Daddy's Bedtime Taboo Sex Stories

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Daddy's Bedtime Taboo Sex Stories Page 80

by Kelly Fleming

  Fingertips found the inside of her thighs and traced tiny soft circles, making her hips twitch and her legs push further apart. The lips had reached her hips, and continued up onto her stomach as the fingers stroked up her thighs, getting closer and closer to her, teasing, frustrating. She felt the palm of a hand skim across her tightly curled hair and she involuntarily pushed her hips towards the touch, aching to be stroked and rubbed, to be touched and penetrated and filled. But the hand moved away as quickly as her hips thrust towards it, and she was left straining towards the empty air. The breeze tickled her sensitive lips, increasing her desire.

  The kisses paused at her tummy button, and inserted a tongue, making her squirm. Then they disappeared, and in the expectant silence she waited for the next touch. A warm hand appeared on her knee, and slipped up the inside of her thigh, landing softly against her, cupping her sex, rubbing gently. She gasped and ground her hips against the strong palm as one finger, and then another, slipped between her lips and opened her up to the cooling breeze. Resting there, the fingers gently stroked inside her, as she rocked slowly back and forward, abandoning herself to the delicious feeling, so desired and so needed.

  A warm tongue touched her hard nipple and traced circles around it, before the warmth of open lips and mouth descended on her breast and sucked her in. The lips kissed their way to the sensitive skin under her breast, lingered there a while before turning their attention to the other breast. All the while the fingers continued to slide in and out of her, and she could hear her breathing getting shallower and faster as the excitement built within her. Kissing their way up her chest and her neck, the lips finally reached her mouth. Their lips touched, tentative, unhurried, and she opened her mouth to receive a probing tongue and to abandon herself to the warmth and comfort of the living animated mouth that had been teasing her so maddeningly.

  For the first time, she opened her eyes and looked at him.

  "Shall we go below?" she smiled.

  A broad grin spread across his face. "What's wrong with here in the sun? No-one will see us. And I promise to rub sun oil over you."

  "ALL over me?"

  "Wherever you request."

  "In that case, here in the sun is fine."

  Squinting against the bright morning sun, she took in the familiar sight of his body. He was, as she had already guessed, as naked as she was. Her eyes roved over his compact frame, muscles taught from the hard work of the last few weeks, skin browned by the sun, a delicious all over tan that they had both developed. Why wear clothes when there was no-one to see you except someone you trust and desire? She could see that the massage had excited him as much as it had her, his hardness nodding and wobbling as he moved the drinks tray with his unoccupied hand. She reached out and grasped him, and saw his eyes close in pleasure and anticipation. The storms of the last days, and the deep exhausted sleep since they had anchored the night before, had denied them any physical contact, and she relished his warmth and hardness. Relaxing her grip she touched him more gently, her fingers drifting up and down his shaft, teasing him and feeling his pleasure. His fingers, still inside her, copied her actions, gently sliding and stroking. Instinctively her muscles tightened around them, and she closed her eyes as she concentrated on the twin feelings of her hand and his.

  Her eyes closed again, the gentle slap of the water on the hull in her ears, and the aromatic aroma of the scrub mixing with his manly scent, she felt him move closer to her. She felt his warm skin against hers, and his warm lips surrounding her nipple, the tongue licking and demanding, sliding over her, making her flesh wet and the nipple harder and more sensitive. The mouth slid down unto the underside of her breasts, still urgently licking and sucking, animated with lust and knowing exactly what she liked, desired, needed. His spare hand covered her breast, holding it to his mouth and kneading the soft flesh. The other hand still busied away between her legs, and she arched her back, forcing her chest up against his searching lips and her hips down to push at his exploring fingers. As she knew it would, the mouth tracked lower, briefly licking her navel before tickling at the tightly curled hair. She opened her legs wide to let his head reach its goal, and let out a long sigh as the lips and tongue joined his wet fingers, making her wetter still, and bringing a new, but familiar sensation writhing through her. His hand slid away from her, sliding under her, cupping her buttocks and lifting her from the deck to allow him better and deeper access. She felt his tongue slide from the depths of her, up between her lips, making her writhe and her hips grind into his face, wet with her juices. Then he would slide himself down, burying himself in her, his tongue darting into her, his whole face caressing and stroking her.

  She felt his weight move, and the shock of cool air as he removed his lips. In a single smooth motion, he slid his chest up over hers, and buried himself deep inside her, hard and wanting. His licking had left her open and wet, and he slid in easily, completely buried, hair touching hair as she gyrated his hips against him, hands on his buttocks pulling him into her. She knew neither of them would last long, and as he started his slow strokes, never withdrawing far, never leaving her warmth and softness, she felt the yawning feeling of release growing inside her. She fed it with grinding hips, pushing her pubic bone against him, maximising the sensation. The feeling grew and began to take control, her body now acting on its own, following the ages old and always new experience of lust and desire.

  The wave rose up, and crashed over her, and she exhaled hard, all muscles tensed, her body rigid, feeling only him and the feelings he had given her. She moaned his name. "YES" The next wave passed, lifting her, and leaving her breathless and limp. "yes". And even in the deep heights of her own orgasm she sensed a change in him, his rhythm stuttered, stopped, his own wave breaking. She smiled as he echoed her words with a faint breathless "yes" of his own, and she felt the pumping rush of fluid deep inside her.

  His weight dropped onto her. His head slumped into her throat, his hard muscular chest relaxed now, and cushioned on her warm, soft breasts.

  It was perfect.

  It was quiet.

  The End.

  Adriana Becomes a Werewolf


  Ulfr was a pure-blooded werewolf from the Forest Mountain. He was a large man, tall and muscular, black hair falling in thick locks over his shoulders. He was one of the most powerful of his kind, and leader of his Pack, an Alpha.

  'Damn the woman!' Ulfr cursed miserably under his breath.

  He gazed at the petite, slender female who tormented him through the window. The female produced a scent identical to the females in his pack and she wasn't even aware of it!

  Adriana saw him through the window and he waved to her.

  Without waving back, she pouted her lips and walked away. Ulfr was speechless. He could not decide if he was amused or insulted by her unsympathetic dismissal. As leader of his Pack, he was accustomed to attracting a female's interest. His looks were above average. Ulfr was not a vain man, but it was rare for anyone to ignore him.

  'Damnit! Now she'll never talk to me again.' He raked his fingers through his hair and spun away from the window.

  Despite his superior strength and ability he was hopeless at courting her. This female was defiant and strong-willed by nature. That's what turned him on all the more. None of the females in his Pack would've had the spirit to challenge him. Then again she wasn't from his Pack.

  In fact she was a pure human female and that was the problem.

  He closed his eyes and remembered the episode which made her upset with him.

  It had started well enough. Her hot, silky tongue invaded his mouth to spar with his. She'd liked it, because Ulfr had smelled her scent pooling between her legs. He suckled on her lips. Adriana liked the tasting and groping.

  Then, somehow, she had managed to awaken the werewolf in him. It was that bizarre sound rumbling in his chest, something like a growl. Another sensation eclipsed his arousal. Fear verging on panic.

  He pulled
his mouth free from hers, wrenched her hands off him and whirled around. His fangs had elongated and his eyes had changed. With his back to her, he trembled, his fists curling and uncurling as the claws grew bigger.

  "This can't be happening!" He breathed frightened with every hoarse breath.

  She struggled to catch her own breath. At last she spoke: "Did I do something wrong?"

  He didn't answer or turn around but only ran away to the safety of the mountain.

  For a second he blushed with self-disdain at the memory of the only way he'd managed to satisfy his werewolf was by jerking off, but his need had swiftly overwhelmed his shame. He'd rubbed his cock hard and fast, his breathing strenuous as the strain intensified beyond tolerance. Ulfr continued to pump himself, roaring as his seed shot out to spill all over his belly.

  That had been last night and although it'd eased some of the sexual pressure in him he still wasn't in the clear. The transformation had scared the hell out of him!

  Throughout a werewolf's life the wolf and the human were always aware of each other without one controlling the other. The wolf would provide strength and agility while the human provided freedom, nourishment and sex. The werewolf's surfacing was something the human could control, even when the pull of the Full Moon was strong.

  It was all about maintaining the right balance, which worked for both man and beast. The human mind was always present, preserving some control, balancing the wolf's instincts.

  According to legend if the wolf took complete control, the man became the passenger in the beast's mind. Nothing would stop it until it got what it wanted.

  The werewolf was the stuff they told in ancient lore and legend. A genuine werewolf was that creature which walked on two legs craving for power. Keeping the beast in control was of the maximum importance.

  A pure werewolf was extremely dangerous, because it was completely uncontrollable. He'd never turned into a full werewolf form before. It had only happened a handful of times in the last century. The outcome would always be bloody and violent.

  Last night, the werewolf had fought to get out and claim the female as his own. It had nearly won if he hadn't bailed out on Adriana at the last minute.

  That wasn't him last night.

  He was an Alpha and an Alpha was always in control. It was his duty to the Pack to maintain discipline and not to indulge in such stupid, irresponsible behaviour. He needed to mate and soon because of the full moon in three days time.

  A good old fashioned ferocious werewolf fucking would keep him from changing completely.

  Although mating rituals did happen between werewolves and humans they were rare. Mating amongst werewolves was intense. He could be gentle if he remembered to be, but most of his mates were perfectly content to have it rough.

  As a pure-blood Ulfr was expected to mate with another pure-blood, but not necessary obliged to do so.

  He had considered using Adriana as his mate, but he was afraid of her reaction if he got to horny to control himself like the previous night. It wasn't like he could simply walk to her and say: 'I'm really into you cupcake and by the way I change into a werewolf whenever you play with my penis!"

  Adriana's scent dangerously tempted him. If she were a werewolf he'd take her forcefully as his mate and that would be the end of it. A part of him feared that he was not going to be gentle when the time came ... assuming she'd accept to be his mate.

  'Adriana!' His member sprang upright.

  He needed her. He needed to come inside that tight cunt and fill her with his seed. Hunger liked he'd never felt before burned through the veins of his cock. He needed to be inside her. He needed to change her into a werewolf.

  'No!' Ulfr took a deep breath. He loved her too much to bear her rejection. Ulfr would rather that Adriana hate him than fear him.

  He'd leave for the mountains today so he could mate with a female of his own kind. The best thing to do was to stay as far away from Adriana as he could.


  He jerked his head up and realized the other person in the room was waiting for his response. "Uh?"

  Ulfr felt grateful his long overcoat hid his erection tenting in his pants. It would've been awkward explaining why he had an erection for no particular reason.

  "Have you been listening to what I said," asked Sigmund, the self-proclaimed mayor.

  Sigmund was a potbellied bald little man with a thick bushy golden moustache. He was a keen businessman with a large acreage of land in the farming area.

  "You want me to hunt the creature killing your livestock," he said absently. Two cows were killed last night. It made him uneasy to think that such an incident should happen so close to mating season.

  He didn't want strangers roaming his mountain. Keeping werewolves a secret was hard to keep from the populace. It was bad enough that humans had hunted werewolves in the past, but a widespread panic was the last thing he needed.

  Sigmund folded his arms across his chest and took a step forward. He needed to crane his head upwards to meet Ulfr's eyes. He leaned in closer as if to share a secret. "There's word going around."

  "Oh, what's that?"

  "William thought he saw a creature last night," he waited for Ulfr to ask him to appease his curiosity. When he saw that he wasn't going to get the question Sigmund spoke in hushed tones: "He thought he saw a Bigfoot running into the mountains!"

  The two men watched each other for a few long seconds -- granting Ulfr plenty of time to observe the older man's emotions. Then suddenly Ulfr burst out laughing: "Sigmund, you sly dog. For a minute I thought you serious. Bigfoot, really!"

  "Ha-ha-ha," Sigmund laughed nervously, but he had been serious about it. "Of course the Bigfoot isn't real, but William saw something."

  "I think that as a mountain ranger I'd have seen one by now," he patted Sigmund friendlily on the shoulder. "No, William was either drunk as usual or he probably saw his wife naked again!"

  He laughed heartily but inside Ulfr was cursing himself for being so stupid. He'd been lucky that nobody more credible had seen him. He was an Alpha for crying out loud! It was his duty to protect the Pack.

  "Yes," Sigmund wiped his bald head with a handkerchief. "But that creature killing my livestock is real enough."

  "Don't worry," Ulfr assured him. "I'll take care of it."

  "Err, there's something else I need from you ..." Sigmund seemed reluctant to speak. Ulfr raised his eyebrows at the subtle request in Sigmund's voice. "It's something personal. It's more of a favour, really." Sigmund lowered his eyes. It was uncommon for Sigmund to be asking anything more than the usual mountain ranger business from Ulfr. "I shouldn't be asking you this, but I was wondering if you were heading up to the old mountain trail? My grandaunt has a cabin there ... She's all alone for the winter. Foolish woman won't come down ... Says it's her home."

  "You want me to look on her? No problem." Ulfr rubbed his chin calling to mind the elderly woman. She was one of the few humans who knew of the existence of werewolves. As far as he knew she was in good health. He didn't want any strangers walking up the mountain so close to the full moon.

  Ulfr turned to leave when Sigmund cleared his throat. Ulfr's jaw flexed violently, because he wanted to get moving up the mountain instead of wasting his time talking to Sigmund. Adriana's scent was still to strong in the village and he was barely able to conceal his erection.

  With a calm voice and controlled rage he asked: "What is it?"

  "My niece wants to spend the winter with the old woman."

  "That's out of the question." He snapped too violently, but then regained his self-control. "I'm sorry. It's foolish to be roaming the mountain with a wild animal on the loose. Tell her to wait for a few days and then I'll come back to take her."

  "I concur," he fiddled with his fingers. "But Adriana is adamant."

  The mention of her name made his cock stiffen. She would be a fabulous fuck -- intense and sexy. The werewolf in him howled in his mind, his hunger for the female growing.

  "Adriana?" He said casually. "The tanner's daughter?"

  Sigmund faced him, his eyes alight with alarm. "Please Ulfr! Do this as a personal favour to me."

  "I don't ..." Ulfr began.

  "If you don't take her she'll go alone. I know her."

  Ulfr knew she would too. What's worse she'd probably stumble on a werewolf fuck festival. There's no knowing the damage it might have on the Pack. The old lady, her aunt, would need to keep Adriana locked indoors.

  Ulfr relented. "I'll see to her safe journey, Sigmund."

  Sigmund nodded, visibly relieved and he nodded back his goodbyes.

  Walking into the street Ulfr hissed in a low voice: "Fuck! That girl is going to be the death of me!"

  Chapter 1

  Ulfr dropped back his head and inhaled a breath of fresh mountain air -- but there was something else. It was something sugary and succulent; apple pie, his favourite. His heart pumped, his body feeling vibrant. It was a feeling like he had never felt before.

  Without opening his eyes he identified the scent and said, "Adriana, you should stay here. It's not safe in the mountains."

  "I can take care of myself."

  The determined tone in her voice impelled him to open his eyes. He needed to see her face, the challenge in her eyes and the confidence in her posture.

  She wasn't wearing her usual dress. She opted instead for practicality, a pair of trousers and a tight shirt which fitted her snugly. Her feet were enclosed in men's ankle-high working boots.

  "So there are your father's pants," Ulfr remarked with a smirk. "I think I saw him running around naked looking for them only a few minutes ago."

  "How hilarious." The defiant lift of her chin made his cock stiffen. "By the way I'm not wearing any panties ..."


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