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Bistro Bachelor: Working Man Series - Book 2

Page 10

by Rose, Elizabeth

  “Noble said them, not Missy,” replied Eden.

  “That’s right,” agreed Missy. “I like Eden and your employees, and you, too, Jack.” She winked at him.

  “That’s just great,” mumbled Jack and turned back to the mirror.

  “I thought we could go shopping after we eat,” Missy rattled on. “I need a new dress for the grand opening of The Ruby and figured you’d want to get one, too.”

  “We won’t be at the grand opening,” Jack interrupted. “None of my employees, nor I, nor Eden is coming.”

  Eden crossed her arms over her chest and raised her chin in the air. “I would like to get something appropriate to wear for the grand opening, but I don’t have any money. I’m sorry, Missy.”

  “That’s not a problem,” Missy laughed. “I’m loaded. My daddy left me everything when he died. Heck, I’m even going to be half-owner of The Ruby soon.”

  “You’re what?” Jack spun around on his heel. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Someone like Martin Noble was taking on an airhead for a partner? It was obvious he was using her, and the girl didn’t have enough brains to figure it out.

  “Come on, Eden. If we leave now, we can make it to brunch before it gets too crowded,” said Missy. “We’ve got a lot of shopping to do and don’t want to waste too much time eating.”

  Eden picked up her manta from the bed and tied it around her shoulders. “I’m ready,” she told Missy.

  “Hold on!” said Jack. “You’re not going anywhere.”

  Eden stopped in her tracks and looked at him with determination in those huge, blue eyes. He knew once she’d made up her mind there was no stopping her. She had every intention of going to The Ruby’s grand opening, and he could do nothing to change her mind.

  “Pardon me?” she asked with sarcasm in her voice.

  Jack felt restless under her perusal. Even though he was her guardian, he didn’t have any control over her. She’d proven that when she’d taken off by herself into the streets the other night. If he told her she couldn’t go now, she’d probably disappear again, and he couldn’t let that happen. He cared for Eden, plus he didn’t have time to be running after her every night and keeping her out of trouble. She was obviously bored and had refused to be seen downstairs since the article came out in the paper. She was driving him crazy the way she just sat in the room day after day and did nothing but stare out that damned window. Perhaps a friend was what she needed right now, and maybe this little excursion was just what the doctor ordered.

  “Like I said, Eden, you aren’t going anywhere – without this.”

  He pulled his credit card out of his wallet.

  She looked at it and pulled back a little.

  “Take it,” he said. “Your father left you in my care, plus I told you to buy some clothes last time and you didn’t.”

  “I bought a dress,” she said.

  “And you never wear it,” he answered. Actually, it was so ugly he was glad she didn’t wear it. Plus he knew why. He’d seen her nipples through the thin material so she wouldn’t don it again if her life depended on it.

  “Buy as much as you like,” he told her. “You deserve it, Sweetie.”

  “I deserve it?” she asked. “For doing what? Ruining your business and your reputation?”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself. That already happened long before you arrived, Eden.”

  “Then maybe I deserve it for something else?” She raised her eyebrows, and Jack knew she meant in payment of the kisses and fondling they had shared the other night.

  “Think whatever you want, Eden, but I only meant you deserve it for putting up with someone like me.”

  “What a sweetie!” cooed Missy. “I wish Martin was more like you, Jack. He makes me pay for everything and has never once bought me a present.”

  A present. Interesting thought. It was something Jack had never thought of. Maybe he should get something for Eden, but hell if he knew what. She wasn’t the kind of girl that took a fancy to baubles. She never even wore any jewelry, except for that heart-shaped locket around her neck, and even that seemed out of place on her.

  Eden slowly reached out and accepted the credit card. Her eyes met his. Quickly, she lowered her head under that damned big hat of hers.

  “Buy yourself something nice,” he said. “And while you’re at it, get yourself a nightgown.”

  Eden’s eyes shot up, and Missy giggled.

  “Oooh,” said Missy. “I know a great lingerie shop just down the street. And they’re having a sale on bras and panties.”

  Eden’s face flushed and she looked away. Jack felt a bit embarrassed, too, for some odd reason.

  He cleared his throat. “Yeah, well, make sure you get some of those, too.”

  Making a beeline for the door, Jack left the girls standing there and sped down the stairs and into the bar area.

  “What’s the hurry?” asked Nathan, strolling over to join him. Jack poured himself a shot and downed it. “What are you doing, Jack?” asked Nathan. “Whiskey before ten o’clock isn’t usually your style. I thought you gave up that shit years ago.”

  “Yeah, well, that was when I was wild and carefree and didn’t have these kinds of problems.”

  He downed another shot and watched Missy swaying her hips as she came down the stairs. Eden trudged along behind her.

  “Are you talking about your problems with the restaurant?” asked Nathan.

  “No,” said Jack as Missy waved a cute goodbye. Eden refused to look at him as they headed out the door. “I mean with a certain stubborn woman.”



  “What’s she doing now?”

  “She’s going to The Ruby’s grand opening tomorrow night.”

  “No kidding!” Nathan pulled out a cigarette and lit it. He then offered one to Jack, who refused. “And after you forbid any of us from going.”

  Jack dug in his pocket and pulled out his car keys. “Take over for me, Nathan, will you? I’m going to be out for a while.”

  “Where are you going? We haven’t even opened yet. Not to mention, you look like hell.”

  “Yeah, well, I plan on getting a shave and a haircut. That is, right after I buy myself some new clothes.”

  “What’s the occasion?” asked Nathan. “You haven’t bought much since you’ve been on this strict budget.”

  “Well, this, I’ve got to do,” grumbled Jack, wanting to look his best when he showed up at The Ruby’s grand opening with Eden.

  Chapter 14

  Eden hadn’t seen much of Jack since early yesterday. She’d been too busy spending time with her new friend, Missy. Brunch and shopping had been the most fun she’d had in a long time. Missy bought a slinky black strapless dress for the grand opening and had Eden trying on things she never would have dreamed of wearing before she’d come to the States.

  Eden stood in her room, staring at herself in the dresser mirror, not sure she was doing the right thing going to The Ruby’s opening after all. Jack didn’t seem happy about her decision. As a matter of fact, he seemed downright disturbed. She’d caused him enough trouble already and felt bad about putting him through more stress. Still, she’d only accepted the offer from Missy for two reasons. The first was that she was bored out of her mind, and the second was because she wanted to show Jack she had a mind of her own. All along, he had treated her like a child. Maybe her father had left her in his care, but that didn’t give Jack the right to plan her future as well.

  “I don’t know about this, Missy.” Eden looked at herself in the mirror, now wearing the new dress Missy had convinced Eden to buy. “I didn’t look quite so – naked when I tried it on in the store.”

  “Nonsense!” Missy waved a hand in the air. “You look fantastic, Eden. You’ll catch the eye of every man there.”

  Eden swallowed deeply as she surveyed her figure in the mirror. She’d wanted a brightly colored dress like her native clothes, but Missy told her white would lo
ok stunning against her dark complexion. While Eden picked out a dress that covered most of her skin, Missy put it back on the rack and chose this for her instead. This dress was tight and clingy, short, and with such a plunging neckline, that Eden felt like it was her second skin.

  Her breasts were all trussed up in the strapless miracle bra that made her look twice her size. She had so much exposed cleavage, that she was afraid to bend over for fear she’d fall right out.

  “Maybe I should wear my saco over this,” said Eden.

  “Your what?” asked Missy with a blank look on her face.

  “My jacket,” explained Eden, pointing to her native clothes lying on the bed.

  “Don’t be so timid,” scolded Missy. “You have a great body and should feel no shame in letting others know it’s there.”

  Well, there was no doubt that, after tonight, everyone in the city of Chicago would know exactly what Eden Ramirez’s body looked like. Oddly enough, part of her liked the way it felt. In these new clothes, Eden felt pretty, or sexy as Missy said. Missy had even introduced her to panty hose and high heels. She’d almost twisted her ankle in the heels, but Missy said she’d get used to them. They made her taller and, supposedly, men liked tall, long-legged women.

  “Don’t you think I should wear panties under this dress?” asked Eden.

  “You’ve got on the panty hose, Eden. You don’t want to wear panties or it’ll show lines under your dress.”

  “Is this really what American women do?”

  “It’s what I do.” Missy smiled as she sprayed Eden with some of the new perfume she’d bought. “Now, let’s get to that makeup, shall we? And then we’ll do your hair.”

  Eden perused Missy’s face, loaded down with colors of makeup that reminded her of the paint used by the Amazon tribes of the jungle. It might be fine for Missy, but Eden wouldn’t have that junk on her face. She liked a clean, fresh-feeling face. It was the way she felt when she’d visit the ruins of the Incan empire in Machu Picchu, where she’d spent time with her father.

  Being on the top of the world, one didn’t need to hide their face behind makeup. The warm sun and the cool breeze of the Andes had made her skin bronzed and her cheeks like rubies. She didn’t need the makeup the city girls used to make them look the same way.

  “I think I’ll pass on the makeup, Missy. But thank you just the same.”

  “Really?” Missy pouted. “Well, at least let me do your hair. We’ve got to get rid of those braids. Maybe I can do a French braid or twist your hair up in back.” Against Eden’s wishes, Missy started unraveling the braids and running a brush through her long, black hair. It fanned out around Eden’s shoulders and fell to her waist. She shyly pushed it in front of her and used it to hide her cleavage.

  “Eden, we really should put your hair up,” said Missy, standing back and looking at Eden, head to toe.

  “No, I like it this way,” Eden protested.

  “Have it your way,” Missy said with a sigh. She looked at the clock radio near the bed, slipped her makeup bag back in to her purse and clicked it shut. “It’s time,” she announced.

  Eden’s heart jumped into her throat when she heard Missy’s words. It was time to debut her new image at The Ruby, and she was terrified. When she said she’d go, she only did it to spite Jack. She never really thought she’d have to go through with it. Not alone. Not without Jack as her anchor. However, he’d made it quite clear how he felt about going to Martin Noble’s place. He didn’t like the man and he wouldn’t be caught dead in Noble’s restaurant.

  “I’m not sure about this after all, Missy. I don’t think Jack would like me to go.” Eden tried to back out, but Missy wouldn’t hear of it.

  “What do you care what Jack says? You told me yourself that you were a free thinker and could do as you please.”

  Words were cheap when they came over a nice brunch and you were girl-chatting. Now, she knew she never should have spoken them, because if she went back on her word after all the trouble Missy went to, she wouldn’t be a friend at all.

  Eden pushed into the heels and wobbled over to the bed, having to hold on to things once or twice to keep her balance. As she reached for her manta, Missy stopped her.

  “No. You can’t bring that, Eden. That’s why we bought the purse.”

  Eden frowned at the tiny beaded handbag on the bed. Why carry it when you couldn’t fit anything in it? What was the purpose?

  “We’ll forget the bag,” said Eden and grabbed her hat and plopped it on her head.

  Missy looked at her and started laughing. “Oh, Eden, you have such a sense of humor. If you wear that into The Ruby, you’ll have everyone laughing at you.”

  “But I feel secure wearing my montera,” said Eden. “I either wear the hat or I won’t go.” She crossed her arms over her chest, secretly hoping that Missy would tell her she couldn’t come dressed like that. Missy would probably tell her that she would be too embarrassed and then Eden would have to stay in her room instead of going to the grand opening. That sounded fine to her because she would be nice and safe and wouldn’t have to display her cleavage or legs to the public.

  “Okay.” Missy giggled. “Wear the hat. It’ll be fun. I can’t wait to see Martin’s face when he sees you.”

  The air left Eden’s lungs and she felt a knot forming in her stomach. This wasn’t at all what she wanted Missy to say. By going to the grand opening dressed like this, Eden would be giving Noble lots of ammunition for his next column. And what would Jack say when he read it in the paper? He’d be furious. She had no doubt about it. Eden tossed the hat onto the bed and reluctantly followed Missy out the door.

  * * *

  Jack paced the floor nervously, waiting for Eden and Missy to come down the stairs. They’d been up there a long time and he wondered what they were doing. He’d had time to change in the restaurant’s washroom and even shaved at the sink and trimmed a few stray hairs from the quick haircut he’d gotten while he was out yesterday picking out a suit.

  He felt uncomfortable in his three-piece black Armani suit. It wasn’t what he usually wore in his own restaurant, and the few customers there were actually staring. It might have been like this when his father was here but, since then, Jack had made The Golden Talon a much more casual place to eat. He straightened his tie that threatened to choke him, and glanced at the Rolex on his wrist. The grand opening had started an hour ago. If the girls took any longer, he was going to change his mind about this whole lame decision.

  Ruthie walked up and gave a catcall. “Gee, Jack. Got a date or what?”

  “Why do you say that?” Jack felt jumpy. He didn’t want the employees to know where he was going and was hoping to sneak out before anyone noticed him standing there at the bottom of the steps.

  “Well, let’s see.” Ruthie cracked her gum. “Jack dresses up in a three-piece suit, gets a haircut and shaves, not to mention smells like the cologne department at Saks Fifth Avenue. If that’s not the recipe for a hot date, I don’t know what is.”

  “I just felt like dressing up today, that’s all,” answered Jack nonchalantly. “Can’t a man get a haircut or put on some aftershave without everyone getting suspicious?”

  “Really.” Ruthie gave him a side glance that said she knew he was lying. “I suppose that corsage is for your lapel? Just for the heck of it?” She nodded toward his hand.

  Jack looked down to realize he was gripping the flowers so tightly that he was nearly crushing them. He’d chosen a beautiful huge purple orchid with a small spattering of white baby’s breath for Eden. He wanted to somehow make amends for the way he’d been acting and was hoping this would do the trick.

  “Oh, all right, Ruthie. If it’ll stop you from breathing fire, I’ll tell you,” he said, caving in to Ruthie’s questioning. “I’m going over to The Ruby’s grand opening.”

  “You’re going to The Ruby?” Ruthie’s voice was loud, and Tisha overheard and hurried over with her kids in tow, having just finished her shift. />
  “Did I hear that Jack is going to The Ruby’s grand opening?” asked Tisha.

  “Jack looks pretty,” said little Patsy, tugging on his pant leg. “Can I smell the flower?”

  Jack was about to blow his cool. He just should have let Eden go by herself and stuck to his guns about this. Martin Noble was his competition not to mention his enemy. The Ruby was the last place in the world he wanted to be tonight.

  “Hey, Jack. You clean up pretty nice,” said Nathan, coming from the kitchen, joining the little party. Alfredo was on his heels, wiping his hands on a towel.

  “Señor Jack, are we going to The Ruby tonight for the grand opening after all?”

  “I’m going,” snapped Jack. “Not you or any of my employees. We’ve got a restaurant to run here, so all of you get back to work and don’t worry about what the hell I’m going to be doing tonight.”

  “Hey!” snapped Ruthie. “Watch that language around the kids.” She scowled at Jack.

  Jack looked down at Patsy who was still pulling on his pant leg. The baby was sitting on the floor repeating the word “hell”. Randal was holding on to something that Jack realized was that stray cat they’d brought in, only now it looked larger. He could only guess where it had been eating.

  “Come on, kids, we need to get home.” Tisha picked up the baby and pulled Patsy off his leg. “Have a fun time at the opening, Jack. At least bring us a doggy bag, will you? We’d love to taste the fancy food Martin Noble will be serving tonight.”

  “Yeah, right.” Jack gave one final warning and the rest of his employees, except Ruthie, hurried back to work.

  “It’s for Eden, isn’t it?” asked Ruthie.

  Jack looked down at the corsage and realized he’d crushed the baby’s breath.

  “Yeah,” he replied softly.

  “You really like her, don’t you?”

  “I’m just going to keep an eye on her so she doesn’t do anything stupid, that’s all.”


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