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The Dragon's Back Trilogy

Page 60

by Robert Dennis Wilson

   Swimmer: (1) THE Swimmer—the Gryphon's Son who came to live among men. (2) a Swimmer—any follower of the Gryphon's Son who has learned to rest wholly in Him to the point that he or she is able to confidently be borne up upon the bottomless sea (in contrast to the other inhabitants of Dragonsback who fear the infinite depths more than any other thing).

   Swimmer's Sword, Fisherman's Sword, Sun-bleached Blade: usually formed from the tusk or bones of some creature from the sea, these white or ivory-colored swords may be either rough-cut or elaborately carved with scrimshaw figurines by a skilled craftsman. They are used in place of the common scaline shortsword in swordsign communication.

   Sword Etiquette: proper use of swordsign in polite company. This rather strict code is unwritten yet universally accepted among the varied peoples of Dragonsback. It deals with all aspects of how they greet or say farewell, show respect or withhold it, or signal official requests or acceptance of responsibility. When the signing goes beyond "polite", then the unsharpened ceremonial sword is set aside and a thorn challenge results. See also "Swordsign".

   Sword-pledge: a formal oath made in swordsign.

   Swordsign: the official and customary "language" of greeting, farewell, pledge, request, command, and compliance used by all inhabitants of Dragonsback, commonly conducted using an unsharpened scaline shortsword. It is the first and last form of polite social communication at any meeting of two or more individuals. It's strict, though unwritten rules are designed to help remove the need for thorn challenge. See also "Sword Etiquette".

   Thorn Challenge: any conflict in which two or more individuals put aside their ceremonial swords and the use of polite communication using conventional swordsign to confront each other armed with the sharp two-foot-long thorns found on thorntrees. Private conflicts may take place anywhere where men have carried thorns or in a semi-official marked ring near a thorn patch. The rules of an officially sanctioned thorn challenge are much stricter and fill many libraries of scrolls. This kind of challenge takes place in a government-owned thornhouse, is overseen by a referee, and is fought on behalf of the conflicting individuals by paid combatants called "Daggers". The challengers are each tied to a pole ("thorning pole"), while the two opposing daggers attempt to elude each other's defenses and strike the challenging "litigant" tied to the contrary pole. The referee declares a victor (once all of the daggers' thorns and strategies have been employed) by counting the cuts, marks, and stings on both sides of the battle. It is common practice in all types of thorn challenges for the victor to place the spent thorn he or she employed in the hands of their defeated opponent

   Thorning Pole: See "Thorn Challenge".

   Thornhouse: a seat of local government and a place where official, legally sanctioned thorn conflicts take place.

   Thorns: the cylindrical thistle-thorns of Dragonsback’s thorntrees are black or dark brown in color, usually one-and-a-half to two-and-a-half feet long. The tough, rod-like structures are consistently narrow, being usually only one-and-a-half to two inches wide at their base, with straight sides that only taper sharply to a point in the last six inches near the tip of the thorn. There are several varieties of thorns, most with smooth hard skin, but one variety is barbed over its entire surface, with a breakaway tip. The people of Dragonsback break or cut the thorns off of thorntrees to wound each other when polite swordsign communication has failed. These nonfatal "weapons" are honeycombed with tiny tube-like chambers, filled with concentrated River water and can leave stinging welts that last for days, much like the bite of some insects. See also "Thorn Challenge" and "Thorntree".

   Thorntree: actually a large bush about ten to twelve feet tall which, in the presence of River water, produces large cylindrical thorns of a black or back-brown color, measuring up to two-and-a-half feet in length. Internally, a mature thorn is honeycombed with tiny chambers that fill with poisonous River water. In their natural state, thorntrees grow intertwined together in dense thickets.

   Tunic: a simple one-piece cloth garment usually extending to the knee or below. Its color, type of sleeve, and sleeve markings are indicators or the profession and skill of the wearer. The style of belt or sash used tells the person's marital status. Though both sexes wear tunics, a man's garment is usually made of a more square cut and of rougher material that that of a woman. In colder climates and higher elevations, a man is more likely to wear loose pants under the tunic, where a woman would wear tighter fitting leggings.

   Twin Volcanoes: the "Nostrils of the Dragon" located on the southernmost edge of the lower plateau ("Muzzle") of Dragonshead. At their tops, the southern edge of both craters appears to be much lower than their northern ridges. Though these two peaks smoke continually and are known to glow on dark nights, they have not overflowed in many generations. Some say that they are the source of the mysterious phenomenon known as Dragonsbreath.

   Twisted Sash/Belt: When proposing marriage the male will remove the cloth sash (which hold his scabbard and sword) from around his waist, set asde the sword, then twist the belt and tie it around the waist of his intended. This becomes the visible sign that she is engaged.

   Unbattled Thorn, Unspent Thorn: any thorn that is taken up in challenge or defense, but that has never been used in actual conflict. The thorns are considered "unspent" because they still retain a full portion of their stinging poison and because of this are dangerous to accumulate.

   Under-champion: a lesser political figure. See "Champion."

   Until the Gryphon Roars: a reference to the apocalyptic end of Dragonsback, when the Gryphon's Son returns for His own and the Dragon sinks forever into the bottomless sea.

   Vitally Resplendent Moss or VR Moss: this newer product offered by the Dragonmen, intensifies the abilities and effects of regular dreammaker or imagemaker moss because it has never been dried, being shipped fresh in sealed leather packets.

   Waterskin, 'Skin, or Water Bag: a watertight leather bag used to carry either River water or the Dew of the Morning. It is marked with the family crest of its owner. See also "'Skin of Adoption".

   Word of the Gryphon, the: (1) the memorized oral tradition of the Truth as given to mankind by the Gryphon, either spoken or sung. (2) another name for The Swimmer, the Gryphon's Son.



   Anna: Late wife of Timnon who drowned in a boating incident; Mother of Kaleb and Jason.

   Arden Nox: Long dead founder of the Riverwatcher training school that bears his name.

   Gideon: Farmer of the Heartland; Husband to Martha; Leader of a group of shellbowl warriors. [DB-2]

   Helen: An elderly widow from the fishing village of Haven. [DB-1]

   Jack (or Jumpin’ Jack): A physician and aide to the dying from the city of Mann’s Pointe. [DB-1]

   Jason: Son of Timnon and Anna; Grandson of Thaddeus; younger brother of Kaleb; apprentice bard to Nathan.

   Joannah: Wife of Lot, Swimmer resident of Scalina; Mother of Sammy, Shoshanna, and four others.

   Jon: Late son of Miriam who drowned while playing in the River. [DB-1]

   Kaleb: Son of Timnon and Anna; Grandson of Thaddeus; older brother of Jason;

   Knumos, Brother: A teaching Professor at Arden Nox College, the training center for the Riverwachers. [DB-1]

   Lot ben Arribas: Swimmer; Guard of Scalina; Native of the Heartland; Husband of Joannah; Father of Sammy, Shoshanna, and four others.

   Miriam-Simca: Mother of Jon, the boy who drowned in the River; A Swimmer who returned to the Way late in life. [DB-1]

   Nathan: Master Bard, Swimmer; Close friend of Thaddeus; Chosen master and guardian of Jason.

   Queen of Darkness, Queen of the Dragonmen: An ancient woman once called Jezebel, who rules over all those who follow the way of the dragons and who has been given youthfulness and power as a reward. Bestower of the narcotic-like touch or blessing known as the “Glow”.
   Raven: A gigantic young captain of the blackrobed dragonmen; A favorite of their queen.

   Sara: Wife of Gideon, the Heartland farmer. Like her husband, a shellbowl warrior who opens her home as a gathering place for the faithful Swimmers. [DB-2]

   Sammy: Firstborn son of Lot and Shoshanna of Scalina; Brother of Shoshanna.

   Shoshanna (or Shanna): Eldest daughter of Lot and Shoshanna of Scalina; Sister of Sammy and four other siblings.

   Thaddeus: Master Carver; Native of the Heartland; Father of Timnon; GrandSire of Jason and Kaleb; A Swimmer in his later years.

   Timnon: Late son of Thaddeus killed in a boating incident; Father of Jason and Kaleb; Blackrobed dragonman.

   Tony the Baker: Swimmer resident of Scalina. Father of Tony and friend of Lot and his family.

   William: Son of Tony the baker.



  The levels of required skill of any particular craft were set by its crafthall or guild. In Dragonsback the type of craft of an individual can be discerned by the color and style of their tunic or robe and the color of the ribbons on their sleeve. The width and color of bands sewn as rings around the tunic's right sleeve indicated the guild rank of the wearer:

   Novice or Beginner: Indicated by a single thread low on the sleeve; Novices were usually employed as errand runners for journeymen and masters.

   Apprentice: Marked with a single band, an apprentice is an unskilled individual who is indentured to a master to learn a craft.

   Journeyman or “Wage Worker”: Two bands indicate status as a journeyman. A day’s work was called a “journey”, so a journeyman had enough skill to earn a wage at his craft, but still usually worked under a master.

   Master: Three wide bands or ribbons marked the wearer as a master, who was considered proficient enough at his craft to work independently and to train others.

   Guildmaster: A thin gold thread above three wide bands indicates the exalted status of Guildmaster. This individual was chosen by the other masters of the guild as their leader and the ultimate authority on their craft. His headquarters were at the guildhall for that craft, though he might well travel to oversee the work of those under him.








  Puffy White Hat,

  Tight Sleeves




  Wide Pointed





  Light Green

  Tight Sleeves




  Tight Sleeves


  Blood Red

  Gray Pinstripe

  Gloves, Narrow

  Pressed Sleeves


  Shimmering Black



  Blood Red

  Jewels on Chest

  Mark Rank


  Navy Blue


  City Emblem on

  Left Sleeve


  Dull Black

  Shiny Black

  Cowl or Hood,

  Wide Sleeves



  Light Brown

  Puffy Sleeves

  Tight at Wrist




  Many Pockets



  Dark Blue

  Laws Written on

  Left Sleeve



  Crimson Thread

  Sewn to Top of

  Right Sleeve


  Slate Gray


  Eye on Back of

  Both Sleeves



  [Addressing a person with challenge]: point the sword directly at the individual: the higher on the body the more severe the challenge or distaste.

  [Addressing one or more persons politely]: point the sword at the feet of an individual or in a slow arc to encompass the feet of a group of individuals.

  ANSWER OR DEFEND! thorns are thrown or scattered in front of an adversary: this is the ultimate form of challenge.

  ATTENTION/ WARNING! Snap arm and sword to a full upright position with the blade extended toward the ceiling.

  DANGER! STOP!: the sword is quickly swept back and forth sideways then up and down, forming the pattern of a cross.

  [GIVING SWORD AWAY]: indicates submission of the giver to the receiver either through a complete trust or in surrender.

  GO: a quick overhead arc that ends pointing the direction the signaler wishes the other to travel.

  I AM IN YOUR SERVICE: flip the sword into the air and catch it by the tip of its unsharpened blade, presenting it hilt first to the person addressed.

  I AM ON PILGRIMAGE: drop to one knee, raise the sword, hilt upward, into the air above his head.

  I AM SORRY, FORGIVE ME: grip the sword by the blade so that, hilt outward, it points at his own heart.

  I HAVE A NEED/REQUEST: usually follows the IN YOUR SERVICE sign, so that the sign-giver is holding his sword by the point or blade; he bows his head slightly, brings the hilt of his sword gently up to his own forehead, then waits for a verbal response.

  I HAVE OFFENDED, PLEASE FORGIVE: the shortsword is drawn halfway out of its scabbard, then noisily pushed it back into its resting place with the open palm of his hand.

  I SURRENDER, UNCONDITIONALLY: drop to both knees, lifting up the sword horizontally with both hands, and then bowing the head.

  I WILL GUARD: snap the sword, point up, to an upright position in front of and close to his own face.

  NO FORMALITY REQUIRED KINSHIP RECOGNIZED: gently lay your hand on the sword of another.

  PLEASE: gracefully extend the arm and the blade outward in an arc that ends pointing down and away from the person being requested toward the floor. The action looks much like a bow or curtsey. It is the universal sign for a polite request (not demand).

  STATE YOUR CASE: with the sword held horizontally, the wrist is rolled slightly to produce several small circles with the point of the blade.

  THANK YOU: with arm fully extended away from the body, snap sword sharply upward so that the point of the blade is aimed directly toward the ceiling. This is the simple or common form of thank you used toward people of equal or lesser status.

  THANK YOU, MOST RESPECTED ONE: arms fully extended downward, with blade covering signaler's own heart and the point touching his jugular. This is the exalted form of thank you, the swordsign indicates an honorific toward the receiver.

  THE WAY IS BARRED: the signer extends his arm full out and quickly drops the point of the blade to the left until it is horizontal and the broad flat side of its blade faces outward.

  [THORN CHALLENGE]: lay down the ceremonial sword sideways in front of an individual. This implies that the time for polite ceremonial swordplay has passed and it is time to take up thorns instead.

  YOU ARE DISMISSED: similar to the sign for GO, except the blade is wiggled back and forth randomly several times.


  Robert Dennis (Bob) Wilson resides in Oregon with his wife, Joyce, and two sibling long-haired miniature Dachshunds, named Chewie [male] and Twizzler [femail]. They have four married children and seven grandsons and one granddaughter, scattered from coast to coast. Besides writing novels and poetry and being an avid reader, Bob is a singer-songwriter, a 3D scroll saw artist, and (since the writing of DB-1 & DB-2) a gemstone carver & sculptor. Now semi-retired, he used to work full-time telecommuting from home as a Programmer/Report
Designer for a U.S. based international transportation corporation.

  Before meeting the love of his life, Bob actually received a BABE degree in college: that is, a "Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Education" from Washington Bible College, Lanham, MD. He has worked in various support roles for churches, missions, and para-church organizations. Bob continues to have an active role in his current church.

  Bob’s first published novel, “Earth – The Arena #1: THE PLAYERS,” is a Science Fiction Adventure. Science Opened a Doorway - Something Came Through! [And It has an agenda!]

  ETA-1 has inter-dimensional visitors, psychic experimentation, the threat of inter-dimensional warfare, disappearing people, lots of action, and enough romance to keep it interesting.

  Bob is continuing to work on this fantasy series, “The Dragon’s Back Trilogy”. The first novel in this series, “THE POISON OF THORNS: The Dragon’s Back #1,” is available in both e-book and paperback formats. The third novel in this series will be called “SHOSHANNA’S SONG”.

  ~ ~ ~

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  1 John 5:18-19 ASV

  “…and we know that the whole world lieth in the wicked one.”

  Ephesians 4:26, 32; Matthew 6:12, 13, 14

  Ecclesates 4:12

  Matthew 6:9-13

  Collosians 1:12-20

  2 Corinthians 10:3-6

  Based on Matthew 6:19-21

  Based partially on James 1:17

  1 Corinthians 15:51-58

  Psalm 40:1-3, 13-14, 16-17

  Matthew 16:18-19

  2 Peter 1:3-4

  From John 13 – 16, especially 16:13-15


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