Daddy's Bedtime Taboo Sex Stories

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Daddy's Bedtime Taboo Sex Stories Page 81

by Kelly Fleming

  Ulfr almost came in his pants. She would like it rough -- no doubt about it. It would be one fabulous fuck after another -- hard and fierce. The werewolf growled again in his mind taking more control. Using every ounce of his willpower he tamed the beast within.

  He'd sent a message to the other werewolves to instruct the old lady to feign illness. Once Adriana reached the cabin she'd be looking after her sick aunt while he was fucking the brains out of another female werewolf. He had to get this out of his system and fast.

  He looked at her for a long time and then sighed. "I suppose you leave me little choice, right?"


  He grinned. "We'd better get going. I don't want us to reach the cabin before dark."

  "Is that necessary," she nodded to the hunting rifle resting on his shoulder.

  "It's to protect you from the Bigfoot roaming the mountain, or haven't you heard?"

  "Ah," Adriana nodded. "So my uncle Sigmund told you."

  "If we're lucky we'll get to see the Yeti, cupcake."

  "Don't call me cupcake," she protested.

  "As you command." He winked and began to walk. "Cupcake."

  Adriana grinned behind Ulfr's back as he trekked up the mountain trail. It was a beautiful day for a walk in the woods -- the sun was shining, a gentle breeze was blowing and a good-looking man with a tight ass walked in front of her.

  However she wasn't there to take pleasure in the landscape or Ulfr's tight ass. She was going up the mountain to look after her great-grandaunt.

  She wondered why he'd left in a hurry yesterday. She was hot as well as horny, but then he left without as much as a goodbye. It was like she suddenly contracted the plague.

  Maybe it was because he was of the mountain. The mountain people usually kept to themselves and her father would've disapproved of a romantic liaison with Ulfr. There was only so much defiance that Adriana could get away with.

  Maybe it was for the best.

  'It would've been a bad idea anyway.' She tried to convince herself.

  She was from the village and Ulfr was the leader of the mountain people. They could hardly have a successful relationship if both their communities were against them.

  "Aren't we leaving the trail?" she asked after some time of trekking.

  "How very observant."

  "Why don't we stay on the trail," she asked.

  "I want to kidnap you."

  He sounded like he was joking, but with Ulfr one couldn't tell for sure. She asked: "Really?"

  He shook his head. Kneeling down he picked a piece of wood and broke it. "It's going to rain in a few hours. That's why we're taking this short cut."

  "You can tell that by breaking a piece of wood?"

  Ulfr guffawed at the comment and moved on.

  "You didn't have to come you know." She stretched out her pace to keep up with him. Adriana was in terrific shape but Ulfr had a lot of muscle in those legs. And they were walking mostly uphill. "I'm able of looking after myself."

  "Of course you are." He said uninterested.

  "I am you know!" She sounded like she was trying to convince herself mostly. "I'd brought my own rifle if you hadn't tagged along."

  "If I hadn't tagged along!?" He said astonished, but without turning around or slowing his pace. "I'm here doing you a favour, cupcake!"

  "Don't call me cupcake, you know I hate it!!!" She roared and stopped. "Why did you run away yesterday? What were you afraid of?"

  Ulfr suddenly stopped and turned. His eyes looked dark and a little cold. "What do you mean by that," he sounded a bit tense.

  "Are you impotent?"

  "What ever the fuck gave you that idea?" The comment stung his manhood as well as his werewolf. "No! Fuck no!"

  "I can't understand you Ulfr!" She raised her hands in the air expecting an answer. "We've been going out for a year now. You obviously like me and I like you. So why do you avoid me like the plague?"

  "I don't know what you're talking about ..." Ulfr's cock stiffened. Damn, he wanted her desperately. He wanted to fuck her and ride her until she screamed his name.

  "Are all men as thick headed as you or has the mountain air constricted your brain?" She shouted.

  "You don't need to yell," he groaned.

  "Is it because I'm from the village?"

  "It's not that simple," he tried to keep himself from breathing in her scent.

  "Look at me Ulfr, please!"

  Ulfr allowed himself to take a quick peep at Adriana's nipples outlined by the sweaty snug shirt. It turned out to be too much, combined with the salty scent of her perspiration.

  "We must keep moving." With that curt answer he walked away.

  "Prick!" She spoke within earshot.

  Chapter 2

  Adriana quickly caught up with him just as he turned north. Ulfr apparently trekked a trail that only a mountain ranger would know. At several spots he'd unexpectedly change direction, at times taking them deeper into the woods, other times leading her up the hill.

  He couldn't resist inhaling deeply even while he walked onwards. That flavour of her female flesh brought water to his mouth. The light breeze carried her scent towards him, provoking his senses. Had she noticed the bulge of his erection in his pants? He already had it last night, earlier this morning and still had it now.

  His sharp ears, as well as his nose, informed him that she'd stopped instead of moving on.

  'Why had she stopped?' He sniffed the damp air and smelled her female secretions. His erection grew harder, tenting his trousers. It felt so long and hard he itched to satisfy his member. With one hand already massaging his penis he inhaled deeply. He had to regain control of the beast in him.

  "What is it," he finally asked without turning to face her.

  He shouldn't have gone so many nights without sexual release. This was a mistake. His werewolf was getting out of control and then she'd be afraid of him.

  "I need a rest, please!" She wheezed. "Five minutes!"

  "Five minutes." He replied relieve but not wanting to risk more time than absolutely necessary.

  They took a break, eating dried cheese, bread and water, but Ulfr seemed in a hurry to get moving again so Adriana didn't loiter.

  Dark clouds moved in and the breeze grew stronger. Her legs felt a bit cold, though the thick shirt she wore kept her upper body warm. She really wasn't wearing panties underneath. She'd wanted to make Ulfr pay for having left her so suddenly yesterday. She'd been thinking about Ulfr and about the insane possibility that she might have the occasion to undress for him, with him. For the same reason she'd taken the time to shave her legs and vagina with extra care leaving it completely hairless.

  It was very doubtful but a girl had to have her fantasies. For the whole year she'd fed those fantasies, which were all that had kept her warm. Now she felt for sure he didn't love her or want her.

  Ulfr stopped and glanced over his shoulder. "Are those boots any good?"

  She looked at her working boots and banged them at the heel. "They seem good enough. Why?"

  "We need to move up river for awhile." He pointed to a shallow stream. "We're going to get our feet a bit wet."

  She glanced towards the sky. Gloomy black clouds warned of heavy rain. "Looks like you were right about the rain." He grumbled in reply and began to climb. The river became deeper as they moved on, spraying against her knees.

  "Your aunt's cabin is just over the hills. She'll have a fire there for you to get warm."

  Adriana nodded sensing the first shiver of cold running down her spine. Combined with the river, the rain and the wind which had stirred up, she was feeling pretty cold.

  Ulfr stopped to sniff the air. A confused expression crossed his face and made her curious as she stepped closer.

  "What's wrong?" She had to raise her voice.


  The cold tormented her and she'd be grateful to be sitting next to her great-grandaunt's fire. She raised her head and shook back the long strands of blond hai
r that gelled to her face. A hand clamped around her wrist and pulled, compelling her to move on. Cold wind cut through the fabric of her shirt and Adriana shivered.

  "Cupcake, are you all right?"

  "D-d-don't call me cupcake you prick!" She trembled, astonished at how quickly the cold had overrun her body. "I'm still an-angry at y-y-you!"

  "We need to get you inside," said Ulfr with a smile and a touch of pride at how she was handling herself.

  "A cup of coffee would be nice too," she smiled bravely.

  He dragged her along with him like a Neanderthal, but she didn't care. Actually, she was grateful he'd been with her or otherwise she wasn't sure she could have made it on her own. The mountain wind made her skin ache with cold. Her steps were clumsy and only Ulfr's hold on her made it possible for her to keep walking.

  They succeeded in topping the hill and the tall undergrowth that had lined the path vanished. She looked up and saw the cabin. It wasn't much to look at but it was dry on the inside.

  "There doesn't seem to be anybody home!" The word came out from her cold lips.

  Ulfr rubbed her arms and back. "Just move it! We need to get out of the rain and out of these wet clothes."

  "Finally making your move, eh?" She laughed awkwardly as she staggered behind him. She'd fantasized about taking her clothes off for Ulfr but never when she was freezing or in front of her great-grandaunt.

  He guided her into the safety of the cabin and went directly to the fireplace. A pile of logs were already laid out and he grabbed a match, igniting the twigs at the bottom. Adriana went to the table and placed the basket down. There was a letter directed to her.

  "Dear Adriana," she read out loud. "I'm feeling sick and have gone to a friend's house for the whole winter. Go back down the mountain--" Adriana cleared her voice and stopped reading. She turned to Ulfr astonished. "How did she know I was coming up here? Even I didn't know I was coming until this morning."

  "What assholes," he said sinking down onto a hard stiff-backed chair.

  Ulfr rolled his eyes and swore silently. Those idiots had gotten his orders wrong. Now there was no way he could leave Adriana all alone on the mountains. He couldn't control himself anymore.

  Lust burned through him like fire. Yearning, sexual yearning, for too long suppressed, rammed down his resistance. His eyes dilated completely black; by some miracle he managed to suppress the rest of his transformation. Shuddering, he fought the urge to bite her. The struggle to maintain control over his mind was a Herculean feat.

  "Why are your pupils so dilated, Ulfr?" Adriana asked through chattering teeth.

  Standing up, his mouth curled into a slight sneer. "It's all the better to see you with my dear ..."

  'He's going to kill me.' She actually believed for one hysterical moment that he was a serial killer or that he was on drugs.

  Perhaps sensing danger she staggered backward, turning away from him. There was no place for her to run, but reflexively her body sprinted towards the door. He clutched her shoulders, and he pulled her against him. Adriana was pressed against his hard, hot body and she gasped when he slid an arm around her upper body and his hand cupped her breast.

  "Hey!" She objected, but he ignored it. He squeezed firmly and twirled his thumb over her nipple, which hardened into a rigid bead at the erotic stimulation of his touch. Her body suddenly felt hot with need.

  "Lout," she slapped him breathlessly. "You're taking advantage of a defenceless woman!"

  Disregarding her slap he rubbed his thumbs over her nipples and vibrations tingled through her. She arched her back a little, offering more of her chest to his touch.

  "Well if you feel that way ..." he said with a smirk.

  She was going to slap him again for smirking, but stopped herself. His hold on her with his hand had slackened, and she took one step back. "Are you going to run to the hills now like you did before?"

  He chuckled and reeled her back into his iron grip. "No. I should've trusted you, but now it's too late." There was a wild look in his dark eyes as he examined her. "I only hope you can forgive me afterwards."

  Adriana didn't understand what he meant by the last comment and she didn't care. He was probably married or high on drugs, but it didn't matter. Not right now. Right now Ulfr had need of her and she sensed that she could help him.

  He took off his shirt and pulled her towards him. His muscular chest was hard and his nipples were light brown and pleasing to her eyes.

  "Take it off," Ulfr spoke in a low, almost intimidating tone.

  Fiercely, he pulled the shirt over her shoulders. She flushed in surprise and attempted to step back, but he held her with his hands, trapping her. He tossed the shirt across the room and his eyes locked on hers. Need tensed in the pit of her stomach when his hands cupped her breasts. He glanced at her chest as he fondled her.

  "What are you doing," she mumbled, feeling blushed and confused.

  "I need you Adriana." He lowered his head and tugged at her nipple with his teeth. "Please, no questions ..."

  "Alright Ulfr," she croaked. "No questions for now ..."

  She should've been objecting vociferously, but the moment was too incredible and erotic, and it clashed with her good sense. It felt in some strange way the right thing to do. He sucked her entire areola into his mouth. It felt wonderful.

  She shifted her weight, rubbing her thighs against his leg trying to create some friction. She could feel a delightful sensation between her legs. She wriggled desperately. She wanted him in her.

  She shivered as he undressed her trousers and boots. He took off his own clothes while passionately kissing and suckling her tongue. Seconds later she was naked on her back, legs splayed on top of the table. The fireplace was crackling with heat, but that wasn't the source of her overwhelming heat. Ulfrs' tongue licked her nipples slowly. When he bit down softly on the nipple she moaned slowly.

  Opening her eyes she realised that Ulfr didn't look like his usual self. The face was the same but something wasn't the same in him. She'd never seen him naked before, but she now saw that he was advantageously endowed.

  "I should've guessed," she cocked an eyebrow.

  "Is something wrong?" His voice slurred but he sounded concerned.

  He was thick and long; his testicles hung heavy and full below his imposing erect member. "Oh nothing," she murmured absently. "I never thought you to be so ... endowed."

  "You haven't seen anything yet." He grunted and she laughed quietly.

  Adriana wondered for a moment if she wasn't dreaming all this. Was any of this possible? She studied the rest of him. He actually looked taller now probably six-seven and covered in thick muscles that looked like he could take down a bear. His member was proportionate as the rest of him.

  Adriana was finally here. She laid spread before him, offering herself for his pleasure. Knowing that he was welcomed, that she wanted his touch, Ulfr sank down before her and placed his mouth against the insides of her thighs kissing them.

  Everything was just as it ought to be. This was what he'd been craving for a whole year; her taste, her scent, the feel of her skin against his.

  He had to have her like a werewolf!

  Fear like he hadn't felt since he'd been a youth dug into his gut, squeezing itself around his genitals like an iron fist. She would leave him if he changed into a werewolf. He couldn't let her leave him. He needed her.

  How long would it be before the wolf showed himself when he became too excited? Some of the changes had already begun, but his human side was still in control.

  'Hold the wolf inside,' he told himself mentally. 'She'll never know what you are if you control yourself.'

  She was wet and his!

  The need to satisfy his werewolf clawed hard against him. The sweet scent of Adriana's cunt juices soothed the beast inside him. It was crucial that he consume her juices.

  Ulfr had to taste and gorge himself on her juices. Her flesh burned him and he knew that this fire would save him. This fire co
uld satisfy his werewolf forever. His cock was hard, impatient to plough inside her wet cunt but he held back.

  He slipped his hands up her legs, cupping her buttocks in his palms and yanked her toward him, angling her hips upward. Adriana gasped but didn't object. The fleshy mounds of her asscheeks filled his hands.

  He lowered his eyes. She was lying on her back on the table; her legs spread wide open and her hot cunt available to him.

  Ulfr roared an animalistic roar which frightened Adriana, but her fears were forgotten when he fell forward and clamped her sex with his mouth. At first he merely tasted her, savouring the alluring flavour that ensnared him to her. He licked her slit, drinking the juices her body provided to him.

  He mumbled between slurps. Her spicy taste enticed his tongue and he drank again.

  He slithered his tongue inside her cunt and time seemed to almost stop. This was what his werewolf needed. He brushed his tongue along the inner edge of her vagina. Then he probed deep, as far as his tongue could reach.

  Adriana gasped and with one hand pushed against him. She clasped her hands into his hair, using the locks as her harness to hold on.

  Ulfr restricted her movements, holding her in place.

  'Good grief!' What was Ulfr doing to her? This was pornographic.

  His tongue flickered around her sex, paying extra attention on her clit before sweeping a long path across her moist, open flesh. Then he plunged his tongue inside stimulating the walls of her passage. His low, approving rumbles were stifled against her flesh.

  "Ahh!" Adriana's head banged against the table.

  Ulfr stopped, sucking on the sensitive clit which demanded his attention. He sucked in earnest. A throaty cry that broke from Adriana's lips and sitting up, she tried to dislodge Ulfr from his position. With a rough snarl, he placed a hand on her stomach pushed her back against the table and continued to suckle.

  Suddenly the licks of his tongue changed into steady, regular pulses against her clit. She felt her eyes bulge as the world twirled in a downward tone in the central point between her thighs. She ground her cunt into his face -- struggling to bring him deeper. He growled and kept sucking harder.


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