Book Read Free

Home Base

Page 10

by C M Hoffmann

  “Excellent way to put it. They do indeed appear to search for food at first, then just wait for it to show up.”

  “Ok yea but you didn’t answer the question: What’s after lurker status?”

  “We don’t know yet. We recently allowed a ‘hunter’, as we’ve just decided to call them, into the sally port where it is secured away from everyone and it is slowly progressing into a ‘lurker.’ We’ll just have to wait and see. With the exception of this one in the sally port, my orders have been to put down any steve seen.”

  Pops, “Sounds like you’re doing pretty good so far. What do you need us to do?”

  “Well given your recent expertise in dealing with steve, I think you’ll enjoy your new assignment. We’ve already got enough police and armed citizens guarding key points of entry into the city and all major storehouses of food and supplies. So my suggestion for you and your group will be to make you your own task force. ‘Task Force Two-Six’ to be exact. Your first and main priority will be to find and exterminate each and every steve you come across inside city limits.”

  The group shares broad smiles with each other. Everyone is trying hard, and failing miserably, to contain their excitement.

  Wyatt asks, “Why, ‘Two-Six’?”

  Chief smiles, “Code number for saying police officer from one to another is ‘twenty-six’, so ‘two-six’ for short, I thought it was quite clever myself. Secondly, you will attempt to contact any citizens still living,” he pauses and holds a finger up for clarification, “in the traditional sense of the word of course, and find out whatever aid they may need. And if they are incapable of surviving on their own, then give them instructions to come here. We’re in the process of converting the back lot into a refugee camp of sorts.”

  Pops, “We’ll do what we can, but I don’t see how we can keep people out of the city. There’s just too many ways in, especially through the neighborhoods.”

  “That brings me to my next point. When you have determined after however long you see necessary that most of the steves have been dealt with, we will begin a new plan to secure the city.”

  Cane, “And that new plan would be what?”

  “We don’t precisely have the details worked out, the mayor wants to build a wall around the city.”

  Trey scoffs, “Please… We don’t have the material or the manpower to do that.”

  “No kidding, I was hoping your group would have an idea.”

  Wade, “I say just burn it down.”

  The Chief looks at Wade stunned, “Burn what down? The city?”

  “Not the whole thing, just most of it. Give yourself a clear field of view everywhere we need to.”

  Pops, “Four blocks on the perimeter should give us plenty of time to respond to an attack of any decent size. Doesn’t even need to be a straight line”

  Trey, “Roving guards through the burned out areas.”

  Rapp, “Catching a few steves at a time wandering in?”

  Cane, “Yes! And I got a way to make it even better! Listen...”

  The chief interrupts, “WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! We can’t just go around burning down sections of the neighborhoods. There may still be people there.”

  Gavin, “So we ask them to move, real nice like.”

  “And if they refuse?”

  Wyatt, “We move them.”

  The chief looks down at the stacks of papers and firearms on the desk before him. A long moment passes and everyone watches the chief as he makes his decision on the plan. “Cane, what did you have to say about making it better?”

  Cane, “We may not be able to build a wall thirty feet high, but what if we could barricade the perimeter of the city? Think about it. We have the river on one side, the lake on the other, and the airport in the middle. Which means we don’t need quite as much as if we were making four complete walls. I was thinking we could use the freaking hundred car dealerships and mechanic shops around the city and put the cars in a line. We use them to build a barricade as far as we can around the city, use civilian owned vehicles too if we need them. The cars don’t have to move quite as much so their ability to move isn’t necessary once they’re in place. We’ll take some of the heavier vehicles and make a way in with the cars as gates. Most likely on Veterans will be the best spot. Anyway that’s my proposal on the barricades, what about the ‘burn out’?”

  Trey, “The farther the open area the better.”

  Fred, “Four blocks should be enough in most sections, that’s a good few hundred yards.”

  Chief, “And the people living in those four blocks all around the city?”

  Pops, “Like Gavin said, ‘ask them to move’. With more than half the population of the city dead, turned, or in all aspects gone: We can move people into other homes.”

  “Yes, but, what if they refuse?”

  Fitz, “At this point, I think you and the mayor are the de facto law around here. It’s not really an option. There may not even be that many people living on the outskirts. So it might even be a non-issue either way”

  “I’ll talk with the mayor. As for now, get your stuff together, get what fuel you need and get this task force underway.”

  Pops, “Roger that, sir. We’ll get it done.”

  Chief points at Pops, “I’m putting you in charge, which means,” he stretches out his arms gesturing to the gathered operators, “these are now your problem. You do what is necessary, but try not to kill any of the living. We still don’t know if a normal death short of a bite will turn people steve. Save as many as you can and stay safe.”

  “Consider it done.” Pops addresses the group, “Task Force Two Six, you ready to get to work?”

  The group shouts a resounding, “YES SIR!” with smiles on each of their faces.

  “Then let’s roll out. Chief, call if you need us anywhere in particular.”

  Chief, “Ah, one more thing, come over here.” The chief leads the group out and to a nearby storage room of the department. “For those of you that don’t have vests come forward.”

  Wyatt, Wade, and Gavin make their way to the front of the line.

  Chief, “Find a vest that fits and it’s yours. You should also figure out a way to ID each other if you won’t always be together.”

  As Gavin, Wyatt, and Wade find suitable police issue body armor vests the group begins to stir restlessly. They’re all beyond eager to get out and get to work.

  Cane, “How should we go about ID from a distance? Bandanas around the arms?”

  Trey, “Nah, what about hats?”

  Rapp, “What if either of them falls off?”

  Fitz, “What about a stencil? We could spray paint on the vests and vehicles in a bright color.”

  Cane, “Works for me. What symbol though?”

  Gavin, “What about what we always joked about using as a tattoo? The Spartan helmet?”

  Trey, “Gotta keep it simple though.”

  Cane, “Spartan simple dome helmet with ‘X-ed’ spears in the background?”

  Fred, “Sounds cool to me.”

  Wade, “As long as it looks like a punisher skull, I’m good with it.”

  Wyatt, “Word, we’ll make it metal for you, Sweetheart.”

  Cane, “We’ll let Scarlett draw it out. She’s crafty like that. Pops, you good with all this?”

  Pops chuckles, “You bet.”

  Chief, “Try not to be too excited about what could be the end of the world.”

  Rapp, “Gotta enjoy the little things, Sir.”

  Gavin, “Yea, like Cane.” The group laughs and Cane gives Gavin the finger.

  Trey, “Convoy to Cane’s? Let’s get it together then people.”

  Chief, “Good luck and be safe, Two-Six. Report in when you can.”

  Pops, “Two-Six, move out.”

  The members of the freshly formed Task Force Two-Six make their way back to their vehicles, with a little extra hitch in their steps. It’s difficult to contain their enthusiasm even in the midst of certain danger. Thes
e men worked together, went to the range together, planned, discussed, and acted out scenarios together. This was the opportunity they would have dreamed of before the world went to shit.


  The convoy heads out to Cane’s house and with the excitement of the Task Force, they find it difficult to truly focus on the road. Luckily, no issues arise and they make it to the house safely. As they go inside Cane explains their new positions to Scarlett. “So all that said, think you can draw us up a stencil? Gotta keep it simple though.”

  Scarlett, “I’ll take care of it, just make sure you have enough spray paint for everybody.”

  “I’m pretty sure, I’ve got a few dozen cans of paint. Should have plenty in that nice fluorescent orange.”

  A few minutes of small talk amongst the newly formed Task Force Two-Six, Scarlett returns with two stencils: one big for the vehicles, and one small for the vests. “Whatcha think?”

  Trey, “That’s awesome!”

  Wade, “Metal.”

  Cane, “Looks great, babe.” Two-Six exits the house to the vehicles lined up in the street.

  Pops, “Alright, two at a time take your vests off and leave them for Scarlett to paint. Who’s good at climbing? I need two.”

  Trey, “Me.”

  Rapp, “Me too.”

  Cane, “Hey! So am I!”

  Pops, “They’ll be plenty of climbing to do. Trey, Rapp, vests off. Take the high road up on Cane’s roof and provide over watch.”

  Trey, “Never thought we’d switch to military speech so quick.”

  Cane, “Meh, we do it enough anyway. We love to play soldier.”

  Pops, “Only now it’s real. Trey, Rapp, up top.”

  Trey, “Yes, sir. Rapp, gimme a boost.”

  Trey and Rapp scale the house up to the roof and get settled in, while Scarlett begins working on their vests’ new paint job.

  Wyatt, “What are we going to do about the trucks that aren’t black? Bright ass orange won’t show too well.”

  Gavin, “That’s why we have black spray paint. We’ll just make a square and paint over it.”

  Wyatt, “Oh, word. I wanna help.”

  Pops, “Gavin and Wyatt, get started on the trucks. Since Scarlett did the design, she gets the honor of putting on the final print. You two get working on making black backdrops for them so they’ll have time to dry.” Gavin and Wyatt nod and move to work.

  Trey, “Contacts! Westside! Coming through the apartment complex.”

  Pops, “Everybody up. Scarlett, back to the front porch. Let’s try and keep it quiet people. Trey, you and Rapp call out targets from any other angle.”

  Task Force Two-Six moves into position with surprising coordination and ease. Soon steves are dropping left and right as the team uses their random assortment of hand to hand weapons to dispatch them in a less tumultuous manner than firearms.

  Rapp, “Last one! On the north! Cane! Watch your six!”

  Cane turns to see a steve too close for comfort, as he moves to swing his tomahawk the steve lunges and they are caught in a grapple.

  Scarlett shouts, “CANE!”

  Out of know where, a whistling is heard momentarily followed by a loud thud. All of Two-Six is frozen, staring, mouths agape. Cane looks up incredulously as the steve goes ‘dead’ weight in his arms. He lets the steve crumble to the ground, and looks back to the group. Fitz is the only member not astounded by the act. Cane leans over and pulls what could only be a large throwing knife from the steve’s forehead.

  Cane examines the knife, “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  Fitz smiling broadly, “I got you, buddy.”

  Gavin, “Holy shit! I can’t believe you actually hit it!”

  Wyatt, “Brained his ass with it too. Son of a bitch.”

  Fitz winks, “I’ve been practicing.”

  Cane touches his ear and his fingers reveal a smear of blood, “Next time try to leave my ear intact, would ya.”

  “You moved, it’s your fault.”

  “Shut up. That was fuckin’ unreal.”

  “Why is everyone so surprised?”

  Pops, “That was a hell of a throw. I think you’ve found your weapon of choice.”

  Fitz pulls another throwing knife from his belt and twirls it in his fingers, “Been waiting on a day like this.”

  Scarlett runs up to Cane and hugs him, “That was too close, you’re supposed to be safe.”

  Cane , “I’ll think about it.”

  Wade, “Now who needs to watch his six?”

  “Shut your face.”

  Scarlett punches Cane’s arm, “He’s right, you need to be more careful.”

  Cane rubs his now sore arm dramatically, “I will, I will.”

  Mallory pokes her head out the door, “Everyone ok?”

  “Just a small brush with steve and death by Fitz.”

  Mallory looks to Gavin and sees blood splattered on his clothing, “Are you ok?”

  Gavin, “Yea I’m ok too.”

  Mallory looks passed the group with a slight tinge of red to her cheeks, “We have lunch ready...”

  Justin waddles out the door, “It’s sandwiches! I helped make them!”

  Pops, “When we finish out here we’ll come eat. Everyone back to work... and watch your sixes.”

  Cane, “Pops, you think you, me, and Gavin can figure out how to get my truck moving again? Had to get a little creative with the trash trying to steal my wife.”

  “Let’s get the bodies moved and figure it out.”

  Gavin, “Get in skinny kid and pop the hood. We’ll do the heavy lifting.”

  They all assume their designated posts and make sure they have a clear field of view in all directions. The work goes quickly, soon all of the vehicles on both sides, the hood, and the rear are all adorned with Two-Six’s chosen insignia. All the vests get similar paint jobs and everyone gives Scarlett thanks for her piece of artwork.

  Wyatt and Wade soon begin to help with fixing the truck. As it turns out more than a few torsos and limbs are wedged in the undercarriage. As Cane is underneath the truck pulling viscera from around the axels he lets out a yelp. Wyatt and Wade grab his ankles and quickly extricate him from underneath the vehicle, causing him to let out a second yelp as he slides across the grass. They help him to his feet and he does a quick once over to check himself.

  Wade, “Fuck you screaming for?”

  Cane, “See for yourself.” He points under the truck.

  Wyatt lies flat on the ground and looks under. He begins to laugh.

  Wade, “Soooo, what is it.”

  Wyatt reaches back under and pulls out a severed head by its hair, eyes still moving and jaw still working. He tosses it at Wade’s feet. “Handle that would ya? Almost got his fingers.”

  Wade stomps on the head multiple times until it stops twitching. He then punts it, launching the head into the street.

  Cane, “Thing scared the crap out of me! I’m not going back under, I need a break.”

  Wade, “Oh move, I’ll do it.”

  After a few more minutes, they start the truck again and the non-drivers get behind to push. Soon the truck rolls free of the mud-gore-pit and returns to the security of the road. When the truck is free, Two-Six makes its way inside for lunch.

  Pops, “Cane, you wanted to climb so bad, you, relieve Rapp. Let him come eat.”

  Cane makes a face and returns to the front of the house. “Hey! Grandpa Ninja, due to your old age, the boss guy says you get to eat first.”

  Rapp, “I’d be happy to eat first, age before beauty and all that. But I’m going to kick your teeth in if you keep calling me grandpa.”

  Cane, “Worried, really.” He and Rapp switch places and Cane settles in a few feet from Trey. “Whatcha think, T? What’s the odds we’ll survive all this? And what about this new Task-Force?”

  Trey, “If anyone can survive, it’ll be us. We’ve got the will to live and the mindset to do what is necessary. As for the Task-Force,
it IS what we’ve always wanted.”

  “Roger that, brotha.”

  Inside the house, Pops notices Mallory and Justin talking with Gavin. He tries to remember the last time he saw his oldest son laughing and enjoying himself so much. ‘Maybe this is the nice “steve girl” he’s been waiting for. Go figure the apocalypse comes and now he finds a woman.’

  The rest of lunch is finished similarly to the way it started, with talks about possibilities and hopes of the future. Gavin and Mallory spend the whole time talking and laughing. Justin has snuggled up close to Gavin and looks like he’s on the verge of using Gavin’s belly as a pillow for a nap.

  Pops, “Alright, everybody. Mount up, where are we heading first?”

  Rapp, “We should probably go check on Lynn and Emma, Raquel and Tina, and the troops since they’re alone. Then we can figure out where to start hunting some steves.”

  “Works for me. Say your goodbyes and let’s roll.”

  Cane comes inside to grab the last sandwich and kiss Scarlett goodbye.

  Scarlett, “Watch your six. Seriously, be careful.”

  Cane, “Promise.”

  Once outside, Pops realizes all the vehicles are unevenly manned. He counts briefly to himself before issuing orders. “Gavin, you’re with me in your truck. Fitz and Fred, you’re in the bed of Rapp’s. Wade, hop in with Trey. Wyatt, you’re with Cane. Anybody wanna switch out? No? Good, get set up together the best you can, preferably one in the bed of the trucks that are able. Figure it out.” Two-Six rearranges vehicles and makes its rounds about the members’ residences.

  At Fitz’s house, the group checks the perimeter, sets up a guard, goes inside, and says their hellos. Fitz and Rapp explain the new Task Force to their wives.

  Tina, “Who woulda thought, it’d take the end of the world to give you guys your own Task-Force?”

  Raquel, “Honestly, that’s exactly what I thought.” The group shares a laugh.

  Pops, “How are y’all on food and ammo?”

  Tina, “We managed to get most of our stuff here before the neighborhood went down in flames.”

  Raquel, “And we’ve been keeping a good month’s worth of food on hand if not more.”


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