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Sharing Rose

Page 4

by Brianna Skylark

  ‘How appropriate,’ said Jacob. ‘You look like an ass.’

  ‘Put me down, you caveman,’ shouted Rose, still laughing but starting to feel a little heavy headed. As Alex reached the starting point, he placed her gently down on a high rock, her feet dangling over the edge.

  ‘My lady,’ he said politely and bowed, stepping back from her.

  Rose’s hair was tussled, her face was bright red and she felt flustered and a little winded. She jumped down from the rock and scooped up her bag.

  ‘You’re such a dick,’ she said as she walked past him and then broke into a run. ‘Race you to the tree,’ she shouted as she took off.

  ‘Oh no you don’t,’ said Alex breaking into a sprint and chasing after her.

  Jacob watched, arms raised in frustration as Alex left his bag on the ground by Jacob’s feet and sped after their friend, dust rising up from his shoes in a small cloud.

  As Jacob caught up with them both, he found Rose leaning against the tree, laughing and smiling and it reminded him of all the times they would play together out on the field during lunch breaks, making up silly games, racing each other, kicking a ball around, and then later, just hanging out together and talking and laughing.

  He longed to be back there.

  All the time he was at school he was desperate to leave, to move on and grow up and be an adult. Now he was there, at the start of his career, a bright future ahead of him, and he found he wanted nothing more than to go back to the days of school where he was carefree and young and do it all again. Although he’d do a few things differently.

  He’d have kissed Rose for one.

  As Rose caught her breath, she said, ‘So what next Mr Neanderthal? You going to hit me over the head and take me back to your cave?’

  ‘Later,’ said Alex, smirking. ‘For now,’ he said as he reached for his backpack, still dangling from Jacob’s arm. ‘We’re walking south for three kilometres and heading up around four hundred metres, walking in that direction.’ He pointed and smiled.

  Rose raised her eyebrows. ‘Let’s get moving then.’

  The first part of the trail was easy going, it was a gentle ascent along a wide path that had been etched into the base of a sheer rock face running parallel to a deep gorge. The drop off to the right was steep and it felt quite dizzying walking above the trees which were swaying in the breeze down below them.

  Alex was taking the lead and Jacob was bringing up the rear, with Rose in between the two, feeling safe and well looked after. Jacob wasn't complaining either, he had a good view after all. Rose’s leggings didn't leave much to the imagination.

  Again she thought to herself that if she had been here with anyone else she would've taken self-righteous offence over their masculine protective behaviour, but with the two men it was just natural, for them and for her. She was also consciously enjoying adding a little extra sway to her hips as she walked.

  Ahead of them the path continued across a short footbridge with a handrail that circumvented a spectacular waterfall. A fine sheen of mist contained a rainbow of colours which turned and sparkled and warped as they drew near. The sight and the sound of the water crashing past and falling down hundreds of metres into the river below was thunderous and awe inspiring.

  For several minutes they all stood on the bridge, marvelling up towards the source and down into the dizzying depths of the gorge. Rose’s knuckles turned white as she held on tight to the hand rail and leaned over the edge, feeling a keen sense of vertigo as she did.

  By the time they reached the other side they each had a fine layer of fresh cool water covering their skin, and their clothes were permeated, but it was revitalising in the warm midday sun.

  ‘I’m soaked,’ said Rose, wiping a layer of water off her face.

  ‘Do you remember that water park we visited in the sixth form?’ said Alex.

  ‘Crazy Canyon?’ laughed Rose, screwing up her face at him, knowing what was coming.

  ‘That's the one,’ said Alex, almost doubling over with laughter. Jacob shook his head from side to side as he walked.

  ‘I haven't forgotten,’ said Rose. ‘It's kind of hard to forget accidentally showing off my tits to half of our year group.’

  ‘All I remember is Jacob trying to cover you up with his jacket, and everyone booing. What even happened?’

  ‘You don't remember?’

  ‘I saw tits, I didn't much care how or why at the time.’

  ‘You’re so fucking shallow,’ laughed Rose. ‘I was wearing a sports bra and a t-shirt as I knew I was going to get soaked, so mum had suggested I wear them to avoid looking like I'd been taking part in some rude competition. The ride had those shoulder bars that came down on a mechanical arm and clipped together between your legs. Well the bar came down and clamped over the edge of my t-shirt but I didn't know. When the ride finished, my top got stuck, so when the bar came up, my t-shirt came with it, and somehow the bra stuck to it. The only way I could get out without being hung, was to slip out of both.’

  Alex had stopped as he was laughing too hard. ‘That’s amazing. I didn't even know that was possible.’

  ‘Jacob here, was a kind gentleman and gave me his jacket to preserve my modesty.’

  ‘Too late, half the sixth form were queuing for the ride,’ said Alex. ‘You had a great pair of tits though.’

  ‘Still do, thank you,’ said Rose.

  ‘Not seen them in four years,’ said Alex, shrugging. ‘Things change.’

  ‘Well maybe I'll treat Jacob to a show later, and reward him for his gentlemanly behaviour.’

  Alex laughed again. Was it her imagination though, or had what she’d just said got to him in some way. He had laughed, but it seemed less genuine.

  ‘No need, Rose. I was happy to help.’

  ‘Spoken like a true gentleman,’ said Rose.

  ‘A true gentleman never gets to see any tits,’ said Alex.

  They soon came to a brief halt as the ascent became trickier, zig-zagging up through a jagged crevice, just a hundred feet up, but a daunting challenge none-the-less.

  Alex didn't appear to be fazed at all, stepping up quickly and hauling himself up onto the first step. Rose, not wanting to be outdone, but a little more concerned about her safety, swung her bag down, rummaged inside and produced a pair of fingerless gloves with a reinforced palm.

  Out of the three, Rose was by far the most experienced climber and she wasn't going to miss an opportunity to prove herself. Especially to the boys.

  In a flash she was up and standing next to Alex, her limber form gracefully ascending with speed from the ground. Without waiting for Jacob, she began to climb up onto the next jut, leaning forward, conscious of her heavy rucksack changing her centre of gravity.

  She was fast, and Jacob admired it, and he could see that she was enjoying the thrill as she straddled the funnel which took them up to next part of the trail. Rose was now halfway up, and still gaining speed. Her slender arms and powerful calf muscles propelled her up the cliff side with little effort.

  He found it dizzying.

  Alex was around fifteen feet above him now as he began to climb beyond the first step, pulling his weight up with more effort than it took the others.

  Rose called down from above.

  ‘Do you remember us climbing in Devon on that residential trip?’

  ‘When you dropped me on the support line?’ said Jacob.

  ‘The line was slack,’ she said, protesting.

  ‘It wasn't slack, you were distracted by Alex pointing out Mike Perry’s arse crack,’ said Jacob.

  Alex burst into laughter. ‘Oh shit, I remember, you fell thirty foot and hit the floor like a sack of potatoes. That must've hurt.’

  ‘Damn right it did, I ended up walking back with Mrs Silver so I didn't have to climb back up the same way again. Took me an hour. I never got you back for that.’

  ‘Looks like you're about to miss your chance again,’ said Rose.

  ‘You wait until
I get up there,’ said Jacob, speeding up.

  ‘What’re you going to do? Punish me?’ said Rose as she pulled herself up onto the brow, slipping on a loose rock scree with her foot as she did so.

  ‘Look out,’ shouted Alex as Jacob looked up.

  A small shower of rocks and pebbles tumbled down the side of the rock face, gathering speed and creating a small land slip heading straight for the two men.

  Alex side stepped and clung to a short ledge, his feet searching and scraping for grip as the rocks fell past him. Jacob however, had no choice but to cling on and lower his head beneath a thin outcrop.

  The stones rained down around him bouncing off his shoulders and back and threatening to dislodge his hand-hold as several cracked against his knuckles.

  As the noise subsided and the rock fall slowed, Rose leaned over the edge.

  ‘Oh my gosh, Jacob?’ Rose called out. ‘Are you okay? Is he okay?’

  From her position, Rose could see Alex but there was no sign of Jacob.

  ‘Where is he, I can't see him? Jacob?’ she called out again.

  Alex found a footing and pulled himself up, shimmying back round until he was safely on the ledge, but Jacob was gone.

  Moving quickly he lowered himself down and out of sight from Rose, peering below him.

  ‘I'm okay,’ came Jacob’s voice as his friend came into view again.

  Rose sat back hard and held her chest. Her eyes were filled with panic, and she was breathing hard.

  ‘Just a few bumps and scrapes,’ came Jacob’s voice, laughing. ‘When I get up there, you are in so much trouble,’

  Now she started to laugh too.

  ‘Is that a promise?’ she shouted back.

  ‘You bet your ass,’ said Jacob. ‘I’m coming for you.’


  As the two men pulled themselves up over the brow of the ridge, Rose rushed forward and took their hands, pulling them up and onto their feet.

  As Jacob stood she threw her arms around him as tight as she could.

  ‘I’m so sorry,’ she said. ‘My foot slipped and I was rushing and it was stupid.’

  ‘It’s fine,’ said Jacob, patting her on the shoulder as he pulled away. ‘No harm done to me, but you on the other hand, are in extreme danger.’

  A look of confusion crossed Rose’s face but then she grinned, her eyes wide with excitement and fear.

  ‘I’ll give you a head start,’ he said and then winked.

  ‘What do you mean?’ she said, stepping backwards, her arms out.

  ‘I think he’s telling you to start running,’ said Alex.

  ‘No, no, no. What are you going to do?’ she said, backing away and turning around, holding up her hands in surrender, but it was too late. Jacob started to run towards her.

  She broke into a sprint as she laughed, but he was too fast and he caught her in a matter of seconds, lifting her up into the air by her waist and tickling her. She screamed and laughed and writhed in his grip as he brought her down onto the grassy floor.

  Then all of a sudden, Jacob wasn’t in control. Rose had her arm around his neck and then his legs gave way and he was on his back. She had both of his wrists in her grip, twisted above his head and she was just inches from his face, one knee in his groin and a wicked smile on her face.

  For a few seconds they were frozen, looking into each others eyes.

  ‘Oh shit,’ came Alex’s voice. ‘She got you good man.’

  Rose was panicking, she hadn’t meant to take him down quite so hard, or humiliate him, but her instincts had kicked in. Now she was worried that he might feel emasculated, but at the same time, it had felt good to dominate him.

  He could feel her breath on his face, and for a brief second he looked down at her lips. A lock of her hair fell loose from her ear and tickled his forehead. Rose blew it away with a quick puff and then pecked him on the cheek.

  As she loosened her grip he pounced, rolling her over onto her back and pinning her down. She suddenly found herself completely at his mercy. She couldn’t move her arms or her hips, she tried to kick her legs up but they wouldn’t budge.

  She loved it.

  ‘Touché,’ she said, laughing as he let go.

  He stood up and extended his hand down to her, helping her up from the floor and she did her best not to squeal as his strong arm pulled her up easily. The two of them locked eyes again and for a brief second she saw something predatory, as though he wanted her. It was forceful and full of desire and then it burned away and her friend was back in front of her.

  Turning away, a little dazed and very turned on, she plucked up her rucksack and swung it onto her back again and then turned to see Alex looking drawn and a little deflated. He smiled and started heading off up the trail.

  ‘If you two are done flirting, then we need to get moving.’

  Jacob gestured for her to go first, the gentleman had returned, and although she loved this version of him, she wanted passionate and angry Jacob back again.

  If only for half an hour.

  Ten minutes passed by as the trio continued walking up the hill toward what Rose was starting to suspect was a high altitude mountain lake. The ground was flat and wide here with a gentle incline and it was gradually becoming more wet and boggy as they neared the brow. Rose started to walk a little faster in her excitement, moving ahead of the pair of them and wondering to herself if either one (or both of them) were watching her as she moved.

  She saw the lake before the two men, excitedly pressing on ahead as they all drew near.

  It was ice blue and crystal clear.

  Fed by glacial streams and meltwater run off, it was bound to be ice cold too, but that wasn't going to faze her.

  As she approached the small beach that ran along the eastern shoreline, she dropped her rucksack and removed her shoes, kicking them off as she walked.

  Jacob and Alex, still a little way back, found they were suddenly being treated to the sight of Rose stripping down to her underwear as they crested the brow, her clothes abandoned in a line heading down the beach. They watched in astonishment as she ran, just fast enough so she that didn't have time to change her mind. With no hesitation, she dove straight into the freezing cold waters of the lake, and went under.

  As the pair watched, she re-emerged, her hair slicked back, her skin glistening, her eyes wide as she took a sharp, shocked breath and shivered violently.

  ‘Oh shit,’ she shouted. ‘Shit, shit, shit it's cold.’

  She breathed in, shuddering, and held her breath then dunked back under again. As she broke the surface once more, she swam towards them until she could put her feet down on the soft bed. The water was as clear as a window and below her she could see beautiful smooth pebbles, tiny fish and a sunken log brimming with life as she paddled.

  The two men weren’t hiding the fact that they were staring at her and she laughed.

  ‘You look like you've never seen me in my knickers before,’ she shouted. ‘Come on, get in, the waters… invigorating.’

  ‘You didn't really sell it to us with the shit, shit, shit routine,’ said Alex.

  She could see that Jacob was already putting down his rucksack though, and not to be outdone, Alex quickly threw his down too.

  Rose suddenly found herself in a difficult position. She wanted to watch the men strip down to their underwear and stride into the water, preferably in slow motion, but if she stared for too long she might come across as a little obvious and weird.

  She decided to take the surreptitious approach and swim around a little, glancing back now and again and feeling more than a little excited.

  As Alex removed his top however, Rose had to stop. He really had been hitting the gym. He was toned, muscular and broad and she couldn't help but stare.

  Jacob noticed and a little pang of jealously had stung somewhere in his heart. Alex was more muscular than he was, but he was proud of his own body and had worked hard for it over the last two years. He stood up now and peeled off his
own shirt, feeling the bracing wind on his skin, coming off the surface of the water as it rippled across the lake. He looked at Rose and could see that her attention was drawn to him now.

  ‘Oh shit, I really am in trouble,’ she whispered to herself as both men walked with purpose and poise into the water, and began swimming out to join her.

  ‘Fuck,’ said Alex as he got closer. ‘Why is it so cold?’

  ‘It's a glacial lake,’ said Rose. ‘It’s also fed by meltwater from the ice above the snow line.’

  Alex dunked his head under the water and came back up. As he did so, Rose splashed him.

  ‘Don't start something you can’t finish, Prim.’

  She raised her eyebrows in challenge. ‘Is that what you think, Alex?’ She splashed him again and as she did he erupted out of the water and grabbed her, pulling her down with him beneath the surface.

  Moments later they came back up for air but Rose splashed him again, and then Jacob too, for good measure, before turning and swimming away towards the middle of the lake.

  Jacob took off after her in pursuit. He was a powerful swimmer but she was light, so they were a fairly even match but Jacob had the edge and before long she felt his grip on her foot pulling her back. They grappled together for a moment, laughing and pushing one another as they tread water in the crystal clear turquoise that surrounded them.

  It was surreal. As though they were floating fifty feet in the air, the bottom of the lake teeming with life, fish, sunken driftwood and rocks.

  Rose reached out and took Jacob’s hand beneath the water, interlinking his fingers with hers and holding tight as they floated together.

  Jacob was finding it hard to keep his eyes from looking down into the water at Rose’s body, but then something behind her distracted him.

  It was Alex.

  He erupted from behind Rose and grabbed her with both arms, pulling her back under again as she screamed. He let go of her hand as the pair of them disappeared and he watched them beneath the surface, tussling and turning. Then they were back up again, laughing and breathing deep.

  As they wiped their eyes, Rose’s expression changed to surprise and wonder and she pointed.


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