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Maxwell's Fall

Page 19

by Tielle St Clare

  The werewolf opened his mouth and licked her neck, running his tongue from her shoulder up to her cheek. Another rumble vibrated his throat but this sound was familiar, more sexual than dangerous. The creature that was Max repeated the motion and she shivered, the pleasure of the rough tongue completely at odds with the terror running through her body but she couldn’t help it.

  One long-fingered hand reached out, the sharp claws almost delicate, scraping down the front of her shirt, pulling on the buttons and skating across her skin. She blinked and looked up at Gideon. What was she supposed to do? Take off her shirt?


  Maxwell’s Fall

  Flash her breasts at the ravening beast? Except he didn’t seem that ravening right at the moment.

  She raised her eyebrows and Gideon shrugged. The movement caught the werewolf’s attention and he turned his head. He cocked his head and stared for a long moment, as if trying to place Gideon. Mandy opened her mouth ready to tell Max not to hurt him, but another of those low sexual sounds filled the room. He clamped his hand on her ass, holding her in place as he leaned over and sniffed Gideon’s neck. The animal-like motion was followed by a long, slow lick across Gideon’s collarbone.

  Gideon gave a sharp inhale and for a moment Mandy thought it was because of the creature’s tongue. Then he saw Max’s other hand, clawed and gentle, cupped around Gideon’s cock.

  She watched for a moment, her mind trying to process what she was seeing. Max and Gideon? She’d sensed a connection between them but hadn’t expected this. The werewolf turned back to her, pulling her and Gideon close, almost lifting her up to nuzzle between her breasts, the rough hair around his nose scratching her skin, setting her nerves on fire. Despite—or maybe because of—the recent danger, her pussy grew wet, needing. It was insane. She’d been kidnapped, threatened and now a werewolf was making love to her. Arousal should have been impossible but she squirmed, her pussy heating, getting wet. The hard cock pressed against her seemed more sexual than dangerous. His rough wet tongue slid under her shirt, skimming the edge of her bra.

  Her fingers had actually moved to the buttons of her blouse, as if she was planning to undo them, offer herself, when the sound of sirens shattered the atmosphere.

  “The police.”

  Gideon nodded. “They can’t find him like this.”

  “Max?” She grabbed the wolf’s head and tipped it down so she met the bright red eyes. “Max, you need to come back to yourself.”

  “Take a deep breath,” Gideon encouraged, his words directed at Max, not her.

  Deep breathing exercises…with a werewolf?

  “He’s right, Max. Deep breath. Everything is going to be all right. We’re fine.”

  The sirens grew closer. They didn’t have much time.

  “Max?” She said his name, calling to the man inside the beast. “Please, Max, come back.” The wolf tipped his head and stared at her. Unable to think of what else to do, she wrapped her arms around him and squeezed, putting her head to his furry chest. “I love you, Max. Come back.” She didn’t know if the words were true and decided she’d figure that out later. She’d said them and they seemed to speak to the werewolf. He froze and slowly the body beneath hers changed, the cracking of muscles made her stomach roil but she didn’t let go. The skin smoothed out and when she opened her eyes, it was a more normal tan, instead of the steel gray that had covered the werewolf.

  Her head snapped up and she looked into his eyes. They weren’t glowing any longer but they weren’t quite back to normal.


  Tielle St. Clare

  The warehouse door popped open and Mandy gasped. She took a step back, in time to see the claws at the ends of his fingertips disappear, flattening out into normal human nails.

  “What the fuck happened here?”

  Mandy looked up and felt tears prick her eyes. Relief flooded her chest. Detective Banner held his gun down and to his side, close and ready to use. His eyes scanning the room but he didn’t come closer.

  “It’s okay, Detective.”

  He stalked over to where Mandy stood, Max next to her, Gideon moving protectively to Max’s other side.

  “What the hell happened? We get a 9-1-1 call that you’re being held hostage.” He looked around, the bodies of the two thugs unmoving. He glared at Gideon and Max.

  “They’d better not be dead.”

  “They aren’t,” Max said, his voice low and gravelly.

  “I’m assuming you’re Jackson. And where the hell are your clothes?”

  “Uh—” Max looked up, his eyes glazed and not quite focusing.

  “He fights better in the nude,” Gideon offered. “It’s an old martial arts tradition.” A burble of laughter clogged her throat but she managed to contain it. Gideon had said it with such assurance and laughing would give the game away. And if she started to laugh, she might not stop.

  Banner’s lips pinched together and he sighed. “Right. Now why doesn’t someone tell me what happened?”

  * * * * *

  Max sat behind the table sweating in Gideon’s leather coat. Damn, wasn’t Alaska supposed to be cold? The room was tiny but air flowed in from the ceiling.

  Unfortunately, it wasn’t the ambient air temperature that warmed him. It was the fire inside him, the creature. His muscles tugged and pulled like the were was trying to return. Max didn’t remember turning into the creature, barely remembered attacking the two men. His only recollection was the murderous rage flowing through the were.

  Mickelson’s hand on Mandy. Touching her beautiful skin.

  The were had wanted to rip his throat out. Probably would have if Gideon and Mandy hadn’t called him back. Distracted the beast. Baldino—the one who’d shot him—had been little more than an irritation, a mosquito that needed slapping. Fire seared his right arm where the bullet had passed, grazing the surface of his skin. He’d refused medical treatment. Hadn’t wanted to explain why he was healing so fast. The cop, Banner, had tried to insist but Max had held firm.

  Thank God Gideon had been there. He’d kept everything in control, smoothly explaining what had happened. The story about Max stripping so he could fight naked 134

  Maxwell’s Fall

  and unimpeded was barely believed but with Mandy, Gideon and Max all swearing to it, there was no way for the police to dispute it.

  Until they separated them. Despite Gideon’s protests, Banner had insisted on bringing the three of them to police headquarters. Mandy and Gideon had each been taken in separate cars. Max had been able to trace their scents in the building. They were near. He took a deep breath and tried to hold on to his human side. The muscles pulled in his throat, straining as he fought the creature. Clutching the underside of the table, he let his claws return, biting into the metal frame. The pain dragged him back.

  He tapped his foot on the ground released some of the were’s energy before taking a deep breath. The cage to hold his wolf wasn’t going to work. He took a lesson from his brother who controlled his wolf through mental petting. Max closed his eyes and sent comforting thoughts to the animal pacing inside his head. He could do this. All he had to do was stick to his story and hope, pray, that Mandy and Gideon didn’t tell the police about his tendency to turn furry.

  Mickelson and Baldino had been questioned at the scene though they were still basically incoherent. Or at least that’s what the cops thought. Mickelson kept rambling on about a monster attacking him. Baldino had looked like he was going to jump in and agree with his buddy but a quick glare from Max had made the guy reconsider.

  He rolled his shoulder, trying to loosen the muscles grabbing at his neck.

  The were’s energy still surged through his body. He remembered his brother Mikhel telling him about the experience. That afterward, he’d needed his mates to ease the beast. Max didn’t have that option. As much as he wanted it. Mandy was off in another room. The memory of her strength, composure lingered in his head. She’d been so strong, so determined. She
’d make a fine mother to his cubs. The wolf in his head growled its approval.

  And Gideon…he’d make a fine mate as well.

  The edge of Max’s mouth kicked up in a smile. Mik was mated with two lovers.

  Looked like Max was going to follow suit. Because he wasn’t going to let either of them go.

  If Mandy doesn’t freak out that you want to fuck Gideon. Laughter locked in his throat.

  You just turned into a werewolf in front of her. Fucking Gideon will seem like a minor infraction compared to that.

  The door popped open and Banner walked in, the faint scent of Mandy hovering around him. Max’s upper lip pulled up and he fought the urge to growl. The remnant was so weak he was almost positive that Banner hadn’t touched Mandy but the thought of another male near his woman, without him…

  “So, your turn.”

  “Where are Mandy and Gideon?”

  “They’re fine. I’ve got other investigators talking to them.”


  Tielle St. Clare

  Max sat back in his chair, letting his natural arrogance through, trying to look relaxed.

  “I get the big guns huh?”

  Banner bent his head and Max could barely see the reluctant smile that pulled at Banner’s mouth.

  “So, why don’t you tell me what happened tonight?”

  “I got this call…”

  * * * * *

  “How do you think he reacted? He was upset. These assholes were threatening his girlfriend.” Gideon looked up at the detective. He wasn’t going to lie or change his story. At least, not until they got to the end.

  “But he didn’t call the police.”

  “No. I did.”


  “When we got to the place and I realized he was planning to face these guys on his own.”

  “Who did you call?”

  “I called 9-1-1 and told them that Mandy was being held hostage and Max was going in.”

  “Did you try to stop him?”

  “Yeah but have you ever tried to stop a freight train?”

  “He was that determined.”

  “He was pissed but he wasn’t the one with the gun or the knife.”

  The detective nodded and wrote down notes. Gideon didn’t know why they bothered. The whole damn thing was being taped. He considered winking at the camera but decided against it. They needed to believe his story.

  “What happened when you got inside?”

  “One guy had a knife at Mandy’s throat. The other one had a gun…”

  * * * * *

  “They wanted some papers that I told them Jackson had.” Mandy fingered the now empty coffee cup. She reached the top and started picking at the edge of the Styrofoam cup, tearing little pieces off and dropping them on the table.

  “Max came in. He didn’t have the papers, because they don’t exist.” She took a deep breath. “Detective Banner knows all about this.”

  The detective questioning her nodded but didn’t say anything.


  Maxwell’s Fall

  “Well, Brian Mickelson kept demanding the papers and dragging me around by my arm.” She pulled back her sleeve to show the bruises. “Max kept telling him to stop and to back away. Finally, Max just seemed to have enough. He went after Brian to get the knife away from him and then Sean shot him.”

  “That’s when Baldino shot him?”

  Mandy looked down her fingers then back up to the detective. “I think so. It got a little confusing at this point.”

  “But you’re sure Baldino shot him?”

  “Yes. He’s the only one who had a gun. Max pushed him down.” Made him fly through the air, her mind corrected. “And then he turned to Brian. Who still had the knife.”

  * * * * *

  “So you’re telling me you just punched out someone with a gun and ran down another guy who had a knife?”

  “What else was I supposed to do?” Max placed his hands on the table. They’d been in this room for thirty minutes going over the same damn things. Things Max didn’t need to be reminded of. He was going to see them in his nightmares for years to come.

  “He had a knife to my woman’s throat,” he snarled at the cop. “I didn’t hurt him.


  “Baldino’s got a concussion—”

  “He tripped.”

  “And Mickelson’s saying a creature attacked him.”

  Max shrugged. “How the fuck am I supposed to know what’s going on inside his head?” He sighed. He needed to get out of this room. Needed to get back to Mandy and Gideon. “Listen. Call Detective Alastair Reign, Las Vegas Police.” He flipped open his phone. They hadn’t searched him or stripped him of his phone. He read off the number and was relieved to see Banner punching it in. “I’m working with him on a case. He can vouch for me.” He’d better fucking vouch for me. It would be just like Reign to deny knowing him just to get Max in more trouble.

  Banner squinted his eyes and pouted his lips for a moment, considering if he really wanted to do this, then hit the button, sending the call. Max again took up his confident, arrogant pose.

  He listened. Reign wasn’t quite as obsessive about answering his phone as Max but he was pretty damn close.

  His senses were tuned high from the were’s presence so Max could hear the buzz of the phone ringing without trying to listen.

  “Reign, who’s this?” Aggression poured out of the greeting. Even from across the room, Max could hear it.


  Tielle St. Clare

  Banner flinched. “Uh, this is Detective David Banner with the Anchorage Police Department. Who’s this?”

  “Detective Alastair Reign, Las Vegas PD. What’s up?”

  “I’m calling about Max Haverstam. He says he’s worked with you before.”

  “He in some kind of trouble?”

  “There’s been an incident. He’s involved.”

  Max could hear the low chuckle on the other end of the line. His fist curled into a clench. He was going to deck that pussy cat one day.

  “He used you as a reference.”

  Another laugh, then, “As much as I’d like to put his ass in a sling, he’s a good guy.

  I’m guessing he’s telling you the truth.”

  Banner raised his eyes and looked over at Max.

  “So I can trust him?”

  “Is there a hot brunette with long legs involved?”


  “Then you’re good. He’s had my back on a couple of jobs. I’d believe him.”

  Banner nodded. “Thanks.” There was a double click as first Reign then Banner hung up.

  Max lifted his eyes, hoping he looked at least a little more innocent than he actually was.

  “He seems to think you’re a stand-up guy.”

  “I do my best.”

  “I’m going to check you out tomorrow, when your ‘reference’ isn’t surrounded by club music.”

  “You’ll get the same answer.” Max was pretty sure of that. Reign might be a dick but he was honest and he wouldn’t fuck Max over without a good reason and as far as he knew, he hadn’t given the man a reason lately.

  Banner stared at him for a long moment. Max was used to this kind of scrutiny, either from cops or boyfriends of the models he was going to photograph. Like they thought a deep stare would frighten him, or give them the ability to see into his soul.

  He looked back, eyes open, his self concealed.

  “Fine, you can go. But I’ll want to talk to you tomorrow.”

  Max nodded and stood, noticing that he had to look up at Banner, just a little. It was strange to find a man who Max had to stare up at.

  “I’ll be around.” He wasn’t going anywhere—not without his mates. A strange calm settled over him as he left the room. They belonged to him and he’d fight anyone, even his twin brother, to keep them.

  “See that you are. I’m going to need to—”


  Maxwell’s Fallr />
  Max walked through the open door and saw them—Mandy and Gideon, standing together. Gideon’s arm around her waist, silent support as she demanded to know where Max was.

  He smiled and his wolf growled. His mate was trying to protect him.

  “I’m here.”

  They looked at him as he entered the hallway.

  Ignoring whatever Banner was saying, he walked forward, his body, his soul, needing the contact of his lovers. He wrapped his arm around Mandy’s back and pulled her near, closing the distance and sealing his mouth over hers. Her lips opened and she welcomed him, taking his tongue, sucking on it, loving it as he claimed her mouth. He drew back, biting down on her lower lip, silently vowing marks on her neck before the night was through. The wolf growled low and deep as Max turned and grabbed Gideon’s head, drawing him close for a kiss. Part of him rebelled at the public display but need overcame his concern. He needed the taste, needed to feel his lovers, his mates.

  He drove his tongue into Gideon’s mouth and groaned at the open response, the connection as Gideon twined his tongue around Max’s sucking as he pulled back. Max growled, his hand on Mandy’s ass, the soft round cheek in his palm, Gideon’s lips on his. They needed to go home, somewhere where they could fuck. Long and hard.

  A strange restlessness erupted behind him and Max knew the cops were wondering what the hell was happening in their hallway. He lifted his head and looked at his lovers. Their lips were pink and swollen, kiss-stung. Mine.

  Mandy lifted her head and directed her gaze around him.

  “Can we go?” she asked.

  “I’ll need to talk to you in the morning,” Banner said, his voice a little dazed.

  Mandy nodded. She could completely understand his confusion. Looking at her, there was no way anyone would believe she was involved with two men, particularly men like Max and Gideon. Her own head swirled with the possibilities and the firm grip on her ass wasn’t helping at all. Max tugged her closer, sliding his leg against her pussy.

  Under the pressure of his hand, she rubbed forward, a delicious shot from her clit into her core.

  “We should go,” she announced. She looked at Detective Banner. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”


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