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Broken Promises: The Broken Series Second Generation

Page 6

by Heather D'Agostino

  “Are you done yet?” Caleb glanced back at me, and I looked over my shoulder.

  “No.” I shook my head and went back to the drawers. When I’d finally made my choices, I capped the vial and met Caleb at the register.

  There was a woman dressed in all black. Her hair was a deep purple, and even her nails were painted black. “Find everything ok?” She looked at Caleb and then at me.

  “Mmm hmm.” I smiled.

  “Yep.” Caleb pulled his wallet from his back pocket.

  “To make your potion, all you need to do is boil a cup of water. Each vial is enough for one portion. Make sure your target drinks the potion immediately, and then sit back and wait.” She handed Caleb his change and offered us a bag, but we both put our vial in our pockets.

  When we stepped outside, Caleb glanced at me. “You plan to use your potion?”

  “Maybe. Depends on how things go.” I kept things vague. I wanted to see how far I could go with this.

  “Did you make something good, or something bad?” He led us around another corner.

  “Depends on when I use it. If I’m mad, it will be good for me, bad for who I use it on.” I’d made a love potion, but he didn’t need to know that. If he thought I was out to get him, then maybe he’d stop with the “Princess” stuff.

  “What does that mean?” We stopped in front of an ice cream stand.

  “It means you better be nice.” I giggled. “Uncontrollable itching can be painful.” I snickered. “Especially when it’s in places you shouldn’t be scratching.”

  “My god, woman! What the hell do you plan to do to me?” Caleb’s eyes widened as he pulled cash from his wallet. “Get whatever you want.” He pointed to the ice cream cart.

  “Banana split. Two spoons.” I held up two fingers.

  “You got it.” The cart guy started scooping ice cream, and Caleb shook his head at me.

  “That’s a lot to eat.” He laughed.

  “Why do you think I asked for two spoons?” I took the ice cream while Caleb paid.

  We sat back down on a bench, and dug into the sweet concoction. About halfway through, Caleb started laughing.

  “What?” I rolled my eyes. This had to be another joke.

  “Come here.” He motioned with his hand. I leaned forward and so did he. “You gotta little, right here.” He gently wiped the corner of my mouth with a napkin. “There.” He leaned back and the frustration seemed to mount. I thought he was going to finally make a move. I’ve been waiting for it all night. I mean after the party, I kinda want a real one from him. “What’s wrong?” I guess he could tell I was upset.

  “Nothing.” I turned away slightly. Caleb got up and tossed our trash, muttering something under his breath at the same time.

  “Princess.” He lowered himself back on the bench. “If this is going to work, you have to tell me the truth. I know you’re lying right now.”

  I closed my eyes. “Honesty? You want me to be honest right now?” I opened them and turned to face him. “Maybe I just want you to man up. Maybe I’d like to see that you really do feel all of what you told me the other night.” I balled my fists and pursed my lips.

  Caleb’s head shook vigorously like he was clearing it. “Man up? What’s that even mean?” He chuckled humorlessly. “You mean make a move on you?”

  “At least I’d know you really liked me,” I grumbled under my breath.

  He leaned forward, placing his elbows on his thighs, and dropped his head down. His fingers ran through his hair, and he tugged…hard. “You are driving me crazy.” He sighed before turning his head and looking at me. “So you think that I’m not attracted to you because I haven’t groped you, or kissed you? That it?” He rolled his eyes. “Just because I’m not all over you, doesn’t mean I don’t want to be. Tonight has been one of the hardest nights of my life. I like you, a lot. I’m extremely attracted to you, Riley. I’ve been telling myself no all night because of how much I like you. I want this to work, but you deserve so much more than you think you do. A real man will treat you with respect, and that means going slow and building this to what it could be. I want more than the summer for us, and you should too. This is a first date. Stop putting these expectations on what we’re supposed to be.”

  “I’m sorry.” I turned away. “It’s just…”

  “Just what?” He reached for my hand and squeezed it. “That Dean told you that you were a prude? You think I think you’re a prude too?”

  “Maybe.” I could feel the tears rising, the ones that always come when someone reminds me of what Dean did.

  “Riley.” He tugged my hand into his lap. “That jerk doesn’t know what he’s talking about. You’re the perfect girl. You’re sweet and sexy, and not afraid to put me in my place. It might take us a while to navigate this new dynamic between us, but I want to try.”

  “Ok. Me too.” I smiled a half smile.

  “Besides… I think you’re hot.” He winked, causing me to laugh. “Let’s go. I don’t want your dad sending out the cavalry if I’m late getting you home.”

  He stood and offered his hand once more. We walked in silence back to his truck. The ride home was quiet, but it was the perfect end to the evening. “I’m sorry I had a meltdown back there. I’m still really sensitive about the whole Dean thing. I read into things I shouldn’t, and I’m putting pressure on you that’s unnecessary. I’ll try to stop.” I unbuckled my seatbelt and started to climb out.

  “Sit tight.” Caleb left the truck running, and came around to my side. “Don’t worry about any of it. I’m not him, and I don’t think about you the way he did. If I’m ever upset with something you’ve done, you’ll know. As far as pressure goes, I’ve been putting some on myself as well.”

  “Really?” I lifted my eyes to look into his. Shadows from the trees kept us in the dark, and I could barely see his expression.

  “Mmm hmm.” His voice grew quiet. “You don’t need to doubt the fact that I’m attracted to you, Riley. You never need to worry about that.” His voice grew rough, and he leaned closer. His nose rubbed against mine. “I’ve been thinking about this since the party.” His lips brushed over mine as one arm wrapped tightly around my middle. His head tipped to the side as his tongue licked across my lips, requesting entry. Maybe it was a sigh. I don’t know, but when my lips parted, he took full advantage. He stepped closer, aligning himself flush against me. Every ridge of his body was touching mine. His feet shuffled forward as he pinned me to the side of the truck. I could feel him, hard against his shorts. I gasped as my hands went to his shoulders, bracing myself as he kissed me until I felt it in my soul. “Never doubt me,” he whispered as he pulled away.

  “I won’t.” I blinked up at him. “Thanks for tonight.”

  “You’re welcome. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He pressed a light kiss to my forehead before stepping back. “Sweet dreams, Princess.” He winked and I stepped around him, heading for the door. He waited until I was inside before leaving.

  I saw Caleb in a whole new light tonight, and I knew he was the guy who could break me. Despite the risk, I still wanted to see what was there.

  Chapter 11


  The last several days have been better than I could have imagined. Caleb and I have spent part of every day together. I’ve either gone to the gym, or he’s come to the house. My mom is thrilled, and I think Dad may be coming around. The last few times he’s actually smiled when he’s seen us.

  Today is Caleb’s day off. He’s supposed to be coming over this morning, and we’re going to the beach for the day. Claire might meet us there. It’s a perfect day; low eighties and not a cloud in the sky. I bought a new swimsuit, and I’m hoping to get out the door without Dad making me change. He’s been extra protective since Caleb and I got closer. The best part about today though is Easton is at a friend’s house. He’s been spying on me all summer, and even though it can be cute at times, I’m ready for a break.

  “Rils! Caleb’s here,” Mom calle
d from downstairs.

  “Coming!” I glanced around to make sure I packed everything. Beach towel, sunscreen, clothes in case we go somewhere… everything else was in Mom’s car.

  When I came downstairs, Caleb was leaning against the kitchen island talking to Mom. It was one of the few chances I had to stare and not worry about being caught. Mom wouldn’t rat me out. His red trunks hung low, and the white tank he was wearing showcased the muscles he works so hard for. He had a baseball cap on and had propped a pair of sunglasses on top of it. Leather sandals adorned his feet.

  “There she is.” Mom smiled as Caleb slowly turned and looked over his shoulder.

  “Sorry. Wanted to make sure I had everything I needed.” I grinned. Caleb smiled back. His blue eyes twinkled and he looked as if he was ready to burst with excitement.

  “It’s ok. I don’t mind waiting.” He pushed himself to a standing position. “Ready now?”

  “Yep.” I followed him to the door. I was almost out without Dad stopping me. “I won’t be out late, Mom.” I waved as we stepped outside. “There’s a beach umbrella in Mom’s car and a radio.” I pointed to where she had parked yesterday. Caleb opened my door, and then went to collect the items. Just as he was putting them in the back of the truck, Dad pulled into the driveway.

  Caleb waved, and Dad waved back. Once he parked, he climbed out, heading straight for us. “Where are you two heading on this beautiful day?”

  “The beach, sir.” Caleb closed the tailgate, and came around to shut my door.

  “Have fun.” He waved and turned toward the home gym.

  Caleb closed my door, and then climbed in. “Your dad seemed to be in a good mood.”

  “Yeah. He and Mom are home alone. I’m sure he has all kinds of plans, and I don’t want to know what they are. Ugh.” I made a gagging motion.

  “Your dad is still crazy about your mom after all these years. Why is that a bad thing?” His forehead crinkled. “I hope when I get married, I feel that way about my wife after eighteen years of marriage.”

  Just hearing him talk like that made me swoon. “I hope so too, it’s just not cool to think about when it’s your parents. I mean, do you think that way about Aunt Ally and Uncle Joey?”

  “Well, now that you put it that way…” His face twisted in disgust.

  “See? I’m not wrong.” I laughed. “Let’s go.”


  The beach wasn’t as crowded as I’d thought it would be today. Caleb and I set up not far from where I’d hung out with Claire a few weeks before. There were some kids playing in the sand, and a small group of guys farther down the beach tossing a football. I didn’t see Dean, or his friends, so I tried to relax. “Your friend coming today?” Caleb opened the cooler he’d packed and pulled out a soda.

  “She said she was, but I thought she’d be here by now.” I glanced around again. Claire was rarely late. It wasn’t like her.

  “Wanna go cool off while we wait?” He grinned at me and started to stand as if I’d already said yes.

  “I’m not really that hot yet.” I shrugged.

  Caleb stuck out his lip. “Please. We don’t have to go in deep.” He held his hand out and took a few steps toward the water.

  “Fine.” I sighed as I stood. I kicked off my flip flops, and started walking toward the water. I didn’t really care for the ocean. I didn’t like the fact that you couldn’t see your feet once you got in deep. I’m more of a pool person.

  “Come on.” Caleb grabbed my wrist, and started running toward the water.

  “Slow down!” I begged as the shallow waves lapped at our feet.

  “What are you so worried about? Your hair?” Caleb turned and released his grip.

  “I don’t like it when I can’t see my feet. I don’t know what’s down there.” I pointed at the sand.

  “I’ll protect you.” He wagged his brow and he slowly crept closer to me. “Relax.” He leaned in and started to kiss me, but the kiss was cut short when he lifted me into his arms. “Hold on, Princess.” He laughed as he waded deeper into the water. The higher the water climbed, the harder I gripped his neck. “You really are scared, aren’t you?” He paused when the waves started crashing at his hips.

  “I told you…” I squeezed harder.

  “But we used to come here all the time when we were kids. I remember you swimming with me.” He looked confused.

  “Do you also remember when I stepped on a jellyfish?” I gave him a ‘duh’ look.

  “No.” He sighed. “I just thought you’d feel better if you cooled off. I won’t set you down.” He started to move again toward the deeper water.

  “I’ll kick your ass if you do,” I warned.

  “I believe it.” He chuckled as the water climbed higher. Soon I could feel my back and legs getting wet. He was right. It did feel nice. I would never admit that I was hot.

  When he finally stopped, he shifted and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He dipped us in the cool water, and made sure I felt safe. “Guess it’s a good thing you’ve been hitting the weights lately, huh?”

  “You’re not heavy, Riley. You’re perfect.” He kissed my forehead.

  “You’re lying, but thanks.” I rolled my eyes and then glanced back to where our stuff was to see if I could see Claire.

  “How are things going? I mean, since your last trip here. I know we talk, but we don’t really talk about that.” His head tipped to the side, and he stared right into my eyes. It was so different with Caleb. It was like he could really see me. He knew when something was bothering me, and he knew when I wasn’t being honest with him. I’d almost lost hope in the opposite sex. I didn’t think guys like him existed, but he proves me wrong every day. The more time we spend together, the more I understand how bad it’s going to hurt when this is over. I mean, it can’t last. We’re too young, and guys always do something to screw things up, even the perfect ones.

  “It’s ok. I haven’t seen him since then. I’ve actually been busy. In between hanging out with you, I’ve been finishing up all the stuff I need to do for college.”

  “That’s good.” He started moving back toward the beach.

  “Yeah. I have to send in another copy of my immunizations, and then I’m all set. Apparently, they lost the last copy I mailed in,” I grumbled.

  “That’s an easy fix though.” Caleb laughed.

  “I guess it could be worse.” I giggled.


  Once we reached the ankle-deep water, Caleb set me down. We walked hand in hand back to our beach chairs, and that’s when Claire finally showed up.

  “Hey.” She waved as she came jogging down from the parking lot. “I’m sorry I’m late. I had to help my mom.”

  “It’s ok. We were just swimming.” I began to rummage in the snack bag.

  “You went swimming?” Claire knew my fear of the water.

  “Sort of.” I shrugged.

  “Wow.” She turned to Caleb. “I like you more every time we meet. I’ve never been able to get her in the water.”

  “I’m pretty good at convincing people to do things.” Caleb grinned.

  “Can you convince jerks to shut the hell up?” Claire’s eyes narrowed as I turned in the direction from which she’d come. There, in the distance, were Dean and his posse coming over the dunes.

  “Ignore him,” Caleb grumbled.

  “That’s the last thing I thought you’d say.” I shook my head in confusion.

  “He wants to get under your skin. Normally, I’m all for kicking someone’s ass for being a tool, but it’s what he wants. Ignoring him is the best way to beat him.” Caleb offered Claire a soda.

  I watched as Dean walked straight toward us. When he got closer, I saw Britany was with him. He wasn’t touching her though. They didn’t look like a couple. I know I shouldn’t care, but I did. I couldn’t help it. I hoped they had a miserable life together.

  “Hey, Dean!” Claire called. I turned to glare at her. I didn’t want his attentio
n. “Have you met Riley’s new college boyfriend? He’s ten times the guy you ever were.” Claire sat back and crossed her arms over her chest as Dean passed us. He stared at me, but it almost looked like he was surprised I was with someone. I don’t know why; I was constantly turning down dates when we were together. “That’s right. Keep walking,” she taunted as he passed us and kept heading for the water. “What a douche,” she muttered under her breath.

  “To douches.” Caleb held his soda can up to clink cans with us. “Without them I wouldn’t have this smart, sweet, hot girlfriend that I do.” My heart melted a little with his words, and seeing Dean didn’t sting so much.

  “So, what are we doing after this?” Claire turned excitedly toward Caleb. “I have the whole day open.”

  Caleb and I looked at each other. We really hadn’t thought that far ahead yet. I knew my mom wouldn’t care if I stayed out past dark, but I hadn’t planned to.

  “A buddy of mine is having a bonfire tonight. We can crash that if you want.” Caleb shrugged.

  “Crash?” My eyes widened.

  “He wouldn’t care if I brought you guys. I mean, if you want to go. It’s not far from here. Probably most of the same people from the party that night.”

  “I’m ok with that.” I sipped my drink.

  “It’s a plan then.” Claire started digging in her beach bag. Within a few moments she produced a phone and started tapping away on it.

  “What are you doing?” I nudged her leg.

  “Getting a date. I love you guys, but I’m not playing third wheel tonight at a bonfire on the beach. I don’t think you want me to either.” She smirked before glancing at Caleb. “Am I right?”

  Caleb nodded as he grinned, licking his lip. “You’re not wrong.” He snickered before leaning over and kissing my cheek. “Right, Princess?” he whispered in my ear.

  Chills ran through my body. “Right.” I nodded vigorously.

  “I’ll be right back.” Caleb got up and started walking toward the water.


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