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A Calm Mind

Page 14

by Ruairí Cinéad Ducantlin

  “It is the prophecy. We see the path. You must know the meaning of the words. Can you recite the words?”

  Corb hesitated to respond, giving Landry time to research the request for Aapo. After six seconds of silence, Landry posted a phrase on a monitor not visible to Aapo.

  “Aapo… Brother… You ask for something common to my people. So common is our belief in what you ask, I was confused by the question. We believe this is true across all species.

  All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”

  Corb paused, reflected, then closed his portion of the conversation.

  “I request passage to the Core Systems.”

  Several seconds of silence followed Corb’s request before Aapo responded.

  “You are the redeemer. We distributed that phrase across the galaxy when the Triumvirate conquered our worlds. Under the Triumvirate, we suffer the punishment of death for speaking that phrase aloud. We have waited three-thousand years for you to speak those words.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Karma can be a bitch.

  “Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”

  Leonardo da Vinci

  Aboard the Marissa

  “Close the comms.”

  “Comms closed.”

  Himari was captain of the Marissa while docked at the Plentari station. The offloading was under way and is scheduled to complete in three days.

  “Jexnell is friendly to me but detests that we have males overseeing the offload.”

  “Yes, Himari, but that is what we expected. We simply to do not have enough female crew to cover the around-the-clock offload process. Hang in there. The Jenny will be here in two days. Jexnell will act differently. You’ll see.”

  “I hope so, Josh. These people are wearing out my patience.”

  “Confirmed, Captain, there is room in the main hold for the Jenny.”

  “Good, contact Landry and use the new protocols. Let the computer guide them in but make sure Landry is monitoring the process closely.”

  The Jenny arrived as the ore offload was completing. Himari was at the end of another sixteen-hour shift and in no mood to debate procedural matters. The bridge crew followed Himari’s orders without comment.

  “Josh, you talk to the Jenny’s crew. I am going to bed.”

  Joshua just nodded and assumed the command chair when Himari stepped down.


  “Yes, Captain Turner?”

  “I have issued instructions for the maintenance and supply teams to service the Jenny. Is anything needed?”

  “Yes, there is something. Michelle and Nick have determined the supply of Shiner Beer is critically low.”

  The bridge crew on duty, all women, just rolled their eyes at hearing Landry’s request.

  “Define critically low?”

  “There are only eight cases remaining.”

  “That is a problem. Is there anything else that might need attention?”

  “Yes, the forward relay, SB-UL-1001 has failed and needs to be replaced. It will require the external access hatch to be removed.”

  “Thanks, hold off on the beer and other non-essential supplies. Send the maintenance details and supply requests to the correct teams.”

  “The offload is complete. The storage containers are collapsed. The Jenny is refueled and ready to go. We moved the Jenny to loading bay number two. We can put the new ship in loading bay number one.”

  “Thanks, Chief. I did not approve a launch. How did you move the Jenny?”

  “We strapped control cables and pullies to the Jenny and to the inner structure of the Marissa. We handed guide cables to Marines in magnetic boots, then we released the artificial gravity. Eight Marines in magnetic boots moved the Jenny in Zero-G.”

  “Good thinking. Corb, how do we handle the transaction?”

  “Josh, we don’t handle the transaction. Lucinda, Janish, and I handle the transaction. Jexnell has already complained about you being too vocal during the discussions.”

  “What is she talking about? I said one thing!”

  “One is too many when it is from a male.”

  “Captains, Corb, the combat explorer is stationed two-hundred meters from the Marissa, pointed directly at main loading bay doors. She will not proceed until the ceremony has completed.”

  “Thank you, Landry. Lucinda, Janish, are you ready?”


  “Yes. Corb, why are you wearing that sword?”

  “Janish, it was Michelle’s idea. It will remind the Plentari that I am willing to kill when necessary. On second thought, it would be a stronger statement if Lucinda wears the sword.”

  Unsnapping the sword from his belt and handing it over, Lucinda snapped it to her belt and gave it a reassuring pat.

  Lucinda nodded to Janish, who nodded to Corb, before the trio teleported to the Open Meeting Hall. The same platform as before, facing the same elevated throne, with Jexnell seated upon the throne. Lucinda stepped forward.

  “Thank you, Madame Negotiator for seeing us. We have completed the offload of the ore, complying with our portion of the agreement. We are prepared to depart. The Marissa will return in three months’ time with another load of ore. We honor our agreement and the Plentari.”

  “Thank you, Captain Raitt. We accept the honor of our agreement.”

  “The other products have been delivered, they are in the anterior room, behind that wall. All that remains is the closure ceremony.”

  “You have learned much about our customs. I am surprised Doctor Brady did not accompany you?”

  “Doctor Brady is aboard the Marissa and available if you require her presence.”

  “That will not be necessary. Let us complete the agreement and sign the new agreement.”

  Jexnell, stepped down from the throne, stepped up on to the short platform, and positioned herself between Lucinda, and Janish. Corb stepped forward and stood one step behind and between Lucinda and Jexnell.

  Jexnell took one-half-step forward just before their image was projected and the ceremony commenced.

  “The first agreement between the Plentari and the humans is honored. I have learned, complete is the term humans use. The new agreement is now to be honored. So, it is according to Plentari law.”

  Their image was being broadcast across the planet and on the wall to the group’s right. On the word ‘so,’ the image being projected was refocused to a new angle and zoomed to highlight Jexnell and Corb. Clearly meant to evoke Plentari pride, the image was Jexnell as superior to the Enlightened One.

  The imagery stopped and the Plentari attendees began to file out of the Open Meeting Hall. Jexnell returned to the throne and addressed Corb.

  “Enlightened One, you have started something powerful today. I will not forget your gift.”

  “Madame Negotiator, together we have started something powerful. Change is here and the Plentari will grow with the changes under your guidance.”

  “Change is slow, but it does not stop. We will grow with the change. Your new ship awaits. Will you return my crew?”

  “Of course, will they let me touch them to teleport them off the ship?”

  “Enlightened One, every Plentari would let you touch them.”

  Corb nodded and disappeared. After coaxing the two crew on the new ship to get up, off the deck, and stand next to him, Corb teleported them to the Open Meeting Hall. The two crew immediately fell again to the floor and placed their foreheads on the terrazzo-looking floor material.

  “They show reverence and gratitude to the Enlightened One. They will be rich and famous now. Jurenta and Jimella, raise and depart.”

  The two crew did not move. Jexnell looked to Corb with an expression common to every species, frustration.

orb used his hand to telekinetically raise the crew’s head and then gently pull them to their feet. Nodding, they both turned and practically ran from the Open Meeting Hall.

  “Thank you, Madame Negotiator, we will depart now. I will not return soon. If you need me, Tarunik or Tarmish will be able to contact me.”

  “Until next we meet, may your harmony be abundant.”

  The trio teleported to the Marissa’s loading bay number two, next to the Jenny. Landry immediately appeared next to Janish while the remainder of the Coterie came running across the deck. The off-duty personnel from the Marissa also wandered in and formed a half circle around the Coterie.

  “Landry, report”

  “Captain Turner, the ship displaces approximately two-hundred and eight tons.”

  “No, stop, we will get to the details later. Is there any reason we can’t go get that ship and put it in loading bay number one?”

  “Nothing is preventing us from retrieving the ship.”

  “Josh, who is your best pilot?”

  “Lieutenant Chang.”

  Hearing his name, Captain Myron Barry Chang stepped forward and nodded, indicating his readiness.

  “Who is your best engineer?”

  “Lieutenant Danvers.”

  Lieutenant Robert Michael Danvers stepped forward.

  “I see, as always, you are prepared. Josh, you knew I’d ask for them. Let’s get this over. You’re with me hot shots.”

  The lieutenants stepped forward and stood either side of Corb, reaching up and grabbing his elbow. Corb looked to either side, shrugged at their eagerness, and teleported the three to the new ship.

  “Clear the deck people, they will be arriving soon, and we need to open the bay doors.”

  The assembly immediately began to disband. The captains and bridge crew returned to their respective ships.

  “What do you mean you don’t know what is going on? It has been over twenty minutes and no contact. Are they still alive over there?”

  “Lucinda, yes, they are alive. Well, Corb is alive. I do not know about the lieutenants.”

  “I am going to get him.”

  “Wait, this isn’t Star Trek. The captain doesn’t get to go beaming around into danger.”

  “Ragnar, you are right. Janish, are you up to going to see what’s wrong?”

  Janish just smiled and teleported to the new ship.

  “Everyone is a little worried, so Lucinda sent me over to kick some butt.”

  Corb rolled his eyes at the waif-like Janish. The lieutenants were too focused on trying to access the new ship to acknowledge the remark. Lieutenant Danvers eventually rejoined.

  “Well, it is kind of odd. The ship does not function. No, it is functioning, life support and station keeping appear to be online and stable.”

  “Affirmative, everything appears functional. Navigation does not respond.”

  “Here let me try, just show me what to do.”

  Lieutenant Chang rolled his shoulders to ease the tension then stood up and away from the navigation console. Janish sat down, pulled the chair as close as the rails would permit, then sat forward to reach the controls.

  “We need to engage the nav computer and then connect it to the Marissa’s nav computer. I will point, and you will press, ready? Okay, here goes.”

  Janish followed the sequence correctly and the nav computer came online. The lieutenants looked at each other, then to Corb, without a word.

  “I think I know what is going on. Connect comms to the Jenny.”

  Janish hopped up, stood in front of the comms station, and followed Lieutenant Danvers illustrated sequence.


  “Yes, Corb?”

  “Can you connect me to Jexnell?”

  “Yes, stand by. Jexnell on audio, do you want video too?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “How may I help the Enlightened One?”

  “Madame Negotiator why are you smiling?”

  “I see you figured it out. The ship will only accept commands from females.”

  Jexnell had muted the connection but it was obvious she was laughing at the problem. When the laughing subsided, she continued.

  “The ship will only respond to females. Male control options were not part of the negotiation and the council insisted I not remove the control barriers.”

  “Madame Negotiator, does this ship have a designation? Does she have a name?”

  “Yes, Ms. Roa, she has a name. That is a very astute question.”

  “Would this ship’s name be Jexnell?”

  Her eyes growing larger than normal and with an obvious look of surprise, Jexnell responded.

  “Yes, that is its designation. I thought it would be a reminder for the humans. A reminder of who made this honor possible.”

  “Jexnell, please forgive me, I need a moment. Landry mute the comms please.”

  “Muted, Ms. Roa.”

  “Jexnell, connect your navigation to the navigation on the large ship called the Marissa. Plot a flight plan to loading bay one on the Marissa.”

  A sultry female voice, in clear English, responded to Janish’s commands.

  “Navigation systems linked. Autopilot engaged. Course to docking in loading bay one plotted.”

  The lieutenants looked at each other with raised eyebrows. The sultry voice was well planned. Corb just stood and observed.

  “Landry open the comms.”

  “Comms open.”

  “Madame Negotiator, your generosity honors us. The voice will drive our males insane. I will have to change it before we embark.”

  Thoroughly enjoying her moment, Jexnell waited before replying.

  “I asked Tarunik for guidance. He requested the assistance of a Doctor Wolmarans. The Doctor provided recordings of someone named Marylin Monroe. I believe the desired effect was achieved.”

  Corb stepped forward and closed the conversation.

  “Thank you again, Madam Negotiator. The honor here today is immense.”

  Jexnell nodded to Corb, who returned the nod of approval.

  “Landry kill the comms to the planet.”

  “Comms closed. I have established a link to the Jexnell, with the captain’s permissions, I can dock the Jexnell in loading bay one.”

  “Captain Turner here, I confirm.”

  “Captain Raitt here, I confirm.”

  When nothing happened for almost one full minute, it was Nick who chirped.

  “What are you waiting for, puberty? Get the ship moving.”

  “I was waiting for the captain of the Jexnell to confirm readiness and permission to dock the ship.”

  Everyone, on all three ships were looking around, trying to figure out who the captain of the Jexnell might be. Janish was first to recognize the obvious.

  “Captain Roa here, I confirm.”

  Immediately, the new ship started moving and nineteen minutes later was magnetically clamped to loading bay one on the Marissa.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  A new world of disorder.

  “Two dangers constantly threaten the world: order and disorder.”

  Paul Valery

  Aboard the Marissa

  “She is big and look at all those guns.”

  “Did you see what her maneuvering thrusters did?”

  Everyone not on a duty shift was in the Marissa’s hold, standing in loading bay one, gawking at the new ship. When the Jenny arrived, her overpowering thrusters blew big clouds of ore dust into space. The new ship’s bigger thrusters completed the job of cleaning every crevasse in the hold of ore dust.

  An access hatch opened, a ramp descended, and the lieutenants disembarked to loud applause. Followed by Janish and Corb.

  Corb raised his hand for quiet and when he could be heard, he proceeded.

  “No one boards until Landry and the security teams give the all clear. Landry?”

  At hearing his name, the avatar appeared on the deck. Standing too close to a corporal. The corporal
moved back when Landry failed to recognize the faux pax.

  “Landry, have you examined the new ship?”

  “Yes, Mr. Johnson, I have completed an inspection of the new ship.”

  “Did you find anything unusual on the new ship?”

  “Yes, there are several anomalous devices on the new ship.”

  Hearing the words anomalous devices caused a murmur of tension to flow through the assembly.

  “Are any of the devices a threat to the ship?”

  “Oh, I see. Sorry. No, the devices are monitoring devices. I would not have permitted the new ship to dock in the Marissa if I had perceived a threat.

  Their intent, the devices, is to periodically transmit data about the ship.”

  “Transmit data to whom?”

  “To whomever has the decryption key.”

  “Can you direct the security teams to the devices and confirm their removal?”

  “Yes, we can remove the devices.”

  “First, Landry, run down the new ship’s specs for the crew.”

  “Certainly. The new ship is a modified PT Class Fighter. This one has been modified for long-range scouting missions.”


  “PT is short for Plentari, Sergeant. Continuing, the ship’s displacement is two-hundred and eight tons.”

  “It doesn’t look that big or heavy?”

  “The weight, Corporal, is in the plasma cannon barrels, the rail gun guides, and the reactor shielding. It is built to accommodate a crew of twenty-eight but only two are needed to monitor flight.”

  “Just two?

  “Yes, Ensign, two. One on the bridge and one in engineering. Everything is voice-controlled and the computers are several generations ahead of the Jenny and many generations ahead of the Marissa.”

  “Is it faster than the Jenny?”

  “Yes, Ensign, the new ship can make the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs.”

  Landry stopped, and turned to appreciate the crew members that got the Star Wars reference and snickered. Those that got it leaned over and whispered the reference to those who do not appreciate popular science fiction.


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