Hawk : Blazing Saints MC
Page 10
“I’m making an Italian feast,” I say continuing to work on stirring my sauce.
“Hun, I don’t want to overstep my boundaries but I’m a hairdresser. Do you think I could take a look at whatcha got going on under the hood?”
“I don’t know, Betty, I’m pretty embarrassed. I wanted to buzz and shave it off,” I say.
“Oh no, let’s see what I can do. I’ve been doing hair for a while.”
I’d like to know if she can do anything but I don’t want to do it here. If anything maybe she could buzz it off for me.
“Can we lock the door? I don’t want anyone walking in and seeing me.”
“Of course,” she says as she walks to the door and locks it.
I lower my hood and look down.
She walks over to me and lifts my chin so I’m looking up. She doesn’t have pity in her eyes, she’s just looking at me like I’m a real person. I can’t help but tear a little.
“Hey now, it’s not that bad. I can work with this if you let me. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. It’s just, you’re the first person to really look at me and not at the cuts, bruises and bumps.”
“Aww, don’t cry, hunny,” she brings me in for a hug. She’s very motherly.
I clear the tears from my eyes.
“So, I can do something for you. I have a few options if you let me. I get so bored here in lockdown.”
“Are you sure? I don’t mind just shaving it off. Its long on one half of my head and cut on the other. I can’t imagine what you think you could do. It’s so uneven. I also can’t afford to pay you right now.”
“Honey, you’re family now. Cooking the way you do plus I have a feeling you’re going to be around for a while,” she says as she gives me a wink.
What’s that supposed to mean? “I’m not Hawk’s old lady, if that’s what you mean.”
“Not yet at least,” she gives me another wink as she walks away. “I’ll come by around 7 and we can do your hair.”
What just happened? Why does she actually think that I’ll be Hawk’s old lady? He could have anyone he wants, he’s definitely not picking me.
I get back to working on the dinner I’m making.
3 hours later…
“You know that smell is leeching to everywhere in the clubhouse. People are salivating out there,” Delta says to me. He looks out of breath and super sweaty. He’s so handsome as well. GQ model as well.
“Well, I guess we need some mops to soak up the spit,” I reply. I finish chopping some carrots for a nice mixed green salad. I made a champagne vinaigrette with fresh peach purée. It’s fantastic. My oven timers go off at that moment. The bread’s done.
I move to the oven and take the dinner rolls out. Freshly baked, golden brown and perfect.
“Holy fuck, what are those?” Delta says walking over to me.
“Italian rolls. They are my favorite. I learned to make these from a colleagues grandfather back when I studied in Florence.” He takes a giant sniff.
“Girl, you are going to make us all have to work out extra hard if you keep cooking for us all like this. You know you don’t have to cook for everyone?”
“I know, I’m bored and it keeps my mind busy. You don’t want to see me when I’m sitting idle with nothing to do. It would make you and your dear Presidents life hell.” It’s true.
“I have no doubt in my mind about that,” he says walking out laughing. Damn, that man is sexy when he smiles. It could knock people dead.
“Dinner will be ready in 15 if you’d like some,” I shout.
“I’ll be here in 10. I wouldn’t want to miss this for anything. I’ll let everyone else know.
I made meatballs, pasta, lasagna, salad, and rolls for everyone including the families. They usually like to take some to go and eat it in their rooms so I made little takeout meals for them to grab. I made about 15 of them. The unmarried guys will come by and grab some food on their own time.
I grab my own little take out package and head into my room. I have food for my cousin as well. I don’t feel like making conversation with anyone tonight. Plus, I need to make sure I actually sleep in my bed tonight.
I make it back to the room. “Hey cuz,” I say to Jen as she sits on the bed playing a game on her phone.
“Hey Han, everything okay? Whatcha got there?” She motions to the food.
“I made dinner, I brought us some to eat. I didn’t feel like socializing.” I also didn’t want to run into Hawk again.
“Okay. What’s on the menu?”
“Meatballs, bread, fresh pasta, lasagna and salad. Dessert is pistachio gelato in the freezer.”
“Shut up, you make the pistachio gelato,” she says giddy.
“Yup, it’s a full-on Italian night.”
“Yes, oh my gosh, yes. I’m so excited.” She comes over and sits with me at the small dining table we have in the room. I spread out all the food for us.
“Damn, Han, This bread could knock a man dead. This is a new recipe for you or I just haven’t tried it.”
“You just haven’t tried it. I haven’t made this in a while or since I’ve been here.” I say continuing to eat my food.
We spend the next 30 minutes eating and chatting.
“That was too good. I don’t want to finish,” she says as she sops up the leftover sauce on her plate with the bread. Her plate is clean.
She stands and clears the dishes. “I’ll be right back, I’m just going to throw the trash away and put the dishes in the wash.” What she really is doing is getting the gelato. I couldn’t eat another thing right now.
I’m lying in bed waiting for Jen to come back when there’s a knock at the door.
“Who is it?”
“It’s Betty.”
I get up and answer the door. “Hey Betty, everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything is great. Your food was fucking delicious hun. I loved the way you prepackaged everything for the families to grab. It was great. Everyone is raving about your food and the gelato you made. That’s the best thing I’ve ever tasted aside from my hubby.”
“Oh, uh, thank you. I think,” I say. Ew.
She walks in with a little rolling luggage and pulls up a chair to the middle of the bathroom. “Come, sit. I want to fix your hair.”
“We really don’t have to. You can just buzz it off.”
“No, I have such a cute idea. Let me try it, and if you don’t like it I’ll buzz it for you.”
I let her take the reins and she start’s cutting my hair. I can hear her using clippers and trimming the longer parts and buzzing others.
My cousin returns. “Oh, hey Betty, how’s it going?” Jen asks.
“Good, I’m fixing your cousins hair. She has such a beautiful face structure for short hair.”
“She sure does,” Jen says eating gelato. “Uhhh, I hate you for making food this good. I’m going to get fat.”
“Sure you are, you can eat pure lard and not gain weight,” I say.
We spend the next two hours in the room with Betty cutting my hair. She washes, colors, cuts, and styles my hair.
“That should do it.,” Betty says. I’m turned facing her and my cousin. “Jen, what do you think?” Betty asks.
Jen looks up from her phone. “Oh my fucking god. Betty, you’re a genius. Hannah, you look so amazing, I’m jealous. I’ve only seen this hair cut on famous people or people on TV,” Jen says.
“Can I look?” I ask. I’m nervous.
“Of course,” Betty says
I get up and walk to the bathroom, they both follow behind me.
“I hope you don’t mind, I tried to copy what your ends had in terms of color but I lightened it up to a nice hazelnut caramel brown and added some copper highlights,” Betty says as she follows.
I look at myself in the mirror. I cover my mouth with my hands. I can’t believe what I’m looking at is me. A t
ear falls from my eyes.
“Oh no, you don’t like it,” Betty says.
I turn to her and hug her. “Thank you.”
“Oh, whew, you do like it then,” she asks.
“I love it. Thank you for making me feel human,” I say.
My hair is awesome. She buzzed the right side where the laceration is so that it’s all the same length and then cut the other side a little shorter but left it long. I feel very punk rock but chic. The color is beautiful too.
“You look beautiful Han. The guys in there aren’t going to know what hit them,” Jen says.
“No ones looking at me. Trust me,” I say.
“Girl, you’re one of the prettiest girls in there, you and your cousin. You’re not club whore trash and you both have the most beautiful and unique eyes. You’re also not throwing yourselves at the guys. I can’t tell you how much it bugs us to know that those bitches throw themselves at our men both married and not,” Betty says.
“I’m sorry you have to deal with that Betty,” I say holding her hand.
“You don’t have to be sorry Hannah. You haven’t done anything wrong. I adopted this life when I met my old man. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. We’re all family here,” Betty says.
“Thank you for my hair again. I didn’t think I’d look feminine or normal for a while,” I say. I can’t help but tearing up again.
“I’m glad, my dear. Now, no more tears, okay? You’re too pretty for tears. I need to get back to my hubby. He’s been texting me like crazy,” Betty says as she rolls her luggage to the door of our room.
“You let me know if I can repay you back in anyway. I truly owe you one. I will never have someone touch my hair again,” I say.
“I’ll keep that in mind but you don’t need to pay me back. It was my pleasure to help out a friend,” she says as she gives each Jen and I a hug and walks away.
I turn to Jen who’s sitting on the bed eating gelato.
“I can’t believe the magic she did on my head,” I say.
“She knows what she’s doing that’s for sure. I’ve seen your haircut on famous people, I could never pull that off, my face doesn’t fit the cut.”
“Please don’t tell anyone that my hair was done. I don’t want any more attention,” I ask.
“Okay,” she says as she shrugs her shoulders. “If I was you, I’d be showing it off.”
Jen and I settle into bed and watch a movie.
5 hours later…
I wake up with my cousin next to me and the TV playing some random movie from Netflix. I need some water. I look at the clock on the TV a see that it’s 3 a.m. I get out of bed and head out towards the kitchen. I make it to the rec room and it’s quiet. No one in sight. I continue on my way to the kitchen, the accent lights under the cabinets are on, giving me just enough light to see. It’s a nice glow of light. I go to the fridge and grab a water bottle. As I’m bent over in the fridge, I feel someone walk up behind me. I don’t turn around. I’m wearing a pair of shorts, a tank top with no bra, and I don’t have my hoodie. What the fuck what I thinking?
I feel them come up behind me. “Who are you with an ass like that? Damn, girl. Your legs too, all nice and curvy. I haven’t seen a woman like that in years,” they say.
I close the fridge and keep my head down as I scurry away.
“Wait up there,” he says. Who is this? I can only tell they are huge and warm. He reaches for the lights and flips them on.
“No wait. Don’t…” He turns them on. It’s Jax.
“Hannah?” he says, confused and embarrassed.
“What the fuck is going on in here?” It’s Hawk. Jax backs away quickly. He walked in on me and Jax, not that there was anything going on. “Hannah?” he says confused as well.
“Fuck me,” I say. I can’t believe this is happening to me. I drop the water and cover my breasts. I’m pretty sure you can see my nipples through the white tank I have on. The bottle rolls over to Hawk.
“What the fuck are you two doing?” Hawk yells.
“I was thirsty. Will you keep your voice down? The whole damn club is going to hear you,” I say. I don’t want him waking everyone up while my bruises, scars and my freaking nipples are exposed.
“I will not keep my voice down. You’re in here fucking around with my VP, barely wearing anything, looking like snack,” he says directed towards me. “And you,” he turns to Jax. “You’re my friend, and your fucking Hannah.”
“Pres, I’m not fucking anyone. I came in here because I heard something, and I well, saw her and didn’t know it was her. She looks different,” he says.
“Excuse me, who I fuck and don’t fuck isn’t your concern. Can I please go? You’re blocking me,” I say.
“I’m going to go. Sorry Hannah, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Jax quickly moves away and disappears into the darkness of the clubhouse. Shit. Now, I’m alone with Hawk.
Hawk leans down and picks up the water bottle, he walks towards me and stops just barely touching me. “You dropped this?” he smirks.
He knows what he’s doing. “It’s okay. I’m not thirsty anymore,” I say. I don’t want to move my hands, he’s not going to get a visual of my nipples.
He touches my hair. “I love it. It suits you well. Even more beautiful,” he moves his hand down and caresses my jawline. I can’t help but lean into it.
“Thank you,” I moan out.
Chapter 13
What the fuck am I doing? I’m in the kitchen half naked with Hannah looking beautiful as ever. I don’t know how I’m going to control myself.
“Only with your permission,” I whisper. I don’t know what the fuck I’m saying but she seems to get it.
“Yes,” Hannah moans out.
I grab her by the hips and lift her up onto the counter. “Is this okay?” I ask. I’m not a very patient man but for her I will be.
“Yes,” she moans out again.
I move in closer and let her make the first move. She grabs my face and kisses me hard. I kiss her back hard. She wraps her legs around my waist and moves her hands on my chest. Fuck me, I’m hard as a rock. I feel like the tip of my dick is gonna blow off.
We make out for what feel like 15 minutes. We pull away from one another, breathing hard. I can see her breasts rising up and down.
“Fuck me, Hannah. You know how to kiss, baby,” I say giving her small pecks on the lips.
“I can say the same for you, Hawk. Wow. Thank you.”
“Why are you thanking me, baby?” I give her a kiss on the forehead.
“You made me feel something other than pain,” she says. She rubs her hands up and down my arms.
“It’s taking everything in my being to not fuck you on this counter,” I say breathlessly.
“Um, maybe I should get back to my room,” Hannah says smiling.
“Yeah, yeah, that’s a good idea,” I say as I step back. I help her off the counter. “You okay?” I ask as she fixes her shorts.
“Yeah, I’m good. Sorry about that,” she says.
“You never have to apologize.” I lean in and give her a peck on the lips. “Come on, let’s get you to bed. We can’t have your cousin wondering where you are again,” I say as I hold out my hand.
She grabs it and we walk together back to the room her and Jen are staying in.
“Thanks,” she says.
I lean in. “I like your new hair, you’re even more beautiful. It’s also nice to finally see what you look like under all those baggy clothes,” I say, smirking.
“Yeah, well don’t get used to it. I didn’t think anyone would be in the kitchen, let alone Jax.”
“About that...” I say.
“Nothing happened, Hawk. He confused me for someone else. Have a goodnight.” She leans up and kisses me on the cheek.
“Goodnight Hannah,” I reply. I watch her go into her room and I walk away with the biggest hard on back to my r
oom. I need to rub one out otherwise I’m going to fucking lose my dick.
The next morning…
“Pres, wake the fuck up!” Jax is banging on my door again. He sounds like he’s going to knock it down. I get up and answer the door. Whipping it open so hard I dent the wall again. I need to get a fucking steel wall.
“What the fuck, man? What time is it?” I ask rubbing my eyes.
“It’s 7 in the morning, Pres. Stop fucking with the time. Hannah is missing,” he shouts.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” I shout.
“Jen came running into my room. The window was opened. They took Hannah.”
“How is that possible? Doc!” I shout, stalking out of my bedroom as I put on a shirt. I head to Doc’s bedroom. I push open the door to find him working on his computer.
“Doc, how the fuck did they get through?”
“It wasn’t Devil’s Daddies. This was someone else. They knew how to move and not be caught. I don’t know who it is.” He continues to type frantically on his computer.
“How did they get through our security?” I ask.
“I’m working on it Pres. Looks like they snuck in and slipped through the gates. Here,” he points to the cameras of the gate. One of the club whores let them in.
“How is that possible? I thought Gunther was manning the gate,” I shout.
“On it Pres, I’m going to find him,” Jax says.
“Doc, can we get plates or anything from the car? How do we know it’s not the Devil’s Daddies?” Shit.
“I have eyes on them, Pres. No one has moved from their clubhouse. Same with my contacts, they haven’t moved,” Doc says.
“Well, who the fuck would kidnap her then?”
“I’m pulling up footage of the car. They are out of state plates. Here’s the guy.” Doc zooms in on the guys face.
“Who the fuck is that?” I’m looking at some guy I’ve never seen before. His eyes look fucking dead. I’ve seen eyes like that in men who don’t give a fuck if they live or die.
“Where’s Jen?” Doc asks.