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Daddy's Bedtime Taboo Sex Stories

Page 43

by Kelly Fleming

  "W-what are you doing?" she looked terrified. "D-don't!" He ignored her; he undid his trouser, while still keeping his deep eyes on her, who was watching where his hands were. She realized what he was doing. "N-no!" she cried. Was he truly intending to violate her after what she had told him? This time, she desperately plunged the letter-knife into his thigh—there was a sickening noise as it cut through flesh and muscle—and this time, it really did drew blood—and pain. He grimaced. Yet, to Leslie's horrified fascination, he kept moving his hands, and her eyes widened, when she saw a huge, thick pole emerged from a thick nest of dark hair, pointing upwards, leering lecherously at her, seeming to throb for a nice piece of flesh. What was he? He didn't seem much affected by the pain coming from his wound. Leslie trembled, feeling more afraid than before. His lips curved into a wry, cruel smile. He licked them.

  With Leslie's slower reflexes against his better, superior ones, the next actions he did were too fast for her to catch in time; he leant forward, grabbed the knife from his bleeding thigh and flung it to the far side of the room. Leslie didn't even hear the thud of it as it hit the wall, as he was already dragging her to him. With one arm gripping her securely, he easily tore her underwear off. "No! No! No!" Leslie writhed violently but of course he was stronger than her; all her efforts to thwart him were useless—especially with bound hands—and its one singular effect seemed only to drain her out of her energy and will to fight back. He forced a kiss onto her lips, distracting her, but vaguely she felt big, warm palms on either side of her bare hips, lifting her to him. To it.

  He spread his thighs wider, consequently spreading her irresistible thighs apart as well, and without mercy, he slammed his cock into her, ramming through her hymen in one painful rip, his furry balls coming to settle at her bottom in a loud, wet kiss. Leslie screamed into his mouth, but he kissed harder, making her whimper pitifully. Tears of hurt streaked her face.

  Not giving her time to adapt to his hard cock, he pulled out, groaning at the exquisite tightness of her vaginal walls, clenching itself on his cock as he dragged himself away, until the tip rested on her wet entrance, then—he forced himself back in, riding up her tender walls with desperate intensity. His feet firmly planted on the ground, he determinedly worked his hips into a frenzied motion of torturous thrusts—pushing his tight ass from the seat to stab his hungry cock into her, to meet her cunt in delicious, mind-blowing crushes—thrusting deeply into her again—and again.

  His bruising grip on her hips forced her trembling, fragile body to concede to the brutal rhythm of his relentless pumping, to surrender all of her to the cruel fucking he subjugated upon her. It went on and on. Leslie's moans and whimpers of pain only persuaded him and encouraged him to continue driving them both mad in the throes of their—commanded by him—animalistic passion. He was so lost in her—together, moaning and grunting in their conjoined world—lost in a place of intoxicating ecstasy, that he was no longer capable of rational thought or empathy—fuck all those things to hell—all he wanted to do was to pound himself into her, deeply and deeply more, deeper than even that deep—as deep as he could go with her. And do it all over again.

  He fucked her hard—fast, furious, urgent, possessive. Every motion was like a blurry, steamy performance. He held her jealously close to him, feeling her soft breasts licking his chest up and down, feeling her feverish, quivering body against him. As he pumped savagely and endlessly into her, he crushed his lips against hers, capturing all her pants and moans, turning them into something that's part of him. He wanted her to know how delirious she made him feel—what he could be like when he held her in his arms. As the fucking increased in its frenetic speed and intensity, he could feel her nearing the heights of great pleasure, could feel the flame inside her preparing to explode—as much as his was.

  And he wanted to be there with her, to feel the quake of their heart-pumping union. He pulled her body even tighter against him, his arm wrapped across her smooth ass cheeks. He used his other free hand to dip into the point where their wet bodies met, to rub and stroke her weeping cunt of hot honey at her sensitive clitoris—Leslie moaned into his mouth at this invasion—before taking the wet finger out and bringing it to her back. She gasped as he pushed a finger into her tight little hole, and whimpering, tried to run away from it, but she was trapped, snugly imprisoned between his obsessive cock, his arm, and his insistent finger. She was locked in his demanding embrace. He touched her nub, driving her into melodious gasps, and imitated the crude fucking of his cock—up and down, up and down, up and down, breathlessly, repeatedly—together.

  Finally, unable to hold back any longer, Leslie's body exploded into fierce ecstasy; her head rolled back, her face concentrated and intent, her shaking body arching, her thighs clamping tightly and tremblingly around his—he could feel her contracting powerfully, rocking him, mesmerizing him. Soon, he joined her, groaning along to the sounds of her cries, his body jerking inside her heavenly body. "Yes yes yes!" he roared triumphantly, digging his fingers into Leslie's ass cheeks. He threw his head back, eyes closed, as hot jets of cum spurted aggressively into her womb. "Ungh!" –they crashed together.

  They were both breathing very hard right now. Leslie rested her flushed face on his broad chest. Her whole body was vulnerably sensitive; her heart was still going berserk inside of her, unused to this foreign excitement, and her eyes were glazed from the overwhelming sensation that had just overtaken her with its extraordinary madness. She had never experienced emotions so raw—was it supposed to be so...exposing? She felt as if not only her body had been wrenched away from her, but also her soul—it had been stripped away to a bareness that frightened her.

  The captain enveloped her in a fierce hug, his arms touching every part of her that he could embrace, and peppering the back of her upper body with tender, butterfly kisses. He was still inside of her. It filled Leslie with anguish. It reminded her of how he had abused her body, imprinting himself upon her forcefully. It drowned Leslie with a sense of lack of control that it drove her almost insane.

  Leslie wept silently, her eyes becoming blank orbs of ice. "You...brute," she said, in a quiet, hoarse voice. "Are you satisfied now? Are you done? Do you wish to take more from me?" she demanded in intensifying passion, though her voice was broken and spent. He hugged her harder, burying his face into her thick hair. "You're mine," was all he could say, uselessly, callously; he only wanted her to know that. Leslie laughed bitterly, "Of course I am. I'm yours bed whenever you desire."

  'I love you," he whispered, kissing her butter-colored head. He worshipped her. He was sincere. "Of course you are. You're the idea of...possessing my body...but—" she pushed her head weakly to gaze at him, "You'll never have my heart. Never. And as far as I'm concerned," she reached up to his ear to whisper, "if you can't master it, I yours."

  Leslie closed her eyes and dropped her head onto his shoulder, finally won over by fatigue and overexertion. The captain tentatively caressed her hair, knowing he would try very hard to win her heart after this; he may have possessed her body, but it was only a vassal for the deep, sensitive soul inside. And he wanted the soul as intensely as he desired her body. He vowed to have both.

  Slowly he got up, ignoring his thigh, though it was bleeding profusely, and gently carried Leslie's small body towards the bed situated on the other side of the room connected to his study, this room. He placed her on his big bed with as much sensitivity as the most loving mate would have given to his beloved, cherished partner, and draped the bed sheet over her.

  He pushed a few strands of damp hair from her rosy face, and kissed her forehead; the touch of his lips on her was brief, almost didn't brush against her skin—he was afraid he would break her. Because, when he looked at her, fragile and delicate like a lovely flower trying its hardest to blossom in a wild, unwelcoming environment, enormous remorse stormed his whole body—and he felt like a brute for violating her. He wanted to protect her, love her—not
hurt her.

  "Forgive me, precious," were his last words before he left his sweet little princess to a long, restful slumber.

  The End.

  Barry Gets What He Wants

  Barry was excited. She was leaving again. He'd have time to himself again to be able to do things that she couldn't when she was home. Mainly he would surf the internet for sites that showed women taking control of and giving it to their men. The thought always excited him, but he never dared bring it up to Danielle, she was far too vanilla for things like that. She would barely change sexual positions in bed. Getting her to wear something sexy was next to impossible.

  After she left Barry watched out the window to make sure she was gone before he went to get his hidden box. After waiting more than enough time for her to be well down the highway he moved to where he had his stash hidden, the garage. After grabbing the box he hurriedly rushed back into the living room, where the computer was so he could pull up the website he used as visual inspiration. Grabbing a bottle of lubrication and the dildo he had in the box he began to stroke and lube the dildo up, preparing to use it on himself. The dildo was moderately sized, only about 5 inches long and about an inch thick and was his warm up for the larger one and the vibrator still in the box. With excitement he placed a towel on he floor began to stroke himself as well as the dildo as he looked at the computer. As he kept watching the video he was really working his cock over stroking, lubing the dildo up more and more. Then he kneeled over it, and begin to let the head of it press against his tight rosebud. He moaned out loud. He always loved the next part, right as the head enters. He bore down on it and the head of the dildo made a pop as it pushed past his tight ring and Barry let out a loud moan that echoed across the room.

  Danielle was on her way leaving and had one of those moments where she realized, that she forgot something important. So she turned around to head back to their apartment. She smiled, She'd get to surprise Barry and maybe even get another quickie in before she left. She didn't really want to go. She hated leaving him there. She pulled back up the drive and parked her car, making sure to shut her door quietly when she got out. He would be so surprised . She put the key in quietly, unlocking the door and opening it, being sure to shut it back quietly. Beginning her walk to where he would likely be, the den, watching tv she took her heels off and crept down the hallway and suddenly heard a loud moan. Startled, she approached the den quietly and froze at what she saw.

  Barry was engrossed in the video he was watching. That, and the rubber cock sliding in and out of his ass. So engrossed that he didn't notice Danielle behind him, watching. Didn't notice her watching the video that her husband was enjoying thoroughly. At least, not until she gasped about the same time he impaled the dildo all the way in him.

  Barry jumped up when he heard her voice, his heart dropping in panic. Of course, as he jumped more than his heart dropped. The dildo slipped out of his ass as he jumped, making a nice thump on the floor as it fell between them. His face frozen with fear he looked at her, deathly afraid of what she would say, not even thinking about the fact that the video was still playing behind him. Danielle smiled, looking past him a moment then back at Barry. Barry stood there, still frozen with fear and then started to stammer." Danielle.. I..Its not what it looks like.."

  Danielle smirked." Its not? Then what is it?" Putting her hands on her hips, looking at him directly, despite him not looking her in the eye. She also kept eying the video behind him showing some guy bent on all fours and being taken by a woman with a strap on.This was making her wet.

  Barry was in full panic state. Thousands of thoughts ran through his head. Fear of her leaving him, calling him gay, exposing him all cycled through his head while he stammered, trying to answer what it was. "Its well. I mean. I was..just um experimenting. Its....umm nothing. I'm not gay.I wasn't even enjoying it. I want you."

  Danielle looked at Barry, his cock still hard, despite everything. "Your cock says otherwise." He started to try to cover it up but she quickly stopped him. "Don't you dare. I want to see all of you right now." Reaching over she grasped his cock firmly, stroking it once or twice. Precum literally oozed from the tip. His cock betraying how he felt about all of this, despite his verbal protests. Reaching past him, she maximized the screen and turned up the volume so that the guys moans on the video echoed across the room. The effect was immediate upon Barry. His cock throbbed in her hand in response to the moans and her slow stroking. On the video the woman said something about taking the man's tight ass and Danielle grinned. "Is that what you want Barry? Do you want me to take this dildo and take your tight little ass?"

  Barry's jaw dropped in response. Never in a million years would he have expected Danielle to talk like that, much less be turned on by it. Yet here she was, and he didn't know what to do. He looked in her eyes,searching to see how she really felt, and all he saw, was desire and excitement in her eyes."Yes...yes I do want that" he answered. He looked at her now, fear mixing with hope.

  Smiling Danielle reached down, picking up the dildo, many thoughts entering her head as she did.She didn't know what would come of this, but she definitely liked what this did to him. She'd rarely seen him this hard or this turned on and she liked it. Smiling coyly she said "I think I'd like to dear. So Why don't you go ahead and get back on your knees and bend that gorgeous ass back over so I can." Reaching over she restarted the video, she wanted to see the entire thing and to let its sounds stimulate them both further.

  Barry enthusiastically knelt back down. He couldn't believe this! Not only was she not mad, or scared she wanted to participate! He stuck his ass in the air and waited for her an eager smile on his face. Danielle knelt behind him, the dildo in her hand and teased his ass, letting the head push against him as she reached around and grasped his erect cock and began to slowly stroke it. Barry let out a loud groan as she did and pushed his ass back towards her.

  Danielle smiled as she said "You're eager for this aren't you. You want me to put it in you. to fuck you with this don't you?" Barry gasped as she said that. He so eagerly did want her to do exactly that. "Yes Please fuck me with it Danielle" he said. Smiling she pushed the head back into him and his knees nearly bucked at the dual pleasure of her stroking and the head penetrating him. Sticking his ass back further into it he began to rock his hips as she began a steady pace of sliding it in and out of him.

  "You like this don't you dear? You like me fucking you? Maybe we should get one of those strap-on things and use that like she is in the video? Would you like that?" she asked. Barry was nearly incoherent other than moans and an occasional "Yes". Picking up speed she began to stroke him faster, her hand coated with the copious amount of precum flowing from his engorged cock.

  Barry began to moan loudly, his moans outdoing those of the video and Danielle felt herself getting wetter than she had been in a long time without any stimulation. She had an idea already and was ready to enact it. Jerking his cock faster she said."I want you to cum for me baby, and then we will really have some fun. So go ahead and cum for me, cum while I fuck your little tight ass with this cock."

  The combination of the dildo in his ass, and her stroking was enough for Barry , but when he heard her talking to him like that, it pushed him over the edge and Barry jerked as he began spurting his cum all over the towel. Not stopping for a moment or two Danielle kept stroking and sliding the cock in him. As he finally collapsed she leaned over him , her arm draping across his shoulder as she kissed his neck."Now we can go to the room and you can lick me and we can talk about all the lovely places we can go from here."

  Barry smiled and looked at her with admiration.He loved her more now than the day he married her. " I would love to."

  The End.

  A Sight To Behold

  In an unfamiliar room Craig stumbles through the dark and steps on a toy. Reaching out for balance he falls onto the bed. His head spinning with drunkenness he reaches down and massages the pain out of his foot. He had gone out with his friends
Taylor and Melissa. Having had a few too many they offered to let him stay the night and sleep in their son's playroom. Cluttered with toys and enveloped with darkness, Craig found it difficult to travel the unfamiliar territory without incident. His recent journey aside, he felt the alcohol's full effect and positioned himself into the bed. He reminisced about the nights events.

  Celebrating Taylor's birthday, Craig, Taylor, and his wife Melissa went to dinner. The food and wine seemed to keep coming. Begging for even more trouble the friends made a trip to the local casino. Rather they taking chances with the tables or machines, they opted to hover around the bar and continue the good times. A number of times throughout the night Craig felt a bit of out of place. The alcohol had affected Taylor in Melissa in a predictable way and as the night grew longer the distance between them grew shorter. Soon, Melissa was snuggled into his shoulder and whispering into his ear. Rubbing her bare legs he traced a finger tip from her shins up to the bottom of her noticeably short skirt. She giggles with anticipation but stops as she looks up and sees Craig's stare.

  Always voyeuristic Craig had never found a real-world situation in which to indulge his fetish. He carried this secret desire in the hopes of one day looking in the right window, finding an open couple, or just stumbling into a situation that he could watch. He'd seen the voyeur videos online and even purchased some hidden cam videos from the local adult superstore but he knew it wouldn't be the same as seeing it in person. His head swimming with drunkenness, Craig chooses his final position, closes his eyes, and falls into sleep.

  Two hours later, Craig awakens. A bit more sober, he struggles to remember where he is and why he is there. Moments pass and he remembers.

  "Taylor and Melissa's house," he thinks to himself. "Jesus my head hurts."


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