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My Boss Can’t Get Enough

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by Hamel, B. B.

  My Boss Can’t Get Enough

  B. B. Hamel



  1. Baker

  2. Taylor

  3. Baker

  4. Taylor

  5. Baker

  6. Taylor

  7. Baker

  8. Taylor

  9. Baker

  10. Taylor

  11. Baker

  12. Baker

  13. Taylor

  14. Baker

  15. Taylor

  16. Taylor

  17. Baker

  18. Taylor

  19. Baker

  20. Taylor

  21. Baker

  22. Taylor

  23. Taylor

  Also by B. B. Hamel

  Copyright © 2019 by B. B. Hamel

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover design by Coverluv Book Designs


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  I should be paying attention to this meeting.

  I’m the new CEO after all. They brought me in just a few months ago to try to turn this sinking ship around. There’s a lot riding on what happens next…

  And yet I can’t seem to hear a single word the presenter’s saying.

  It’s that fucking girl. No, not a girl, although she’s young. Probably in her early twenties, if I had to guess. Not quite half my age, but ten years younger at least.

  I’ve never seen her before. She’s sitting behind Carol Denver, which means she must be Carol’s assistant, which is a shame for her. Carol is probably the worst person to work for in this company, and I figured that out on my second day in the office.

  But the girl… shit, it’s not her fault. I mean, she’s just sitting there taking notes like an assistant should. Nobody’s paying any attention to her, at least nobody but me. She’s wearing a relatively conservative white button-up blouse and a tight black skirt, all very work appropriate if also somewhat flattering. She has glasses on, which she keeps adjusting out of some kind of nervous habit, and her pen scribbles across the page in quick, sharp motions.

  I can’t take my fucking eyes off her.

  “…Isn’t that right, Baker?”

  I blink at the sound of my name and slowly look at the young man standing up in front of the conference room.

  Ah, shit…

  “That’s right,” I say, giving everyone my best this is all bullshit smile.

  The young man beams and continues his presentation. “In approximately four more months, we will have a fleet of completely autonomous buses, all donated to the city from our generous CEO…”

  He keeps going and I let out a breath. Dodged that one.

  I’d better pay attention.

  But then she crosses her legs.

  Ah, fuck.

  I get just a glimpse of her thigh. It’s just a glimpse, but it’s enough to send my blood pulsing in my throat. She’s gorgeous, fucking beautiful. Her creamy white skin is driving me absolutely insane with desire, something I haven’t felt for a very long time. Normally I get a taste of what I want and move on, never really feeling that deep, soul-burning yearn, but right now I can’t help it.

  Her hair is dark and thick, hanging loose around her shoulders, and her eyes are a frosty blue. Her lips are full and pouting in concentration, and fucking hell, I can’t help but imagine her down on her knees with those lips wrapped around my hard cock.

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  I force myself to look away. I force myself to pay attention.

  “As you can see, the city is very congested, and we project that… Baker… are you listening? Or are you imagining bending that girl over this conference room table and sliding your big, thick cock between her legs, fucking her rough and deep?”

  I snap out of my daydream, blinking rapidly. The meeting continues without missing a beat.

  For the sake of my sanity and all that is holy, I need that girl to uncross her legs.

  It’s okay, it’s fine. I force myself to look away, to focus up. I really, really focus this time.

  And somehow the meeting passes. Somehow, I make it through without embarrassing myself.

  And without grabbing that girl, tearing her blouse open, and fucking her rough.

  The group slowly gets up, chatting with each other idly. I hang back a little as Carol’s assistant steps out into the hallway, her phone held up to her ear. Carol watches the girl go with a nasty look on her face.

  “Something wrong?” I ask her, moving closer through the crowd.

  Carol looks up, a little surprised I’m speaking to her. We haven’t exactly been on good terms since I started.

  “It’s nothing,” she says.

  “Is that a new assistant?”

  She makes that face again. “Yes, she’s new. And I don’t think she’s working out.”

  “Really?” I arch an eyebrow. Steady, now.

  “Really. The girl is… she doesn’t listen. It’s so hard to find good, competent help these days. They just don’t come out of school ready for the real world.”

  “Of course not,” I say, smiling, placating.

  “Truthfully, Baker, I think I’m going to have to find someone new. Again.” She sighs.

  I force myself not to make a comment. If you’re going through that many assistants, maybe it’s time to stop blaming them and start looking inward.

  But I hold my tongue. Carol despises me enough as it is.

  I’m the CEO and she’s the COO. She’s essentially a half step below my position and she’s been at this company for years.

  I’ve been here for months.

  It’s easy to figure out why she hates me.

  “Well,” I say, “I hope you figure that out.”

  “I will. I always do.” She snaps her notebook shut and gives me her best fake smile. “Have a wonderful day, Baker.”

  “You too, Carol.”

  She turns and leaves the room, walking in sharp, crisp steps.

  I need to be careful of her. Carol is crafty and intelligent and without a doubt one of the most difficult people I’ve ever met in my life. And I’ve met some seriously high-strung corporate psychos.

  Carol tops that list and easily. I think she’s a sociopath, but she’s incredibly high functioning and good at her job, so nobody has the balls to say anything about it.

  Sooner or later, I’ll have to deal with her. I know it, but right now, we’re going through enough shit. Shaking down the upper level managers isn’t a good idea right now. So Carol stays until we’re more stable… until this new launch is over.

  I sigh and turn back to the table, bending over to scoop up my laptop. I tuck it under one arm and turn to leave…

  When she steps into the room.

  Carol’s assistant. My heart starts hammering in my chest.

  We’re alone in the room now. I was the last one out, like I always try to be. I like to be available after meetings in case someone wants a private word that otherwise might not approach me in a more formal setting.

  My habit is paying off right now, apparently.

  The girl hurries over to where she was sitting. I watch her bend over then kneel down, looking for something.

  I step closer, heart racing. I can see the curve of her back… the swell of her tight ass. Her legs are in shape and her body is
taut and gorgeous. I stare at her for a moment and I can feel my cock starting to stiffen…

  When I notice a pen down by my shoe. It’s a nice pen, not a plastic clicky thing. I bend over and grab it.

  “Excuse me?”

  She looks up, wild-eyed. “Sorry, I just dropped my pen.”

  I hold it out in my palm. “Is this it?”

  She stares at it for a second then smiles, clearly relieved. “Thanks. My grandfather gave me that.”

  She walks over and I hold on to it for a second. “It’s nice. Lamy?”

  “Yeah. You like pens?”

  “Not really. But I’m familiar with this brand.” I hand it over and she tucks it behind her ear without thinking. “What’s your name?” I ask.


  I let that sink in for just a moment. Taylor, Taylor, Taylor.

  “Carol’s assistant?”

  She nods. “Started a couple weeks ago.”

  “And how’s that been?”

  She hesitates just a second too long. “Great,” she says. “Carol’s really great.”


  “Good. I’m glad you’re settling in okay.” I give her a genuinely warm smile.

  “Thanks. It’s been really great so far.”

  I stare at her for a moment. I can tell she’s starting to get antsy, probably afraid Carol will give her shit for not coming back instantly.

  “Well, have a good day, Taylor,” I say softly.

  “You too.” She turns and walks off quickly and I watch her go.

  God damn, she’s beautiful.

  And she has good taste in pens.

  I hesitate a moment longer, giving her time to escape before I step out into the hall. I walk slowly back to my office, mulling that interaction over in my head.

  Carol is a fucking psycho and I bet that girl is miserable. I wouldn’t work for Carol if someone held a gun to my head. If Carol hired her, Taylor is definitely capable and smart, even if she’ll never live up to Carol’s expectations.

  But if I took her…

  I get to my office and sit down. No, I can’t do that. Carol hates me enough already.

  And yet Carol herself just said she wants to find someone new. If I take Taylor then that’ll free Carol up to grab someone else. And it won’t even be held against her.

  It’s a win-win situation.

  Problem is, I know Carol will never go for it.

  She fucking hates me. She thinks I stole her job. When the former founder and CEO retired, she felt that his job was going to be hers. Everyone thought she was the natural successor.

  It’s obvious to me why he didn’t choose her and why the board ended up going with an outside hire.

  She holds it against me though. I don’t know why she’s even still here, if I’m honest. I would’ve left if I were in her position. Plenty of other companies would take her on without a second thought.

  But no, she’s still here… and she still despises me.

  I let out a long breath.

  If I’m still thinking about that girl in a day…

  Well, maybe I’ll do something about it.

  But for now, we have an important product launch, my own special little plan to help revitalize this slowly dying AI company. It’s more a gesture than anything else but I’m hoping it’ll help win us some good will and some good contracts.

  One thing at a time though…

  I force myself to get to work, even if Taylor is lingering in the back of my mind.




  Carol’s witch-like yell pulls me from my thoughts. I stand, my heart already starting to beat faster, as I hurry into her office.

  She rubs her eyes and glares at me. “What did I say to you?” she asks.

  I stand there for a second. She says a lot of stuff to me. I’ve been here two weeks and she’s already told me ten different ways that I’m useless and bad at what I do.

  And I think if she finds a new way to do it, I’m going to quit right now.

  “I’m sorry,” I say almost by instinct.

  “Of course you are.” She shakes her head. “Please, resend that email, and this time address it properly.”

  I wrack my brain, trying to figure out what I did wrong…

  And then I realize my mistake.

  “Yes, ma’am,” I say.

  “And do it right now, please. You’ve been slow today. Did you skip your coffee? No, don’t answer, I don’t care. Move.”

  I turn and leave her office.

  Idiot. I sent a proof of an email I drafted for her and I used the wrong email address. It’s a little thing and would’ve easily been caught when the email didn’t go through, but it’s the sort of error she’s going to hold against me all day.

  I sigh, sit at my desk, and fix it. I triple-check the whole email and send it over for approval.

  Two minutes later, I hear it again.


  That shriek. God, I hate it.

  I stand and hurry into her office.

  She’s rubbing her eyes.

  “This email,” she says.

  I clench my jaw. My whole body tenses.

  “You used a comma splice in the third paragraph. Can you please be more careful? What you write reflects on me. You must be exact.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I say.

  I bet she’d love it if I’d curtsy.

  When she dismisses me with a vague wave, I hurry out. Instead of going to my desk to fix that stupid tiny utterly meaningless grammatical error, I walk to the break room.

  This has become my ritual. It’s probably not healthy, but it gives me an excuse to walk away from her for two minutes.

  I head to the coffee machine and make a cup. I stand there, staring at the counter, imagining all the different ways I can quit while it brews. When the cup’s done, I do feel a little bit better.

  But as soon as I turn from the machine, my heart skips a beat.

  He’s standing near the entrance, leaning against the doorframe, a little smile on his lips.

  “Sorry,” he says. “Did I startle you?”

  I shake my head. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

  “Didn’t mean to distract you.” He smiles so easily and I swear my skin starts to flush.

  Baker Griffin is one of the youngest, most famous CEOs in the country. He’s famous for taking failing businesses and pulling them out of trouble without drastic cuts. Everyone says he’s brilliant and filthy rich and gorgeous, and everyone’s right about one thing.

  He’s really, really gorgeous.

  The man is built. He’s muscular, tall, and looks like he belongs in an underwear catalog. His mouth is full but masculine and his eyes are this insane piercing green. I swear they have to be fake, but I can’t imagine he’d get away with wearing colored lenses for long.

  His smirk is so effortless. He seems like he owns the room, and in a lot of ways, he does. He’s the sort of person that’s just absolutely magnetic. People want to be close to him and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him walk into a room without turning heads. His employees seem to love him, at least from what I’ve heard.

  I don’t know what he’s doing here. I didn’t think the upper managers came into the break room. I figured they had their own private fancy dining hall or lounge or something.

  Carol would never slum it with the rest of us employees.

  “I was just getting some coffee,” I say stupidly, picking up my cup.

  “I see that.” He’s still smiling and not moving.

  I hesitate a second. “I should get back.”

  “Listen, Taylor.”

  It’s amazing what those two words can do. Instantly I’m staring at him like I’m hypnotized. I can’t help myself. He gives me a command and I want to obey.

  “Yes?” I ask.

  “Do you like working for Carol?”

  My skin breaks out in a cold sweat. “Ah,” I say. “I love it.”

sp; He grins. “Come on. You lied better the first time I asked you that.”

  I remember that, just yesterday, we spoke briefly in the conference room after a meeting. He found my grandfather’s Lamy pen on the floor.

  I couldn’t get him out of my head for the rest of the afternoon. But I figured he’d already forgotten.

  “I’m not… lying,” I say slowly.

  “Yes, you are.” He steps into the room and glances around, making sure we’re alone. “You hate Carol. I know you do.”

  “I don’t.” I take a step back, terrified.

  “Okay, maybe you don’t. But I wanted to make an offer.”

  “Offer?” I say the word like it’s supposed to have meaning, but in this context it’s just noise. I’m too overwhelmed to put meaning to signifier right now.

  “I want you to be my assistant.”

  “But I work for Carol.” I blink at him rapidly, pulse racing, breathing starting to get faster.

  “I know you do. But I’m poaching you, Taylor. Come work for me. I’ll double your salary and I bet I won’t treat you nearly as badly.”

  I stand completely still, my body vibrating, as he comes closer.

  Brady Griffin wants me to be his assistant. He’s going to pay me double what I make already… and he’s going to take me away from Carol.

  I think I’d do it for half what I make, if it meant never seeing Carol again.

  But I need the money. I have student loans I need to start paying off on top of all the other adult expenses I’m suddenly supposed to be able to afford.

  Nobody tells you being an adult isn’t cheap. Just being alive costs you.

  “I don’t know,” I say, feeling so lame. “Carol won’t be happy.”

  “Forget Carol. I’ll deal with her.”


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