Teaching the Cowboy

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Teaching the Cowboy Page 7

by J. P. Bowie

  ‘Uh, not really. Just my bro askin’ how things are going.’ No way was he going to let Seth know that he and Blake were planning a reunion off-ranch. Seth had become a good friend, but until Jordan knew where this thing with Blake was going, it would remain his secret. All he had to do was to get at least the Saturday off so that he and Blake could spend Friday night when Blake was due to fly in, followed by all of Saturday holed up in some hotel room, fucking each other’s brains out. They’d have to order room service, ’cause no way was Jordan gonna waste one minute going to restaurants when it would take away time that could be spent alone with Blake. He swore he was downright giddy each time he thought of Blake and him together again.

  ‘Just that you looked so darned happy when you were glued to that text,’ Seth had said. ‘Sure it wasn’t something more personal?’

  Shit, had Seth guessed something was up?

  ‘I’m always happy to hear from Paul,’ he’d answered, trying to suppress the flush he could feel inching its way over his cheeks. Seth had dropped the subject, maybe thinking it was none of his business. And it wasn’t! Though come to think of it, it had been a goofy answer. He’d managed to sidestep the rest of what could have been an awkward conversation, but he didn’t like having to hide the truth from Seth. If his weekend with Blake went as well as he hoped it would, he’d share the news with Seth…with the barest of details, of course.

  * * * *

  Jordan fidgeted with impatience while he studied the flight arrival screen for the umpteenth time. Blake’s flight had been delayed at departure and would be a half-hour late. There had been no change since the first announcement but Jordan stared at the screen as if he alone could make the arrival time come sooner. In his mind, every minute that went by without Blake in his arms was time wasted, time he couldn’t get back. Calm down, he told himself. You’re acting like an idiot. In addition, he’d been assailed by the apprehension that Blake might not be eager like he was for this weekend together.

  But that’s foolish, isn’t it? It was Blake who suggested it in the first place. That must mean he wants to see me as much as I want to see him. Right?

  He was sweating, and wasn’t that the worst? Blake would be expecting a cool and collected macho cowboy, and he’d be greeted by a nervous, sweaty mess. Way to go, Hendricks… He’d worn a black shirt, jeans and boots, even his black Stetson, all to impress Blake, make him feel like he was spending time with a real cowboy…and he was a real cowboy…a wrangler, a bronco rider. Right. So why was he sweating like a kid on his first date? He turned to stare at the arrival screen again. On approach… Finally. Now his heart rate picked up. Jesus, get a grip. The plane still had to land, Blake had to wait in line to get off then make that long walk from the plane to where Jordan stood, stepping from side to side like a panicked chicken.

  Then, there he was. Blake…his Blake, looking just as beautiful as he remembered, or did he look even better than he remembered? Tall and slim, his curly chestnut-brown hair shining under the terminal’s bright lights, and that smile when he spotted Jordan. The smile that made Jordan’s heart race with anticipation and, suddenly, when he opened his arms in welcome, he was no longer a fidgety mess. Jordan laughed with delight when Blake threw himself into his embrace and they clung together and Blake’s lips were on Jordan’s and the bustling crowd around them was forgotten.

  “Oh, my God,” Blake whispered, “you look amazing. I’m so glad we’re doing this. I’ve been on edge all week waiting for this moment.”

  So he wasn’t the only one who’d been nervous. “Me too. I kept wondering if you’d still think this was a good idea once you got here.”

  “I think this is the best idea I’ve ever had in my entire life.” They walked quickly to the parking garage, their arms around each other’s waists.

  “How was the flight?”

  “Bumpy, but I didn’t mind. I knew who was waiting for me at the end of it.”

  Jordan squeezed Blake’s waist. “Bet you say that to all the cowboys you know.”

  “No, only the special ones. Everything okay at the corral?”

  “Ouch.” Jordan chuckled. “Everything’s fine. I didn’t tell anyone where I was going. Seth was starting to get nosy, but I’ll keep him guessing for a while.”

  Blake smiled. “Oh, Duncan said to tell you hi, by the way.”

  “You told him you were seeing me?”

  “Of course. As a matter of fact, he was all for it. He said of all the guys we met on the ranch, you were the sexiest.”

  Jordan laughed. “How is he?”

  “Well, he’s on his third boyfriend since we got back home. He says it’s called playing the field. I say it’s desperate.”

  “Is he unhappy?”

  “He’s been unhappy since he caught his boyfriend Carey in the sack with another man.” Blake sighed. “I honestly thought he’d be over it by now, but looks like it’ll take more time…and more men.”

  Once inside Jordan’s Wrangler, they shared a long and sensuous kiss that had Jordan rock-hard in seconds. He had a feeling that this was going to be the greatest weekend ever.

  * * * *

  The Garden Inn was set amongst lush landscaping and had an old colonial feel to it. “It’s an old mansion,” Blake said as they walked into the marble-floored foyer. “They’ve modernized the plumbing, thank goodness, but a lot of it is original, according to the travel brochure, anyway.”

  After checking in, they took the antiquated elevator to the fifth floor. The room was spacious with a king-sized bed and a sitting area complete with fireplace.

  “Nice,” Jordan said, looking around.

  “Nicer,” Blake said, unbuttoning Jordan’s shirt. “I don’t want to rush you, but I’ve been longing for this moment ever since I left the ranch, and that big bed is definitely saying, I’m waiting for you.” Blake slipped Jordan’s shirt over his shoulders, then quickly removed his own, throwing it to one side.

  Jordan groaned when Blake’s bare chest pressed against his. “Feels so good.”

  “Yes,” Blake murmured. “Yes, it does.” He inhaled Jordan’s scent—clean sweat with a trace of aftershave and a hint of leather and the outdoors that made his senses reel. Oh God, this was all he’d dreamed of, craved for over the last month, Jordan holding him in his arms, his lips a tantalizing millimeter from his own.

  Jordan held him even tighter. “I’ve thought of this moment over and over. You and me, like this. For a while I thought it couldn’t be, that you’d forget me once you got back to your real life, the school, your friends and everythin’. Now you’re here with me, and—”

  Blake stopped him with a finger to his lips. “There’s no place I’d rather be. I’ve wanted you from the moment I first saw you, back there in the stable standing alongside Andy. I thought you were the best-looking man I’d ever seen. If we hadn’t had that too-short time together before I left, I think I’d have gone nuts.”

  “Before we get naked, there’s something you should know,” Jordan said quietly. “You wouldn’t have seen it when we were…you know, in the dark by the pool that time, but I have some scars on my leg…a-a rodeo accident. I hope it doesn’t gross you out.”

  “Nothing about you could ever gross me out, Jordan.” Blake kissed Jordan’s lips gently. “Would it help if I told you I’m proficient in CPR? I’ve actually set a couple of broken legs on the football field when my students got too feisty.”


  “Really. A scar or two isn’t going to mar my vision of you, naked.”

  “You’re sure?

  “Positively certain,” Blake said and brushed his lips over Jordan’s.

  “Well then…” Jordan’s smile was sinful. “What say we put a hold on all this talk and get on with what we both want?”

  He took Blake’s lips in a scorching kiss and swept his tongue into Blake’s mouth, the sensuous glide sending shock waves through Blake. Oh, dear God. He trembled, the heat of desire and need coursing through him, se
tting his blood on fire. His cock ached, confined as it was behind the denim of his jeans. Gotta get out of these clothes.

  As if by mutual command their belts and flies were undone, jeans and boots ripped off and tossed aside, then Jordan tipped Blake onto the bed and crawled over him, covering his chest and torso with long sensuous licks and kisses. Blake shuddered with anticipation when Jordan headed south, waiting for that moment when at last Jordan would take his raging erection into his mouth.

  Jordan savored the pre-cum that poured from Blake’s cock. Oh yeah, beautiful just like the rest of you. He slid his lips over the head, teasing the bundle of sensitive nerves on the underside with his tongue, loving the soft moans and whimpers that escaped Blake’s lips. Yeah, I want to fuck you, babe. Fuck you deep and hard. Jordan cupped his hands around the firm butt he’d admired so often, and pulled Blake’s cock in even deeper. A moan followed by a gasp made Jordan glance up at Blake. He was biting his lower lip as if trying not to come too fast. Jordan sucked hard for a moment longer before releasing Blake’s cock, instead, kneeling between his thighs. He lifted Blake’s legs and leaned in so he could bury his face in the cleft between Blake’s butt cheeks.

  Blake squirmed from the sensation and raised his hips to give Jordan more access. Jordan licked and probed at Blake’s sweet pucker, the tiny hole pulsing under Jordan’s tongue. He added a finger and Blake cried out when Jordan found and curled that finger around his sweet spot.

  “Jordan, oh my God, Jordan.” Blake thrashed under him, reaching with his hands to stroke and caress Jordan’s face and hair.

  Jordan raised his head but kept his finger inside Blake, and kept up the sure, steady stroking of Blake’s prostate. “Need to fuck you, babe. You with me?”

  “Yes, oh yes.” Blake’s eyes gleamed as he gazed at Jordan. “I have to get a condom, and lube,” he panted. “Sorry, should’ve thought of that. Hate to break this up.”

  Jordan kissed him. “Don’t worry. I’ll remember where we left off.”

  Blake chuckled as he rolled from the bed and ran to where he’d left his backpack. Jordan whistled in appreciation when Blake bent over to unzip the bag. “I think that ass got even more beautiful in the last month. Bring it back here in a hurry.” Blake flashed him a sultry smile when he leapt back onto the bed. He handed Jordan a condom packet while he prepared himself with the lube. Kneeling in front of Jordan, he helped him ease the condom over his thick length.

  “Mmm…” Blake leaned in to kiss Jordan. “Fuck me, please.” He fell onto his back and pulled Jordan on top of him. He wound his legs around the cowboy’s waist and lifted his hips in invitation.

  Jordan took a moment to drink in the sensual beauty of the man under him. A slim and supple torso, smooth skin over lean muscle…perfect. He lowered his head until he could reach Blake’s left nipple. He brushed it gently with his lips, adding the tease and nip of teeth. Blake smiled up at him. “Can’t wait, Jordan. Let me feel all of you inside me…”

  Blake’s husky-voiced urging caused Jordan’s cock to swell and leak into the condom as he positioned himself, and a long shuddering breath escaped his lips when he eased his shaft into the tight hole. He paused as Blake’s eyes widened with the shock of his invasion. He knew the initial breach could burn. He’d been fucked, and not gently, and the last thing he wanted was to hurt Blake, but encouraged by the slow, wanton smile that played on Blake’s lips, he sank farther inside.

  Blake moaned. He reached for Jordan’s muscular butt, holding him, pulling him deeper, thrusting his hips upward, taking every inch of the cowboy’s long, hot cock. Jordan smiled down at him then took his lips in a passionate kiss and drove harder into Blake. He eased back, almost all the way out, before plunging in again, causing Blake to gasp and whimper.

  “Oh yes, Jordan!” He wrapped his arms around Jordan’s torso and clung to him like a limpet. “Fuck me!”

  Jordan grunted, slamming again and again into Blake’s slick, hot depths. “Yeah, you like that, Blake?”

  “I love it,” Blake panted. He claimed Jordan’s mouth with a kiss so intense Jordan swore it had seared its way into his soul. Blake was mumbling into his mouth words he couldn’t understand. He shut him up by sucking on his tongue until even Blake’s moans fell silent and he had pushed his pliant body so far into Jordan’s arms it was as if they had become one. Sweet Jesus, but he’d never experienced anything like this before. He wanted to stay inside Blake forever, hold him forever, kiss him forever—never let him go. Sweat from his brow spilled onto Blake’s face as he gazed down into the other man’s eyes.

  He wanted to claim Blake for his own, say to him, “You’re mine…no one else’s now, you understand? You’re mine.” He pressed forward, his engorged cock now begging for release. He groaned and quickened his thrusts, driven by lust, by ecstasy, and yes, by much more than merely liking Blake. His breathing became harsh and labored as his orgasm overtook him. Blake reached for him, dragging his face down to his own, his mouth covering him with hot, wet kisses. Blake’s body shuddered and a hot stream of cum surged between them.

  Jordan’s orgasm was torn from so deep inside him he almost blacked out. His mind reeled and they clung to each other, their bodies writhing in their mutual ecstasy, nonsense words tumbling from both their mouths. Jordan collapsed on top of Blake, his lips pressed to Blake’s throat. He had never felt so spent, yet so fulfilled, and as Blake tightened his arms around him, never so happy.

  * * * *

  Blake opened his eyes and gazed at the ceiling. For a moment he couldn’t figure out where he was then slow realization crept in and he glanced around at the hotel room’s unfamiliar walls. Two things were wrong. Jordan was no longer inside him, but even worse, Jordan was no longer lying beside him in the bed. He sat up, slightly panicked. Had he skipped out, left him after getting what he wanted? He ran a hand over his torso, expecting to find dried cum, but instead his skin was clean and smooth. Had Jordan cleaned him up before leaving?

  The room door being swung open startled him, then he sighed with relief when Jordan appeared, carrying a tray. “They said room service would be a half-hour, so I went down to the buffet and gathered up some chow for us. I figured you’d be hungry like me.”

  “You’re amazing,” Blake said. “You even cleaned me up and I didn’t hear a thing. Sorry I fell asleep.”

  “That’s okay, I dozed some too. You looked so cute sleeping, I didn’t want to wake you.” He grinned. “Wanted you to rest up for the next go around.”

  Blake raised an eyebrow. “What makes you think there will be a ‘next go around’?”

  “Well, from the way you were moaning and writhing and kissing the heck outta me, I reckoned there’d be more where that came from.” He smirked. “Don’t think I’m wrong, neither.”

  Blake laughed. “You’re not wrong, neither, cowboy. C’mere.” He opened his arms and Jordan fell into them, covering Blake’s face and lips with scorching kisses. The moment of passion was cut short when Jordan’s stomach rumbled and Blake started laughing.

  “Sorry,” Jordan mumbled, looking embarrassed. “Told you I was hungry.”

  “Then let’s eat. What did you bring?” He retrieved his boxer briefs from the pile of discarded clothing on the floor and slipped them on.

  “Ham and cheese sandwiches, potato salad, strawberries, and…” He lifted the napkin off what he was hiding under it. “Champagne to celebrate our weekend together.”

  “You are the best lover…and bartender.”

  Jordan popped the cork and poured two glasses of the bubbly. He handed a flute to Blake. “Here’s to us, and to many more nights like this.”

  Blake clinked his glass to Jordan’s. “I’ll drink to that.” They sipped the wine and smiled at each other over the rims of their glasses, then Jordan unwrapped a sandwich and handed half to Blake along with a little potato salad and a fork. They munched appreciatively for a few moments in comfortable silence.

  “Ca-can I ask you something?” Jordan asked su
ddenly, his smile strangely shy.

  “Of course,” Blake replied, wondering why his cowboy had become so hesitant.

  “Uh, you said I was the best…lover. Did you mean it, or was it just something to say?”

  Blake leaned forward to kiss Jordan’s cheek. “I meant every word. The best I’ve ever had…not that there have been so many, you understand.” He chuckled. “Don’t want you to think I’m a degenerate.”

  “That sounds like an ugly word, and one I’d never think of to describe you. You’re many things, some I don’t have words for, not having the education you need to become a teacher. But when I look at you, I see a man I admire. There haven’t been many in my life I can say that about. A couple of the wranglers I competed with, my brother Paul and my friend Jed who got me the job at the Seven Plus. But you…”

  Jordan stumbled to a halt and Blake put aside his plate and glass and sat astride Jordan’s thighs. “You are adorable,” he murmured, his lips on Jordan’s. “You don’t need fancy words to describe what’s on your mind. You’re perfect just the way you are.” He smoothed back the dark hair that had fallen over Jordan’s brow and locked eyes with him. “I see in you an honest man, and one that maybe has had a rough time in the past. I’m not psychic or anything but when we first met…” He smiled and pecked Jordan’s lips. “And after I’d got over my initial ‘goddam he’s gorgeous’ moment, I sensed something, loneliness, sadness, some bitterness maybe. That night when we were sitting together at the barbecue, I think you almost told me about it. Just so you know, I’m a darned good listener. Have to be when some of my students want to open up, unleash their frustrations, look for a sympathetic ear.”

  Jordan pressed his forehead to Blake’s and sighed. “I’d tell you, but I don’t want you to think less of me.”

  “Why would I do that? You murdered someone or stole a little old lady’s social security check? That might do it, but neither of those seem likely, so you’re pretty safe in thinking you won’t fall in my estimation.”


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