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Pack Ivory Emerald

Page 3

by Stunich, C. M.

  I knew what he was asking without having to hear him say it.

  I let go of Che’s hair and sat up, my arm brushing against Silas’, making him stir. That was a good sign, right?

  “Sit here,” I told Che Nocturne, scooting into Anubis’ lap so the Violet Shadow male could take up the empty spot on the bed. He glared at me, but he did as he was told. Luckily. I could only take so many challenges to my authority. Me and him, we were going to have to either figure out a balance of power … or else we were going to have to accept being equals. My wolf wasn’t at all interested in such an absurd scenario, so I pushed the thought aside to deal with later.

  As soon as Che was sitting with his back to the headboard, I climbed onto his lap and straddled him on my knees, reaching between us to grab hold of his cock. Our eyes met as I sat back and pushed the head of his dick against the wetness of my opening.

  I could feel a collective intake of breath from the other men as I sat back and slid down the full length of Che’s cock, burying him deep inside of me as I curled my fingers together behind his neck. He was huge—in more ways than one really. I felt stretched between my thighs, filled. Somehow, looking into his face and seeing the wide breadth of his shoulders, the muscles in his arms, the expression on his face, it made the feel-good sensation of having him inside of me even better.

  “You are a serious asshole,” I whispered, putting my mouth close to his ear as his big hands gripped my ass, and my hips began to move. We both needed an orgasm in order to mark him; I’d set the pace for that.

  Anubis sat next to us, but he didn’t move to touch himself. Instead, he just watched. From the corner of my eye, I caught sight of Jax and Tidus doing the same, but I had no idea what Nic and Monty were up to behind me.

  “That’s what you like about me,” Che purred back at me, sliding our cheeks together and then biting my earlobe as soon as he got the chance. Ugh. I was as bad as Faith when it came to Che Nocturne. Total dick, serious alpha asshole, and yet I did like him not in spite of his personality, but because of it. There was something to all that cocky confidence that both pissed off and pleased my wolf.

  My body danced with his as my right hand snuck between us and began to tease my clit. The other men left us alone—maybe so as not to muddle the marking?—but as I closed my eyes, I dreamt of one of them coming up behind me and taking over. Instead, Che somehow seemed to read my mind. As I opened my eyes, I caught him licking his thumb and reaching between us to replace my fingertips.

  The pressure he put on my clitoris made my body clench down around him and he groaned, hips thrusting up off the bed. He was close; I needed to get closer. I leaned in toward him and slanted our lips together, kissing him and letting the hardened pink peaks of my nipples brush against the hard planes of his chest. That just about did it for Che, and he growled, vibrating us both with the sound as he came, burying his shaft deep into me with another thrust of his hips, releasing his seed.

  He continued to kiss me and work my clit as the movements of my own hips slowed, stopped, my back arching as I felt the orgasm take hold right there under his thumb and then explode through the rest of my body like a firework. I could feel the bright flickers of gunpowder in all my limbs, down through my fingers and into my toes.

  Power rippled through the room like an aftershock, whipping the curtains into a frenzy as vines tore from my tattoo and wrapped Che’s wrist, squeezing him as tightly as my pussy had done just moments before. The green tendrils twirled around him and then fell to ash, drifting away in the supernatural breeze and leaving behind the same black-green rose tattoo that the rest of us were now sporting.

  Magic flowed down my skin and into Che’s mark, making him shiver and groan. At the same time, my right leg, the one pressed up against Silas’ side, also felt that shimmer of power. It spread out of me and into the Obsidian Gold Alpha-Son, leaving me feeling lightheaded and dizzy, like he was draining me.

  I jerked away from him and off of a panting, sweating Che.

  When our flesh broke apart, the flow of magic also stopped.

  “Did you feel that?” I whispered, basically sitting in Anubis’ lap again. His erect shaft teased my left hip before I pushed off of him and leaned over to check on Silas. He was still breathing, pulse still normal, heart still beating. For a moment there, I was worried that the effects of that spell were somehow clinging to him, that maybe I was just pouring magic into a void that the witches were stealing from.

  But the Forest Spirit’s mark held strong. I felt the power in Silas’ mark as soon as I picked up his arm. When I put his hand to my cheek to listen, I swear I felt him cup my face before he went slack again.

  “Let’s keep going,” I said, licking my lower lip and glancing over at Nic. While all the men were now marked, I hadn’t slept with Nic since the incident. Since he’d died and been resurrected. Since I almost lost him. So maybe the Forest Spirit had marked him, but I hadn’t. “Nic.”

  The single syllable of his name sat in the air between us, heavy and weighted. He just stared at me, sweat streaking the sides of his face. It wasn’t hard to tell that he was still haunted by the moment; we both were.

  When he didn’t come to me, I went to him. He was sitting near the edge of the mattress looking like he was about to bolt. That was so not like Nic. He loved me; we were meant to be.

  “You’re okay,” I told him, putting my palms on either side of his face. He took me into his arms, wrapping me in his warmth and holding me close. Cuddling Nic, I couldn’t imagine that getting old, not if we lived a hundred and thirty-seven years like Majka. Not if we died tomorrow. “You’re alright, Nic. I’ve got you.”

  “I’m scared, Zara,” he whispered as I nuzzled into his neck. His smell … oh Goddess, his smell. Honeysuckle and pine. Pack. Ebon Red. We’d always have something I’d never have with the other men—a shared childhood, a shared pack, the same smell. Sometimes I wondered if we smelled so similar because we’d spent so many years together, our scents mingling along with our souls. I hadn’t ever really questioned the idea of soul mates because of Nic; I’d always known deep down.

  My feelings for him, though, they didn’t feel unbalanced from the others. No, I wanted each man in my life to have something special, something that set him apart from the rest in my heart. If he didn’t, what would be the point in it all? But no, there was a reason each one of them was here with me, something uniquely his.

  “Fuck me, Nic, it’ll make you feel better,” I said, voice husky as I put my lips to his ear and made him shiver.

  “I’d rather make love to you,” he whispered back. We both tensed slightly. I think we were waiting for someone—like Che—to poke fun at us. But nobody spoke, not this time. I guess they knew better.

  Nic and I put our mouths close, sharing mingled breaths as we looked into one another’s eyes. Two purple-black gazes, two heads of red hair. Our future pups would be cute, wouldn’t they? Future-future-future pups, of course. As much as the natural urge to breed took over me sometimes, I had a brain and I knew how to think past base urges.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to try something more lascivious?” I joked, rubbing my cheek along his again and wishing I could somehow take the awful memory of his death away.

  “Don’t tempt me,” Nic grumbled, and we both paused as a strange, tingling sensation took over my wrist. I guess he felt it, too, because when we looked, tiny vines were mingling between our two marks, clinging together and blooming with a single red and a single black rose. “That’s … fucking weird,” Nic whispered, and considering we were both werewolves embroiled in a vampire/witch war, that was really saying something.

  Energy pulsed through him and into me, equalizing the magic between us.

  “We need to keep going,” I said, noticing how much better I felt all of a sudden. Still dizzy, a little lightheaded, but not like I was about to pass out. As we watched, the roses turned to ash and drifted away, just before I curled my fing
ers into Nic’s red hair and yanked him close to me, kissing him hard and fast, refusing to give him even a second to pull away or retreat.

  He’d died. But he wasn’t dead now, and that was the important part.

  I pulled him down to the bed, his naked body between my thighs. Kissing Nic was as thrilling and exciting now as it’d been the first time, this hint of danger, of forbidden desires burning between us. At first, I could feel the hesitation in him. I didn’t know why it was there, but that was a conversation for later. Right now, I was happy to feel it melt away.

  Nic kissed his way down the side of my throat and found my breasts, swirling the slick tip of his tongue in a circle around one tight bud and then the other. I moaned and arched into him. Even though I’d just gotten off with Che, my body was ready again.

  My fingers dipped between us as Nic savored my breasts, my collarbone, the side of my throat. It was a huge trust thing, to let him put his mouth on my neck. Unlike with Che though, I knew Nic wasn’t interested in dominating me; he was my support always and forever. I slicked my fingers over my own heat, gathering up enough liquid to take Nic’s cock in my hands, working him with a tight, sure grip and getting him to thrust against me.

  Our sounds of mingled pleasure sat heavy in the room, floating on a fog of ecstasy. Most of the other men were touching themselves now. How could they not, with all of this wild, untamed heat in the room?

  “Alpha,” Anubis said, having crawled back over to me. I turned and pushed Nic onto his side in front of me, welcoming Anubis behind. His hand landed on my hip as his erection ground up against my ass. He smoothed his hand down my side, kissing and rubbing against me, making me thrash with the intensity of sensation.

  The Alpha-Son of Pack Crimson Dusk worked himself against me until I spread my legs and welcomed him inside of me from behind, arching my back and pressing my breasts into Nic’s bare chest. His hand was on my hip, too, his fingers accidentally tangling with Anubis’ as the two of them fought to pleasure me.

  Nic growled in frustration, pushing his cock into my hand and then dropping his own fingers to my clit. While Anubis worked himself inside of me with deep, slow strokes, Nic swirled the tender nub in languorous circles that pulled the most embarrassing groans from my throat. Well, they might be embarrassing if I were human. I was wolf though, right?

  I teased Nic’s shaft until his thrusts were violent and wild, and then I encouraged him to spill his seed across my front, burying my face against his neck as Anubis kissed mine. Why hadn’t anyone told me how amazing it was to have more than one lover at a time? Wolves were ridiculously monogamous; I was the anomaly here, possibly the only living person in the pack to know this kind of pleasure.

  My second climax was much slower to show up, my muscles fluttering like butterfly wings, teasing Anubis with frantic little pulses. He murmured something in that strange angelic language under his breath and bit my shoulder hard as he finished, drawn forward by my own body. Kissing his way down my arm, he slid out of me while Nic, already hard again—werewolves have serious skills compared to human men—took his place.

  We rolled again so that Nic was on top of me, his pelvis rubbing my clitoris, his shaft teasing my most intimate parts. We didn’t last long, coming with long, low sounds mixed with the growls and snarls of our wolves.

  This time, as soon as I felt it coming, I reached out and grabbed onto Silas’ leg.

  The poor guy came awake with a start, earth magic bright and sharp in the room with us, smelling of fresh earth and rain and spring shoots. The weird little vines were everywhere, all over my arm and Nic’s and Anubis’.

  “Silas?” I asked as Nic rolled off of me with a groan to lie panting on his back. I crawled up to my other mate and brushed espresso dark hair from his eyes, feeling the magic pour out of me and into him. “Are you okay?”

  “What the fuck happened?” he asked, his nostrils flaring as he took in the smell of sex in the room. It was pungent and sharp, the mark of a successful mating. Since I could see Silas’ body was already in the mood for me, I straddled his lap the same way I’d done Che’s. His tattooed hands seemed to fall automatically to my hips.

  “Some kind of witch/faerie spell,” I told him, so relieved that he was awake that my heart was racing and making me feel dizzy all over again. There was enough magic in the room now that I was actually starting to feel good, energized, like I could take on the world.

  “My father,” he started, eyes darting over to Jax and Tidus, then up to Montgomery who was behind and to the left of me. I wondered if that was bothering Nic and almost smiled. Instead, I cupped Silas’ face and put my forehead to his.

  “We ran; we didn’t have much choice.” Silas exhaled, but I couldn’t tell if it was from frustration or relief. I decided not to mention the casual way Nikolina had mentioned the rusalka girl, the one that Silas’ father had mated, gotten pregnant, and then drowned. The Ebon Red Alpha seemed fairly confident that the ghost would be the one to deal with our traitor.

  “So you guys decided to have an orgy?” he asked, licking his lower lip. His particular scent, tobacco and cloves mixed with the Obsidian Gold smell of cherries and vanillas, was comforting to me. It was as if from the moment of our very first kiss, Silas was meant to be mine.

  “I’d hardly call it an orgy,” Jax snarled, curling up the edge of his lip. “It’s a little … one-on-one.” He lifted his chin in a haughty way, blue eyes flashing with desire as he watched me tease Silas’ shaft with my body, pushing back into it and making Silas moan. “Do you remember what happened in the book when she wanted to breed with her seven mates?”

  I smirked, the corner of my lip curling to one side in a wolfish grin.

  “I remember,” I said, starting to feel as if the book itself was less a story and more like a prophecy or even a guide. I was feeling bold and excited in that moment, my nipples peaked to hard points, my blood running hot with desire. In the book, the alpha female had instructed her males to pleasure her in groups, all of them touching, teasing, fucking her at once. If she was too busy, they pleasured each other. I don’t think Jax was talking about that last part, not yet anyway.

  Werewolves, we were hardwired both physically and mentally, conditioned to have one mate and one mate only. And my boys and I, we were working through that in a surprisingly easy way, but I doubted that after just a few sexual encounters, they were ready to focus on anyone but me.

  My wolf wagged her tail in response at the thought of my men taking care of me in groups. I hadn’t quite realized I’d actually shifted a tail until Silas reached down and curled tattooed fingers around both my tail and his cock, squeezing them together and taking my breath away.

  His gold eyes met mine, our faces just inches apart from one another.

  “Jax sounds a little jealous,” Silas said, giving the mark on his wrist a quick look, tiny vines curling around his fingers. Slowly, he raised his attention back to my face, magic pulsing between us. I could feel the energy evening out, filling that empty void inside of Silas.

  Whatever that spell had been meant to do, we’d beaten it. And yet, I couldn’t help but wonder what Allister’s intention had been. To drain and kill his son? To kidnap him? Or had it simply been a defensive spell, meant to latch onto anyone unlucky enough to stumble onto it?

  Silas stroked my tail and his cock at the same time, drawing a strange sound from my throat and driving more rational thoughts from my brain. Making magic with sex, that’d worked. And now Silas Vetter was awake and hard, and teasing my poor fluffy white tail.

  “Maybe I’m so enticing, he can’t help himself?” I joked, but Silas didn’t seem to think it was funny. No, he just looked at me like it was true. I leaned down and kissed his mouth, so happy to have him back that I didn’t care that I’d sprouted another spontaneous tail … or a pair of ears. I felt Silas’ left hand squeeze one of the furry little triangles, fingers rubbing the tip and making me wiggle on his lap.

“This is torture,” Jax snarled, sliding down the pillows and keeping his fingers locked around the base of his own cock. He teased himself while he watched us. I was pretty sure they were all still watching, but I wasn’t self-conscious and I didn’t care. If I could mate with all of them, then shouldn’t they be allowed to at least watch when I was with another man?

  A wolfish leer spread across my face as I curled my fingers in Silas’ hair and tried to ignore the tattoo on my right wrist, the one made up of waxing, full, and waning moons in an interlocking circle, proof of the contract I’d signed with Whitney. That would have to be tomorrow-Zara’s problem. Tonight, I was busy.

  Sliding my tongue into Silas’ mouth, I felt one of his canines, sharp and wolflike, nick me and draw blood into our mouths. It was just a little, a tease of copper and honeysuckle swirling between our lips, but power rose hot and heavy inside my chest. My heart thumped painfully as my pulse raced, and I reached out to snatch Jax’s arm.

  My fingers made contact with his hot, sweaty flesh, and all of that fresh new earth magic ran through me and into him, making him gasp. Blood was powerful and now Silas and I were sharing it as well as preparing to mate again. It made sense that we’d get another surge, hot and violent inside our bodies.

  Silas rubbed my tail against his cock with tight fingers, working himself and me at the same time. If you’ve never had a tail, it’s hard to describe how good it feels to have it touched, rubbed, caressed, especially when the long length of it is pressed against your lover’s erection.

  I kept my hand on Jax’s arm while Silas teased us both, his kisses turning more frantic, more needy until I forced him back with a palm on the chest. I felt so bold in that moment, bathed in moonlight and sweat, all my men safe and sound around me—all of them marked.

  “Come with me,” I said, scooting off of Silas and getting onto all fours in front of Jax. If Faith ever finds out about this, I thought, wondering if I’d ever have the guts to tell her. Who was I kidding? There were no secrets between girlfriends, right? That, and I was a werewolf; I hadn’t been taught to feel shame about sex. No, I was pretty certain I’d be describing this endeavor in detail in the future …


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