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Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2

Page 22

by Bella Roccaforte

  He smiled inwardly at her quick about-face, determined to make her glad she changed her mind. His fingers found their way inside of her again, delving and pumping in a steady cadence.

  “Oh, God!”

  Savannah cried out as she lifted her legs, bending them at her knees. She held them at their hollows, making herself completely open to him. Asher unleashed everything he’d held back, licking and sucking her in a fury as he fucked her with his fingers.

  Her wails increased in intensity, and still he didn’t slow. Her channel tightened around his digits as she grew wetter. His chest rumbled as he ate her, with his entire focus on her center, on her pleasure.


  Savannah screamed as she bucked under him, and he placed a hand on her stomach. She grabbed it, squeezing it tight, as he softened his touches on her. Easing his fingers away, he dipped his head to thrust his tongue where they had been, gathering all that he could, and swallowing.

  “Ash … please…”

  Asher crawled up her body, letting his tongue make a circle around his lips as he stared down at her. “So, you are a screamer, baby.”

  Savannah sighed, closing her eyes for a moment before she leaned forward to nip his lip. “Not usually, and I’ll tell you about something later … it might have to do with that tongue of yours. But, for now, I think I’d like to feel you inside me … can you fulfil that remit, Detective?”

  Pushing his hips downward, he arched a brow. “I think I can.”

  Savannah pushed back up, with a smirk. “Fancy doggy? I like it, if you do.”

  His already engorged manhood twitched between them at the vision of Savannah, naked, on her hands and knees, with her ass in the air for him, but he shook his head. “I do, too, but not now. Tonight, I want to see you. I need to connect with you, look into your eyes and really see you, Savannah. This is special, baby, it’s our first time together and I really want us to bond…”

  Savannah snatched the back of his neck, tugging him to her, covered his mouth and kissed him fiercely. It was a kiss filled with passion, but much more, too, it was filled with an intense and almost brutal … love. He sensed it flowing from her and straight inside him. The strangest sensation he’d ever felt, and at the same time, the best. He felt her. Her emotions, her feelings, her burgeoning love for him.

  The kiss sent him insane with his own feelings for her, but also his baser need to be inside her. Shifting his hips, he positioned Savannah beneath him, then nudged her thighs apart. He grasped his cock, rubbed the tip against her, coating it with her essence. He delved inside with one ever deepening, steady thrust. As wet as he’d gotten her, he met no resistance. As he sank into her, their eyes never left the others … her bright, shining emerald against his vivid azure blue. He felt he could fall in and drown inside hers.

  Was she using magic? Fuck, he didn’t care if she was. The feelings growing inside him were worth it … euphoria spreading through him with each stroke of his cock taking him higher. Her walls hugged him, encased him in her heat. Her fingers digging into his back, lower, lower, until they reached his ass, then they spread across his skin to grasp hold of him with all her might.

  Ash began to move, feeling the ripples of her muscles around him. He was a mixture of emotions, wanting to fucking take her as hard and fast as he could, and at the same time, wanting to enjoy her body and his joining at a leisurely and sensual pace.

  “Harder!” she urged him. “I want to feel you inside my very soul, Ash.”

  He was hers to command, so he didn’t hold back, no longer afraid of hurting his strong fae, giving her what she wanted until she writhed beneath him. His thighs slapped against hers as he fought the urge to come. He needed to last for her. Their bodies slid together in their passion, until sweat soaked them both. Her eyes were glazing over, slightly dilated, and pride washed over Ash at the state he’d taken her to. And then, her head turned to the side, and she bared her throat … tempting him to … No. He couldn’t do that. Not yet.

  Savannah’s eyes locked with his, a scream tearing free, her walls clamping around him as another orgasm ripped through her body. Hearing her, but then seeing her fall apart beneath him, sent him careening toward his own. His back stiffened, his heart felt like it was going to burst in his chest, then it happened … the magical moment when time stood still … his seed erupting inside her, ecstasy filling his entire body and a roar tore free from him to echo around the room. Windows shook, the bed did, too, and Savannah’s eyes widened with shock at the enormity of his explosion of emotion until finally it subsided, and he collapsed to the side, pulling her to him roughly to hold her firmly in his arms.

  They lay for several moments, catching their breath, one arm around her and the other gently stroking her face. “You’re amazing, and I’m pretty sure Jagger will be on my case tomorrow. The jokes will be coming at me all day, if I know him.”

  Savannah’s hand ran softly over his belly, soothing him. “Do you care?”

  “Not really, but I know he’s going to be annoying as hell.”

  “Be truthful.” Savannah pinched him. “You’re going to be smiling like an idiot and lapping it up.”

  He paused for only a beat before he chuckled, admitting, “Yeah, I probably will, but only for the first couple of hours. After that, it’ll get on my nerves.”

  “Only one thing for you to do then, isn’t there?” Savannah looked up at him.


  “Suck it up.”

  “Guess so.” He laughed back, knowing she was right.

  Settling back onto the pillows, holding her against him, he felt … right. As if everything was okay, but it wasn’t. Not really. She hadn’t revealed everything to him. Not yet anyway. But she would. In time. If he didn’t press her. He felt his own feelings growing inside him, burgeoning into something magnificent, and he knew who she was to him. What she was. The urge to mark her earlier still flowing through him, only he couldn’t. She wouldn’t forgive him if he did. They didn’t discuss it … the permanent joining together. And they couldn’t.

  Not until she revealed everything.

  He’d wait. Was willing to wait. Because she was his and he was hers. Savannah needed to learn to trust him first. Easy.

  His belly rumbled loudly in the silence, reminding him they hadn’t eaten … and Savannah. She sprang up, her eyes wide. “Oh shit. Dinner. I’ll go and heat it up.”

  “Not yet.” He pulled her back to his side, savoring the feel of her body against his. “I want to lie here with you for a little while longer…”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “You seeing Savannah tonight?” Jagger grinned over at him, sipping his coffee while they were having lunch in Delight’s.

  “Sure am.” Asher popped a piece of pie into his mouth, eating it quickly. “Hmm, best pie ever.”

  “It is, but back to Savannah. When are you going to make this official?” Jagger leaned forward, looking around, then back at him. “It’s been a while and still no marks on her.”

  Asher ate the last of his pie, then frowned at his friend. “It’s none of your business, but why are you so interested? Seems like you’re too interested in my opinion.”

  Jagger shrugged, his eyes flitting away before he returned to his. “Fine, I’ll tell you. A few of us have bets going. We’ve picked dates, and whoever’s nearest wins.”

  Asher scowled, anger rising inside at the thought of anyone doing such a thing. “What? Who? How many are in on this?”

  Jagger raised his hands, a smirk playing over his lips. “Calm down. Don’t get all heated up. Come on, Ash, if it were anyone else, you’d be in on this, too. I mean, it’s been over two weeks, and we all know she’s yours, but you’ve not claimed her yet. None of us can figure out why, especially when we see you two together. She’s happy, you’re happy, and we’re all waiting for it to happen. It’s the longest any of us has seen a wolf hold out … you must be going crazy. I know I couldn’t hold off that long. And not to be too delic
ate, but you’ve not been great to work with these past few days. Grumpy doesn’t come close, bud.”

  Ash was going nuts. The urge to sink his teeth into her each time they made love grew each passing hour, but she hadn’t told him everything yet. Until she did, they couldn’t move to the next level. Until Savannah trusted him enough to reveal everything … they were stuck in limbo, and it was driving him insane. He’d played it safe until now. He’d not pressed her, but he wasn’t sure how much longer he’d last before going insane.

  If he wasn’t at work, they were together, and when they were, they had fun … and lots of hot sex. Savannah brought out the beast in him, and she kept up with him on every level. She was true to her word. She was no shrinking violet in any area of her life. Giving as good as she got, both in and out of the bedroom. They surely had some wild discussions on everything from music to saving animals in the wild, with Savannah being extremely vocal on things he’d never even heard of. She was highly educated, smart as a whip, and with a sex drive to match his. In short, they were a great fit … if only she’d open up to him about herself.

  If she’d reveal everything, they could move forward and plan their future. Only she hadn’t and it was killing him.

  “Ash, did you hear me?”

  “What?” he snapped back at his friend.

  “Hey, no need to take my head off.”

  Jag was right. There wasn’t, but Ash felt like he was about to explode. His insides churning and his heart hurting like he’d never experienced before. He was a fucking mess.

  “Sorry, what did you say?”

  “Storm mentioned Savannah is due to go back to the city soon, in a couple of days. I thought you should know.”

  Asher sat back as if Jag had hit him square in his chest. His words a physical blow, affecting him deep down inside him. Savannah didn’t mention a word to him about leaving. Leaving. The word ran around inside him like a tsunami … cascading in his brain. Building momentum until all he saw was … red. Rage and fury taking over until he couldn’t think, breathe…

  “Ash, hey, are you okay, buddy?” Jag sat forward, reaching for him.

  Okay? No. He fucking wasn’t. Batting his friend’s hand away, he spat out, “I need to go. Can you cover for me?”

  “I can, but you need to calm down before you see her.” Jag shook his head, lowering his voice. “Ash, trust me, you’ll fuck this up if you go in raging and shouting at her.”

  “You’ve no idea what’s going on, Jag. Trust me … Savannah and I have shit to deal with and I’m done being patient. Just tell me one thing, is she working with Storm today?”

  Jagger’s eyes widened, but he gave a sharp nod before Ash rose and tore out of Delight’s with one thing on his mind: find Savannah and force the truth out of her.

  His anger subsided only a little on the drive over. The thought of Savannah hiding her departure from him hurt so damn much it felt like daggers slicing him to the bone. How could she do such a thing? They’d grown so close. Shared so much. Been so fucking intimate … yet she’d betrayed him.

  Sliding around the corner off the main road, he took a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself. Surely she wouldn’t do this to him? He felt her love for him … it wasn’t false. He’d know if she was playing him. Wouldn’t he?

  Nearing his cabin, he glanced at it, remembering the previous night and their long, beautiful session of lovemaking. So beautiful, so intense, and so much more than sex. He knew deep within his soul she was on the verge of telling him everything … then she pulled back, cuddled into him and sighed. So near to the breakthrough it tore at his heart. But he’d given her the moment, knowing she was on the edge, and he’d give her the time to get there on her own.

  Now Jag’s revelation put a new spin on her actions. Maybe she was trying to tell him she was leaving … fuck!

  Hitting the brakes for the bend ahead, his head all over the place, he missed the figure running toward him … almost. If it weren’t for his shifter abilities, the woman would be splattered across his hood. He only just managed to swerve, dust flying up around as he spun away, braking and shuddering to a stop on the grass.

  “What the fuck?” Looking over his shoulder he saw … Savannah.

  Tears streaked her white face as she stood in the middle of the road, looking terrified and angry at the same time, with a torn dress and no shoes on her feet, and they were bloodied and torn. He didn’t think, only reacted, and was out the door, sprinting to her side in seconds.

  “Savannah! What’s going on? Are you hurt?” Arriving to scoop her into his arms, she clung to him and sobbed into his chest.

  The sound was one that ripped into him, his wolf fighting to break free, and his heart tearing into pieces. His training, however, kicked into overdrive, he pulled her away, checking her for injuries. A bruise on her shoulder where her dress was torn, her feet scraped and bloody where she’d run without shoes, and a bruise appearing over her left eye.

  Anger rising in him at whoever had caused her injuries, but he needed information. Fast.

  “Who did this? Where? Is Storm safe? How many? Savannah, I need information and I need it now.”

  She gulped once, twice, then straightened her shoulders. “I’m sorry. Ash, I’m so sorry. I should’ve told you everything, and if I had, this wouldn’t have happened. It’s all my fault.”

  “Savannah, there’s no time for this. I need to know what the fuck’s going on.”

  “My real name isn’t Savannah Dark, it’s Savanaria Darkness. I’m the daughter of royalty, as you know, a princess, and one of our powers is to grant people their biggest, darkest secret. The only thing is, there’s usually a twist, and people don’t always get what they wish for, it turns out dark more often than not. Hence our name. I hated it, seeing how people didn’t get their wish how they expected, and ended up in pain, or in dire straits, or it even causing wars. I didn’t want that power, my power, to cause such sorrow. I left and my family wasn’t happy and sent people to bring me home. It’s why I lived among humans with my glamor. It’s worked for a long time. But someone saw me in the woods and then they went to find out about me … and he’s back with others to force me to grant him his wish. And, and…”

  She started to shake, her entire body spasming, fresh tears falling from her eyes. The sight almost breaking him. Ash felt something though, something bad coming. So he pressed her with a harsh voice. “Savannah, tell me. Right fucking now.”

  “Nash is back, and he’s brought other rogues with him. He’s got Storm. If I don’t grant him his wish … he says he’ll kill her.”

  A feeling settled inside him he wasn’t accustomed to. One he wasn’t going to allow to stay … fear. Not for him. For Storm, for Savannah. His mind raced, calculating everything he had to do.

  “How many are with him? Where has he taken Storm? Are they chasing you? Did he give any demands on where or when you’ve to meet?”

  He shot his questions at her quickly. He didn’t have time to play nice. He needed answers right fucking now. His phone already in his hand.

  “I saw at least ten others, but I’m not sure if there were more. I don’t know where they are now. Two were running after me…”

  Ash snatched her arm, pulling her toward his Jeep. “Get in, now. They’ll be here in seconds. We need to get moving.”

  She ran along with him without saying a word, even though her feet must be hurting like a bitch. As soon as they were in, he spun around and gunned it, handing his phone to her. “Call Elias and put it on speaker.”

  “You’re not calling Jag first?”

  “No. I’ll call him next. Elias is the Alpha and we need him now. Do it, Savannah.”

  “Everyone will know about me now.”

  “Yes, they will.” Ash turned to her. “Make the call.”

  “Hi, Ash, how…”

  Ash cut Elias off, snapping out, “Elias, sorry, but we have a huge fucking problem and I need your help.”

  “You have it, Ash.
Tell me what you need.”

  Ash told him. All of it. When he finished, Elias whistled. “Is Savannah safe? Does she need to see a healer? I can arrange for her to be seen if she does, and tell her she has my full support.”

  Ash glanced over, but she shook her head. “Thank you, but she doesn’t need a healer.”

  “Okay. I have a question for her. Savannah, why didn’t you grant Nash his wish? If they often go awry, as you say, then why not just give him what he wanted so he’d leave you and Storm in peace?”

  It was a question Ash wanted the answer to as well. He’d been burning to ask her, and when he looked over at her, he saw fresh tears spring into her bright green eyes, then fall down her pale cheeks. She took a deep breath to steady herself before she answered.

  “I couldn’t do it, Alpha. It would’ve wreaked havoc on the place I’ve come to love. To the people I’ve come to care about, and I couldn’t.” She paused, taking another breath in. “Nash’s wish is to become Alpha of the Dark Moon Falls pack. If I granted his wish, I can’t begin to think what devastation it could bring. Please, I don’t want any harm to come to Storm, but I couldn’t chance any of the pack being hurt either. I tried to fight him, and if he’d been alone, I would have defeated him. But he knew it. It’s why he came with others, and it’s why I had to run for help. I can’t say how awful I feel at leaving Storm behind. I just … can’t.”

  She broke down then, soft sobs tearing free from her while she cried at leaving Storm in the hands of Nash and his men.

  “Fuck!” Ash cursed, reaching over to try and comfort her.

  “That’s an impossible position for you, Savannah,” Elias answered in his calm, Alpha tone. “I’m grateful for your support of the pack. I also can’t fathom what your granting his wish would have done to us. You did the right thing, and we will return Storm to Jagger.”

  “I’m going to call him now, Alpha,” Ash said quietly, knowing how devastated his friend would be to hear the news.

  “I can do it,” Elias offered quickly.

  “No. I need to do this,” Ash said. “It’s my responsibility.”


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