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The Fate of the Dragons Series Box Set

Page 12

by Amelia Wilson

  “Hey,” Luc grumbled as he curled deeper into the pillow.

  “Where’s Abby?” Ty asked twisting around only to find her not in the room. Luc bolted up and scanned the area with sleep-filled vision. He lifted his hand to rub the sleep from them when he noticed Ty rushing to the bathroom. The sound of Ty’s knuckles rapping on the wood door caused Luc to suck in a quick breath waiting for her to respond.

  Ty turned his head back to Luc with his eyes widened with fear. He quickly bolted to the door and flipped on the light. Luc raised his hand up to shield his eyes from the blinding light.

  “What’s going on?” Luc’s voice was laced with irritation as his eyes adjusted.

  “Where is Abby?” Ty repeated.


  “She’s not in there, I just checked.”

  “Dude, there is more than one bathroom in this house.”

  Ty didn’t say a word. He bolted from the room and raced back down stairs searching frantically for Abby. With each room he checked, his panic grew.

  “Abby?” Ty called out pulling open every door to no avail. Luc moved down the stairs and stopped at the bottom to find Ty racing past him.

  “Ty what is going on?”

  “Abby isn’t here.” Luc’s eyes widened as the shock of Abby’s absence shocked him awake.

  “What do you mean she isn’t here?”

  “I mean, I’ve searched this entire house, and she isn’t here.”

  “Well where did she go?” Luc asked stepping forward with his ears perked hoping to hear Abby’s voice in another room.

  “Abby!” Ty cried out letting his dragon voice bellow the house. Pictures on the walls rattled at the sound filtering through the rooms. The brothers paused to hear anything whimper or groan. Luc’s eyes popped as Ty sucked in a deep breath.

  “When did you see her last?” Luc asked.

  “She came down stairs to get water. She said she wanted to roam the house for a few minutes and that she’d meet me upstairs.”

  “Well, she never came back up the stairs,” Luc said as his eyes shifted to the front door. Ty quickly turned his head and spun on his heels. With two long strides, he made it to the door and pulled it open. The heavy wooden moaned as Ty ripped it open.

  “She still has the bracelet on doesn’t she?” Luc asked turning his attention to Ty.

  “I didn’t take it off if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “Well, then she has to be here somewhere.”

  “Or…” The brothers exchanged a quick glance before rushing out to the courtyard.

  “Abby!” Ty and Luc yelled in unison. Their voice rolled over the grounds followed by a crack of thunder. They paused and looked up as the storm swirled above their heads.

  “Do you think he has her?” Luc asked staring up to the dark ominous clouds. Ty shook his head as his eyes narrowed to gaze into the heart of the storm.

  “If he did, I don’t think he would stick around to let us know.”

  “Maybe this a good thing. At least she’ll be safe.”

  “You’re joking right?” Ty shifted around his brother holding his gaze up to the sky.

  “If we don’t know where she is, then he doesn’t either. Maybe we can take him out now and then worry about where Abby is later.”

  Lightening peeled through the clouds and struck the opening of the drive way. Ty stepped back into a crouch ready to spring. Luc took Ty’s flank and waited for the clouds to part.

  “Brother, you are the only person I would want to be here with me right now,” Luc said scanning the area for Nathanael.

  “You always have been a sentimental fool.”

  “Oh, come on, we’ve been in worse scenarios than this,” Luc teased trying to break the tension and electricity that sparked between them.

  “Like when? And don’t bring up Rome, that was nothing like this.”

  “Is that your fall back? When are you going to stop bringing that up?”

  “I wasn’t the one who wanted to play gladiator.”

  “No, you’re the one who tried to be the emperor.”

  “It would have worked if you hadn’t of stepped in,” Ty growled as another shot of lightening crashed into the ground.

  “Well, look what we have here.”

  Ty and Luc spun around to find Nathanael walking around the side of the house with his hands behind his back and a sinister smile stretching across his face.

  “It’s been awhile boys,” Nathanael said as his eyes drifted up to the highest window searching for Abby.

  “Leave, now,” Ty demanded.

  “You aren’t welcomed here,” Luc seconded waiting for Ty to give the signal. Every muscle in Ty’s body tensed as he wondered how fast he could shift. Although he knew he didn’t have the speed that Nathanael had, he could still be able to defend himself if it came to that.

  “Come now boys, it’s been eons since we have chatted. And the last time we talked, I recall you asked me for a favor,” Nathanael’s eyes drifted to Ty as the smile on his face widened.

  “What’s he talking about Ty?” Luc asked holding his stance beside his brother.

  “Nothing,” Ty snipped.

  “Oh come now, you and I go way back. I thought you’d be excited to see me.”

  “What do you want?” Ty asked defiantly knowing exactly what Nathanael was after.

  Nathanael’s eyes flashed to Luc before he raised his hands up and laughed.

  “You know why I am here. I have come to collect my daughter. Now where is she?”

  “She’s not here,” Luc hissed. Nathanael turned his gaze to Luc and cocked his head back as his eyebrow rose with suspicion.

  “Is that so? Well then, that does put you in an awkward position doesn’t it? You see, Ty told me she was here. So, either you are lying to me, or Ty broke our agreement, and she is on the run.”

  Luc’s eyes flashed to Ty as he stood straight. “What is he talking about? Have you been leaking information to him about Abby?”

  “No.” Ty snapped as his hands balled up into fight fists. “Now leave before we make you leave.”

  “I’m sorry, did you just threaten me?” Nathanael laughed as the thunder rattled the windows.

  “It’s no threat,” Ty growled as his body shimmered and flames licked his body until his dragon form emerged. Luc stepped back from the flames as Ty’s claws crashed into the ground causing it to roll under Luc’s feet.

  “Is that how you want to play this? Fine, but I will find my daughter even it I have to pick your bones from my teeth.”

  Nathanael’s laughter crackled as flames flashed up around his body revealing his green scales that reflected the green tint of the atmosphere. Luc’s mouth dropped in awe as Nathanael rushed Ty with his mouth wide open.

  The sound of the dragons clashing rocked the house as they collided. Luc fell back as Ty pushed off of the ground and soared high into the clouds with Nathanael on his tail.

  “You aren’t getting her, she’s mine.” Luc bellowed towards the storm as fire and sulfur engulfed his body. Luc pushed forth the monster within him and growled to the storm spinning around his head. With a mighty shove, Luc spread open his powerful wings and took to the sky.

  Chapter 10

  Ty whizzed through the black storm clouds crashing down onto the ground. He groaned as his body skidded over the grassy field. He lifted his weary head trying to pull his massive body back up to continue fighting, but he stumbled under his weight.

  “Must keep going,” he thought as he forced himself up. With his wings spread open, he grunted as he tried to take to the sky once again. But as he pushed the wind down to take flight, Luc plowed into him knocking him back further from Nathanael.

  The green dragon circled around the brothers taunting them as they struggled to get up. Each wore down and battered beyond belief. Ty glanced at Luc as a flash of flames surrounded Luc turning him human once again. Ty shook his head as his brother laid limp on the ground beside him.

p; A roar ripped through his body and he mustered his remaining strength to flight once again. Ty pushed through the pain and took to the skies hell bent on knocking Nathanael down. With his claws extended Ty ducked under Nathanael and lunged his arms up into Nathanael’s wings.

  Ty twisted his neck around trying to catch a glimpse of Nathanael’s fall, but Nathanael tucked his tail around Ty’s throat and dragged him back down to the ground. Unable to free himself, Ty plummeted towards the earth.

  The sound of thunder rattled the trees and masked the dragon’s impact. All the air residing within Ty’s chest exhaled the instant he hit the ground. Ty couldn’t hold his dragon form any longer. No matter what he thought of, or who he had to protect, it was no use. Nathanael shimmered as Ty shifted back. With Nathanael’s hand around Ty’s throat, Ty’s eyes fluttered and rolled back into his head.

  Nathanael cackled watching the brother’s demise and tossed Ty away from him like garbage.

  “Did I not warn you? I thought you understood. There is no way you could ever defeat me,” Nathanael boasted as Luc regained consciousness. Luc lifted up his hand to his brother so far away and tried to call for him. But with his throat dried out and his body too weak all he could do was reach for him and grunt.

  “Now, for the last time, where is my daughter?” Nathanael ordered leaning down to pick Ty up by his neck. With his feet dangling in the air, Ty tried hitting and squirming out of Nathanael’s grasp with no avail. Nathanael squeezed his fingers tighter cutting off Ty’s voice and air supply.

  “Leave him alone!”

  Nathanael smiled as he closed his eyes at the sound of a female voice roaring over the thunder. Nathanael pulled Ty to his face and hissed at him before tossing him over his shoulder.

  Abby gasped to see Ty sliding towards her. Blood pooled from his nose and drained out of his lips. Her eyes glanced to Luc who had one eye swollen shut and more bruises than she could count. Pain ripped through her as she witnessed the loves of her life battered and bruised by Nathanael’s hands.

  “There you are,” Nathanael said turning to face her. “I was wondering when you would show up. But,” Nathanael cupped his hands together and smiled wickedly at her. “Now that you’re here, we can go.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you,” Abby said holding her head up high.

  “What are you doing here?” Luc’s voice cracked as he tried to speak and Abby shook her head refusing to take her eyes off Nathanael.

  “Are you crazy? You need to go. Now!” Luc’s voice broke between syllables but Abby remained in her place unmoving as Nathanael stepped closer towards her.

  “Oh my daughter, you have no idea how long I have waited to find you.”

  “You should have looked harder. I’ve been around for a while now.” Nathanael shook his head and waved his finger at her like she was a five-year-old being scolded.

  “No, they did something to you. Masked you from me,” Nathanael glanced at the broken men at his feet as he drew closer to them.

  “Rumor has it they stole your heart and gave you another.”

  “You stole my heart remember? You tore it from me to make me human.”

  “Is that what they told you?” Nathanael glanced at the brother’s once again. Ty’s eyes fluttered open and his face went from peaceful to horrified in a matter of seconds.

  “Allow me set the record straight. Your mother came to me begging me to dispose of you. She pleaded for me to end you to kill the dragon she had created. I took pity on you. After all, you were my child and so I took your heart knowing one day your mother would die, and you would be free to live your own life.

  But your step-father, the Lord of the Land, discovered what you were and was terrified. He went out to kill you and I ended him.”

  “No, Ty ended him.”

  “Oh my dear girl, Ty? Ty was the one who came to me pleading for me to intervene. He came to me and offered his life to me so that you would be bound to him forever.”

  Abby’s eyes flashed to Ty. Shame flashed through his golden eyes and he dropped his head.

  “But if memory serves me right, it was Luc who you ended up becoming bound to. Isn’t that right?” Nathanael’s laughter filled the open space as he clapped his hands with glee.

  “Luc wasn’t bound to me. He never swore his allegiance to me. Which is why it took so long for me to finally find you.”

  “So how did you find me? Was it Ty?”

  “In a matter of speaking,” Nathanael snickered. “He stole the one thing that would make you whole again,” Nathanael’s eyes narrowed on Abby’s chest and he lifted his finger up, pointing at her. “He stole your heart from me.”

  “My heart doesn’t belong to anyone but me,” Abby growled.

  “You misunderstand me child. I don’t want your heart, I want you.”


  “Don’t you know how special you are?”

  “So I’m the only female dragon, so what.”

  “Oh you are so much more than that. And I can teach you everything you need to know to rule this world. I can make you invisible and a mighty ruler when I die. I can give you everything you have ever wanted.”

  Nathanael’s words pulled at Abby’s heartstrings and lured her in like a soft lullaby. She could feel the weight of Nathanael’s enchantment weaving its poison through every fiber of her body.

  “And what of Luc and Ty? What happens to them?” Abby kept her eyes locked on her father as she spoke.

  “They have done exactly as I have asked, to keep you safe until the right time and then deliver you to me when I called for you.”

  “That doesn’t answer the question.”

  “I swear on my black heart I will not harm them. And I will release Ty from his bondage to me.”

  “If I go with you?” Abby asked cocking her head.

  “Abby what are you doing? You can’t let him win,” Luc pleaded as he crawled over the ground towards her. “You don’t know what he is capable of.”

  “You promise? You won’t hurt them ever again?” Abby ignored Luc’s plead as she held her ground. Her heart drummed in her ears as she tried to steady her nerves. Nathanael’s enchantment pushed into her deeper than ever before and she fought the urge to bend to his will.

  “I swear,” Nathanael said holding his hand over his heart with a smile curling up at the corner of his lips.

  “Abby no!” Ty cried out as Abby’s eyes flashed to Ty.

  “I have lost you more times than I’d care to admit, please, don’t make me lose you again.” Tears dripped down Ty’s cheeks. The brothers reached out for her as her eyes rolled back into the back of her skull.

  “Deal,” she whispered. Abby took in a deep breath as Nathanael clapped. Nathanael moved towards her with his arms open wide ready to embrace his daughter. Ty rolled over to his side and pushed himself up off the ground. With fumbling feet, he slammed his body into Nathanael’s only to be easily knocked back down.

  “I swore to my daughter I wouldn’t harm you,” Nathanael said glaring at Ty. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t make her dispose of you for me.”

  “I thought you might say that,” Abby opened her eyes and glared at her father with murderous intent. She reached her hands behind her back as shock flashed across Nathanael’s face.

  Before Nathanael could move, Abby was inches from him. In her hands Elinor pierced through Nathanael’s chest. With a flick of her wrist, the blade inched its way up her father’s torso before she withdrew it and stepped back.

  Blood dripped from the blade as Nathanael dropped to his knees, holding his chest with both his hands.

  “Seems to me that your little girl is all grown up,” Abby hissed as she watched the light fade out of Nathanael’s eyes. In a green flash of light, Nathanael’s body vanished and embers of his remains drifted up into the sky. The dark clouds dissipated leaving nothing more than a crystal clear sky above their heads.

  “Oh god,” Abby said rushing to Luc first. Luc cupped his hands
around her face. Abby leaned in to press her lips to his swollen mouth. “I’m so sorry,” she said trying to figure out some way to help him. Luc forced a smile as her eyes darted to Ty.

  “How did you know that would kill him?” Ty asked as she rushed over to him to check his injuries.

  “I think I read it somewhere,” Abby said helping him to his feet. Ty lifted his hands up to her face and stared at her with such intensity she thought he might lose himself in her.

  “I thought I had lost you again,” he whispered as he dipped his head down and pressed his forehead to hers.

  “Not in this life. This time is mine, and no one is going to own me.”

  “You never fail to amaze me, you know that?”

  “Well, someone has to keep you on your toes,” Abby said lightly as she helped Ty walk over to Luc. Luc propped himself up onto his elbow and stared at Ty.

  “Did you really do all those things Nathanael said?” Luc asked. Abby shook her head.

  “It doesn’t matter if he did or not. What’s done is done. And Nathanael will never bother us again.” Abby glanced to Luc and back to Ty. Her heart filled with joy as she realized for the first time, she was right where she wanted to be, and finally comfortable in her own skin. She wasn’t the damsel in distress any longer, she was a dragon.


  Abby stood outside on the balcony counting the stars trying to block out the events of the day. She knew that there was no denying what she was any longer. There was a monster within her, but that monster didn’t have to be a violent one. She saw what power could do to her if she let it. Nathanael had thought himself invincible and yet, with a flick of her wrist she ended him and the threat to her life.

  She sighed deeply wishing for the images to disappear, but the green glow from Nathanael’s dying soul left her with questions.

  What did he want with her? And why wait so long to find her? Abby reached for her chest and felt her heart beating within her. Did Luc’s heart really hold off the darkness? So many questions that she would never find the answers to. She exhaled sharply and shook her head.


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