Fair Lakes Series Box Set

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Fair Lakes Series Box Set Page 48

by Kaylee Ryan, Lacey Black

Harrison: She says you’re welcome.

  Sliding my phone back into my pocket, I get busy making a couple of bottles, making sure we have diapers, wipes, and a couple of extra outfits, his blanket, and a receiving blanket. Who knew kids needed so much stuff? I pack a little extra knowing that my parents are going to surprise us with a night of childcare. I double and triple-check I have everything we might need, and I’m just zipping up the bag when Gabby and Milo join me.

  Ten minutes later, we’re in the car and on the road. “You know, I’m glad Mom and Dad want to surprise us with a night out or afternoon out, whatever. I need some time with you.”

  “To sleep,” Gabby says, yawning. “We need some time to sleep.”

  “As long as your naked body is pressed against mine, I’m okay with that.”

  She chuckles. “That actually sounds perfect.”

  “Good. We’ll get dinner over with and let them tell us our surprise that’s not really a surprise and we can go from there. I can run home and get the Pack ’n Play if we need to. I already packed enough clothes, diapers, and bottles just in case.”

  “Look at you, thinking ahead,” she jokes.

  “Alone time with my fiancée… that’s a pretty damn good incentive.” Reaching over, I entwine our fingers and realize her finger is bare. I need to remedy this as soon as possible. My mind starts racing with my second proposal. I would never change the first one, not for anything, but I have to give her a ring, so yeah, my girl gets two. She’s special like that.

  Pulling into my parents’ driveway, my stomach grumbles. It’s like my body knows I’m getting ready to be served my mom’s cooking.

  “Hungry?” Gabby inquires, smiling.

  “Just a little.”

  “I’ll grab the diaper bag, you grab the baby?” she suggests.

  “Done.” Grabbing the keys, I climb out of her SUV, and open the back door, quickly removing the infant carrier. That took a couple days to get used to, but now I feel as though I could do it in my sleep. I follow along behind Gabby as she makes her way onto the front porch. “Just go on in. You don’t have to knock.” My mom has made it clear this will always be my home.

  “You sure?” she asks, looking over her shoulder at me.

  “Yeah, I’m right behind you.”

  Gabby pushes open the door and we head inside. “Mom, Dad, we’re here,” I call.

  “In the kitchen,” Mom calls back.

  I step around Gabby to lead the way. “Something smells—” I stop dead in my tracks. I close my eyes, then open them, and I’m still seeing the same image before me. I blink once, twice, three times to make sure my vision is clear. My mouth falls open in shock.

  “It’s good to see you too, little brother,” Colton says, stepping toward me and wrapping me in a hug. He bumps into Milo’s seat and pulls back. “And you must be my nephew.” He looks down into the carrier. “He’s a cute kid. Takes after the Callahan genes.” He grins.

  “Colton,” Gabby says. She’s met him a time or two when he was home on leave.

  “Gabby. Good to see you.” He leans in and kisses her cheek.

  “Chase,” Gabby says as soon as he pulls away.

  “What’s going on? I thought you would be happy to see me.”

  “I am… we are,” I stutter through my words. “Colton, we need to talk.”

  Chapter 17


  Holy shitballs.

  Colton’s here.

  He’s home.

  And obviously still thinks Milo is his… nephew.

  My eyes burn as realization sets in. This conversation is going to be hard, and so very heavy for Chase. I glance his way, noting the pale coloring in his face and the devastation in his eyes. It’s like he’s reliving those results all over again as he stares at his older brother.

  Milo’s father.

  “What’s up?” Colton asks, glancing between his brother and me. I can see the question in his own blue eyes as he runs his hand down the back of his neck, just like Chase does.

  “Umm, maybe we can have a seat in the living room?” Chase asks, setting the diaper bag down and rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

  “I’ll grab Milo and meet you there,” I tell him, taking the carrier from his hand and setting it on the table. Milo is awake and watches my every move as I unlock the handle and move it out of the way.

  “Mom, Dad, maybe you can join us,” Chase adds, slowly making his way out of the kitchen and toward their family living room.

  “Now I’m nervous,” his mom mumbles, turning off the burner on the stove and wiping her hands on the hand towel on the counter. His dad just nods and follows the group as they exit the room.

  I’m left alone with Milo in the quiet kitchen. I can hear the faint murmur of Chase’s deep voice, and as I move the baby from his carrier and cradle him in my arms, I can’t help but snuggle him even closer. We thought we may have a little more time with Milo, but apparently, that’s not true. Colton is home. For how long, I don’t know, but I know everything is about to change.

  That’s a hard pill to swallow.

  With Milo tucked against me, I slowly make my way to the living room. I’m not sure if I should hang back or not, but something tells me to go to Chase. He’s about to drop a live bomb on his brother, and I want to be there to support him as he does.

  As I step into the room, I hear Chase’s words. “The results showed that I’m only a 25 percent match to Milo.”

  “What does that mean?” his mom asks, her eyes full of concern as she gazes up from the couch to her youngest son.

  Chase’s eyes connect with mine, a mix of sadness and relief washing over them as I join him. He grabs my hand and smiles down at the baby. Milo reacts to the attention from his uncle, waving his arms and kicking his legs in the cute little outfit I found and dressed him in. The shirt reads, My Uncle Rocks.

  Then, his eyes leave mine and focus in on his brother’s. I hold my breath as he says, “It means I’m not his dad. I’m Milo’s uncle.”

  A gasp is heard, but that’s the only sound in the room. I risk a glance at Colton and find his face completely transformed in shock. “His uncle?” he whispers, his eyes moving from his brother to the baby I hold.

  Chase clears his throat and squeezes my hand. “Yeah, I’m his uncle. You’re his dad.”

  Silence fills the room as everyone seems to absorb this new piece of information. Chase’s dad finally speaks. “Son, what do you remember about that night?” he asks, looking at the oldest boy.

  Colton’s face turns a deep red as he glances embarrassingly at his mom. “Uhh….”

  “I was just about to go check on dinner. Gabby, why don’t you and my grandson join me,” she says, excusing herself from the conversation. As she walks by her oldest son, she squeezes his arm in love and support, before making her way back to the kitchen.

  Connie is quiet as she busies herself at the stove, pulling something from the oven and turning back on the burner. “This is some Jerry Springer shit,” she says, breaking the silence.

  My eyes widen in humor and shock as I look over at the petite woman. “Oh, don’t look at me like that. Just because I don’t want my boys talking like a sailor doesn’t mean there isn’t an appropriate time for an occasional shit-bomb. And I’d say today warrants a shit.”

  I can’t help it, I giggle. “I would agree.”

  She glances my way. “How’s my son holding up?”

  Taking a seat at the island across from her, I reply, “He’s devastated.”

  She nods, averting her tear-filled eyes. “I can imagine.”

  “But I think it helps that this one is still his nephew,” I start, looking down at sweet baby Milo. “If it weren’t his family at all and he had to release him to child services, I’m not sure he’d survive.”

  “He’s a good man, my Chase. He wants a family so bad. Always has,” she says, giving me a small smile that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I keep my eyes focused on the bab
y, while Connie goes back to finalizing our dinner for the evening. “So when are you due?” she asks, while plugging in the hand mixer to mash the potatoes.

  A gasp falls from my lips as I glance her way. “What?”

  She snorts a laugh. “Oh, sweet girl, did you not think I couldn’t tell? You’re practically glowing already,” she says.

  “I… umm, well….”

  “Let me guess, you just found out?”

  “Well, yes, actually. I’m not that far along.”

  She waves her hand. “Doesn’t matter. A mother knows these things. I could tell the moment you stepped into the kitchen that you were expecting. How did my son take the news?”

  I swallow over the lump in my throat. “He’s excited.”

  She nods. “I’m sure he is.” Then, she moves, coming around and standing directly beside me. Connie runs her hand over Milo’s soft forehead and bends down and kisses his chubby cheek. “He’s going to make a wonderful father, Gabby. And you? You’ll be the best mother ever to my next grandchild.”

  The air thickens in my throat as I struggle to breathe, struggling to keep my emotions at bay. It doesn’t work, and a few traitorous tears slip from my eyes. “Thank you.”

  She nods just as the boys enter the kitchen. Chase notices immediately that I’m crying, the look of concern and fear reflecting in his own blue orbs. I give him a reassuring smile, letting him know I’m all right.

  Colton comes to stand beside me, his eyes never swaying from those of his son’s. “May I?” he whispers, the words hoarse and raw.

  “Of course,” I tell him, adjusting my arms and placing Milo in his. He looks a little stiff at first, but slowly starts to relax as he holds the baby. His son. “Hey there, little man. I’m… I’m your dad.” Colton chokes on the words, his eyes brimming with unshed tears. It breaks my heart and heals it simultaneously, as I watch this big, strong military man, with tattoos and a badass vibe get all emotional over holding his son for the first time.

  I’m wrapped in comfort as Chase pulls me into his chest and kisses my forehead. “You good?”

  “Yeah,” I reassure him, tucking my cheek against his chest and listening to his steady heartbeat against my ear.

  “Colt is gonna come stay with us tonight. Probably for a few days, actually,” he says as we watch his brother bond with the little boy we thought was with us to stay.

  “That’s probably a good idea.”

  “All of his stuff is already there. Colt will have to figure something out long-term, but for now, this’ll work.”

  Yeah, we’ll make it work. The important thing is for Milo and Colton to get to know each other, and to figure out what’s next for Chase and me. There’s still so much up in the air, but it feels like things are finally starting to even out.

  The alarm clock reads just after eleven when I startle awake. The first thing I do is glance at the bassinet, only the bassinet isn’t there. It takes me a second to get my bearings and keep the panic at bay. Realization sets in.

  The bassinet was moved.

  To Colton’s room.

  I glance at Chase’s side of the bed, only to find it empty too. Yawning loudly, I slip out of bed and head out the door. The door to the guest room where I once stayed is wide open, which means Colton isn’t in there. Peeking in the room, I spy the bassinet, which also remains empty.

  Following the light, I head down the stairs. When I’m about halfway down, I hear their soft murmurs and smile instantly. They’ve been apart for so long, with Colton’s service in the military, and it’s nice to hear them catching up.

  When I step into the living room, I find Chase sitting on the couch, a beer in his right hand. He’s smiling over at his brother, who’s rocking a sleeping Milo in the rocker recliner. There’s a beer can sitting beside the empty bottle too, though the older brother seems to be more focused on his son.

  “Did we wake you?” Chase asks softly, his dazzling blue eyes bright with happiness the moment he sees me.

  “No,” I assure him as I climb beside him on the couch and snuggle into his awaiting arms. Chase places a kiss on my head and wraps his strong arm around my shoulder, getting comfortable in our position.

  “We were just discussing a few things,” he tells me after a drink of his beer.

  Colton looks across the sitting area and smiles. “Like how I’m going to schedule a paternity test Monday morning.”

  “But…” I start.

  “It’s a very good probability that Milo is Colton’s baby, but we’re not taking any chances,” Chase finishes.

  “You know, just in case there’s another Callahan brother out there we didn’t know about.” Colton laughs, startling the sleeping infant against his chest.

  “Pretty sure that’s unlikely, but if Colton is going to have to deal with Laura in court, we want irrefutable proof that he’s Milo’s father. Clearly Laura doesn’t remember much about that night either, if she can’t even remember which one of us she slept with.” The tone in Chase’s voice is laced with both irritation and astonishment.

  “What about the Army? When do you go back?” I ask, trying to piece together how this is going to play out. There’s a good chance Colton is only home for a short time and then he’ll be sent back to whatever foreign soil he’s been living on for the last few months. What happens then with Milo?

  Colton looks at his brother before fixing his gaze back on me. He really does look like a slightly older version of Chase, though there are no butterflies in my stomach when he glances my way. “Actually, I’m home for a two-week leave before my reenlistment. However, in light of things,” he says, glancing down and kissing Milo’s forehead, “I’m reconsidering another tour.”

  “You want to discharge from the Army?” I ask, surprised by this revelation. No, I don’t know Colton as much as I do Chase, but I always got the impression he was a lifer in the military. Yet, on the other hand, I can see him stepping up and doing what’s right by Milo, and that includes a possible career change.

  “If the test comes back confirming what we already know, then yes, I’ll be taking my discharge papers. I’ve missed more than a month of this little guy’s life. I don’t want to miss anymore.” His eyes hold a hint of nervousness with that adoration. Even in the darkened room, I can see the smile on his face as he looks at his son.

  “And we’ll help,” Chase says, taking my hand in his. “Anything you need, we’re here for you.” I nod my agreement.

  “I appreciate it. I have no clue what the fuc—I mean, what the heck I’m doing,” he responds.

  “You’re welcome to stay here as long as you need.”

  Colton runs a hand down his tired face. “Yeah, but just for a bit. I guess I need to find my own place. I usually just stay with Mom and Dad when I’m on leave, but as much as I love them, I don’t want to move in with a kid, even though I’m sure she’d be a tremendous help.”

  “I can’t say I blame you there,” Chase agrees, finishing off his beer. “Gabby’s sister has been watching Milo during the day.”

  “Gwen was a preschool teacher until she had her daughter. She’s amazing with little kids,” I add.

  “I, uh, God, there’s so much to consider. I guess I’m going to have to get a job, so I’ll need childcare. Do you think Gwen will continue to watch him?” Colton asks.

  “I can’t speak for her, but I would think so. She’s fallen fast for that little guy,” I tell him, swallowing hard. “We all have.”

  Colton looks up, understanding in his eyes as he watches his brother. “You thought he was yours. I’m sure it was hard when you found out the results.”

  I tuck my head against his shoulder and hug Chase tightly. “It was,” Chase whispers, the deep timbre of his voice vibrating against me.

  “I’m sorry,” Colton responds.

  “Don’t be. It’s not your fault. I’m just glad… I’m just happy that little guy is staying in our family. He became a Callahan in just these two short weeks.”

p; Colton nods. “I still can’t believe it. I mean, I don’t even remember that night,” he mumbles, looking back at the baby. He moves him up his chest and places a kiss on the crown of his head.

  I yawn. “I’m going to get my fiancée to bed,” Chase boasts, helping me to stand.

  “Fiancée?” Colton whispers, surprised.

  “I still have to put a ring on her finger, but Gabby has agreed to be my wife.” I feel his gaze on me, which has me looking his way. “And, we’re having a baby,” Chase confirms. Even though his mom knows, we didn’t get the chance to share our news with his family at dinner. All conversations were about Colton and Milo.

  The brothers smile at each other. “Look at you, all domesticated and shit,” Colton teases.

  “Yeah, well, the same could be said for you,” Chase retorts, nodding down at Milo.

  “Touché, little brother, touché.”

  Together, we all make our way up the stairs, Chase making sure the doors are locked as we go. When we reach the top of the stairs, Colton stops and turns our way. I lean forward and place a soft kiss on Milo’s cheek. He stirs a little but snuggles into his dad’s chest and falls back into a deep sleep.

  “You better get a few hours of sleep, Colt. He’ll be up in a few hours, again, for more food.”

  Colton groans quietly. “I’m not sure I’m ready for this.”

  “Well, ready or not, you’re now a dad,” Chase reiterates, lightly slapping his brother on the back. Then he leans down and kisses his nephew’s chubby cheek. “See you in a few hours,” he says with a chuckle, taking my hand and leading me to our bedroom.

  We climb back into bed, his arms wrapping around me and pulling me tightly against his body. His chest presses into my back, his very hard cock nestled against my ass. I can’t help but wiggle against him.

  Suddenly, he flips me until I’m on my back, his large, hard body hovering over mine. His kiss is gentle, at first, but it only takes a fraction of a second to go from zero to holy hell. My legs wrap around his hips as I grind against his cock, desperately needing the friction.


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