A Taste of Passion ; Ambitious Seduction

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A Taste of Passion ; Ambitious Seduction Page 33

by Chloe Blake

  “True. After explaining what we’d discovered, they called the Treasury Department and reported it.”

  She did a military-precision turn on her chunky-heeled pump and headed toward the lobby. He chased after her. “Where are you going?”

  “To my room.”

  “Why? Didn’t everything go as you planned?”

  Her reddened eyes glared when she made an abrupt stop. She grabbed the sleeve of his sweater and led him into a secluded alcove. She released him and flexed her fingers at the height of his neck. “You are such a control freak. Did it ever cross your mind to come talk to me? I’ve been in the room all day.”

  What the hell had he done wrong? Saving her behind shouldn’t have made her angry. “I didn’t want you involved. There was no need for both of us to hang our licenses on the line.”

  The blaze of anger transitioned to what he recognized as disappointment. “You don’t get it.” She shook her head. “We can’t leave the Singletons waiting.”

  He rested his hands on her shoulders. “After saving their asses, they can wait. Tell me what has you so upset? Did you want to take the credit? I told them how you first discovered the problem. I only wanted to spare you any of the risk involved with informing them rather than taking it straight to the authorities like the law dictates.”

  When she stepped out of his reach, his hands fell to his sides. “Why didn’t you come to me?”

  He shrugged. “I didn’t think it was necessary.”

  The shriek of laughter she emitted actually scared him. What had he done that was so wrong? “Let’s go. I’m hungry,” she said.

  Craning his neck forward, he raised both brows. “We’ll talk about it later?”

  “No need. You did the hero thing and swooped in to save me.” Her tone couldn’t have been any drier. “We’re set.”

  Then why did his insides coil as if they were anything but?

  Heart sore, Leonardo had turned to the only person he thought might have the answer to his problem. “Miguel, can you please explain women?”

  His little brother made a raspberry sound with his lips, adding a lamentable shake of his head. “Nope.”

  Leonardo held his arms out wide, exposing himself like he’d done for Kamilla. “I put my law career on the line for her. At dinner with our client, she was all smiles and charm, but when we got to the room she barely looked at me while giving one-word answers to my direct questions.” Why had she left in the early morning, the day after their dinner meeting with the Singletons? Why hadn’t she returned his calls for the past three days?

  He’d delivered his notice to Monroe at the firm as soon as he’d arrived in Cleveland. Monroe had called Benton and Peterson into the office. They proceeded to attempt to express their disappointment in words that no one, not even his father, had the right to throw in his direction.

  Without responding, he’d left the room, gone to human resources and put in for two-weeks worth of accrued sick leave, never to step foot in the building again. To hell with not burning bridges. They deserved it.

  Foreboding for Kamilla’s welfare burned a hole in his stomach. Temper be damned, he shouldn’t have left her alone at the office to fend for herself. Distress came from not knowing if she’d have the courage to quit. She held on to the objective of making partner, and even with the Singletons not signing with the firm, they’d keep her. Especially after losing him.

  If only she’d answer her phone, he’d know she was okay. Then he’d talk some sense into her.

  He’d called her secretary and with more than a little bit of anxiousness in her voice, she’d told him Kamilla had requested vacation time. When he’d probed further to find out where she’d gone, the woman had clammed up.

  A low growl rumbled in his throat at the frustration one woman had put him through. “She’s avoiding me.”

  Miguel rolled his eyes and filled the air with an over-the-top theatrical sigh. “Of course she is, Nardo. You acted like a Neanderthal.”

  “By protecting her? Makes no sense.”

  “Have you learned nothing from Mom and Dad’s relationship? Hell, you’ve known them longer than me. You should’ve caught on by now.”

  Angry heat erupted in Leonardo’s face. The younger man would get pummeled in a moment if he didn’t stop pushing his damn buttons.

  Miguel chuckled. “You are the most uptight, entertaining big bro a person could have.” Then he sobered. “How many times have you seen Dad do something for Mom she could’ve done herself?”

  The embarrassment of how little he really knew his own family hit him square in the gut. “I’ve been busy.” Did he have to say it with such petulance? It would give Miguel more ammunition.

  His brother held up a hand and connected his thumb with the other fingers in a zero symbol. “None. Once, Mom got so angry, she started yelling at Dad. It went on for a good thirty minutes. I’d never seen her so pissed in my life.”

  Intrigued, Leonardo pushed himself to the edge of his seat. His mother epitomized calm and grace. It had to have been something big to upset her. “What set her off?”

  “You.” The beard of Miguel’s goatee made a scratchy sound when he rubbed an index finger along his chin. “Actually, it was your football coach. He’d announced the starting lineup in your sophomore year and you were on it.”

  He remembered that year. His parents had supported him by being at every game when they hadn’t been out of the country. He’d never heard that his mother had been upset.

  “She’d gone to see the man about taking you off the team because of your heart, but the coach had stood firm with his decision.”

  His parents had still tried to control his life? “How come I never knew about this?”

  “Who knows?” The grin Miguel was known for brought out his dimple. “Wait, I remember. When Mom calmed down, she walked to the door and saw me lying on the floor, eavesdropping.” He crinkled his brows. “For some reason she didn’t get mad at me. She bribed me with a toy I’d been pestering them for in order to forget everything I’d heard.”

  “What’s the point?”

  “Before she discovered me, I kept wondering when Dad was going to offer to go beat the coach up for Mom. During her tirade, Dad had listened. When she’d ask him a question, he’d answer, but that was it. He didn’t offer to do anything.”

  “Again, little brother. What the hell is the point?”

  “I’m getting to it. When Mom left the study, I went to Dad and asked him what he was going to do? He placed his hand on my shoulder and said, ‘My most beloved and favorite son—”

  “Miguel,” Leonardo growled.

  “You know I am.” His light chuckle didn’t deter him from the story. “He told me he’d learned a long time ago that women, especially strong ones like Mom, don’t need someone to do anything for her, because she’s just as capable of taking care of a problem as any man. What she needs is a sounding board. Someone to listen to her.”

  Leonardo narrowed his gaze. “Are you telling me Kamilla didn’t want me to do anything?”

  “I don’t know about that, but you should’ve communicated with her before you jumped in to save her. I’m sure she had it under control. Consequences and all.”

  The sportscaster highlighting the basketball game was the only sound in the living room. Of course telling her what he’d decided to do had come to his mind, but he knew she’d want to go through with her plan and he couldn’t allow it. As a man—her man—he needed to protect her. Only, it had backfired and now she couldn’t stand him.

  “You know what?” Miguel didn’t wait for an answer. “Dad is the wisest man on the planet. His strategy works. Every single time. Listen and support.”

  Sinking into the couch’s cushions, Leonardo sighed. He’d messed up. Badly. “This information comes too late. What am I supposed to do now?”

have the answer to that, too. Follow my example with getting Tanya when I mucked up.”

  His world clouded over, but he knew he’d do whatever it took to get Kamilla back. “Grovel, plead and propose?”

  Miguel’s laughter brought a momentary smile to Leonardo’s grim face. “You can hold off on the proposal.” He raised both brows, exposing more of his hazel irises. “Unless...”

  Once again he smiled through the pits of his despair. “Yes. She’s the one, but unlike Tanya, she’d throw the ring in my face. We need more time to get to know each other.”

  “So she can find out you’re not always a heartless bastard?”

  “Exactly.” And to fall in love with me. Something he desperately desired from her.

  Chapter 26

  The rapid footfall of slipperless feet against the wood floor preceded the presence of two beautiful girls plowing into Kamilla.

  Lea, in all her six-year-old glory, plopped onto her lap. “Aunty Kam, you’re still here?”

  “Five days is the longest you’ve ever stayed and today makes one week.” Belinda turned to her mother. “Is it a cold day in hell, Mom?”

  Kamilla’s eyes went wide as she caught her best friend’s gaze. “Is this what you’re teaching my babies about me?”

  Cass raised her shoulders in a shrug as if the comment her eight-year-old had made was normal. “The last time you came to visit, they bugged me about how long you’d stay the next time. I told them if it was longer than five days... Well, you heard the rest.”

  “You’re not right, sometimes,” Kamilla said.

  “Come on, girls. Go get ready for school and then eat your breakfast.” Cass pointed a warning finger at her mini doppelgangers. “You missed the bus yesterday and I won’t be driving you to school again.”

  “Yes, Mom.” The girls chorused in unison and trudged up the stairs.

  Kamilla watched them go. “You trust them to dress themselves.”

  “Not at all. You forget I have a very capable husband who adores his children and doesn’t mind getting them ready for school in the morning.”

  Would Leonardo have been a good father? She’d only recently learned about his playful side, but she could envisage him wanting to spend time with his children. She winced at the sharp pain in her chest. Too bad she’d never get to see it happen.

  Cass sat next to her on the couch. “You need to get over yourself. So what if the man you love did a good deed on your behalf without consulting you. He could’ve done worse.”

  She rested her head on her friend’s shoulder. “You know it’s not that simple. He’s an alpha. I’m talking rule-the-whole-damn-pack-and-the-surrounding-territories type of man. He’ll always want to take control, even when I can handle the situation.” She expelled the air from her lungs on a sigh. “I can’t have that. I’ve worked too hard for my independence.”

  “And where has it gotten you? No life, no man, no job.”

  She sat upright. “Is it my fault the company I invested my time and energy into ended up being a dud? Besides, I already have an interview with a family practice law firm tomorrow afternoon. They seemed eager to have me, too. The money isn’t great, but like you keep telling me, I’ll be doing something I love by helping people.”

  Cass raised both hands, threw her head back and sang, “Alleluia.” They giggled.

  “Why don’t you move closer to us?”

  Kamilla scoffed. “What in the world would I do in this podunk town? You said you wanted me to have a life, right? This place won’t do. Just because your veterinarian husband got you stuck here doesn’t mean I have to join you with all the roosters, cows and pigs.”

  “Okay. I get it. If I didn’t love Michael so much, I would’ve packed up. He makes it bearable.”

  Nothing would ever come between them. Their love inspired. “At least I’ll be visiting more often.”

  “You’d better. So, when are you going to forgive Leonardo and communicate with him like a grown woman instead of hiding like a weasel?”

  She’d lived in peace from her friend’s meddling for the past week and now Cass had determined to lay into her. “Never came to mind. We aren’t suited.”

  “Or,” Cass stretched out the word for several seconds, “your ginormous pride won’t let you be happy. Face it, you wanted to be the one to throw yourself on the tracks for the sake of righteousness.”

  The truth stung, but she wouldn’t confirm. “He should’ve told me before he did it.”

  Cass nodded. “I’m sure he’s sorry now. And after you talk to him about it, he’ll probably only sometimes ever do it again. You have to train him to your ways, girl. Just like you have to yield to some of his.” She held up three fingers. “Love, communication and compromise.”

  “Not with Leonardo.”

  “You have a problem of stepping in your own way, my friend. If he loves you, which I know for a fact he does, he’ll come around.”

  The girls stomped into the room with their shiny Mary Janes and plaid uniform dresses, looking too adorable for words. Kamilla followed them into the kitchen, hoping their idle chatter would take her mind off losing the only man she’d ever truly loved. One day it wouldn’t hurt so much to think about him.

  Today is not the day.

  * * *

  Kamilla had been double-crossed. By her best friend of all people. Passing out from a rapid heart rate wouldn’t help. Kamilla turned her back on Leonardo, striding out of the barn, only to see the taillights of Cass’s vehicle as she tore up the path.

  Cass had enticed her with a promise of seeing a fresh litter of puppies and a foal. She should’ve known her weakness for babies would get her caught up in a trap one day. Balling her fingers into a fist, the sound of crinkling came to her attention. She unfurled her hand to find the folded piece of paper her traitorous friend had slipped her.

  She read the note twice and still couldn’t believe what Cass had done.

  My dearest Kam,

  I love you, but I’m tired of arguing with your stubborn ass about Leonardo. I got his number from your phone and grilled the hell out of him. He’s a good man. A great one for you, but you already know it—that’s why you’re fighting so hard against him. Give him a chance, you deserve to be happy. If he hurts you, I’ll hunt him down and shoot him in the ass with Michael’s tranquilizer gun.

  Had she fought any potential relationship they could’ve had? Fear. The one thing she couldn’t tolerate had weaseled its way into her. What if things didn’t work out between them? Or the peace they’d found with each other didn’t hold? Maybe one day he wouldn’t like her anymore. She rarely lived her life on “what ifs,” but with Leonardo it seemed inevitable. His unpredictability set her on edge, when she sought stability in all aspects of her life. Particularly when it came to her heart.

  “Casey told me to mention that there are tiny animals inside, waiting for you to get mushy over.”

  Startled at the sound of the deep voice that had whispered erotic words while buried deep inside of her, she braced herself to turn and face him. When she did, the world dropped away until only he remained. Head bent and hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans, he almost resembled a man who could possess humility. Damn she’d missed him.

  Instead of barraging him with the millions of questions racing through her mind, she headed to the opening of the barn. His scent teased her as she passed him, and she resisted flinging herself into his arms. Was she ready to be with a man like him? A strong man who would want to protect her at the slightest sign of danger and fight her battles for her? Could she maintain her independence if they got together, or would he always attempt to dominate?

  He pointed to an area in the far right of the large space. Lying on a mound of hay, a golden retriever had four adorable puppies feeding ferociously from her. “Oh my goodness, they’re so adorable.”

  “Your frie
nd said you shouldn’t pick them up if they’re nursing. I should stop you at all costs if you tried.”

  The image broadened her smile.

  He walked around her, obscuring her vision of the little darlings. “Look, Kamilla. I’m sorry. I was wrong to go behind your back and approach the Singletons without talking to you first.” He inhaled, held the breath for a beat and then released it. “I wanted to protect you.”

  “Did you even think about coming to me?”

  His head twitched to the side, reminding her of a robot. “Maybe for a moment, but it never sounded like a good idea.”

  “At least you’re honest.”


  She’d never known him to lie. Yet another fantastic quality he possessed. She’d never acquired the skill of holding grudges. “I accept your apology.”

  The brightness of his smile made her heart leap as he stepped closer with his arms outstretched.

  She held up both hands. “What are you doing?”

  “Getting you back in my arms, where you belong. I’ve missed you and I want us to start dating.”

  She blinked up at his candor. “What happens when—” she shoved his shoulder “—and I say when because you’re impossible sometimes, you go all caveman and try to fight my battles for me?”

  He grasped the back of his neck. “I can’t promise it won’t happen again. No one will ever hurt the woman I love and get away with it, but I’ll try to remember to talk to you about it first.”

  She shook her head, cheeks burning with the effort not to smile at his amorous words. Pleased at his willingness to try to change. “That’s not good enough.”

  “It’s the best I can do. I can promise to be faithful to you. Listen to you. And I’ll even let you win an argument or two.”

  “You’re a mess, Astacio.” Her laughter broke free as she rushed to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He stood frozen for a moment before crushing her into him.


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