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Maxwell's Fall

Page 8

by Tielle St Clare

  “Very good, honey. Don’t ever hide that beautiful body from me.” It’s mine.

  The final words remained behind his teeth but he heard them in his head. The need to imprint himself on her drove the logic from moments before from his brain.

  As if he’d lost control of his own body, he moved forward, stripping off his jeans and freeing his cock, crawling back onto the bed, matching angle to curve until they fit together. Heat radiated between them, skin on skin, fire breeding fire.

  The tension, the guilt, the panic—it all evaporated as he snuggled close.


  Maxwell’s Fall

  Uncertainty flitted across Mandy’s face. He bent down and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

  Needing to be closer still, wanting to be inside her, he slid his leg over hers, easing his thigh between hers, pressing against her pussy. The wet heat coated his skin and he groaned, his cock twitching against her skin. A low catch in her throat told him she was feeling it as well. They weren’t done with each other yet. The wolf settled, signaling its approval.

  She tipped her head up and kissed him, gentle, tasting. He could live forever on her kisses.

  On thing for sure, they were going to need more condoms.

  He bent down and nuzzled her neck. “Honey, do you have more condoms?” He slid his hand down her stomach, teasing the top of her pussy with his middle finger.

  She squirmed under the caress and the scent of her arousal flooded the room. “I think we’re going to need them.” He managed to keep his voice light, teasing.

  It took a second for her eyes to focus and he could tell she was trying to process his statement.

  “Uh, yes.” She looked at the bedside table to her left. “In the drawer.”

  He brushed a kiss across her mouth and rolled over her, climbing off the mattress.

  Might as well check out her stash now so he’d know how many times he could have her tonight. The wolf gave him almost endless sexual hunger—almost—but he had to make sure he didn’t wear Mandy out.

  He reached for the drawer, hearing Mandy’s gasp as his fingers settled on the knob.

  “No wait—”

  Too late. Max had the drawer opened. An innate wickedness spurred him on, wanting to see what she had hidden inside. Probably a vibrator or two. Men always assumed women were home masturbating when they were alone.

  Max felt his eyes widen as the contents of the drawer entered the light.

  “No, you—”

  Max flashed a silencing glance at Mandy and she groaned, sinking back on the bed, her forearm draped across her eyes.

  Three condom packets lay in the corner. Neatly placed and within easy reach. A pale blue cylindrical vibrator rolled toward the front of the drawer. Max smiled. The sex-toy was just like its owner. Practical, efficient. It was there to do a job and really only had one purpose.

  But it was the third item that caught Max’s attention. A small butt plug.

  “Hmm, Mandy, this is interesting.”

  She groaned. Knowing exactly what caused that comment. Damn it. This was just too mortifying. No one was ever supposed to see that thing. She hadn’t even used it.

  Thought about it. Several times. But never found the courage.


  Tielle St. Clare

  “It’s not mine.” The instinctive protest fell from her lips. He raised his eyebrows, laughter sparkling in his eyes. “I mean, it is,” she clarified. “But I’ve never used it. A friend gave it to me.”

  “A friend?” The question came out of his mouth as a low growl and she almost smiled. He didn’t like that someone else was giving her sex toys?

  “A female friend.” Her cheeks, already warm, seemed on fire now. “We were talking about sex fantasies and…”

  She let her words slip away. There was no need to explain. Really.

  But the dangerous glint in his eyes warned she wasn’t getting away without some sort of explanation.

  She tensed, preparing for a long drawn-out teasing but he once again did the opposite of what she expected. He pulled out the condoms, dropped them on the tabletop and climbed back into bed, taking his place on her right side.

  She blinked and looked up at him, offering a weak smile. He was really going to let it go with that?

  He settled their bodies together, sharing kisses and light caresses—enough to keep her body humming but never quite pushing her to desperate need. She floated along, stroking her hands down his chest, testing the hard muscles with his fingers.

  He propped his head up on his hand so he looked down at her and smiled.

  “Now,” he drawled, his finger stroking a hot path down the center of her chest. “I want to hear about this fantasy that involved a butt plug.”

  Her cheeks instantly heated.

  “It didn’t.”


  Another long stroke. The almost casual caresses clouded her mind.

  “No. It was, you know.” She closed her eyes and hid her face into his shoulder.

  “Two guys.”

  He didn’t answer and she thought for sure he was probably grinning to high heaven. She took a breath and lifted her gaze, finding the courage to actually look at him.

  He wasn’t smiling. His eyes had that strange look again, almost like they were glowing but that was a little too science fiction for her mind to accept so she decided the light had to be hitting him just right.

  “Is that what you want, honey?” He ran his fingers across her jaw. “Two guys fucking you?”

  She shrugged, not sure if she should deny it or admit it. The Jackson she thought she knew would probably look at her like she was insane. The Jackson of tonight might find the idea amusing.

  Either way, she decided for the truth.


  Maxwell’s Fall

  “I think about it but it would never happen.”

  “Why not?” The slow strokes to her skin lulled her into blurting out the honest answer.

  “Can you imagine two guys wanting to fuck me?”

  He moved over her, holding his body above her. The serious glint in his eyes made her cringe. His gaze locked on hers.


  “Yes?” she said, not remembering the question.

  “I can imagine two guys wanting to fuck you. I can’t imagine any man not wanting to have you.”

  If he’d said it with any laughter, or teasing, she might have handled it better. “Oh.”

  That brought a half-smile to his lips. “I can imagine you taking two hard cocks.

  Both of us fucking you, making you scream.” He bit down on her lower lip adding a touch of pain. “But tonight…you’re all mine.”

  He covered her mouth with his own, slipping his tongue between her lips, taking her response. As he pulled back, she chased him, wanting more. Light and lust twinkled in his eyes.

  He reached over and grabbed a condom off the bedside table, leaving her with a kiss as he shifted and slid the shield on.

  Moments before their loving had been hot and desperate, a frantic drive to come.

  This was so different. He rolled over, easing between her legs and guiding his cock into her pussy. A slow push and he sank into her, the gentle penetration almost sweet. Her body eased to take him.

  “You’d look beautiful,” he whispered. “Two hard cocks filling you. Fucking this tight cunt and your ass, until all you could feel was sex.” He leaned down and brushed his lips across her neck, up to her cheek. “You look amazing when you come. Lost in your body. So beautiful.”

  He held himself still, his cock buried deep inside her. His hands skimmed down her sides as he slowly pulled back and returned, sliding into her slow and gentle. He groaned as he entered her again, a little harder. “But, honey, I don’t know if I could handle another guy fucking your sweet cunt, knowing how hot you are. How wet you get.” He continued to fuck her as he spoke, his thrusts getting stronger. He bent down and whispered the words against her neck. “It might be to
o sweet to share.”

  Her back arched, pressing up, rubbing her nipples against his chest. His hands left the delicate caresses and gripped her ass, pulling her up hard, driving his cock deeper into her. The heavy thrust illuminated her clit even as he filled her, doubly caressing her pussy.

  “Mine,” he growled. She looked up at him and gasped. A foreign light poured from his eyes, the red unmistakable. Like an animal’s at night. The thought evaporated as soon as it entered her mind, fading to pure sensation. He continued to whisper, the 55

  Tielle St. Clare

  actual words lost on her but the meaning was clear—he wanted to fuck her, again and again, in every position. His voice felt like a caress, teasing her clit even has his cock slid past it each time he filled her. Delicious light touches that blended with the hard thrusts, the solid penetration inside her.

  Through the fog of sensation, she watched him lick his lips and reacted with pure instinct. She closed her eyes and tipped her head back, offering her throat. The animal growls returned as he bent down scraping his teeth across her skin, almost too painful but somehow just enough. He drove into her again and the combined caresses sparked her climax, sending shivers through her clit and pussy, spreading like fire through her limbs. Her fingers dug into his shoulders and a soundless gasp filled the air.

  He groaned and pushed into her one more time. Tension reverberated through his body as he held himself buried in her cunt.

  Breath filled the room as they both panted, trying to recover.

  He bent forward, dropping his forehead on her shoulder.

  “Honey.” His lips whispered across her skin. “So delicious.” He licked, soothing the teeth marks he’d left. “Need more. More.”

  Stunned and exhausted, her body reacted. She turned her head placed her lips on his. “Yes,” she whispered against his mouth.


  Maxwell’s Fall

  Chapter Six

  “So, how’d last night go?”

  Mandy looked up, not surprised to see Tracy standing beside her. When all this had started, she’d turned to Tracy for guidance. Once Jackson had come up with the idea, and Mandy had talked fast to convince Tracy this was a good idea, she’d been quite supportive. Or as supportive as a cop who couldn’t officially get involved in what really wasn’t supposed to be an investigation could get. Tracy had even helped her plan last night’s meeting.

  Funny, Mandy mused. When she thought of last night, the meeting at the restaurant barely blipped on her radar. Her mind went straight to sex. And Jackson.

  And oh, my.

  The memory washed over her. Her nipples tightened and pushed against her bra.

  Her pussy clenched as if reliving the long hours of having him inside her. Mandy squirmed on the hard, wooden chair, not sure if she was trying to ease the sensation or make it worse. She’d never reacted to a memory before. But it was one heck of a memory. Her body ached. Her thigh muscles were stretched and sore and she’d felt almost raw this morning but oh she wouldn’t have changed a moment of it.

  “It was amazing.” She winced at the dreamy sound of her own voice but couldn’t resist another soft sigh. Despite the minor aches and pains of too much, really good sex, her body hummed today, rejoicing that it had been so well used.

  “And they bought it?”

  The question jolted Mandy out of her thoughts. “Who? Sean and Brian? Sure. No problem.”

  “No, not just you wanting to work for them. They bought the whole act?” A strange tone lurked beneath Tracy’s question.

  “Yes.” Mandy adjusted her purse strap over her shoulder and stood. “I don’t know what you’re getting at.”

  “Well, you said you were introducing Jackson as your fiancé, right?”

  “Yes. I thought it was the best way to get them to trust him. And since neither of you would let me do this on my own…” She let the words trail off, hoping to make Tracy feel at least a little bit guilty that she didn’t think Mandy could do it on her own.

  Tracy ignored her subtle taunt.

  “And they didn’t catch on that you two aren’t really a couple?” Her eyebrows squished together.


  Tielle St. Clare

  Mandy drew back, more than a little offended. She wasn’t the world’s best actress but she’d played Lady Macbeth in her high school production. She could certainly fake a night with her fiancé.

  “Did you think they would?”

  Tracy shrugged. “Kind of. I mean when you see the two of you together it’s kind of obvious.”

  “What’s obvious?”

  “That you aren’t sleeping together. I mean, face it, there is no chemistry between you two.”

  Mandy couldn’t stop the smile that spread her lips. “Oh there was chemistry.” Lots of it. Like a lab explosion.


  “Oh yeah.” She couldn’t keep the memories out of her voice and knew she had to be blushing.

  Tracy’s eyes widened and she leaned closer. The sounds of phones ringing and voices talking could cover a lot of conversations. “So, tell me more. Details, details.”

  Mandy laughed but didn’t back up. “No details.” But she just had to share. She glanced around to see if anyone was near. “Just enough to say it was amazing. He was amazing.”

  Tracy’s eyes got wide. “Really? Wow. I never would have imagined that—you know, just looking at him.” She shrugged. “I mean, he’s gorgeous and all but a little stiff, huh?”

  Parts of him. Mandy suppressed the giggle.

  “There was something different about him last night—” and this morning.

  “Incredible.” It was all she could do not to lick her lips and groan.

  “Based on the twinkle in your eyes, I have to believe you. And you’re sure it was Jackson right? Not some evil twin who took his place?”

  Mandy laughed. “Don’t be silly.” Jackson’s brother lived in Las Vegas. She wasn’t sure he’d ever been to Alaska.

  “I’ll take your word for it.” Tracy straightened and pulled on the bottom of her equipment vest. She slapped her hands across the pockets, making sure everything was in place, finishing with the gun on her hip. “There’s your friend now.” Tracy lifted her chin toward the door behind Mandy. She glanced back and saw Detective Banner heading her way.

  “Not exactly that,” she muttered. The corners of the detective’s mouth were already pinched with irritation. He wasn’t happy to see her.

  “Don’t let him intimidate you.” Tracy’s voice was low and meant for Mandy only.

  She nodded, trying to borrow Tracy’s confidence. She lifted her chin and pushed her shoulders back, smiling at the detective as he walked by.


  Maxwell’s Fall

  “I’m getting coffee,” he said. “I’ll be right back.”


  Tracy watched him go then shook her head. “I’d better get to work. Let’s meet for lunch. I want to hear about last night.”

  “No details,” Mandy insisted.

  “I meant the dinner meeting. Your mind is all about sex isn’t it?”

  Mandy laughed, the tension of facing Detective Banner easing just a bit.

  “Fine. Time?”


  “Scotties?” It was this hole-in-the-wall sub shop in downtown but the food was good and they usually hit the mall afterward. Mandy liked to wander downtown with Tracy in full uniform.

  “I’ll see you there. And yes, I expect details.” She laughed and walked away moments before Detective Banner arrived at Mandy’s other side.

  “Good morning. How’re you?”

  Great. I had the best sex of my life last night.

  She let the words amuse her brain but she didn’t say them aloud. The detective didn’t really care about her life.

  “I’m good. And you?” She blinked her eyelashes innocently knowing that he didn’t enjoy social niceties.

  “I’m fine.”

  The grim se
t of Banner’s lips warned he still didn’t like the situation. He’d wanted, expected the investigation to end with her father’s death. After all, he’d been all but convicted of embezzlement and fraud. But Mandy wasn’t giving up. Her father was not a crook. She was going to find the money or at least find proof her father hadn’t taken it.

  “Come into my office.”

  Mandy nodded and followed the gruff detective into his office. Activity surged around her but she felt strangely comfortable. Until six months ago, she’d never been to the police station. Now she knew how to make coffee in their break room and could greet a half a dozen detectives and officers by name. Most of them were friendly but busy.

  She settled into the chair across from Detective Banner.

  “What can I do for you this morning?”

  She’d met with the detective every week since her father’s death two months ago.

  Mostly she’d asked questions. Now she was starting to demand answers. Or progress.


  “Did anything come of the papers I dropped off last week?” She’d finally gotten around to cleaning out her father’s office and discovered some of her father’s papers.


  Tielle St. Clare

  Despite what she’d told Sean and Brian, she hadn’t found a second set of books for Oyltech but it didn’t hurt for them to be guessing. Wondering. Detective Banner had grudgingly agreed to have a forensic accountant look at the documents she had found.

  They wouldn’t exonerate her father but maybe there would be doubt and that would lead to proof that he was an honest man. He never would have done what they accused him of.

  “Nothing yet.” She opened her mouth to protest but he held up his hand. “They are working on it. We’re not a big enough department to have a full time forensic accountant on staff. He’s working on it. Says there might be something there.”

  She did her best not too look too smug.

  “Good. And I’ll just keep looking from my end.”

  Banner’s eyes squinted down. “How do you plan to do that?”


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