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by Ella Goode

  “Tastes like heaven.” I lift her hips up and bring her pussy to my mouth. She does taste like heaven or some kind of ethereal nectar that’s served to gods during some weird ass celebration. I drink her in, sucking and licking until the sensation of my mouth on her hot pussy drives out any ounce of embarrassment. She writhes under my grip, gasping out my name, and imploring me to help her, help her, help her.

  I plunge my fingers into her, scissoring them. She screams as the orgasm crashes over her. I set her gently on the bed and tear off my clothes.

  My dick is in my hand and ready to take her. I take in her body, flushed from head to toe. Her eyes are glittering in the dimly lit room. With her hair splayed across the pillow and her chest heaving from coming, she looks like a delectable offering—a maiden to be claimed.

  I position my cock head at the opening of her tight, swollen hole. “I’m taking you now, little birdie. You ready?”

  A lazy, sensual smile spreads across her face. “Born that way.”

  I laugh at her sudden confidence. I love it. I love her and I’m not keeping that in anymore. “Little birdie, I’ve waited for you my whole life.” I part her flesh with the tip of my cock. “Now that you’re mine, I won’t ever let you go. You know this, right?” I push inside of her snugness another inch. “If another man looks at you”—I drive forward until a third of my shaft is sucked inside of her cunt—“I’ll kill him, you hear?”

  She sucks in a shaky breath. “Yeah, I hear. The same goes for you.”

  “I swear my allegiance to you. Birdie, you’re mine,” I shout as I plunge home. Her head goes back and her body arches, shocked at my intrusion. Her small, wet cunt spasms around my dick. I know it’s her first time but my body doesn’t care. I fuck her like a madman, shafting her juicy core over and over until she’s trembling and shivering around me as her second orgasm floods through her body, drenching my cock and setting off a response in my own system. My cum shoots out of me in long ropey jets, filling her cunt until she’s overflowing.

  “I love you, Birdie. I fucking love you,” I shout.

  She clutches me to her and puffs out her own declaration. “I love you, too, Nick. Please, I love you so much.”

  The words shouldn’t matter so much. It’s actions that count, but her proclamation sends me over the edge again. I pound into her and come again and again until my body has nothing left. I drop to the mattress, veering to the side at the last second so I don’t crush her smaller frame with my big one. I draw her into my arms, kissing the wetness on her cheeks away.

  “I love you,” I say between pecks.

  “I didn’t know it would feel like this,” she says. Her voice is half awed and half exhausted.

  “Me either.” I draw a blanket up around her shoulders.

  “Is it like this for everyone?” she wonders.

  “No. Just you and me.” I don’t care if other people say they feel the same. I know they don’t. What Birdie and I have is special. She’s the last piece of my life’s puzzle and I won’t ever let her go.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I jump up and down as I try to slide the pants up my legs. I had no idea it would be this hard to put on leather pants. Nor did I ever think that I’d actually get a chance to wear them. I’d bought them because they looked badass and were only five bucks at the thrift store. Thinking maybe I’d wear them to a concert or something. Even though I don’t go to concerts. Let’s face it, I couldn’t pass up the five dollar bargain. It was a damn steal. After the struggle, I finally get them up. I grab my black sweater that falls off of one shoulder before pulling on black boots. I hear the shower go off in the bathroom and really wish Nick would have let me join him. I’d taken an hour soak in the tub to relax after our lovemaking but he said that I needed a little more time to heal.

  I blush thinking about the kisses he gave me between my thighs. I have no problem waiting if he keeps on giving me those. At least for a little while, but I was craving the closeness that the lovemaking brought us. I am only a little sore and I know my body will be more than okay with another round with Nick.

  I head to the bathroom, open the door, and run to hide behind the wall that separates you from the sitting area in the bedroom. He calls my name. I put my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing.

  “Birdie.” He tries again. I hear him move. Right as he crosses the doorway I jump out in front of him.

  “BOO!” I scream. He doesn't even flinch. I guess I’m not a scary spy. It doesn’t matter, I’m stealthy and that’s what we’ll need if we’re going to get the information.

  “Fucking hell. What are you wearing?” I look down at my black leather pants and sweater.

  “I’m a ninja spy.” Obviously. How can he not tell?

  “I don’t think ninjas are this sexy.” He picks me up, carrying me over to the small kitchen and setting me on the counter. This place really is like a fancy apartment. I am definitely starting to realize how rich Nick is. He doesn’t act rich but this place screams money. Though I’m not exactly sure how rich people act. Maybe this is normal for most people and I’m so used to only getting by that I’ve lost touch.

  “You think I look sexy?” I tilt my head to the side, causing my sweater to fall off my shoulder.

  “You always look sexy but these pants are something else.”

  I hold up my hand, wiggling my fingers. “Five dollars at Trudy’s thrift store. Can you get that kind of deal at this Barney’s you speak of?”

  He laughs. “I don’t think you can get anything at Barney’s for five dollars. Not even a cup of coffee.” He leans down, brushing his mouth against mine. I slide my hands up his back, deepening this kiss as I let out a small happy moan into his mouth. I’ve never felt so connected to someone before. He pulls back with a reluctant grunt.

  “You should stay here,” he says. I can see he’s having an inner battle with himself.

  “No way. I already put my ninja gear on.” I jump off the counter, trying to do a kick at the same time. Luckily, Nick catches me so I don’t face plant on the hotel room floor. “Clearly the outfit alone doesn't make you a ninja but I’ll blend in with the dark.”

  “What if something happens?” He rights me on my feet as he brings his hands up to cup my face. He holds me so gently, like I’m the most precious, fragile thing in the world. His eyes are tender as they gaze into mine. I can see the worry that lines his face. I reach a hand up and let my fingers run over his now frowning face.

  “You own that house, Nick. This isn't trespassing,” I remind him. Sure, his uncle lives there but Nick’s father owned everything. All of it was left to Nick and he deserved to have it. He’d spent his whole life there. All of his memories of his parents are there and I’ll be damned if I let anyone take that away from him. I’d spent the entire drive here reading over anything and everything I could get my hands on. Nick already had a bunch of notes on things that had caught his eye as suspicious and I added to it. That fucker of an uncle is going down.

  “You mean more to me than any of that stuff. Those are things. Things are replaceable. You’re not.”

  I turn my head, kissing his palm. I have to fight the tears that want to break free. No one has ever thought of me that way. My mom could care less what I was up to. She was happy she didn’t have to deal with me anymore and could go on living her life.

  “I’ll be fine.” I lift on my tiptoes to brush my mouth against his. “We have to do this for your parents too. Plus, Gran deserves to have the appropriate care. She should be able to stay where she wants. Your parents worked hard to make sure she’d have that privilege. Your uncle’s not getting away with this.” Nick closes his eyes. I know he’s still fighting this. I also know he’s going to say he can go himself. “We’re a team. Teams work together. There’s no I in team, Nick,” I remind him. “Plus, I know what I’m looking for. It will be quicker if I’m with you. We’ll be in and out as quickly as possible,” I say, letting him know that I’m all in
for our mission.

  He lets out a long breath. “Gran will have my hide if one hair on your head gets hurt.” I smile up at him. “Also, that’s not a ninja outfit.”

  “Is so.” I do a turn. I’m in all black. Except my hair. There is nothing I can do about that but pull it up so the curls stay out of my way. He gives my ass a smack, making me jump. I glare at him but he only smiles. Good. I’ll take this expression any day over the sadness that can take over his eyes. It breaks my heart when I see it start to creep in. Nick is sweet and funny. He cares so much for the people he loves and I hate that someone gave him that sadness. It stinks that it’s his own family that did it to him. His uncle, his flesh and blood, committed the ultimate act of betrayal. I hope we can find what we need to put him away forever and give Nick some closure.

  “All right, little bird. Let’s get this show on the road.”

  I grab my phone off the charger, leaving everything else behind. “So how do we get into this place?” I ask as we ride the elevator down.

  “I have a key.” He pats the pocket of his jeans.

  “Do we do like a stakeout? Watch the place and make sure no one is there?”

  “We’ll drive by first. My uncle has a thing for the ladies so he spends most nights at the local strip clubs.” He shakes his head as we exit the elevator.

  “I’ve never been to one,” I admit as we make our way to the car. “You?” I peek over at him.

  “Nope. Think I might enjoy one though.” I stop walking, my mouth falling open. A simple no would have worked. I’m about to go ninja on his ass after that answer.

  “What?” He looks at me like I’m the crazy one. “You think I wouldn't enjoy watching you strip?” He grabs me, flinging me over his shoulder where he smacks my ass. I laugh as he carries me the rest of the way to his car over his shoulder. He opens the passenger door and places me inside. He gives me a quick kiss before he buckles my seatbelt and closes my door before walking to the driver’s side, getting in and starting the engine. He puts the car in reverse but before he pulls out, he turns to me. “If you want to back out of this at any time, just say the word.” I roll my eyes at him. I’m not getting out of the car. We’ve come this far already.

  “The only thing backing out will be this damn car when you get a move on it.” He shakes his head at my corny joke and proceeds to back out and head in the direction of his home.

  The sun has set but it’s easy to see that the neighborhood we pull into is for the rich and famous. Each house is bigger than the last. They are all spread out but are still part of a neighborhood. I’m sure during the day kids ride their bikes up and down the street. I could see having a family here. My heart gives a funny jerk at those thoughts. It’s the first time I’ve considered having one of my own. My hand goes to my stomach thinking about how likely that could be after Nick and I made love. Neither of us thought about protection. It was the furthest thing from my mind. All I wanted was to be close to him.

  “Why does your uncle stay here?” I ask. I know he is a single man who is obviously into doing bad things.

  “Either to piss me off or because he’s trying to blend in. It’s not like the cops are rolling around here.” The car comes to a stop. “I want you to stay put.” I start to open my mouth but he cuts me off. “I’m going to go have a look around and I’ll be right back. I want to make sure no one’s here.”

  I can tell from the worried look on his face that I’m not going to be able to change his mind. “Come back.” He leans over and kisses me. It’s soft and sweet. I feel his promise in it.

  “I’ll always come for you.” He gives me another kiss before he’s hopping from the car. Minutes tick by, each making me more anxious. I want to text him but I fear maybe he forgot to put his phone on silent. Unable to help myself, I slip from the car. I’ll just take a small look. I head the same way that I saw Nick go. I barely make it a few feet and someone is yelling out at me.

  “Ma’am! This way.” I turn to see a man in a suit waving me over. Against my better judgment I walk toward him. I try and play it casual, wondering if I can get away with saying I snuck out of my parents’ house and I live a few doors down. “Girls go in the back door.” He points toward the back of the house. “You know the rules.” He snaps the last part at me.

  “Sorry. Got turned around,” I lie. I pass him, and his eyes roam over me as I go. He licks his lips, making my skin crawl, and I walk a little faster toward the way he pointed, down the long driveway under an archway and to the back of the house. I see a door. I look back to see if I spot Nick anywhere, but I don’t. Maybe I can slip in and out without being noticed. I can act as if I’m one of these girls that randomly comes and goes from the house. I take a deep breath, turning the knob and pushing inside.

  I pull out my phone as I gently close the door behind me and text Nick that I’m inside the house so he doesn't worry. I know the layout of the house somewhat. Nick had broken it down for me when we’d lain in bed together. I head straight for the office, praying that I can find what Nick needs. He’s given me something I had no idea was missing in my life, this want for a family, and I want to give him his back. I might not be able to bring his parents back but I hope I can help him get some closure. If I’m what he wants, then I hope one day I can give him his own family to love.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Shit.” The old fart is home. Not only that, he appears to be having a party. A few men around my uncle’s age are sitting on my mom’s leather chairs drinking my dad’s eighty-year-old Scotch leering at a dozen girls in various stages of nudity. A flash of red, hot rage spirals through me and for a moment, a haze of fury blinds me. If I had a weapon, I’d--oh shit! Is that Birdie in there?

  I shake my head thinking that I had an anger-induced hallucination but, no, the sexy black leather clad ninja is being ushered into the entertainment room. I glare at her. How does staying put end up with her in my uncle’s clutches? As if she can sense me, her eyes pivot to the window. She grimaces slightly and mouths something.

  It takes me all of two seconds to figure out my plan of action. I straighten from the shadows and march around to the front door. Like Birdie said, I own this place. I might as well act like it. I wrench open the door and let it fly backwards with a bang. A burly guy in a black suit with an earpiece steps away from the wall. I swing and hit him on the jaw. He crumples to the floor like a deck of paper cards.

  Hitting a human feels different than punching a bag. It’s way more satisfying, I realize, to hear the crunch of bone against bone than the thwunk of a boxing glove against a bag filled with sand. Shaking the sting of pain off my hand, I search the man’s pockets and find a gun. Since I have no idea how to use it and am more likely to shoot myself and Birdie than my uncle, I shove it under the floral slipper chairs my mom would get recovered every spring.

  No one else jumps out, which just goes to show how very comfortable my uncle has made himself. My boots make a thumping sound as I move toward the entertainment room. The loud music covers my entrance, though, and Uncle Jim doesn’t even register my arrival. Birdie’s eyes flare wide when she spots me. What are you doing? her face says.

  I give her a half-smile to let her know I have it under control. I don’t, of course. My initial plan was to sneak in and take the files I needed, but Birdie’s presence required a more direct approach. Although...I jerk my head toward the exit. Birdie catches on immediately. She’ll go and get the files while I distract my uncle. I clear my throat. Still, no one pays attention to me. Everyone’s eyes are locked on the gyrating bodies in front of them. Up close, I realize that these men are half of the board. I draw a hand over my mouth when the import of this sets in. I could bring a written confession by Uncle Jim and they wouldn’t vote him out. Not when he’s hosting these kinds of parties. I check out the girls again and that’s when it hits me. They really are girls. Under the caked-on makeup and the glazed eyes, these females are young. Way too young to be doing this shit.<
br />
  I turn toward the wall controls to put an end to this when I notice a red flashing light in the ceiling. Of course my uncle would be recording this. He’d want to be able to blackmail all these men.

  I step back into the hallway and then take off toward the den. I run into Birdie.

  “I can’t find your dad’s study. Why is this place so huge? I thought there were only three of you!”

  “Everyone needs their own space, little bird.” I brush the hair away from her face. “Look, my uncle’s recording this so forget the files in my dad’s office. All I need is the tape. There’s a server room right there.” I drag Birdie down until we reach a panel.

  “Right where? This is a wall.”

  “It’s a door.” I push on the latch and the whole panel pops open.

  “Wow. This place is fancy.” She ducks inside the dark room. I follow her in and shut the door behind me. “What is all this stuff?”

  “Movie projector. Audio system. Internet routers. Typical home entertainment stuff. I set this up for my parents,” I explain as I tap on the computer screen and enter my credentials. “Had to leave a back door for myself in case my old man screwed something up. He was always jacking his electronics, locking himself out of shit. He’d call me at midnight and ask me how to unlock his phone.” My throat grows tight at the memory and I pause in mid-click. Birdie’s hand falls on my shoulder.

  “That sucks.”

  I huff out a laugh. “Yeah, it does.” I’m not alone anymore, I remind myself. I have Birdie. We’re going to get through this together. It takes me about ten minutes of exploring the house’s network system, but I find the security files of the entertainment room. They aren’t even password protected. Uncle Jim believed he had no one to be afraid of once I left town. “Maybe you should look away,” I suggest before I hit play on one of the videos.


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