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The Trouble With Witches

Page 26

by Kristen Painter

  Getting into the apartment was a different story.

  He’d arrived just as the sun was setting. He’d taken a few moments to watch the sunset. He probably shouldn’t have, but it wasn’t something he’d seen in a very long while, and he indulged the urge.

  But then he was all business again. Once it was properly dark, he found a secluded part of the stairwell and shifted into raven form, then he flew onto the balcony of the apartment and returned to his human form.

  The sliding door was locked, but the small window that looked into the kitchen wasn’t. That saved him from breaking the glass. After making sure no one was watching, he pushed it up, shifted again, and flew inside.

  Once back to his human self, he glanced around as he walked from the kitchen to the living room. The police had been here. That much was obvious from the disheveled state of things from their search.

  What was left for him to find, he wasn’t sure. But hopefully, the potion would help. He pulled the small vial from the pocket of his jeans, unscrewed the top, and drank it down.

  It tasted of herbs, bitter and sharp and earthy.

  His head went light for a moment, then his chest felt like it was on fire. The sensation passed quickly.

  And all around him, things gave off a soft green glow.

  Manda Greer had indeed lied about her abilities. Magic was evident everywhere.

  He pulled on a pair of latex gloves and started his investigation.

  He found a high concentration of magic in the first bedroom. Had to be Manda’s room. The clothes in the closet weren’t Em’s size or style, and the scent wasn’t hers either. He rummaged through the space, but everything in here had already been touched by the cops. And nothing gave off more than a faint green glow, even though there was a lot of it.

  He wasn’t an expert on spells or witches, but it seemed to him that the magic she’d used had been focused on enhancing herself. The glow lingered on her clothes, the makeup bag on her vanity, her perfume bottles. Maybe she’d used the magic to make herself look younger? More beautiful? Or maybe she’d used magic to make herself more believable to the marks she was trying to scam?

  Both made sense for a con artist. Being more attractive and coming off as genuine could only help her.

  But the discovery wasn’t something that would prove Em’s innocence, so he moved on.

  The hall bath had nothing to offer, so he went to the next door. He put his hand on the knob, then hesitated. This would be Em’s room. Her personal space. No longer, he realized, but it had been.

  He opened the door and went in. The room had been rummaged through, just like the rest of the house, but it was easy to see that it had started out much neater. It was sparse compared to Manda’s room, which had a loud, boisterous feel to it with scarves and jewelry draped on everything.

  Maybe it was because Em had packed up her things and left. But as he looked around, he didn’t think that was why. More likely, it was because Em had wanted to separate herself from her mother.

  He wondered if he should bring any of her things back. She couldn’t have possibly taken it all with her to Shadowvale. But if something turned up missing, the police could get suspicious. Even so, he opened the closet to see if anything she’d left looked important.

  The only thing that caught his eye was the insistent green light coming from the back wall. He pushed the remaining clothes out of the way to reveal an access panel. It probably went to the plumbing on the other side where the bathroom was. The light leaked out from the panel with a brightness that had to mean strong magic.

  He didn’t have time to search for a screwdriver, so he went back to the kitchen and got a butter knife. That popped the panel off just as easily.

  The glow lit up the closet.

  Nothing was immediately visible inside the opening. He reached in, felt around, and found a small fabric-wrapped bundle attached to the wall’s interior above the panel. No wonder the police hadn’t found it. He pulled the bundle out.

  The deep-blue fabric felt like silk through his gloves. It was a little pouch, secured with red cord. He untied the cord and dumped the contents onto the bed.

  A few things fell out. One was a lock of hair, tied with red thread. There was a sprig of something green and woody. And a small polished rock that was sort of a milky pink.

  All of it was glowing like crazy.

  He picked up the hair. Looked like Em’s. He wasn’t sure what the significance was, but Amelia would know. He took out his cell phone and called her.

  She answered immediately. “Have you found something?”

  “I have, but I have no idea what it is. It’s a lock of hair. I found it hidden in a little fabric bag.”

  She inhaled softly. “Tied with red silk thread?”

  “I don’t know if it’s silk, but it’s red thread, all right.”

  “Just a moment.”

  He heard her shift the phone, maybe to her shoulder or just away from her mouth. Either way, he could still hear her.

  “Emeranth, come here.”

  Em’s voice came through a little more muffled, but still understandable. “I’m here. What’s going on? Is that Deacon?”

  “Yes. Do you know if your mother might have a lock of your hair? Is that possible?”

  “Sure, it’s possible. She had one in my baby book. She always made sure that went with us whenever we moved.”

  “Thank you.” Amelia’s voice came in loud and clear again. “Deacon, could that be Emeranth’s hair?”

  “It was my first thought, actually. And it’s the right color.”

  Amelia sighed. “Was there anything else in the pouch?”

  “Yes. A stem of a plant. Looks like pine.”

  “Smell it. Could it be rosemary?”

  He did. “Yep, that’s what it is.”

  “Anything else?”

  “A small polished rock. It’s light pink, kind of milky, but also clear in places. It’s not a solid pink.”

  “Rose quartz.” Amelia let out a frustrated noise. “Manda has cast a glamour. And she’s using Emeranth as her focus.”

  “In nonwitch terms, what does that mean?”

  “Manda used a magic spell to make herself look like Emeranth. That’s why there’s security camera footage of Emeranth going into the bank. It was Manda, glamoured to look like Emeranth.”

  “In Manda’s bedroom, her clothes, her makeup, and her perfume all have a green glow, too.”

  “No doubt all imbued with the same spell. All part of her ruse to look like Emeranth.”

  Deacon’s gut went cold. “She framed her own daughter.”

  “Essentially, yes.”

  He felt sick that he’d ever doubted Em’s innocence. “Will the spell you gave me undo all this?”

  “It should, yes. But then the police will have to be alerted somehow. They’ll have to be prodded to view the evidence again so they can see it’s really Manda in that video and not Em.”

  “Don’t worry about that. I’ll take care of it. Tell Em this is all going to be over very soon.”

  “I will. Get those spell components out of the apartment. Throw them away somewhere else.”

  “At the airport?”

  “That’s fine. Safe travels, Deacon. And thank you.”

  “Happy to help.” He hung up and pulled out the scrap of paper with the spell on it. He read it once silently to be sure he wouldn’t make a mistake, then read it out loud.

  The instant he finished speaking, the edge of the paper ignited. He dropped it just as it went up in a flash of smoke and flame. Nothing remained. Not even a hint of ash.

  And on the bed, the lock of hair had lost its green glow.

  Everything had.

  He gathered up the contents of the pouch, tucked them into his pocket, then went back to Manda’s room to double-check. No green glow anywhere.

  He had one more thing to do before he could go home. One more thing to clear Em’s name. Then she’d be free.

  He too
k his cell phone out, found the number for the Bethany Police Department, and dialed.

  In less than two hours, he was back on a plane and headed to the one place he’d never thought he’d be happy to return to. Shadowvale.

  He stared out the window, but there was nothing to see in the blackness of the night sky. At least in Shadowvale there were stars.

  And Em.

  He smiled. He was going home. To a woman he was crazy about. And to a sister who was no longer cursed to bear the heavy burdens of others.

  Amazing how his life had changed in a matter of days.

  It almost seemed like magic.

  Chapter Thirty-nine

  Em stood frozen as she watched over Gracie’s shoulder.

  Gracie typed away, expertly finding her way into the Bethany Police Department’s case files. She emphatically hit the enter key. “There.”

  “Bring up the footage,” Deacon said.

  She tapped a few more things, and a video screen popped up. The security footage from the bank started to play.

  Em held her breath, waiting for the damning moment.

  And then her mother came into view as she walked into the bank.

  Em exhaled. “You did it. She doesn’t look like me anymore.”

  Deacon shook his head, smiling. “Your aunt’s spell did the trick.”

  Em looked at him. “But you made it possible.”

  Gracie twisted back to see them. “Pretty cool, huh?”

  “Very,” Deacon said. “Here, let me check the warrant.”

  Gracie got up and let him have the seat. She grinned at Em. “I want to hug you.”

  Em opened her arms. “Go for it.”

  With a little squee, Gracie wrapped her arms around Em. “Thank you for writing my name in the book. And thank you for making this hug possible. And thank you for making my brother so happy.”

  Deacon snorted. “Oh boy, here we go. Gracie’s never been so touchy-feely in her life.”

  She gave his shoulder a playful push. “Because I couldn’t be. And now I can. So I’m going to hug people all the time now.” She winked at Em. “And find a man to hold hands with. That’s next.”

  “Slow your roll, G.” He tapped a few more keys. “You can hold hands with me if that’s what you want.”

  Gracie rolled her eyes. “Yeah, no.”

  Em laughed. “Well, you’re welcome. I was happy to do it.”

  Gracie looked like she was about to tear up. “You changed my life, you know. Our lives, really.”

  Deacon leaned back. “You know what else is life-changing? Not having a warrant out for your arrest.” He smiled at Em. “It’s gone. And new charges have been filed against your mother. It’s all over. Nothing more for you to worry about.”

  Em put her hand over her mouth, trying to take it all in. “That’s amazing. Thank you.”

  He got up and faced her. “Thank your aunt. It was her magic.”

  “But you went there. You took the risk.” She wanted to hold on to him and never let him go.

  “And you made Gracie whole. I’d say we’re even.”

  Gracie snorted. “I’d say you still owe her. Fixing my curse was a much bigger deal.”

  Deacon looked at his little sister. “Oh? So how do you propose I repay her?”

  Gracie’s eyes sparkled with the most mischievous gleam. “Proposing is a great idea.”

  A flush of heat washed up through Em’s body with such intensity that there was no way she hadn’t turned bright red. “I…uh…”

  Deacon narrowed his eyes at Gracie. “Tinkerbelle needs to go out.”

  She pursed her lips, still amused. “Sure. Okay. You kids have fun.” She left them alone, but not without one final, knowing glance over her shoulder.

  When she’d shut the door, Deacon took Em into his arms. “It’s not a bad idea.”

  Em just stared at him, unable to make words come out of her mouth.

  He smiled. “Do you think it’s a bad idea?”

  She shook her head.

  “Good.” He kissed her, short and sweet, then went back to holding her against him. “We could have a long engagement. Or a short one. I’m easy.”

  She laughed. “You’re the exact opposite of easy.” He opened his mouth to respond, but she pressed her finger to his lips. “Fortunately for you, I enjoy a challenge.”

  “Is that a yes, then?”

  “No.” She grinned. “You have to actually ask first.”

  He let out a little chuckle. “Okay, got it.”

  “You should probably clear things with my aunt, too.”

  “Good thinking. Maybe Thoreau can be the ring bearer.”

  Em gave him a strained look. “I’d prefer Tinkerbelle.”

  “We can work out the details.” He went quiet for a moment. “I love you, Emeranth Greer.”

  “I love you, too, Deacon Evermore.” She leaned in a little closer. “But you know I can’t leave Shadowvale. And I know you want to. So how do we work that out?”

  He pressed his forehead to hers. “I don’t want to leave anymore. I just want to be with you.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Never more sure about anything in my life.”

  “Good.” She reached up and took his jaw in her hands, then kissed him soundly. “In that case, my answer’s yes.”

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  About the Author

  USA Today Best Selling author Kristen Painter is a little obsessed with cats, books, chocolate, and shoes. It’s a healthy mix. She loves to entertain her readers with interesting twists and unforgettable characters. In addition to Shadowvale, she currently writes the best-selling paranormal romance series, Nocturne Falls, and the cozy mystery spin off series, Jayne Frost. The former college English teacher can often be found all over social media where she loves to interact with readers.

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  Other Books by Kristen Painter


  Shadowvale series:

  The Trouble with Witches

  The Vampire’s Cursed Kiss

  The Forgettable Miss French

  Nocturne Falls series:

  The Vampire’s Mail Order Bride

  The Werewolf Meets His Match

  The Gargoyle Gets His Girl

  The Professor Woos the Witch

  The Witch’s Halloween Hero – short story

  The Werewolf’s Christmas Wish – short story

  The Vampire’s Fake Fiancée

  The Vampire’s Valentine Surprise – short story

  The Shifter Romances the Writer

  The Vampire’s True Love Trials – short story

  The Dragon Finds Forever

  The Vampire’s Accidental Wife

  The Reaper Rescues the Genie

  For more Nocturne Falls:

  Try the Nocturne Falls Universe books.


  New stories, new authors, same Nocturne Falls world!

  Sin City Collectors series:

  Queen of Hearts

  Dead Man’s Hand

  Double or Nothing

  Box set

  Standalone Paranormal Romance:

  Dark Kiss of the Reaper

  Heart of Fire

  Recipe for Magic

  Miss Bramble and the Leviathan


  Jayne Frost series:

  Miss Frost Solves A Cold Case – A Nocturne Falls Mystery

  Miss Frost Ices the Imp – A Nocturne Falls Mystery

  Miss Frost Saves the Sandman – A Nocturne Falls Mystery

  Miss Frost Cracks a Caper – A Nocturne Falls Mystery
  When Birdie Babysat Spider – A Jayne Frost short

  Miss Frost Braves the Blizzard – A Nocturne Falls Mystery

  Miss Frost Chills the Cheater – A Nocturne Falls Mystery

  Happily Everlasting series:

  Witchful Thinking


  The House of Comarré series:

  Forbidden Blood

  Blood Rights

  Flesh and Blood

  Bad Blood

  Out For Blood

  Last Blood

  The Crescent City series:

  House of the Rising Sun

  City of Eternal Night

  Garden of Dreams and Desires

  Nothing is completed without an amazing team.

  Many thanks to:

  Cover design: Design & derivative cover art by Janet Holmes using images under license from

  Interior formatting: Author E.M.S

  Editor: Joyce Lamb

  Copyedits/proofs: Marlene Engel/Lisa Bateman




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