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Mercury Rising 11 - Meet Me at Sunrise

Page 4

by Lynn Hagen

  “I never wanted that responsibility in the first place,” Colton snarled. “I just wanted vengeance, and I ended up with a nest of bloodsuckers!”

  Lucian took a step back as if Colton had slapped him. He looked at his brothers before turning his attention back to his mate.

  Pierre gasped and then narrowed his eyes. “I knew it!”

  “Get him out of here,” Corbin said.

  Antonio looked at Colton with pain in his eyes before he hauled Pierre away. The last thing Lucian needed was for Pierre to tell the others what their Master had just said.

  Colton wouldn’t look Lucian’s way. His gaze was fixated on the floor. “I didn’t mean to say that.”

  “Yes, you did.” Lucian tucked his hands into the pockets of his slacks. “At least we are finally at the core of your hatred.”

  Corbin, who was always the level-headed one, stormed from the office, slamming the door behind him. It was rare that Corbin showed his emotions, but Lucian didn’t blame his brother. What their mate said had cut them deeply.

  “Do you want me to go?” Colton finally looked at him, and Lucian saw the uncertainty in his eyes.

  “That choice is up to you.” He headed back to his desk, needing to put distance between them. If anyone else had snarled those words, Lucian would have ignored them. But this was their mate, and he had hoped to spend the rest of eternity with their wolf.

  But clearly Colton didn’t have the same desire. Staying away from the coven for nearly a year proved he had deep-seated issues with vampires.

  “I didn’t…” Colton curled his hands at his side. “I just…”

  “Just insulted your mates?” Lucian whipped around and stormed back to Colton. “Have kept us at arm’s length, refusing to be with us, refusing to give the support and leadership your coven needs?” He tapped his finger against Colton’s chest. “Whether you meant to become Master or not, the deed was done. I have been more than patient with you and have given you liberties that others would have been killed for. And now you stand here calling those who would follow you to their deaths a vile name?”

  Colton worked his jaw back and forth, and it was obvious he wanted to speak, but he held his tongue as he stood there, glaring at the carpet. “I don’t want to leave.”

  Could Lucian hope that Colton was finally ready? “And why is that?”

  “Because I’m…” Colton looked at Lucian before averting his gaze. “Because I’m tired of the destructive path I’m on. Something has to give.”

  Lucian tucked a finger under Colton’s jaw and made his mate look at him. “Set aside your hatred and see what coven life is really about. We’re no different from your pack, my love. We’re loyal to one another, are dictated by power and politics, and will join together to defend what we care about.”

  “Why did you send Victor after Pierre?” Colton asked. “He doesn’t look like he can handle being an enforcer.”

  Lucian wasn’t sure about the change of subject, but he was glad his mate was showing concern for one of the younglings. “Because I defend those I care about,” Lucian said. “Other vampires deem him useless, a bother. I want Victor to feel important because he tries so hard to fit in and please his leaders. You have to nurture that kind of loyalty.”

  Colton moved away and took a seat in one of the leather chairs in front of the desk.

  “That is not your seat.” Lucian waved a hand at the desk. “You belong behind it, not in front of it.”

  “And I’m trying my best to figure all this out,” Colton said. “Does where I sit truly matter?”

  “In this coven, yes.”

  Colton hesitated and then got up, taking a seat behind the desk. For Lucian, that was a small win. It was his mate showing that he was willing to make this work.

  He moved in behind Colton and laid his hands on his mate’s shoulders. “Welcome home.”

  * * * *

  Corbin sat at the bar and watched as the humans partied. Most of his attention was a blur, considering he was thinking about what Colton had said.

  Bloodsuckers. Colton had called Lucian that the first time they’d met.

  Why he was even surprised or hurt by the comment was beyond him. This was a wolf shifter who had actively avoided the coven for nearly a year. Their mate hadn’t hidden his views on vampires, but he also hadn’t come right out and said it, either.

  “Oh my god. You are so sexy.” A short twink slid onto the stool next to Corbin and looked him over with a hungry gaze. He wore a T-shirt and jeans, which was odd, considering most partygoers went out of their way to dress in all black. He also had spikey blond hair and sparkling blue eyes. “Can I buy you a drink?”

  Corbin smiled. “The drink I want from you can’t be bought.”

  The guy chewed on his lower lip and gazed at Corbin from under a fall of thick lashes. “Are we talking about sucking cock ’cause I’m all for that, too.”

  Corbin sighed. He’d been without sex for so long that he should have blue balls. If he hadn’t known Colton existed, he would have taken this twink up on his offer. The guy looked more than willing to do anything Corbin asked.

  “Are you talking about sucking cock?” someone asked from behind him.

  Turning on his stool, Corbin was shocked to see Colton standing behind him. He’d thought Colton would have stormed from the club by now.

  He rested his elbows on the bar as he looked his mate over.

  “Hey, I say him first!” The twink hopped from his stool and glared at Colton, which was funny considering his eyes came to Colton’s chest. “So back off.”

  Arching a brow, Corbin looked from the twink to Colton, waiting to see what his mate would do, waiting to see if Colton would claim Corbin as his.

  Instead of getting angry, Colton gave the guy a smile that should have lit up the room. It sure as fuck lit up Corbin’s heart. But he kept his features schooled as he watched them interact.

  “How about I buy you a drink?” Colton offered.

  The twink looked hesitant as he stared from Corbin to Colton. “Is this your way of getting rid of me?” the guy asked. “Because I saw him first, and you’re not muscling in on my find.”

  “Not at all.” Colton moved in closer, crowding the twink’s space.

  Corbin’s eye twitched. He didn’t like how close his mate was getting to the little human, but he was also fascinated with how sexy Colton looked when he was flirting. He’d never seen this side of his mate before.


  “Back up,” he said in a low and sharp tone.

  Colton didn’t turn his head, but he cut his eyes at Corbin as a sly smile curled his lips. “Why?” he asked. “You had no problem talking about sucking cock before I showed up.”

  Was his mate jealous?


  “Unless you want him hurt, back up.” Corbin kept his voice low, steady, but he let a small growl enter his tone.

  “What do you want to drink?” Colton asked the guy.

  “I…uh…” He looked at Corbin as he roughly swallowed. “I don’t know.”

  “How about I choose for you?” Colton ran his knuckles over the twink’s cheek, and Corbin lost it. He flew off his stool and had Colton pinned to the bar before the twink knew what was happening. He looked at the guy and bared his fangs.

  “Get lost before I kill you for flirting with my mate.” This wasn’t like Corbin. He always remained calm, always thought things through, but right now his emotions were controlling him. He was seconds away from killing the little bastard.

  The guy gasped and rushed into the crowd of dancers as Corbin turned his attention back to his mate. “You play a very dangerous game.”

  “Who said I was playing?” Colton narrowed his eyes. “Besides, I thought you didn’t want anything to do with me. You’re the one who stormed out of the office and slammed the door.”

  He saw now the game Colton was really playing. The wolf had wanted Corbin to react, to show some kind of emotion that he still ca

  Backing up just a hair, Corbin flipped his mate and pinned him back down, chest to back, as Colton’s ass lined up with Corbin’s groin. The vampires continued what they were still doing, but Corbin felt all eyes on him.

  The coven wanted to see where this was leading, more than likely shocked that he had their Master hemmed up against the bar.

  He nipped Colton’s nape. “You just want to get fucked, don’t you?” He backed his words up with a slide of his hand to the front of Colton’s jeans, gripping his erection in his hand. “Look at you, hard for me.”

  Colton bucked, but Corbin didn’t release him.

  “I should fuck you right here, right now, in front of everyone. Does that thought turn you on?” Corbin was still pissed at Colton for flirting, and he should bend his mate over his knee and spank his pretty ass.

  Colton turned so fast that he knocked Corbin off balance. Corbin hadn’t seen it coming, and he stumbled back a single step as Colton grabbed him and shoved him against the bar.

  Corbin laughed. “Now that’s what I’m talking about. Take charge, wolf.”

  “I’m starting to see that you and your brothers aren’t playing with a full deck,” Colton snarled. “And no, public fucking isn’t my thing.”

  Corbin slid his gaze to his right and spotted Lucian and Antonio. They stood at the end of the bar, watching, their eyes glowing red.

  There was approval in Lucian’s eyes, and Antonio looked as though he was barely holding himself back. Corbin’s gaze swung to Colton. “Now that you have me pinned, what’re you gonna do with me?”

  The anger and lust faded in the wolf’s blue eyes. He looked uncertain before he released Corbin. He waved his hand at the bartender, who immediately came to him.

  “Give me a whiskey.”

  The bartender nodded. “Right away, Master.”

  “Don’t call me that,” Colton said. “My first name will do just fine.”

  Reggie, the bartender—tall, lanky, and gorgeous—nodded. “Yes, sir. I mean, yes, Colton.”

  Corbin grinned. Colton was finally acting the part. Maybe their coven had a chance, after all.

  Chapter Four

  Colton had no idea what he was doing, and it felt weird as fuck for someone to call him Master. The title had been used before, but never this directly and not by one of the vampire coven members.

  “What’s your name?” he asked.

  “Reggie, sir.” He slid a tumbler of whiskey across the bar, and Colton took it. He downed the drink in one swallow and set the glass back on the bar. The amber liquid burned as it slid down his throat, hitting his empty stomach with a splash. Colton started to order another one, but decided against getting wasted. He’d done that so many times and had blacked out on occasion.

  It was time he turned his life around, and he also wanted to keep a clear head while in the club. There was no telling what would happen, and Colton wanted his wits about him.

  “Thank you, Reggie.”

  The vampire’s eyes widened as if being thanked was a foreign concept to him. He smiled and gave a nod. “You’re welcome, sir.”

  “Didn’t I say to call me by my first name?”

  The vampire’s smile widened. “Yes, Colton.”

  Okay, so maybe not all vampires were bad. Colton had felt sorry for Victor, the cute little mouse, and he liked Reggie. The guy seemed eager to please. But Colton still wasn’t in the right headspace. He kept thinking about his mother, how he’d lost his entire family, and how his pack would react if he truly took over as Master of this coven.

  As distant as he’d tried to keep himself from his brethren, their opinion still mattered to him. They kept saying they’d support him no matter what move he made, but if he took over, he’d have to sit on the council, and he would be on opposite sides of the table as Matt—a friend he’d had for over a hundred years and an alpha he highly respected.

  As if reading his mind, Corbin said, “You can slip into your role slowly, if that’ll make you more comfortable.”

  Colton walked away from the bar and headed out the front door. He needed fresh air and time to himself to think. As he headed down the street, he spotted Rio driving by. The brother pulled over to the curb and got out.

  “Need backup?” Rio asked. “Matt told me you had to execute a warrant on a vampire.”

  Colton stared at the beta, unsure what he should say. Pierre should’ve been sentenced to death for his crimes, but they all knew that wasn’t how vampire politics worked. Still, he had no idea what Antonio had done with Pierre. For all Colton knew, the guy could be chilling in their underground living area.

  “It’s complicated.” Colton leaned his butt against the hood of Rio’s car. “Everything seems to be complicated these days.”

  Rio lit a blunt and passed it to Colton. “Life is complicated, brother. That’s what makes it so interesting.”

  Colton looked at the long line to get into Black Dragon and shook his head. “Why are humans so ready to become something else?” He hit the blunt and passed it back to Rio. “Look at them, waiting to get into a place they pray is the real deal, unknowing that it is and also not knowing they’ll go home with no memory of their night.”

  Rio shrugged. “Some people want to believe there’s more to life than their own dull existence or their complex problems. They crave escape.”

  Rio cut his eyes at Colton.

  “You saying I crave escape?”

  With a shrug, Rio asked, “Do you? I see a guy who wants to lead a race of beings so badly that’s he’s self-destructing, but his own pride and stubbornness holds him back.”

  “I think you need to stop smoking and trying to exam my brain.” Colton snatched the blunt and took a hit. “You’re getting too philosophical on me.”

  Rio chuckled. “Weed’ll do that to you. It makes you think about shit in a whole new light.”

  Colton spotted Victor wandering from the club and then glancing around, as if trying to avoid someone. He hadn’t the first clue why he felt so protective of the little mouse.

  “Know him?” Rio nodded toward Victor.

  “Yeah.” Colton pushed away from the car when he saw someone exit the club and shove Victor.

  “Do we need to intervene?” Rio moved to stand next to Colton.

  The guy grabbed Victor by the collar. Victor squeaked and tried to shove the man’s hands off him but failed. When the guy raised his hand, Colton stormed over to them and yanked the bastard away.

  “What the fuck is going on?” he demanded.

  There were unshed tears in Victor’s eyes that he tried quickly to wipe away. Seconds later, Corbin and Antonio were outside, but they kept a few steps back, standing next to Rio as they remained quiet.

  “This is coven business,” the guy snapped at Colton.

  He was getting sick and tired of people getting snarky with him. First Pierre and now this piece of shit.

  “I’m sorry,” Victor begged as he tried to get free. “I only wanted to feed, but Morrison said I went after the person he was interested in.”

  Colton wasn’t sure what he should do. He didn’t know vampire politics about feeding. Was Morrison in his right, or was he just being an asshole to Victor? He looked over his shoulder at his mates.

  It was Corbin who stepped forward. “Did you mark the human?”

  Mark the human? What did that mean?

  Morrison looked away. “No, but I was about to when Victor stepped in and tried to steal my meal.”

  Corbin backhanded Morrison so hard the vampire’s head snapped back. The humans in the line took notice. They craned their necks to see what was going on.

  “You know the laws,” Corbin hissed. “You dare attack one of your brethren when you didn’t even mark your meal?”

  Morrison cradled his cheek in his hand, glaring at the ground. Victor’s eyes were bugged as he stared at Corbin, and then he looked Colton’s way. “I didn’t mean to start any trouble, M-Master. I was just hungry.”

“What does it mean to mark your meal?” Colton asked Corbin, uncaring if he looked ignorant in front of Morrison. The guy looked like trouble, and Colton promised himself to keep an eye on the guy in the future.

  “Vampires emit a scent that they rub onto humans,” Corbin explained. “The scent tells other vampires that that particular human is taken. If anyone goes for the meal that is not theirs, they are severally punished.”

  “And if they haven’t marked their meal and attack someone for going after a human?” Colton asked.

  Corbin bared his fangs at Morrison. “They are severally punished. Order and discipline must always be maintained if chaos is to be avoided.”

  It was Antonio who stepped in and hauled Morrison away. Colton was starting to suspect Antonio was the enforcer around this place.

  “He’s going to retaliate,” Victor said as he watched Antonio and Morrison. “Just like Pierre will if he ever gets his hands on me.”

  It didn’t seem like Victor could catch a break.

  Just then Colton realized Rio was still standing there, taking it all in. The beta had just gotten a quick lesson on vampire feedings rules, and Colton was pretty sure Corbin hadn’t meant for that to happen.

  He tapped knuckles with Rio. “I’ll catch up with you later.”

  Rio slowly nodded, his gaze stuck on Victor. “Yeah, I’m gonna head out. See you around.”

  “I was gonna go grab something to eat at Grizzly’s,” Colton said to Corbin. Then he looked at Victor. “Care to join me?”

  Victor’s jaw dropped. “You’re asking me if I want to hang out with you? Really?”

  Corbin smirked. “I think you just made a friend for life.”

  Victor blushed.

  “I’ll be back,” he said to his mate. “I think Victor needs to spend time around a dominant male who doesn’t want to hurt him.”

  With a snarl, Corbin grabbed Colton’s shirt and yanked him close, slamming his lips over Colton’s as he devoured him. When they broke apart, Colton felt lightheaded.

  “Don’t take too long,” Corbin said. “You promised us one night.”


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