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Daughter of Ethos

Page 13

by L M Lacee

  He took the demotion in rank for dereliction of duty without a murmur, feeling he probably warranted it.

  After his interview with the former Commander, the Governor then comm’d the Emperor of Jenersar to ask some very pointed questions. Number one was why the Warriors had been recalled and secondly, when would they be returned. A very lengthy discussion ensued.

  The Emperor was unaccustomed to being on the receiving end of anyone’s displeasure, which he re-laid to his brother Thanikis, mins after finishing his comm` with the Governor.

  When Uthar calmed enough to enquire whether his brother had retrieved Roeah and his Warriors yet. Thanikis had to admit to he had not. Needless to say Uthar was livid and threatened another demotion.

  Having already been demoted in his Emperor’s court. Thanikis could not afford another failure, so he spent the following days reassuring the Emperor and the Coalition that the Warriors would be returned. Unfortunately, as the days passed, this seemed less and less likely. His position as Ambassador and his very life was placed in jeopardy.


  Two weeks and three days after the sudden withdrawal of the Warriors. Peyton was sitting in her office going over lists of people who still had to be gathered or contacted. When a name popped out from the list and slapped her in the face. Fran Hugh, sister to Sybil Hugh, former mayor of Runnerdale.

  Peyton smiled, she was sitting in the very office which used to belong to Sybil. She and her friends had been some of the first women, auctioned or gifted to a new world, which is what the Government was calling the selling of women. Peyton remembered Sybil and her friends were very happy to have gone in the first wave of ships, she wondered if they had remained happy; she hoped so.

  She sighed as she rubbed the back of her neck; she had been in her office since seven this morning seeing to inventory and paperwork. Looking over escort requests for women coming to Runnerdale and for more shipping containers. Stretching she decided she needed coffee and noticed the time, it was the middle of the morning. Which she thought was a nice time of day, just an hour or two from lunch.

  A time to finish up house chores or sitting with friends for a morning cup of coffee or tea. She wondered if she should grab Melody and go into town, they could have coffee then help sort out containers of inventory, or look over loading lists. She was sure they would need her help.

  Then she remembered Darby saying she could not leave her office until she had finished her boarding lists today. She was right, but still looking at names and making decisions on who was to go with them and who was not, just made her sad.

  Her town had changed in the last two weeks, now containers lined the streets, and houses were filled with recent arrivals and Darby’s computer people, who were constantly busy.

  She walked to the oversized bay window Sybil had insisted on having installed. When she had taken over the office of mayor, which had not long been after the world had a working Government again. Peyton looked out on the town she oversaw or more rightly ruled. The authority she had been handed did not sit so easily on her shoulders. Command was something she knew she would have to get used to, it was just so new. Unlike Melody and Commander Roeah who seemed to accept the weight of command without any noticeable qualms, she just felt too young most of the time.

  Everything that was happening at Runnerdale and the towns surrounding it, was a direct result of her and her new identity as the Star Daughter.

  She raised her eyes up to the almost empty sky and sighed. It wasn’t that long ago that the first space ships had arrived, carrying what they all hoped was salvation, but in truth was a lie.

  Cyber-hackers had flooded the net with speculation that the Coalition themselves had caused the Virus, many believed that to this very day. However, this rumor was quickly shut down by the Government but the damage had been done. Speculation and suspicion had consumed the world and especially after the Agreement signing.

  Peyton in the capacity as personal assistant to the Mayor had been taken to the governing building in Manhattan and was present at the signing of the Agreement. If she had heard once she had heard a hundred times that day, how lucky they all were to be rescued by the beautiful Aliens. Peyton had repeatedly shaken her head in bewilderment at this sentiment.

  It seemed to her the Coalition were getting a better deal than the people of Earth were getting. The Government signed over to the Coalition the planets resources and Earth got invaded and a supposed cure for the Virus.

  She remembered now, that by the end of the day she had been exhausted. More from trying not to show how embarrassed she was at the way Sybil acted when she had been introduced to Ambassador Jenerika. As well as all the flirting with any and all the Aliens who were there. Some of it was just so blatant, it made her cringe, even now remembering it. Seriously, it had been enough to make a grown woman want to shoot someone. In the end all the fawning over the Ambassadors and envoys had Peyton feeling like she needed a shower. So when Sybil decided they would stay the night in the city, Peyton had quickly made her excuses and caught a mag train home. She was sure it had been a relief for Sybil and her simpering friends when she had left. Secretly she had known they were all a little scared of her, which truthfully she had not minded. It had kept them from looking at things she wanted them to leave alone, like chasing two star generals from her town.

  Of course, she laughed with a tinge of bitterness, feeling a tingle of the old anger mixed with sadness rise and clog her throat. She, like everyone else, had believed the Coalition when they said they were here to help. That was until the day Melody had reached out to her and shown her the files Darby had discovered. Maybe, she reflected, it was just as well, she only found out later and not on the day the agreement was signed. She was fairly positive there would have been no way she could have remained silent. Part of her wished she had spoken up, maybe if she had, more like her would have realized what was happening earlier too. Thoughts like that just made her want to scream in anger but she knew that would be unwise, especially now. Heavens knew what kind of terrible disaster her screaming could cause. Sighing, she looked up at the sun and quietly asked herself. ‘Who knew this would be the result?’

  Daughter, you will find everything is as it should be!

  Star Child, I only hope you are right and will take comfort from your assurances.

  As you wish, Daughter.

  Peyton grinned she was getting better at conversing with someone in her mind now. She no longer ended up with a headache; she guessed it was like a muscle that just needed exercising, talking to a vast entity was entertaining or at least she found it so. She was unsure if they found talking to her the same. Tipping her head to the side when she heard a noise outside, she peeked out the window. Oh dear, well I suppose it was inevitable!

  Melody acting as Peyton’s secretary sat at her desk, her hand in the top draw. Ready to withdraw her weapon when she heard the thump of boots on the hardwood floor outside her office. When the soldiers pushed open the door and stomped in, she looked sharply at each face and realized there was not one soldier she knew or had trained with.

  Peyton sensing Melody’s sharp spike of anger and resentment quickly walked out from her office. To find twenty-four soldiers all dressed and armed for combat, crowding into the small reception space. Moving to stand behind Melody, she squeezed her shoulder stopping her from taking the gun out and starting a battle she would not win.

  Peyton inclined her head and asked. ‘Soldiers, how may I help you?’

  A tall male, definitely English by his accent stated as he moved forward. ‘Are you Peyton St. Hill?’

  ‘Yes I am.’

  ‘You are ordered to accompany us to a meeting with Ambassador’s White and Jenerika.’

  ‘Am I under arrest?’

  The male quirked his lips in a half smile. ‘No, Miss St. Hill. It is a polite request for your attendance. We, of course, can make it an arrest!’

  ‘That will be unnecessary.’

  This will be
the first time she would use one of her gifts from the Stars. In this case it was telepathy or mind sending. Melody it’s me in your head?

  As Melody’s eyes widened, she tensed. Peyton hurriedly squeezed her shoulder again and explained.

  Don’t react, it is a gift the Star Child gave me, so we can talk this way, you can too. Just think the words soft and slowly like I am.

  Oh. My. God! This is amazing, did you know you could do this?

  No, I haven't done it until now. Seriously, I think we may have to use the term Stars like the Warriors do, instead of God or Lord. It might be easier on us when we go to their universe.

  Really! You are worried about that now?

  Well, yeah. I sort of am!

  You really are weird, you know that?

  Peyton sniffed as she growled. Just so rude, army girl!

  Melody’s eyes gleamed as she stifled her laughter, then mind-sent. So, this is sort of fun, talking this way?

  Yes it is!

  When did you… Hold on a minute, can you read minds too, are you reading my mind now?

  Melody, I think that is for another time.

  Okay, but don’t think I will forget Star girl.

  Peyton ignored that and instead told her. Contact Darby, initiate plan, oh boy! Sad to say I think we have a traitor. Call the others.

  Will do!

  Peyton moved to where the soldiers all stood, the one in charge fell into step with her and together they all filed out of the office.

  Before Peyton and the others had contacted the Warriors, the four friends had taken into account the possibility of one or more of them being arrested. At the time, they had assumed it would be Melody or Darby as they were taking the most chances back then. So they had put in place certain contingency plans. Now they had the Warriors as back up. Melody knew time for subtle had gone.

  She stood and moved to the window watching them escort Peyton from the building and vowed she would use brute force if needed, to retrieve her sister.

  A smile on her face and laughter in her eyes, Peyton got into the land vehicle and looked toward Melody and mind-sent. Remember who I am army girl. I will find out what they want and be home for lunch, invite Hawk and Kerol. Let’s have chicken salad?

  Melody closed her eyes as the land vehicle drove away with her sister in it. She rubbed her chest where a pain radiated from her heart, while her mind started working out ways to get Peyton home or if need be to kill those that hurt her or worse. What they could do to Peyton did not bear thinking about, she hung her head and breathed deeply. Melody knew herself well, knew she would lose her shit, if anything happened to Peyton. She would kill them all or as many as she could until they killed her. Starting first with the soldiers who took her away and ending with the ones that ordered it. Then she would administer a special punishment for the traitor, if in fact, they had one. She would ravage this planet if she must, to avenge her sister.

  Suddenly the anger and pain were gone, and a choir of voices spoke to her. Hush, brave sister Melody. Our daughter will be with you again soon. Have faith in the abilities we endowed her with.

  Who are you?

  I am the Star Child. The Star Daughter, the one you know as Peyton is ours.

  How can you talk to me?

  We are using a filter.

  That is not really what I meant, but whatever. So what is a filter?


  Huh! Alright then, that sort of makes sense in a weird kind of way. So as you are here, may I ask a question or two?

  If you must!

  The Entity sounded bemused and a little put upon. Melody grinned at the tone as she asked. Why are you called the Star Child?

  She felt a sigh blow through her mind before they answered. We are a combination of all that has come before and who are now and those who will come. Is that not what a child is?

  Yes, in a broad sense, I suppose it is!

  Laughter sounded in her mind. Your next question fierce Melody.

  Why do you say ours, when there is only one of you?

  Is there? We already said we are a collection of those before us and of those now and to come. To simplify, we are many; we talk with one voice or with many!

  Melody frowned as she went over the words again in her mind and knew she had been very gently rebuked.

  She groused. Well, okay, that seems as clear as mud! She heard another sigh, before they could say anything she stated. It seems I better read those histories the Warriors have as soon as possible.

  She felt their nod of agreement rather than saw it. Our Daughter chose her sisters wisely. Sister Melody do not fear, all will be well!

  Melody muttered. ‘It better be.’

  She was positive she felt another sigh before she knew they had gone. Grinning at the thought that she could also piss off an Entity, supposedly billions of years old amused her. Until she remembered why she had been talking to said Entity in the first place. Immediately she tagged Darby, Heather and Hawk and a meeting was called.

  She felt a headache coming on and laughed, she annoyed the Star Child, and they gave her a headache, seemed fair to her.

  While Melody had been conversing with the Star Child, Peyton had the new magnetic restraints the Warriors had introduced to Earth placed around her wrists. Which seemed strange as she was not under arrest but she did not quibble, if they felt more secure escorting a five- foot-three woman in restraints, so be it. The restraints were very nice, they barely weighed anything. She remembered Kerol had said they were impossible to break out of and could only be released with a code. She wondered if they would give her a set so she could find out what kind of metal they were made from and how they were constructed, after all it would be a good way to apologize for placing them on her. Looking around at the hard faced guards, she thought maybe not, she would ask Kerol or Willian for a set to look at.

  Seated in a land vehicle on her way to a shuttle, several miles from her tow. She was a little intrigued as to why the Ambassadors felt it necessary to send so many soldiers to arrest one small woman. Her ascension to Star Daughter had not been made public, only Commander Roeah, the three Warriors with him and her sisters knew. She was sure the traitor she suspected they had, could not know, so why the show of arms. She decided it must be for the Warriors benefit, she could think of no other reason.

  Out of the twenty-four soldiers, only two were men the rest were women. It was very telling, Melody and her soldiers had been dismissed because women should never be Warriors, and here she was surrounded by women. She guessed once the Warriors had deserted, Ambassador Jenerika had gotten over his revulsion in having female soldiers in the army.

  She knew all Melody’s soldiers were with her at Runnerdale and as far as she and Melody knew the women dismissed from the forces overseas were in hiding. Awaiting the call to let them know it was time to leave. Melody or her friend Netta would have heard if any of the women had been forced to serve in the new military, so these appeared to be new recruits.

  It seemed Commander Roeah was right when she asked him days ago, what he thought they would do for an army now he and his Warriors were gone.

  He had assured her, where there was a will, there would be a way. As Peyton looked the women over, it begged the question who had the Government managed to entice to serve or were they all conscripted. Sadly she wondered if it was what the women felt they had to do to survive, she hoped it was not.

  They all wore a uniform somewhere between the Warriors sleek black one and the fatigues of Earth’s army, making them appear shapeless figures. Every one of them wore a military buzz cut, which did nothing for them other than make them appear as though they were pretending to be soldiers.

  Once in the shuttle, her captors seemed more relaxed. Peyton couldn’t see why they would be, they must have been worried about the Warriors. She almost smiled thinking that the Warriors should not be these soldiers first concern, that place should be reserved for Melody and her sisters!

  That thought kept
her calm and appearing outwardly at least unworried, even when the officer told her in a voice that aimed for sinister and missed by a mile.

  ‘We are transporting you to an undisclosed facility at an undisclosed destination. Do not try escaping.’

  Peyton dipped her head in acquiescence as she replied. ‘Furthest thing from my mind. I mean I am not under arrest or anything, right?’

  His answer was a grunt and a look at the only other man on the shuttle who shrugged in return. Peyton leaned back in her seat as the shuttle lifted off. Annoyingly it was her first time flying in one of these crafts and she was under arrest. Really, it was so unfair.

  She should have taken Kerol up on his offer of a flight last week, when Melody and the others had gone for a ride. That way she would have been able to ask questions and see how the shuttle worked, she sat back and decided to enjoy the experience, anyway.

  After what she thought had been about ten or fifteen minutes of travel, they arrived at their destination, an underground tunnel. Once the leader and most of the soldiers had exited the shuttle it was then Peyton’s turn to disembark, but before could stand she was nudged in her shoulder with a rifle. She looked up at the woman who stood taller than her and had a nasty puckered scar running down her face with a leer at Peyton, she poked her again, harder this time. Annoyed Peyton let flames enter her eyes as she stood. The woman stumbled back from her, grabbing the arm of a muscular woman and asking. ‘Did you see that?’

  ‘See what? You crazy bitch, I saw nuttin` you been on the shosole again?’

  Shosole, Peyton knew was a new drug making its rounds on Earth and the name was slang for stolen soul. The drug literally created madness and eventual death in just about everyone who used it, whether that use was days, weeks or months. It was highly addictive and always fatal in one form or another, meaning if the drug did not kill the user, they would eventually become brain dead. Hence the name, stolen soul, and some said with their souls stolen they became killers. Unfortunately, the drug did not work well for extended use with human anatomy or so Heather had ascertained, when she received a sample to find out what it was supposed to do and what it actually did.


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