” I said and then I reached into my jeans’ pocket and pulled something out. I held it up for Asmodeus to see and his eyes widened in surprise. He started to back away from me.

  “Where did you get that?” he asked.

  As much as it pained me to do so, I got to my feet and held the Abraxas Stone in my outstretched hand. It hummed red with power and hellfire started to crackle around my body.

  “I learned a few things from Lilith,” I said. “She told me the story of Abraxas. About how he almost succeeded in overthrowing the Infernal Court. And how he’d managed to produce a son. The only other being in creation who could use the stone that almost gave him control of Hell.”

  Asmodeus stepped back from me and I moved forward. “It’s not possible…” he said.

  “Why do you think the Court gave me your realm?” I asked. “Why do you think Lilith was allowed to stay out of prison? It’s all because of this little rock right here. Even Lucifer’s scared of this thing. If even the Morningstar pisses himself over what this thing could do, I’m curious to see what it would do to a former Hell Lord. Care to test it?”

  The hellfire grew around my body, moving into a full-on inferno. I could see the fear in Asmodeus’ eyes. I’d never seen him as scared of anything as he was of the Abraxas Stone.

  “This isn’t over!” he shouted as his eyes flashed with power. His wings emerged from his back and wrapped around him. Almost in the blink of an eye, he was gone. I turned my attention to Iblis, who just muttered an expletive and then used his own wings to make an exit for himself.

  That left me alone in Lust. The hellfire fizzled out and I collapsed on the ground, the Abraxas Stone falling to the ground behind me. I picked it up and examined the stone. You managed to pull it off, you magnificent bastard.

  Next thing I did was take out my phone and make a call. As soon as I heard Tessa’s voice on the other end, she launched into a series of questions about what happened after I left the Sanctum.

  “I’ll tell you everything later. Right now, I need you both to get ready. We’ve got to get gone.”


  Asmodeus sat perched on the John Hancock Tower, looking out over the city of Chicago. He sat between the two large spires, crouched, his leathery wings wrapped around him. Things hadn’t quite gone as he’d planned. He needed to find the child and deliver it to Thanatos before anyone else could get to it. There were no other options for his own survival.

  Except it wouldn’t be as easy as he’d originally hoped. Now, not only had Luther’s power grown, not only had he taken control of Asmodeus’ realm, but he’d also discovered the secret Asmodeus hoped would remain buried—his birthright.


  The former Hell Lord’s eyes burned with yellow fire as he heard his name called by his underling. Asmodeus rose to a standing position and turned to see Iblis sharing his rooftop, his wings retracting into his back.

  “We have to talk,” he said. “About Thanatos. About Purgatory.”

  “You yourself sided with Cross to dispatch Kimaris, don’t criticize me over unorthodox alliances,” said Asmodeus.

  “But Thanatos—”

  “He only wants one thing, to maintain the balance,” said Asmodeus. “You’ve followed me this long, you should trust me now.”

  Iblis hesitated for a moment, but then nodded. “You’re right. So what do we—ugh!”

  Asmodeus generated a whip of hellfire and snapped it forward. The lash had wrapped around Iblis’ neck, cutting him off in mid-sentence. Asmodeus pulled on the whip, wrapping it around his hand and bringing Iblis closer to him. The demon struggled, but to no avail. Once within reach, Asmodeus wrapped his fingers around Iblis’ neck and raised him off the roof. His wings flapped, carrying the two of them high into the night sky.

  “Tell me, Iblis. Do I look like an idiot to you?”

  “Wh-what? No!”

  “Then why would you treat me like one? Why didn’t you tell Luther had the Abraxas Stone!”

  “I-I didn’t know, I swear in the name of the Morningstar, I had no idea!”

  “Lies!” Asmodeus’ features twisted, becoming malformed as his demonic visage started to show through the human form he’d assumed. His tongue slimmed and forked, his teeth sharpened, and his eyes burned yellow while horns began to emerge from his head.

  “Asmodeus, please! Listen to me!”

  “I should tear your wings off and offer you to Thanatos!”

  Iblis screamed his innocence. “I had no idea! No one knows what happened when Cross and Lilith met with Lucifer! The events leading to his ascension, they’ve been kept quiet!”

  Asmodeus grunted. He threw Iblis back to the rooftop and hovered after him. Asmodeus touched down, his features becoming human again, just as Iblis crashed into the surface.

  “I should have realized it myself,” said Asmodeus. “Lilith knew about Abraxas. She knew all about the power he’d hidden on Earth. After that, it was just a matter of discovering who his heir was. Someone she could manipulate and twist to her way of thinking.”

  Iblis groaned as he slowly stood once again. He brushed himself off and straightened his hair and tie. “What happens now?”

  “The Abraxas Stone is too dangerous to go up against alone,” said Asmodeus. “But Luther is both a threat to be eliminated and the only person who can lead me to what I want.”

  “You can’t confront him directly, Asmodeus,” said Iblis. “The Abraxas Stone was powerful enough to nearly topple the entire Court. Anyone who tries to stand up to that kind of magic alone must have a death wish.”

  Asmodeus paused when he heard Iblis say those final two words. A smile slowly began spreading across his face. “You know something, Iblis, you’re absolutely right. So we need to find someone powerful enough to stand up to Luther who not only doesn’t fear death, but in fact welcomes it.”

  Iblis’ eyes widened as he came to the same realization as his master. “You can’t mean…”

  “Of course I do. Who better than the Marked One to take on Luther Cross?” asked Asmodeus. “He’s got the power to resist the stone and the one thing he desires more than anything else is death.”

  Iblis seemed unconvinced. He folded his arms across his chest. “What makes you think Cain will agree to help?”

  “When we went into Purgatory, we needed him to act as our guide. He agreed to and in exchange, Luther promised to find a way to kill him,” said Asmodeus. “The curse on Cain and his bloodline can’t be broken, certainly not by some half-breed.”

  “So Cross betrayed him,” said Iblis and he began to smile as well. “That could prove convincing.”

  “Precisely. It’s a simple matter to locate Cain and offer him the chance to kill Luther,” said Asmodeus. “I have a feeling he’ll be very pleased with the offer.”

  “Can you find him?” asked Iblis.

  “‘And now cursed art though from the ground, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand. When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a wanderer shalt thou be in the Earth,’” said Asmodeus.

  “The curse,” said Iblis.

  “It’s how we’ve always been able to find him,” said Asmodeus. “Wherever Cain settles, nothing else can grow. So yes, I know exactly where I can find him. It’s just a matter of a simple spell to locate the precise point.”

  “I have another suggestion,” said Iblis.

  Asmodeus sl
id his hands into his pockets and looked at his underling. “I’m listening.”

  “As long as Cross rules over a domain of Hell, he maintains the backing of the Infernal Court,” said Iblis. “Any move you make against him will be seen as a move against the Court as a whole. And if they learn about Thanatos—”

  “No, they won’t be pleased,” Asmodeus agreed.

  “The only other time in history the Court turned on one of their own was Abraxas. If the Court sees Cross is more trouble than he’s worth, they’ll give him the same treatment they gave his father.”

  Asmodeus smiled and rubbed his chin. “Ah yes, that’s very interesting. And how will you prove that?”

  “Things are already volatile in the realm, Lilith can barely keep things together,” said Iblis. “It won’t take much. Just the right match to light that powder keg.”

  “Then I suggest you start reaching out to your fellow demons,” said Asmodeus as his wings started to lift him in the air. “As for me, I have a cursed murderer to find.”


  The spell worked just as Asmodeus knew it would, leading him far from Chicago—and America as a whole—and into the southernmost continent. His wings allowed him to traverse great distances in the blink of an eye, and when he arrived, he allowed his target some space.

  Cain walked across the frozen, Antarctic tundra and approached the water’s edge. He was still dressed in the same clothes he wore when he’d accompanied Asmodeus and the others into Purgatory. But now, he stripped down to nothing, the cold having no effect on him.

  On the upper portion of the man’s left arm, Asmodeus saw the symbols burned into flesh. It was the Hebrew word for fugitive. The Mark of Cain that was set upon him after he introduced murder into the world.

  Asmodeus continued to watch as the naked Cain gripped a blade between his teeth and dove into the frigid waters. He folded his arms and waited calmly, just watching. The minutes ticked by, without Cain having the need to come up for water a single time. After about fifteen minutes had passed, something was thrown from the water and landed on the ice. It was a large seal.

  Then, two hands emerged from the water and gripped the edge. Cain pulled himself from the sea and onto the ice. He took the blade from his teeth and shook the water from his long hair and beard, then started to cut into the animal’s flesh.

  Without even looking up from his work, he said, “Are you gonna watch me all night or are you gonna tell me why you’re here?”

  Asmodeus allowed himself a small grin and then flew over to Cain’s position. He landed on the ice behind the murderer and his wings changed to light, retreating into his back. “I’m impressed you knew it was me.”

  “Of course I did,” said Cain. “No one else out here but me. Think I couldn’t tell when a demon lord is nearby?”

  “I suppose I should have expected as much.”

  “So what do you want? Here to get revenge for leavin’ you behind?” asked Cain.

  “I do owe you for that, but what use would it be? There’s no one you care for and you don’t fear death—you wish for it,” said Asmodeus. “Instead, I have something more important I want to discuss with you.”

  “And that is?”

  “How you got out here.”

  Cain paused for a moment then continued his carving, removing the organs from the seal. “Well, turns out your boy Cross told me a tall tale. Promised me him and his angel buddy could remove the Mark, let me finally rest.” He stopped carving for a moment to point to the mark on his arm. “You can see how well he lived up to that promise.”

  “How did you react when you found out?”

  Cain scoffed. “How the fuck you think I reacted? Tried to kill the lyin’ sonnuva bitch. His guardian angel intervened, zapped me down here.”

  “That was months ago. Why are you still here?” asked Asmodeus.

  Cain finished his work on the seal and stood, going back to the edge of the ice. He scooped water out and ran it over his hands and arms, washing the seal’s blood from his body. “Like I said, he’s got a guardian angel. If I go after Cross while Raziel’s on perched on his shoulder, I’ll just end up getting sent right back here. So thought I’d be patient, wait out a few seasons while trying to come up with a plan.”

  “That’s why I’m here.”

  Once Cain had cleaned himself off, he pulled his clothes back on. First the jeans, then the button-down flannel shirt, his gun belt, and finally the long duster coat. “The hell you on about, demon?”

  “You’re not the only one Cross betrayed,” said Asmodeus, moving closer to Cain. “While I was trapped in Purgatory, he stole my domain right out from under me. Even took Lilith as his consort. And the Infernal Court let him get away with it.”

  “Steals your woman and your house?” Cain scoffed and shook his head. “That’s disrespect, son. Can’t let that shit stand.”

  “Precisely. But Luther has a few…tricks up his sleeve. He’s found an artifact that’s powerful enough to scare Lucifer himself into giving him what he wants. And so long as he’s armed with it, I can’t get close without risking my own life.”

  “You’re saying you wanna risk my life instead. Think that ’cause I want Cross’ balls bronzed and hangin’ over my mantle that I’ll go after him for you,” said Cain. “That about the size of it?”

  “Outside of the Presence, if any being could claim the title of unkillable, it would be you. That’s part of your curse. You can’t be destroyed by any means.”

  “So far as we know,” said Cain.

  “Way I see it, this could end one of two ways. Either you truly are indestructible, in which case you should have no problem separating Luther from his artifact and claiming your revenge. Or Luther has discovered the one thing that’s actually capable of destroying you. And then you get your wish.”

  “There’s a third possibility. Raziel could send me back to Purgatory. Or find somewhere else to drop me.”

  “You’ve escaped that place countless times, what’s one more?” asked Asmodeus. “But you should also know that Raziel is no longer a factor.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s gone. Off-world on some mission for the Host or some such nonsense. I really couldn’t care less. But the point is Luther has no angel in his corner. Purgatory changed him, twisted him into something else. He’s alienated his allies and isolated himself from any possible aid. If ever there was a chance to truly and soundly defeat him, this is that time.”

  “Even if you bumped him off, that’s no guarantee the Court will give you back your seat,” said Cain. “What’s in this for you? Really?”

  “I have my reasons,” said Asmodeus. “The one thing I ask is that before you kill Cross, you allow me the opportunity to speak with him. He has information I need and as soon as I have that information, I’ll leave him to your tender mercies. Even provide you with whatever resources you need to inflict the massive possible torture on his person.”

  “So you’re offering me either a chance for vengeance or a chance for death. No matter which way it goes, I get one of those two options,” said Cain. “I got your word on that?”

  Asmodeus held out his hand. “Provided you have no issues trusting a demon.”

  “Way I see it, I’ve only ever been dicked with by angels and half-breeds. So yeah, you got yourself a deal.” Cain shook Asmodeus’ hand.

  Asmodeus smiled. “Splendid.”

  Just as he was about to pull his hand away, Cain gripped it tighter and pulled Asmodeus in close. Cain held the dagger up so Asmodeus could see the sunlight reflecting off the metal’s edge.

  “But let’s be clear. You try to fuck with me or weasel your way outta this in any fashion, then I’m writin’ your name above Cross’ at the top of my shit list. We on the same page?”

  Asmodeus gave a nod. “I’d say we have an agreement, Cain.”


  The sun was already rising by the time I’d gotten back to Tessa’s place. The door was locked, but not
even my own magic could open it. So instead, I had to resort to conventional methods. I tried the bell a few times and when that didn’t work, I resorted to banging on the front door.

  Finally it opened. Tessa stood on the other end, looking at me with sleepy eyes. With a bit of annoyance thrown in for good measure. “Where the hell have you been?” she asked.

  “I’ve had one hell of a night, and things are probably about to get worse.” I pushed my way past her and into the store. She huffed as I did so, but I ignored it. “Where’s Morrison?”

  “Downstairs, sleeping,” she said. “What happened to you last night?”

  “Put on some coffee, I’ll go wake Chuck. Don’t wanna go through it twice.”

  We both went down into the basement, where Morrison was fast asleep on the couch, a thin blanket draped over his body. I put a hand on his shoulder and gently shook him as Tessa went to the kitchen area to make coffee. After a few shakes, Morrison snorted and his eyelids slowly rose.

  “Luther…?” he asked as he sat up. “Where did you go?”

  “A lot happened last night,” I said as I took off my jacket and sat down in the chair beside the couch. I took out a cigarette and lit it, leaning back in the chair and savoring the taste of the nicotine to help calm my nerves. “I was attacked by demons, Gabriel turned up, oh, and Asmodeus kidnapped Celeste and after being manhandled by her bodyguard, I had to go save her.”

  “Gabriel came to you?” asked Morrison.

  Tessa brought two cups of coffee over and set them down on the table. I took one and sipped it. I didn’t have any time to sleep, so the caffeine boost was going to be necessary. I was already starting to run on fumes. Tessa returned with a mug for herself and sat on the couch beside Morrison.

  “Asmodeus took Celeste prisoner? Why?” asked Tessa.

  “Put her at risk so I’d tell him where Dakota and the kid are,” I said.


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