Teaching the Cowboy

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Teaching the Cowboy Page 6

by J. P. Bowie

  Fuck, I’m doing it again… Muttering to himself to pull it together, he went back into the bathroom to comb his hair and brush his teeth. That accomplished, he selected a tan checkered shirt from his closet and a pair of blue jeans. While he pulled on his boots, his cell chimed with a text from Seth telling him he and Mike were at the gate waiting for him.

  Be right there, he texted back. Best thing he could do right then was go out with new friends. Enjoy the company and the night instead of sitting by himself festering over things he couldn’t change. This was the fresh start he needed and he was going to grab it with both hands and make the most of it he could.

  * * * *

  Blake couldn’t believe his friend Duncan. Only that morning he’d been locking lips with John from Texas. Now he was all over Kyle from Canada. Okay, he was a little tipsy and uninhibited, and as he’d told Blake earlier, ‘They were on vacation for heaven’s sake and he was gonna have a damn good time and forget all about fucking Carey’! Well, there he was having a damn good time sitting on Kyle’s lap, making out like there was no tomorrow, poor John from deep in the heart of Texas long forgotten.

  Clyde, the third Canadian, had opted out of joining them at the bar. Marty was nice, but of zero interest to Blake, apart from pleasant conversation and sharing a drink or two in this gay bar they’d found listed on Seven Plus’ itinerary program. “You guys been friends a long time?” he asked, trying not to stare at Duncan’s attempt to devour Kyle whole.

  Marty nodded. “Yes, since high school. Kyle and I were boyfriends for a couple of years but decided we were better off being just friends. I have a boyfriend back in Vancouver. He wanted to come with us but couldn’t get the time off.”

  “Are you enjoying learning how to ride?”

  “Oh, yeah. I’m enjoying our trainers more. Clint, Stu and Seth. Man, they are so handsome, all three of them.”

  “Did you know Seth’s married to the veterinarian who looks after the horses at the ranch?”

  “Oh yeah, Seth told us. Clint’s straight, but Stu is a little firecracker. I’d love to have a go around with him. Of course, the rules say we can’t, and anyway, Stu said he had a date tonight, but you can dream, can’t you?”

  If Jordan was my boyfriend I wouldn’t be dreaming about Seth or Clint or any other guy for that matter. Funny that. Blake smiled at Marty, not wanting to act like a prude. “Yeah, dreams are what keep you going sometimes.” He’d dreamt of Jordan every night since meeting him, and sometimes during the day, and he’d jacked off to scenarios where Jordan galloped up to him on a white charger, swept him into his arms and made love to him like a starving dervish. Very mature, Blake.

  “Looks like they’re making each other’s dreams come true right now,” Marty said, tipping his head at Duncan and Kyle.

  “For tonight, anyway.” Blake hoped he didn’t sound cynical, but he knew this new and not-so-improved Duncan, very well. Kyle’s only hope for another round was if no new guests showed up at the ranch.

  “Oh, look who’s just come in,” Marty said suddenly, pointing at the door.

  Blake’s heart quickened at the sight of Jordan’s tall figure, looking like the cowboy fantasy he actually was. Seth and Mike walked in with him and Seth was the first to see them. His eyes widened with surprise when he saw the action going on between Duncan and Kyle.

  “Hi, guys,” he said, jovial as always, and Blake chuckled softly when Duncan slid off Kyle’s lap and sat demurely by his side. “Mind if we join you?”

  “Not at all.” Blake scooched over on the bench, hoping Jordan would sit next to him…and glory be, he did, his muscular thigh brushing against Blake’s when he sat. “Where have you boys been?” he asked, trying and failing to ignore the heat of Jordan’s leg now pressed to his.

  “Italian restaurant,” Jordan told him, patting his flat stomach. “Really good, too.”

  “Oh, Kyle and Marty…” Seth beamed at them. “Don’t think you’ve met my husband, Mike. Kyle and Marty are from Vancouver,” he added when Mike leaned over to shake hands with the Canadians.

  A pretty, shirtless server hovered at their table. “Anyone need a drink?

  Jordan and Seth ordered beers while Mike said he’d have a club soda. He winked at Blake. “I’m the designated driver so I have to be good. Did you guys eat out too?”

  “No,” Marty said. “We ate in the diner. The food’s really good at the ranch.”

  “Yes, it is,” Jordan agreed. “Seth and Mike invited me to join them and I do love Italian food.”

  “Good to know,” Blake said. Now why the hell did I say that? Jordan smiled at him so maybe he didn’t think it was a strange thing to say.

  “Is this all right?” Marty asked, suddenly.

  Duncan raised an eyebrow. “Is what all right?”

  “That we’re socializing with the…uh…the…with Jordan and Seth.”

  Seth chuckled. “You were gonna say the help, weren’t you?”

  “No, no…” Marty’s face flushed bright red. “No, I was just wondering because of what’s in the contract. No fraternizing, or something.”

  “No having sex with the guests is what it says, except not as crudely as that,” Blake remarked. “Doesn’t say anything about kibitzing or having a drink. Right, Seth?”

  “That’s right. If you don’t get handsy, we’re okay.”

  Blake looked down at Jordan’s hands resting on his thighs, mere inches from Blake’s. Lord, but he wanted to stroke the thigh nearest him. He was getting hard and wondered if Jordan was too. He dared a quick glance at his profile. He does look a little tense. He swallowed the giggle that had risen dangerously close to escaping his throat. Jeez, but this was frustrating. Maybe one hug, one taste of those kissable lips would be enough. He knew he was kidding himself. One kiss would undoubtedly lead to a whole more.

  “So, Marty and Kyle did really good today,” Seth said, breaking the silence that had fallen on the group.

  “You think so?” Kyle looked pleased as punch, and the conversation picked up again, more drinks were ordered and before Blake knew it, everyone was saying they should get going. Early risers and all that.

  “I’m showing you how to rope a steer tomorrow.” Because of the general din in the bar Jordan had leaned in close to Blake, and his lips brushed Blake’s ear. On purpose or not, Blake wasn’t sure, but it had the effect of making him not want to stand up any time soon. He was hard as a baseball bat, and wanted nothing more than to turn his face to Jordan’s and kiss those full lips that had sent shivers all through him.

  “Is-is it hard?” he asked, his face suddenly hot.

  Jordan chuckled. “Uh, not really. You just have to make sure you get a good hold on it.”

  Oh, my God. Blake squirmed in his seat. Marty, who’d been sitting next to him, stood and gestured that they were leaving. Thank heaven he’d brought a sweater. The nights could be cool in northern California, but he didn’t put it on, just dangled it in front of his crotch when he stood up. Jordan wasn’t helping at all with that smirk on his face. He wished there wasn’t that stupid clause in the contract. He wanted to give him a punch on the arm, but that might be viewed as strange by the others under the circumstances. He did manage to give the cowboy a surreptitious push while they walked to the exit, and Jordan chuckled again.

  * * * *

  Jordan was restless. It had been a long full day and he’d been sure that when he hit the sack, he’d go out like a light. Instead, even watching the evening news hadn’t been soporific enough. He’d tried reading one of the magazines he’d picked up in the common room. That hadn’t worked either. He’d worked closely with Blake most of the day, Stu taking care of Duncan. The roping the steer lesson had provided them with more than their share of laughter.

  Duncan had been entranced by the ‘baby’ steer. ‘Oh, it’s so cute!’ he’d yelled. ‘We’re not going to hurt it, are we?’

  Stu had explained that no, they were not going to hurt it, the object being to just lasso i
t, the way they’d been instructed in the morning. Amazingly, Duncan got it right on the first try, but soon learned that the ‘baby’ had a lot more strength that he reckoned on. Being yanked off his feet and trailed along in the dirt because he didn’t let go of the rope even with them all yelling at him to do just that, was, as Blake said afterward, worth the price of admission. Jordan had thought he’d bust a gut. He hadn’t laughed like that in for as long as he could remember, and the sight of Stu running after Duncan and the steer was something they’d all remember for a long time.

  The moment he’d remember even more vividly was when Blake, still laughing, had put his hands on Jordan’s shoulders for support and their bodies had momentarily been pressed together until Blake had muttered ‘Oops, sorry’ and had stepped back. It had been exhilarating even while frustrating. Blake’s closeness, though welcome, was a constant reminder of how much he wanted to hold the guy and kiss him silly. His fingers had itched to touch that smooth, tan skin. Grumbling, he rolled off the bed. Maybe a walk outside would help. He pulled on his jeans, the shirt he’d worn earlier and opted for sneakers rather than his boots. The common room was empty and dark when he passed through. Everybody else was obviously asleep, so why wasn’t he?

  Outside, the air was still pleasantly warm from the heat of the day. He took the route past the guest cabins and pool and, as he drew near, he heard the sound of water splashing. Someone in the pool this time of night? Well, why not? The guests could do more or less what they pleased and if a midnight swim was what they wanted, so be it. He caught sight of a slim, smooth body gliding through the water with an elegance that only came with a lot of practice. His breath quickened in his chest when he recognized Blake. He and Duncan were leaving tomorrow, and so far nothing had been realized between them apart from furtive touches and glances. Even though Jordan knew Blake wanted more, and in truth so did he, they’d been careful, if frustrated, not to go any further.

  He watched Blake heave himself out of the water and stand for a moment smoothing his curly hair from his eyes. He picked up a towel and ran it over his lithe body, his head tilted back to look up at the night sky.

  “Beautiful, isn’t it?” He spoke quietly so he wouldn’t startle Blake. A voice coming out of the darkness had a tendency to make a person jump, but Blake turned casually in his direction and smiled.

  “Hi, cowboy. Couldn’t sleep?”

  “That is my dilemma,” Jordan replied, returning Blake’s smile. “You too?”

  Blake nodded and wrapped the towel around his shoulders. He walked toward Jordan who couldn’t help but admire Blake’s slim but toned body. His pale blue Speedos covered an enticing bulge that made Jordan swallow a gulp of appreciation.

  “You swim well.” Jordan’s voice sounded raspy to his own ears.

  “Thanks. I love the water. Clears the mind when nothing else will.”

  “You’re leaving tomorrow,” Jordan said awkwardly.

  “Will you miss me?”

  “I will. I wish we’d had more time to get to know each other better. Perhaps away from the ranch and its restrictions.”

  “My thoughts exactly.” Blake touched Jordan’s face gently, running his fingertips along Jordan’s jaw. “You have no idea how much I want you to kiss me.”

  “I think I have an idea, and just so you know, I also think it would be a little slice of heaven.”

  “Something to remember me by?”

  Jordan smiled. “I don’t think I’ll have a problem remembering you.”

  Blake took his hand and led him away from the pool’s shimmering lights into the shadows cast by the trees flanking the cabins. “I am in desperate need of a kiss from you, even if it is to say goodbye.” He pressed his damp but warm body to Jordan’s. “Will you, just once?”

  “Once won’t be enough, I’m afraid.” He slipped his arms around Blake and caught his mouth, touching their lips together gently, not to tease, but to hold back just enough that if Blake wanted to stop, he could.

  Blake parted his warm lips and moaned softly. No, it didn’t feel like he wanted to stop, but they should, he should…put an end to this, right now. Instead, he opened to Blake’s insistent tongue, and their kiss morphed from sweet and gentle to one that had Jordan’s head thrumming with desire. They broke apart, gasping for air, and Blake was staring at him as if asking ‘What now?’ and he knew he must mirror the same look right then. What now, indeed?

  He flinched when Blake caressed the front of his jeans, tracing the shape and length of his erection that strained against the tight denim. “Blake,” he whispered, “we can’t…” But Blake wasn’t listening or if he was, he wasn’t paying attention. He was on his knees, undoing Jordan’s button fly. He took Jordan’s aching cock out of its confines then licked and teased the head until Jordan thought he might scream from the ecstatic bliss that flowed over and through him. He could barely remember the last time a man had gone down on him, and it had never felt like this nor brought him to the razor edge of orgasm so quickly.

  “Blake,” he said again, his voice this time husky with lust. Blake glanced up at him, his gaze meeting Jordan’s.

  He drew back a little and smiled. “I knew you’d taste good,” he whispered then slid his lips down the length of Jordan’s cock, sucking hard, drawing the pulsing shaft all the way to the back of his throat. Jordan’s knees almost gave out and he had to support himself by leaning forward, placing his hands against the wall of one of the cabins. Blake ran his hands up the back of Jordan’s thighs, cupped his butt and held him fast while he increased the power of his sucking. Jordan couldn’t hold out any longer. He choked out a warning, but Blake pulled him in even tighter and Jordan came long and hard, his whole body shaking, his heart pounding from the onslaught of his climax.

  Oh, my good God… He sank to his knees and wrapped Blake in his arms, holding his naked body pressed hard against his own. “I have to take care of you now.”

  Blake pulled back a little and smiled, his eyes a little glazed. “No need. I came with you.” He held up his hand, the fingers glistening with his cum. Jordan groaned and took his hand, licking the salty residue from each finger. They kissed, gliding their tongues into every corner of each other’s mouths, and Jordan’s senses reeled under the potent taste of their combined semen. In all his life he’d never experienced such amazing feelings in the arms of another man. And to find it for such a fleeting moment with a man who tomorrow would be gone… Was that irony, or just plain tragic?

  They got to their feet still in their embrace. Another kiss then Jordan pulled back. “I’ll remember this always.”

  Blake nodded, his forehead touching Jordan’s. “Me too. But this doesn’t have to end. We could meet up somewhere, here, or you could come to San Francisco when you get some time off. If it’s not for a while, I could come here. Not to the ranch but somewhere we could meet… a hotel or… I’m babbling, I know, but it is possible, if we want it, Jordan.”

  “I want it, Blake. To do this with you again would be… I don’t even have the words. Except maybe next time in a better place.”

  “Like in a bed?” Blake’s smile was all tease. “We could do so much more.”

  “Yes.” Jordan kissed him again.

  “Come say goodbye tomorrow. Duncan will be there, so it won’t look suspicious.”

  “I will. G’night, Blake.”

  “G’night, Jordan. Sweet dreams. I know I’ll have some.”

  Chapter Six

  Jordan had never known time to move so damn slow. A month had passed since Blake had left the Seven Plus and Jordan’s urge to see him again hadn’t abated one bit. If anything, it had become stronger, more urgent. They’d kept in touch which was one small helping of solace, but phone calls, texts and emails didn’t do an awful lot for Jordan’s libido. He wanted that man in his arms, in his bed…or any bed…holding and kissing him, and if Blake was up for it, fucking him through the mattress.

  For now, until he saw Blake again, he had to content himself
with the memory of Blake’s sweet body in his arms, of his warm and soft lips pressed to his, of those same lips surrounding his throbbing cock. Everything about those all-too-brief moments together on Blake’s last night at the ranch haunted him night and day. During the day, he had to grit his teeth, try to force his feelings down and put on a happy face for whichever guest he was training. At night, alone in his bed, he could at least give vent to his frustration by jacking off with visions of Blake dancing behind his closed eyelids. He was too shy to initiate phone sex, and as Blake hadn’t either, perhaps he thought they didn’t know each other well enough yet. And he so wanted to know Blake better, in every possible way. He honestly had never felt this way about anyone before. Even before Grant, he’d never met a guy who’d set his senses on fire like Blake had. Those three years with Grant could hardly be classified as sexual highs, and he sure as hell didn’t want to mar thoughts of Blake with memories of that son of a bitch.

  So, a week ago, Blake had called to tell Jordan he could get away for the coming weekend if Jordan still wanted to see him. ‘Hell, yeah, I want to see you again…and again!’ Jordan had blurted and Blake’s gentle but sexy laugh of delight had sent a thrill straight to Jordan’s groin. The following day Blake had texted him with his flight and hotel details. When he’d read that text from Blake, he’d had to swallow the near whoop of joy that had almost erupted from his mouth. As it was, Seth had looked at him funny.

  ‘Must be good news,’ he’d remarked.


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