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The Other Brother (The Collision Series)

Page 10

by Kristen Granata


  “I can’t believe Tanner Brooks is your boyfriend,” Mallory said as we got out of my car.

  “He is not.”

  “You’ve spent every single day for the past two weeks together. You make out. He brings you flowers and pays for your meals. That sounds like boyfriend behavior to me.”

  “I don’t even know if I want him to be my boyfriend.” He hasn’t asked me to be his girlfriend. I can’t just assume things. “What if he’s dating other girls?”

  Mallory stopped in the middle of the street and gave me a blank look. “He is not dating other girls, and you know it.”

  I thought I knew, but one never really knows for sure.

  “Just think—all of this is happening because I made you look for a hot guy in the cafeteria that day.”

  “I’ll be sure to send you a fruit basket.”

  “Have you talked to Gabe at all?”

  “We texted a few times, but we haven’t hung out since I gave him the let’s-be-friends speech.”

  “I’m sure he got the hint. I wonder if he knows you’re with Tanner.”

  “We are not exclusive.” I didn’t know what we were doing.

  I followed her up the walkway to the Beta house and smiled. “Mal, your ass looks great in that costume.”

  “Fuck yeah it does!” She flashed me a devilish grin over her shoulder before pushing the door open.

  A blast of music hit us as soon as we walked in. The party was already in full swing, and people were crammed in everywhere. Elaborate decorations filled the house as if the Halloween Spirit store shipped over everything it had in stock. I’d never been to a party like this. The parties where I came from consisted of a handful of friends sitting around a bonfire on a beach, or in someone’s backyard.

  “This is insane,” I shouted into Mallory’s ear as we weaved through the crowd. I noticed a large banner that read, “Happy Birthday, Shelly,” hanging from the wall behind the DJ. “Who’s Shelly?”

  “Merritt’s best friend. The redhead. She acts like this whole party was meant for her.”

  We reached the kitchen, and Mallory wasted no time filling two red cups with beer.

  “Cheers!” She tapped her cup against mine. “Let’s go find your man.”

  I scanned the room as we walked through another door at the back of the kitchen. I noticed Chase immediately, his blond hair sticking out above everyone’s heads. He was dressed as a mobster with the fake gun and cigar to match. My chest tightened. I inhaled and exhaled several times, trying to push it away. Relax. It’s just a costume.

  I wouldn’t have recognized Merritt if Chase hadn’t been standing there too. Her sling was off, and her wild curls were tucked under a short black wig. She wore a stunning silver flapper costume … and a smile. I felt happy that Chase and his family were looking out for her. She’d been through so much tragedy, from what I had heard. Life without my mother was difficult, but I couldn’t imagine life without my dad on top of that. Merritt needed people like the Brooks. It was comforting to know that there were good people like them in this world.

  Then I spotted Tanner. Standing by the pool tables across from the dance floor, he wore a gladiator costume. I knew I was openly gawking at his bare upper body, but I couldn’t find it in me to care. His caramel skin called to me, and I immediately wanted to reach out and touch it. From his blocky broad shoulders to his shredded stomach, with the sought-after V of his lower abdomen, he looked every part the Roman warrior. Moreover, as much as he did not like to admit it, he had the heart of a warrior, as well.

  Mallory leaned closer to me. “Pick up your jaw. You’re drooling.”

  Tanner surveyed my body as Mallory and I approached. He wore a wide grin and his eyes gleamed when they locked on mine. He handed his pool stick to Derek and stalked around the table. He grabbed hold of my face and planted one of his mind-blowing kisses on me. My legs threatened to buckle. Though he hadn’t claimed me as his girlfriend, this was a public declaration I hadn’t expected. I hadn’t expected to like it, either.

  “You look incredibly sexy, Supergirl.”

  “You look sexy yourself.” I ran my hands along his arms and over his chest.

  “Get a room!”

  Tanner glared at Derek over his shoulder. “Or you could just look away, fuckwad.”

  Derek held out Tanner’s pool cue. “Come on. It’s your turn, bro.”

  “Yeah, let’s go. I want to dance,” Mallory said. “You can’t hog her all night. She was mine first.”

  Tanner chuckled. “Go dance. Let me finish this game, and I’ll find you on the dance floor.”

  “Good luck!” I said before Mallory dragged me away from him.

  We squeezed into a small space on the dance floor. It was hot, and we were sweaty messes in no time. I stole a few glances at Tanner every now and again—and each time I did, he was already looking at me.

  “Hello,” Mallory shouted. “Earth to Charlotte!”

  “Sorry, I was thinking.”

  “You’re at a raging house party. You should be drinking. Not thinking!”

  “I’m your designated driver. I had one beer. I’m done.”

  “We’re taking a damn Uber next time!”

  “You say that every time.”

  “Well, next time, I’ll mean it!”

  A warm body pressed against my back. When I turned around, I was unpleasantly surprised to see Shawn grinding against me. I pushed him away, but he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer.

  “Please leave me alone,” I said, pushing him backward again.

  “I just want to dance with you, sexy,” he slurred in my ear.

  I wiped his sweat off my face.

  “She doesn’t want to dance with you,” Mallory shouted.

  “Why don’t you show me what’s underneath that skirt?” He reached for my thigh, but Mallory shoved him hard enough to buy me time to escape.

  We walked on the outskirts of the dance floor, making our way toward the pool tables. Tanner pushed his way through the crowd to get to us. The darkness in his eyes worried me.

  I met Tanner at the edge of the dance floor before he could get any farther. I placed my hands on either side of his face, forcing his eyes off Shawn and onto me. “Look at me. Look at me. Everything is fine. I handled it.”

  “Did he hurt you?”

  “No. Everything is fine. He’ll go bother someone else now.”

  “What did he say to you?”

  “Nothing. He’s drunk and slurring his words.”


  I stretched onto my toes and pressed my mouth against his.

  His entire body melted against mine as his arms wrapped around me. All of his attention was focused on me now. He walked me backwards and pushed me against the nearby wall. I ran my fingers down his back, feeling the tiny droplets of sweat along his spine.

  “Your hands are the only hands I want on me,” I said into his ear. “Nobody else is going to touch me.”

  “Good, because you’re the only one I want to touch.” He kissed my neck, causing me to exhale and grip him tighter.

  A large hand appeared on Tanner’s shoulder. Chase was standing beside him. Well, technically, he was swaying beside him. I looked around for Merritt and spotted her on the dance floor with her friends.

  “Baby brother.” Chase’s eyes were glassy. “Always the ladies man.”

  “Fuck off, dick-hole.” Tanner shook free of his brother’s grip.

  Chase only laughed. His eyes had the same sparkle as Tanner’s when he smiled, though they were a stunning hazel color.

  “Who’s driving your drunk ass home?”

  “I came with Merritt,” he slurred. “The love of my life.”

  Tanner rolled his eyes. “Here we go.”

  “One day, you’ll understand.” Chase’s eyelids closed. “You’re going to fall in love, and you’re going to understand everything.” He reached out and ruffled Tanner’s hair before he stumbled

  I bit my lip in a failed attempt to conceal my laughter.

  Tanner shook his head. “Drunk bastard.”

  “He’s totally in love with Merritt. I think it’s cute.”

  “Where is she, anyway? She needs to make sure he gets home safely.” Tanner glanced around the room, and his smile diminished. “Fuck.”

  I spun around to see Shawn now attempting to dance with Merritt. He gripped her arm, and judging by the look on her face, he was hurting her. Chase was too drunk to notice.

  I held onto Tanner’s arm. “Tanner, you can get her away from Shawn without hurting him.”

  “But I want to hurt him,” he said through gritted teeth.

  “Promise me you won’t hurt him!” I shouted as he barreled through the crowd.

  He looked back at me, and his eyes were already far-away. “I promise I’ll try.”

  I searched for Mallory, but she was already coming for me. She grabbed my elbow with Derek in tow. “You know Tanner’s going to kill him. Come on.”

  We followed Tanner as he pushed through the people on the dance floor, tossing them aside like ragdolls. When he reached Shawn, he gripped two handfuls of Shawn’s shirt in his fists.

  “She doesn’t want to dance, bro,” he shouted over the music as he glared down at Shawn.

  Shawn raised his hands to surrender, and I let out the breath I’d been holding. All Tanner had to do was let him go, and then walk away.

  “It’s okay, Tanner,” Merritt said, trying to calm him down.

  Tanner’s grip on Shawn’s shirt loosened. Then, Shawn leaned in and said something in his ear. In the blink of an eye, Tanner’s huge fist smashed into Shawn’s face. Blood spewed out of his nose and splattered everywhere. Shawn fell to the ground. Everyone circled around them, chanting for a fight. People pushed against me, and Mallory’s hand was slipping out of mine. I squeezed it tighter. There were too many people in here, and we needed to get out.

  I lost sight of Tanner. While I was focused on finding him, someone shoved me from behind. Fights were breaking out around us. Drunken frat boys with beer muscles and a mob mentality. I lurched forward and stumbled into someone else. Before I could apologize, the guy I’d knocked into turned around and blindly swung his fist at me.

  The last thing I heard was Mallory’s scream.


  “Take it easy, baby. Don’t move too fast.” I knelt down next to Charlotte and tried to ease her up.

  “Back the fuck away from her, asshole,” Mallory said, the sound of her voice like nails on a chalkboard.

  “I’m just trying to help her.”

  Charlotte sat up and the ice pack slid off of her face and plopped into her lap.

  “Help her? Look at what you did to her face! That right there is because of you.” Mallory knelt on the floor next to the bed. “Hey, girl. How do you feel?”

  “My head hurts,” Charlotte mumbled.

  I extended my hand to touch her, but Mallory intercepted.

  “I swear to God.” Mallory closed her eyes. “If you don’t back the fuck away from her, I am going to break every finger on that hand of yours. Go. Away.”

  I opened my mouth to fire unkind words back at her, but I thought better of it. I didn’t want to upset Charlotte. She’d already been through enough.

  “How bad is it?” she asked.

  “You’ve got a nice shiner. Doesn’t look like anything’s broken, though.” Mallory handed Charlotte her phone so Charlotte could look into the camera and see for herself.

  A deep purple ring had already begun forming around Charlotte’s right eye. Tears welled behind my lids as I watched her look at her reflection. Someone had punched her in the face and knocked her unconscious. I wasn’t there to stop it. I was supposed to protect her, but I’d let her get hurt.

  “Don’t cry, Char. It’s okay. You’re going to be okay. I know it was scary back there but you’re safe now.” Mallory glared at me.

  It was physically killing me to not comfort her. The fact that I had caused this was not lost on me, but right now, I just wanted to comfort her. I’d never meant for her to get hurt.

  “Mal, can you please give me a minute with Tanner?”

  Fucking finally. I needed to be alone with her. I needed to hold her and tell her how sorry I was. I needed to make sure she was okay.

  Mal’s eyes widened. “Are you—”

  “Please, Mal.” Charlotte held her hand up to stop her. “I’ll meet you in the car.”

  Mallory wavered a moment but then stood and walked away. Derek left with her.

  I sat beside Charlotte on the bed, taking her into my arms. “Are you okay? I am so sorry, my sweet girl. I—”

  “I know you never meant for me to get hurt,” she finished.

  I sat back to look at her. “I am so sorry that this happened.”

  She nodded. “I know you are. You can’t help it. It’s who you are. I should have never expected you to change.”

  Worry spread like wildfire throughout my body. She seemed distant. “Charlotte, I can change. I want to change. Tonight was a mistake.”

  “Tonight wasn’t a mistake, Tanner. Tonight was a choice, and choices have consequences. You made the choice to punch Shawn. That choice caused a ripple effect. Now, I have a black eye and probably a concussion.” She lifted her face to look me in my eyes, and it looked like it pained her to do so. “Anger is a choice … and it’s the wrong one.” Her voice cracked as she said it, hoisting herself out of bed.

  “Please don’t walk away from me, Charlotte. I will try harder next time. I know I can.”

  “I don’t want there to be a next time. I don’t want to be worried about when you’re going to fly off the handle again. I don’t want you to hurt people. I don’t want to get hurt.” She pulled her arm free from my grasp. “Please, Tanner. Don’t make this any harder than it already is.” A tear rolled down her cheek as she turned and left.

  I remained there, cemented to the ground. I had Charlotte’s trust, and I’d fucked it up. In a matter of seconds, it was gone. I’d let myself fall. I took the leap, only to be splattered at the bottom of the cliff.

  Once again, I’d proved that I could be nothing more than a worthless piece of shit.



  “What did your father say about your eye?” Mallory whispered as she tied her apron around her waist.

  “He asked if Tanner hit me.”

  “He might as well have. Fucking psychopath.”

  “Stop. Please. I don’t want to talk about this, or him. I just want to forget this weekend ever happened and move forward.”

  “Has he called?”

  I sighed. “No. He knows how I feel.”

  “How do you feel?”

  Disappointed. Empty. Hurt. “Stupid.”

  “Why do you feel stupid?”

  “I can’t stand the kind of girls who try to change the men they’re with. They try to make them act how they want them to act, but then get mad every time they revert back. I’ve always felt that if you didn’t like something about someone, you shouldn’t be with them. You can’t change people. I was dumb for trying to change Tanner. I was dumb for trusting him. I was dumb for thinking he could be different.”

  Mallory put her hand on my shoulder. “You gave him a chance, and it was going well for a while. You care about him. That’s not dumb.”

  I pulled the brim of my hat lower as the first customer walked through the door. “I just wish it didn’t hurt so badly.”

  “It will get easier in time. I think you’re doing the right thing, getting out now before you’re both too invested in each other.”

  The pain in my chest told me it was too late for that.

  Mallory helped the customer and waited until she was gone before turning back to me. “Did you hear what Shawn said to make Tanner punch him?”

  I shook my head. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know, but I knew she was going to tell me anyway.

�He said if Tanner wasn’t going to fuck Merritt, then he would.” She shivered. “He’s disgusting.”

  I knew any male would’ve wanted to hit a mouthy guy like Shawn. He was disrespectful toward women, to say the least. Even I’d wanted to slap him during our encounters. I didn’t want to admit it, but part of me felt glad that Tanner knocked him out. Could I be overreacting about it? Or was this a sign from the universe telling me we weren’t meant to be? This was the endless mental battle I’d had with myself all weekend.

  “So, what are your plans for first Thanksgiving in New York?”

  The holidays. I hadn’t thought about them. Dad and I had always been surrounded by friends. This year, it would be just the two of us.

  I shrugged. “We haven’t discussed it yet.”

  “You and your dad should come to my house. My mom puts out a huge spread. We’re Italian, so we’ll have more than enough food.”

  “I’d like that. I’ll talk to my dad.”

  “Talk to your dad about what?” Dad stepped out of the kitchen with a fresh batch of seven-layer cookies.

  “I’m inviting you to my house for Thanksgiving,” Mallory said. “It’ll be me, my mom, my grandparents, my aunt and uncle, and their three kids.”

  “Sounds like a full house. Are you sure your mother won’t mind setting two extra plates for us?”

  She blew air out of her mouth and waved her hand. “Please. You guys are like family. She’d love to have you.”

  Dad looked at me for approval. “What do you say, kiddo?”

  “I’m in.”

  He smiled. He looked genuinely excited. Had he been worried about what we would be doing for the upcoming holidays? We barely talked anymore. It felt odd not knowing everything that went through his mind. More guilt piled on top of my heartache.

  When I got home later that evening, I showered and flopped onto my bed with my Kindle. I was in the mood to escape my thoughts and the real world. I hadn’t gotten past the first page when there was a soft knock on my bedroom door.

  “Come in.”

  Dad poked his head through the doorway. “Whatcha doin’ tonight?”

  I lifted my Kindle. “You’re looking at it.”

  “I thought you’d be off with Tanner.”


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