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Sol Boxset

Page 51

by Samuel Small

  The warden extended his hand out and gathered wind into it. It rushed and swirled, and his robe lashed out from the storm. As soon as he let a knowing smirk creep onto his lips, like he knew he was going to win before the match had even started, Dante’s anger boiled over and he charged. With his first step, the warden let a massive amount of energy escape his hand, and Dante darted to his left to avoid it. Bits of concrete, fucking concrete, knocked into his ankle then fell to the floor. That attack would have killed him for sure if it had hit.

  Still stomping forward, Dante moved from side to side. Now that he was getting closer, the warden was getting worried, and letting his attacks out without any strategic thought. Dante smirked, then jumped into the air, spinning and preparing to take the smug warden’s head off. The guy didn’t make it that easy though, of course, and he ducked under as Dante sailed past him. He landed behind him then tried to punch the guy on instinct, but he couldn’t use his fists with these damned restraints. As Dante tried to regain his composure he found something solid jamming into his chest. The blow wasn’t bad, but it made him hesitate for a moment, and that was all the warden needed. Before Dante knew it, that one attack became two, then four, then six. Each one jerked his body and sent him backing up. At last, a blow came and caught him dead in the forehead, forcing him onto the ground. He slammed into the solid floor and pain erupted in the back of his head. He tried to breathe but couldn’t.

  Soft footsteps came to him as Dante stared at the ceiling, which seemed impossibly high and distant. The view was obstructed by the warden’s smug face bearing over him, smirking as if he hadn’t almost lost that fight. “I hope that’ll be enough out of you for the night. I really want to get some sleep now.”

  “Fuck you,” Dante spat.


  A simple sunray through the window gently woke Jake up, and he almost arose from his slumber happy and renewed, but his unconscious mind drifted into reality, and his eyes bulged open. Dante was in prison, and he’d surely have to deal with that. Then he sat up and looked around. He was also dwelling in an absolute crap shack, the walls chipped as if someone took a sledgehammer to them, the room dusty, and the bed creaky and lumpy. He couldn’t believe that in his half-asleep state he was able to find any peace at all.

  Jake yawned and got out of bed, stretching and making his way to the closet where his uniform was kept. He unfolded it and began to put it on, thinking back to the conversation last night.

  They’d all agreed to discuss the fine details of their plan today. It was late, Sara was shaken up, and they didn’t fully know what was going on. The lingering question of whether or not they needed to break Dante out raised its hand in the back of Jake’s mind, but he willed it away. He wasn’t keen on opposing this entire country, which supported and celebrated Lennon as a fierce opponent, and since breaking Dante out required temporarily going without him, their strongest member, he really didn’t want things to come to that. With any luck, they’d be able to negotiate his release.

  Looking into the mirror as he ensured that everything was in order, Jake saw his face contorted into a grimace. They wouldn’t be able to negotiate anything, because Dante wasn’t apt to act like any kind of model prisoner. Honestly, they were lucky he behaved for as long as he did.

  After attempting to smooth his hair down – which gently floated back up, as noncompliant as always – Jake stepped out of the battered dorm and into the fresh field. The lush grass swayed in the breeze and the air had the slight cool tinge of early morning. Jake took in a lungful and walked toward the bench, which had been replaced promptly, where his two companions waited for him.

  Sitting down next to Elizabeth, Jake shared a look of apprehension with the two girls. There was heavy silence for a moment, as each waited for the others to start up the discussion.

  “I think—”

  “The first—”

  Jake and Elizabeth both spoke at the same time, stammered, and looked into each other’s eyes. Elizabeth’s were a glorious pool of blue, but she quickly jerked them away and muttered that Jake should go first. He wanted to ask for her opinion, but knew it would just lead to a ‘go ahead’ match, and besides, he was pretty sure her line of thinking was similar to his own anyway.

  “I think we should see what’s going on with Dante first. I doubt they’ll be releasing him anytime soon, but we should stop in and check just in case. For that, we should go to Lennon.”

  “I don’t think Lennon’s the best bet right now,” Sara interjected. “He seemed really angry last night.”

  Jake recalled the man’s face, contorted into a rage he thought he’d never see on such a placid person. Jake did suspect that there was something unnatural about it, although at the time he wasn’t sure. He had a slight inkling of what it might be now that he’d slept on it, but he didn’t want to act on only an inkling. Sara was right. He nodded.

  “Right, then we should go to either the Grand Priest or Floff to see what’s going on,” Jake said. “I’d prefer to go to Floff, since he seemed to at least respect Dante, but either would do.”

  “I think you might get your wish,” Elizabeth said, her eyes focusing on something in the distance. Deep within her pupils, Jake could see the silhouette of a man getting bigger as he approached them. Catching her glance, he saw the Grand Priest himself walking casually toward them, several guards at his side, Floff also among their number. Jake and company immediately got out of their seats, being sure to give the respect the man deserved.

  When he saw them rise at his presence, a smile formed on the Grand Priest’s lips. He folded his arms behind his back and spoke.

  “I’m sure you’re all very concerned as to the status of your comrade. I can assure you that he is relatively unharmed: any injuries he has received have been minor and the result of self-defense against his own aggression.”

  “Sir,” Jake interrupted, “may we see him?”

  “I am not sure. The warden gave a report that he was a very difficult prisoner” – Jake knew it – “and that as a result he’s being kept in solitary confinement. That being said, the warden didn’t seem too displeased when he told me this, so I don’t think it’s out of the question that he’d allow visitation. I can’t guarantee anything, but if you wish to try I will not stop you.”

  Jake thanked him and turned to Sara, who he thought would be happy at the slight ray of hope, but she only stared at the Grand Priest as if she were expecting a catch.

  “With that out of the way, there is another matter to attend to. I appreciate you all taking the time to explore the monuments and getting to know this area’s history, however I hope you understand that after this most recent incident I will have to restrict your nocturnal activities. The south monument, which is so integral to our history, was almost damaged in the fighting last night, and we as a nation can not afford to lose it.”

  “I understand and respect your decision,” Jake said. He was lucky that was all they were getting. The Grand Priest nodded his approval at Jake’s compliance, thanked him for his cooperation, then turned and walked away, along with his constituents. As the group turned, Floff stopped for a moment, his lips pressed together as if he had something to say, but he ultimately shook his head and followed the group.

  Well, they’d received some useful information and didn’t have to seek it out. Jake turned to his comrades to discuss their next move.

  “I suppose at least now we know where we stand with the government here,” Elizabeth muttered.

  “Yeah, but we’re essentially on probation,” Sara said.

  “It could be worse,” Jake said, plopping back to a seat at the bench, his eye fixed on the group as they became smaller and smaller silhouettes. “Considering that the group Dante attacked seemed to be a protected class and all.”

  Elizabeth took a seat next to him. She had a hand under her chin, and her eyes narrowed at the ground. “Despite being a warrior class…”

  Ah, so she noticed it too.

�We can debate the specifics later,” Sara said, interrupting Jake and Elizabeth’s brief momentum of telepathy. She stood over them, commanding, with her hands on her hips. “First we have to go and see Dante, and try to negotiate his release. If that dragon shows up again and he’s not here we’ll be toast.”

  Jake and Elizabeth exchanged a glance, then looked up at Sara. “I know what you’re getting at, but I doubt that the government here would let us fight that thing, even with Dante.”

  “Did you ever figure out why specifically they won’t allow it?” Elizabeth asked, leaning toward him on the bench. She was only a hair’s breadth from touching him, and it made him a little nervous, but she didn’t seem to notice the proximity issue at all, only looking up with curious eyes. He couldn’t handle staring into them, and looked away while giving his explanation.

  “Uh, nothing on them specifically, but I figure it has something to do with an ancient female warrior who they worship around here…”

  “I’ve seen her image carved into that monument,” Sara said. “Although it was strange, the section that Dante said would have contained the Malice looked broken.”

  “Well, it is an ancient building so that’s bound to happen,” Jake said.

  “Yeah, but I mean the rest of the place was really nice. It looked intentional.”

  Intentional? Jake wouldn’t understand why a place so engrossed in its history would try to destroy a section of it, although he didn’t think Sara was mistaken either. She wasn’t Dante after all, so a deduction of hers was about as good as one he made himself as far as he was concerned. Still, they couldn’t sit around and discuss how they were going to get clearance to fight with one of their teammates imprisoned, they had priorities after all. Jake made special note of what Sara told him and placed it in the back of his mind for later consideration. Rising out of his seat, Jake took a few steps forward, then turned to his bewildered companions and beckoned them on. He figured they’d know what he was getting at.

  “I thought we already agreed to find out what was going on with Dante first. Come on, let’s go,” he said.


  After asking around the prison wasn’t hard to find, and Jake and company were standing before it by early afternoon. Jake was temporarily caught off guard by the structure, which could have been a one-story building, but then he thought back to the people and culture of the area. The citizens were abnormally calm and the warriors strong. It looked like they were less likely to have criminality in the first place, and couple that with the deterrence of strong warriors like Lennon and Jake doubted they needed an extensive penal system. He shrugged and walked through the door, which was open and inviting despite the purpose of the building.

  As he stepped in, he noticed a young man in the robbed attire of the guards of this nation, who was casually perusing a book and looking bored out of his mind. Isn’t ignorance bliss, Jake thought and smiled. He moved closer, intentionally putting extra weight behind the steps, and the drifting guard jumped up in shock, then took in the three people and leapt out of his chair.

  “Y-yes, may I help you?”

  “Hi, we’re with the Republic. One of our allies was recently arrested and we were wondering if there was the possibility of visitation.”

  “Er, yes, I’ll have to get the warden.” The man slumped down and swung the floor open, then descended the steps inside. An underground prison held within a city above ground – marvelous. Jake couldn’t contain his excitement, and he turned to Elizabeth like a giddy child. She recoiled from his goofy, over-excited grin, and he slumped his shoulders and exhaled. You were my only hope of having someone understand, Elizabeth, he thought.

  Disappointed, Jake stared into the dark hole in the floor for several minutes, not even bothering to strike up a conversation with the others. He could almost feel the apprehension radiating off of Sara as she waited for an update on Dante’s condition, but he didn’t see what all the fuss was about. Dante would be fine either way, or had she forgotten about the ancient monument that collapsed on him?

  After several minutes, there was a faint creaking sound coming from deep within the hole. It got steadily closer, until a head poked out, a white hat atop it, slumped to one side. As the person came onto their level, rubbing their eyes, Jake took special note of their lightweight garments. So, the warden had unique…

  No, they were pajamas. Definitely pajamas.

  The man who stood before them was not what Jake expected from a warden at all. He gave a sharp nod, then opened his eyes ever so slightly to take in the group.

  “So you’re the friends of that rascal, eh?”

  Chapter 8

  Sara leaned in and sighed, looking up at the pajama-clad warden. “What did he do?”

  The warden smiled and scratched the back of his head, the dangling strap of his hat swaying by his ear. “Oh him? He’s just a bit rowdy is all. Had me up all night with his escape attempts.”

  That was what Jake figured. He too let out a drawn-out sigh and his shoulders sank. “I suppose that means we won’t be able to visit him, then,” he mumbled.

  The warden nodded. “I doubt that he’d be awake anyway. If you’ll excuse me, I’m very tired. I have to work the graveyard shift to deal with your eccentric friend,” he waved them off and turned around, heading for the hole in the floor.

  “Sorry for the trouble he’s caused you,” Jake said as he was leaving, just wanting his condolences to be known. Hell, he had been on the receiving end of many of Dante’s midnight temper tantrums. The man stopped abruptly, but did not turn to look at him. Jake could only imagine the anger his face must have been contorted into. Dante kept this man awake all night and then they disturbed his slumber. Surely when the warden turned, Jake would receive a swift blast of wind Sol to the chest.

  Only the warden did not turn while shooting a hand out. Instead, he looked over his shoulder, a smile lighting up his features. “It’s no problem at all,” he said, “I haven’t had this much fun in years.” He descended the stairway, his body fading in steady clumps as if being eaten by the floor. Jake stared at his retreating silhouette. Were all the people around here so easy-going? Perhaps Dante just had an air about him that let him get away with anything. When the warden had fully descended, Jake turned to Sara.

  She was not looking at Jake, rather she was staring at the space where the warden had faded, as if doing so would summon him back, and he’d declare that they were able to visit Dante after all. He didn’t understand her concern, and said as much. “I don’t see what you’re so worried about. Dante’s been through plenty worse than this. Prison’ll be a cakewalk for him.” From behind, there was a sharp intake of air that rustled the back of Jake’s head. He turned, a bit annoyed, to see Elizabeth glaring at him. He shrugged at her, extending his neck.

  “You really aren’t good at picking up subtexts,” she declared, crossing her arms for emphasis.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Jake asked.

  “At no point did he mention anything about a release date,” she said, and nodded for the door. Jake took her meaning and followed her as she headed out: this was not the type of thing they wanted to discuss in the middle of the jail, especially since as they were leaving a guard began ascending the steps. They walked along the streets, the sun high in the sky, although Jake did not feel any comfort or warmth from it. A cool breeze flowed through and seemed to pierce his skin. He followed Elizabeth, her leading the way with conviction. She clearly knew what their next destination would be, even if he did not. He trusted her, however, and continued to follow behind, Sara at his side.

  “If he didn’t mention a release date…” Sara began.

  “…then he has none in mind,” Elizabeth finished for her, continuing to stride forward. “I think it’s safe to assume that that boy is being detained indefinitely.”

  “Which means we’ll have to find a way to get him out,” Jake said.

  “Yes, but I’d prefer a diplomatic approach first,” Eliz
abeth said, shooting Jake a smile over her shoulder. His eyes widened as he realized where she as taking them – the training grounds to see Lennon.


  As Jake, Sara, and Elizabeth exited the tunnel and came into the clearing, they saw that Lennon was standing calmly, four women surrounding him, all in battle stances. They looked in shape, and Jake figured that they must have been the Sisters he had heard so much about. It was odd though, one was sitting against the far wall holding her stomach. As they walked up, she looked at him with pained eyes. Jake had little choice though, they needed to be near someone who could protect them incase Lennon’s sparring session got too high level and a wayward Sol attack came their way. Jake stood at her side, leaning against the wall and folding his arms. He could feel the tension that was the obvious precursor to an important sparring match.

  “They won’t win,” the woman said from her sitting position. Jake was startled by the fact that she spoken to him at all and he jumped, then turned toward her. She didn’t look back. Her eyes were fixed on Lennon, narrowed, and Jake saw envy in those dark pupils. He turned to catch her eye, and noticed that they weren’t waiting to battle: it had been well underway before they arrived.

  The grass at each of the female warrior’s feet twisted and swayed, being acted upon by some unseen force, and Jake knew full well what it was. Their Sol. They were gathering as much of it as possible into their hands so they could unleash the heaviest attack they could muster: all four of them. That had to be it. Jake took special note of how they had Lennon surrounded. Not one of them was standing across from the other, that way they weren’t in the line of fire from one another. That was a strategy that often went overlooked when surrounding enemies with ranged attacks: these girls had earned their elite status, that was for sure.

  Still, as the long grass at each warrior’s feet whipped around more violently, Jake was growing less fearful of those inevitable attacks and more of the man who stood uncaring as they were prepared. He saw Lennon block an attack by Dante and Floff, but those were only two people, and they hadn’t gathered their energy for nearly as long as these women. The way Lennon stood straight ahead, almost impatiently, told Jake that he was going to take the attacks head on, and thought nothing of it.


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