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Bistro Bachelor: Working Man Series - Book 2

Page 5

by Rose, Elizabeth

  Eden picked up the Bible, holding it to her heart. How she missed her father and the way he read to her from this book every time he visited her land. He’d told her she was God’s best creation. Just like the garden He had made for Adam and Eve. That’s why her father and mother named her Eden.

  After placing the Bible gently on the bed, she reached out and picked up the burlap bag. She’d almost forgotten about it and didn’t even know what was inside. Feeling anxious and nervous, she tugged at the rope tie and unfastened the bag. She paused, took a deep breath, and fingered the locket with her father’s photo in it that hung on the yarn around her neck. Bringing it to her mouth, she kissed it, and then replaced it.

  Her fingers stretched out slowly as she dipped her hand inside the bag. Was it jewels he left behind? Was it money that she could use to help her get home? After all, he had said it was to be given to Jack to pay back some sort of debt. Whatever it was, it must be very valuable.

  “¡Hola!” came a voice from inside the room but from behind her.

  She jumped in surprise and spun around, the bag spilling its contents onto the ground.

  “¿Cómo está usted?” she heard.

  She spied Jack lounging on the couch across the room. His shirt was unbuttoned, and his shoes were off. His hair was tousled as if he’d been sleeping. He scared the hell out of her and it made her angry. Why hadn’t he made his presence known when she’d first entered the room?

  She cursed him out in her own language, telling him he should respect her privacy and other things that he obviously didn’t understand – nor did she want him to.

  “Oh, so you do have a tongue.” He pushed off the couch, stretching and yawning as he did so. “I didn’t hear you come in, Sweetie. I had a rough night sleeping and just thought I’d catch a few winks while the room was unoccupied.”

  She wondered why he hadn’t used his own bed. Strange that he’d choose the couch over the king-sized bed that sat there unoccupied.

  “I see you went shopping. Let’s see what you bought with my money. Dinero,” he said with a proud smile on his face.

  Eden wasn’t surprised to see he had learned the Spanish word for money in his first lesson.

  Jack headed over toward the bed, slipping on something but regaining his balance as he grabbed on to the back of a chair. “What the hell is this?” he growled, his smile changing quickly to a frown as he spewed off curses again. He bent over and scooped up a handful of something that must have fallen out of the burlap bag. Looking down to his palm to inspect the contents, he held out his cupped palm for her to see. “Is this yours?” he asked.

  Eden’s gaze fell to his hand, her heart beating furiously. He’d found her father’s treasure and would now take it from her, when she wasn’t even sure she wanted him to have it. Then she saw what he held and it confused her.

  “Beans,” he said, as if it were a bad word. “And some kind of seeds. Lots of them. Did you bring this with you? Yours?” he asked, pointing first to the seeds and then to her.

  She almost answered him, wanting to tell him that her father gave them to her on his deathbed. But now it all seemed so ridiculous. So, instead, she shook her head no, and then thought about how important it had seemed to her father, and nodded her head yes.

  “You really don’t have a clue what I’m talking about, do you, you poor, pathetic thing?”

  She wanted to hit him for calling her pathetic. He was the pathetic one with the way he spoke down to her all the time.

  There was a knock at the door and he grabbed her hand, shoving the seeds into it. “Pick these up before someone gets hurt. Pick up.” He motioned to the seeds scattered on the floor and then to her before he headed for the door.

  It was Ruthie, bless her soul, coming to her rescue. Eden didn’t want to be alone with Jack any more than she had to, especially since she was still embarrassed that he had seen her naked. No man had ever done that before, although she was old for a virgin in her part of the country.

  “Jack, I thought I’d find you up here.” Ruthie handed him his credit card. “There’s a man here to see you. He says he’s the owner of the place across the street.”

  “What? That building’s been empty for some time,” said Jack.

  “I know.” Ruthie slipped into the room and glanced toward Eden. “The man says he’s the owner of the new restaurant they’re opening there next week.”

  “New restaurant? What new restaurant? I don’t need this kind of competition.” He stormed out of the room.

  Ruthie closed the door and looked at Eden. “It looks like he managed to shake you up, Hon. What’s going on?”

  Eden bent down to scoop up the rest of the seeds, gingerly placing them back in the burlap bag. She didn’t like the fact that Ruthie could see her emotions, though she tried well to hide them.

  “Nothing he does can upset me, Ruthie. He just . . . caught me off guard, that’s all,” Eden told her.

  Ruthie bent down next to her and helped her pick up the beans and seeds. “What are these?”

  “Nothing important.” Eden pulled the tie tight on the bag as she stood. What was happening to her? A minute ago, she had thought that what occupied the bag was very important. That is, until Jack made her question her values.

  “Okay then.” Ruthie stood and wiped her hands on her apron. “I have to get downstairs. My shift is starting, but I wanted to see that new dress on you first.”

  The new dress. Eden had almost forgotten about it. She put the seeds and Bible in the drawer, and picked up the bag that held her purchase. She opened it and held the dress in front of her. It was a brown-and-white-checkered housedress. Cotton, plain but cool. It was much different from her own clothes or the vibrancy of their colors.

  “I really wish you would have taken the dress I picked out for you, Eden.”

  “I don’t think I like the one you picked out.”

  Ruthie reached out to help her undress. “I hope this fits, since you refused to try it on at the store. I guess you’re too modest to take your clothes off anywhere but at home, huh?”

  Eden took off her saco, short jacket, and her uncu, long tunic shirt, and laid them on the bed. She was reaching for her skirt when she noticed Ruthie staring at her.

  “Where’s your bra, Honey?”

  Eden glanced down at her bare breasts and, all of a sudden, wanted to cover up. It reminded her too much of when Jack had seen her naked. She never wore a bra in the mountains and never had the need to as far as she was concerned. Quickly grabbing the new dress, she pulled it over her head even before removing her skirt.

  “This dress is thin,” commented Ruthie, helping her. “We should have bought a slip for you to wear underneath it. And a bra, had I of known. Oh, well, no matter. It’ll have to do for now. Why don’t you come downstairs with me, and we’ll see what Jack thinks.”

  Eden didn’t care what Jack thought about her dress, or at least she tried to convince herself of that fact. In actuality, she was nervous and felt naked without all the layers of clothes she was used to wearing. She still wore her sandals and grabbed her montera, native hat, and put it on her head. It was a little better at least.

  “You’re not going to wear that hat, are you?” Ruthie perused her appearance, made a face, and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I like my hat. I don’t go anywhere without it.”

  “Oh, well, whatever. C’mon, I’ve got work to do.”

  She followed Ruthie downstairs. She could hear Jack talking even though she couldn’t see him sitting in the booth. His trail of cigarette smoke rose lazily above the table and drifted out into the air.

  “So you knew my father, Mr. Noble?” asked Jack.

  “I know him,” the man corrected. “And please, just call me Martin.”

  Ruthie disappeared into the kitchen. Eden, not knowing what to do, took a seat at the empty bar. She could see the back of Jack’s head from where she sat, as well as the face of the man across from him. The man looke
d noble, just like his name. He wore a tailored navy suit and a high-buttoned collar with a thin tie. He had a well-defined face and graying black hair. Eden guessed him to be in his mid-fifties.

  “Martin,” she heard Jack say with contempt in his voice. “So, you plan on opening The Ruby next week?”

  “I do,” he answered.

  “That’s awfully quick. That building has been abandoned for some time. Plus it’s pretty big. Perhaps you should consider another location.”

  “Don’t worry,” chuckled Martin. “I have the money and the manpower to make it happen. You might be the one who needs to consider another location.” Martin glanced out at Jack’s restaurant. “This place is small and no one is going to come here once I open. You know I’m going to put you out of business.”

  Another puff of smoke lifted high over Jack’s head and Eden couldn’t help but think he was breathing fire like a dragon at the man’s last comment.

  “I’d like to see you try, Mr. Noble. The Golden Talon has been in the family for years. My father built this place up to the highest standards.”

  “And you let it fall to the lowest of lows,” said Martin. “That’s the talk on the street, Jack. I hear the quality of the food has gone down while the prices have gone up. Some people say you’ve even hired bums off the street so you wouldn’t have to pay them.”

  Jack rose at that comment and dunked his cigarette in the man’s drink. “I’ll have to ask you to leave before I become violent.”

  Martin Noble chuckled again and got to his feet. His gold chains and Rolex sparkled in the artificial light. “I know,” he said. “I’ve also heard word on the street that you are an alcoholic and become violent at the drop of a hat. Is that true, Jack?”

  Even from across the room, Eden could see the tick of Jack’s clenched jaw. “If you don’t get out of my sight fast, you’re going to find out first hand,” he threatened Martin.

  Martin brushed invisible specks of lint from his jacket. “The Golden Talon has fallen, thanks to you, Jack. I look forward to when your father returns and finds out his competition who put him out of business is the man he refused to hire when he first opened this place. My new place will be twice the size of this and make ten times the money.”

  Eden watched as Jack’s hands clenched into fists. Martin Noble turned on his heel and left before Jack could say a word. If he hadn’t, Eden had no doubt Jack would have hit him.

  Jack ran his hand through his hair and grabbed the pack of cigarettes from the table. It was empty and he smashed it in his fist and threw it down.

  “What’s the matter, Boss?” Nathan walked up, wiping his hands on a towel.

  “Nothing I want to talk about at the moment.” Jack stormed out through the kitchen.

  Tisha walked through the swinging doors into the dining room with a large tray in her hands. She smiled as she walked past Eden toward the table she was serving. The sound of a child crying in the distance brought her to an abrupt halt.

  “That sounds like Nicola.” Tisha looked over to the table and then back toward the kitchen, not knowing what to do.

  Immediately, Eden jumped to her feet and laid a hand on Tisha’s shoulder. “I’ll go to her.”

  “Thank you, Eden.”

  Eden hurriedly made her way into the kitchen, spying the children coming in from the back yard. Randal was carrying the little one in his arms. Her knees were scraped and bleeding.

  “Give her to me,” she commanded and took the baby from the boy’s arms. She hugged the child to her chest to calm her down. “You’re going to be just fine,” she reassured the baby. Next, she turned to the girl’s sister. “Patsy, you and your brother go find me a wet rag. Hurry.”

  Jack fidgeted with the back of the refrigeration unit, stopping in mid-motion when he heard Eden’s voice. She damned well knew English, and she spoke it better than most Americans. He peeked out from behind the unit, careful not to let Eden see him. She knelt on the kitchen floor hugging the baby to her breasts in a matronly fashion. The baby’s tears fell onto her chest, wetting the material of her dress.

  What an ugly dress, he thought, until she sat the baby on the floor and straightened her back. Jack almost dropped the screwdriver when he realized he could see her dark nipples through the thin, wet material. It brought his thoughts back to her in the bathtub, and he closed his eyes and took a deep breath trying to slow down his libido. He’d been too long without a woman and he’d have to see about changing that soon. Lately, he was feeling like a horny teenager, unable to control his sexual urges. Still, he couldn’t help himself from wondering what she’d look like in a short skirt or high heels. Anything would be more appealing than the old-lady dress she wore. He’d have to talk to Ruthie about this.

  For now, he decided he’d stay quiet and just watch and listen from behind the fridge. He rather liked hearing her voice though, at the moment, he could wring her neck for making him feel like a fool.

  “What’s the matter?” Ruthie came up behind Eden. Eden picked up the child and latched her onto one hip in a natural way.

  “Nicola just got a scrape, that’s all,” explained Eden. “I’m sure she’ll be fine.”

  “Okay,” said Ruthie. “I’ll let Tisha know. She’s in the middle of taking an order.”

  So it seemed everyone around there knew Eden’s little secret but him. This didn’t make Jack happy.

  Ruthie headed out the door, and Jack watched Eden bounce the little girl on her hip and make her smile. Randal and Patsy came running back with a wet rag and Eden took it from them and wiped the baby’s elbows and knees. “Let’s go back outside, shall we?”

  Randal and Patsy ran behind Eden as she made her way out the screen door and into the back yard.

  Jack stood up and stepped out from behind the refrigeration unit, staring at the door as it closed behind Eden. What was this game she was playing with him? Why hadn’t she told him she knew English? And why had Ruthie kept it a secret from him as well?

  Ruthie walked back into the kitchen and spied Jack. “Jack? I didn’t know you were back there. How long have you –”

  “Long enough to know both you and Eden lied to me. Why didn’t you tell me she spoke English?”

  “You never asked me.” Ruthie took the empty tray from under her arm and laid it on the metal counter. “Eden didn’t lie. I’m sure if you would have asked her if she spoke English, instead of jumping to the conclusion she couldn’t, she would have told you.”

  Alfredo busily prepared food and stacked the full dishes under the warmer. Ruthie loaded them on the tray as she talked with Jack.

  “Well, why did she keep it from me?” he asked.

  Ruthie stopped loading the plates and looked at him as if he were stupid. “Why don’t you ask her instead of me? It’ll give you two something to talk about. Now that you know she can speak English, this would be the perfect opportunity for you to bring up the question, don’t you think? Besides, I don’t want to get involved.”

  Suddenly, Jack felt like a fool for the way he’d been talking to Eden. Not to mention embarrassed by some of the things he had said when he thought she didn’t understand.

  “Ask her?” repeated Jack. “No, I don’t think so.” He set down his tools on the counter and leaned closer so only Ruthie could hear him. “Don’t mention a word of this to Eden that I know.”

  Ruthie raised her chin and eyed him suspiciously. “Like I said, Jack, I don’t want to get involved. But you two have got to start talking soon. Why don’t I call her in here right now so you can start?”

  “No. Not yet, Ruthie.” He grabbed two dishes of food off her tray. “Not yet.”

  “Hey, what are you doing? Those meals are for the customers.”

  “So get Alfredo to make you more. We’re not that busy. And tell Eden I want to see her up in my apartment.”

  “What are you up to?” Ruthie cracked her gum and gave him that all-knowing look. She was worse than a mother at times, and he could just hear her alr
eady scolding him for something.

  “You don’t want to get involved,” answered Jack. He turned and headed up the stairs with the food.

  Chapter 7

  Eden felt nervous, purposely leaving the door open when she entered the room. Ruthie hadn’t told her a thing except that Jack wanted to see her up in his apartment. Alone. Ruthie also refused to come along with her even though Eden begged her. The woman said she didn’t want to get involved, but Eden knew she was just as curious about the whole matter as she was.

  Stepping inside the room, she scanned the large open area, but didn’t see Jack anywhere. What she did see was two plates of some sort of chicken dish with golden potatoes sitting on the table. The savory aroma filled the air, making her realize how famished she was. She hadn’t eaten anything since that piece of cherry pie he’d left in the room for her last night. Her mouth watered and she took a deep breath, breathing in the delicious scent.

  “You like that?”

  Eden spun around in surprise so quickly that she became dizzy and had to hold on to the chair for support. Jack stood in the doorway with a bottle of wine and two goblets. He had changed out of the clothes he’d been wearing earlier and now had on a tight pair of black jeans and a beige chambray shirt that was unbuttoned down to his navel.

  “I thought we’d get to know each other over a bite of lunch.” He winked at her and, without turning around, used his foot to slam the door shut behind him. He made his way over to the table and put down the goblets, holding the wine out for her to see. “Dominique Laurent, 1995,” he said. “It’s one of my best wines. One hundred and twenty-five dollars a bottle. I only open a bottle of this for special occasions.”

  Eden felt her lip quiver as she tried to smile.

  Jack took a corkscrew out of his back pocket and stuck it into the top of the bottle. She watched his strong hands turning the corkscrew, his chest muscles flexing as he worked. Crazy thoughts flooded her head as she wondered what it would feel like to rub her hands over his smooth chest. Then she wondered what it would feel like if he ran his hands over hers!


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