Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2

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Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2 Page 74

by Bella Roccaforte

  “I’m sure it would.”

  By the end of their discussion, Joe breathed a sigh of relief that the entire debacle could be resolved. At the same time, to settle the decision in his mind, he told himself it was a choice between saving his skin or Lacy’s. She’d left him when the times had gotten tough, showing her true colors.

  Within the next few weeks, the doctored papers were signed, and Mike set the plan into motion. It took a bit of time to locate her, but they’d tracked her to Dark Moon Falls. Joe figured Lacy would most likely be found wandering around the woods, the perfect place for a hunting accident.

  The answer to his problem was a bullet away.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Grimm followed the pathway up the incline with Lacy close behind him. He noted that she wasn’t winded despite having covered three miles into the wilderness. When she stopped, calling out to him, it was for her to be able to remark on the view or ask about a particular plant. She hadn’t mentioned the prior night and neither had he. He took the trail at a leisurely pace to let her enjoy her surroundings and grow to love the place as much as he did.

  Spying a pretty pink flower he thought she might like, he plucked it from the ground and turned towards her. She was running her hands over the bark of a large tree trunk and staring up into its branches.

  “Are you going to hug it?”

  She laughed. “It’s too big for me to get my arms around.”

  When Lacy cast her gaze to him, he said, “For you.”

  She approached him, and he held it to her nose to smell.

  “So fragrant.”


  He then gently tucked it in her hair at her ear.

  “How does it look?”

  “Like it’s always belonged there.”

  “That’s so sweet, Grimm.”

  “Ready to get moving again?”

  As they travelled deeper into the forest, Lacy said, “Seems like you know this area well.”

  “I do. I spent years living here instead of in town. I’m familiar with every crack and crevice of this land.”

  “You did?”

  If Lacy were to accept him as his mate, Grimm needed to share the bad about him, as well as the good, with her.

  He took a step on top of a boulder and reached down to help her up. Once she was beside him, he shrugged and said, “I ran away from home.”


  They made their way to the other side of the rock. He jumped down, and after gauging the distance from where Lacy stood to the ground, he didn’t think it would be too great for her and gestured for her to do the same.

  After she did, Grimm began walking again and answered her question. “My name.”

  “What about it?”

  Grimm turned around and looked at Lacy. She’d dressed how he had instructed her, wearing lace-up black boots intended for outdoor use, sturdy, water-proof pants, a T-shirt and another in a lighter shade on top of it with sleeves that ran to her wrists. She was layered in cloth as much as he was. Of course, he could rid himself of it quickly if needed, and then don it all again in an instant, as was the shifter magic. Lacy wouldn’t be able to do that in her human coil.

  He’d stocked her backpack with what the local grocery could provide, water, jerky strips and a blanket which would outlast the cold, but not for more than a few hours.

  “Let’s find a place to sit down for a while, and I’ll tell you.”


  “There’s a nice outlook up ahead. We can have lunch.”

  “That sounds good.”

  Careful of the tree limbs in their path, Grimm held the smaller ones back so Lacy wouldn’t scrape against them or have her clothes catch on them and cause a tear. He’d suffered many lacerations in the past and had a few scars to attest to the danger in the beauty.

  They reached a clearing where a thick log lay in the green grass, and the waters of a stream in front of it bubbled and flowed over the various colored rocks.

  “Oh, my God!” Lacy exclaimed. “This is gorgeous!”

  Grimm held his palm out to her and murmured, “Come.”

  Lacy took his hand, and he guided her to sit. She shrugged off her backpack, setting it on the ground, and Grimm did the same with his.

  They stayed there together in silence until Lacy broke it.

  “So, what happened, Grimm?”

  He opened his pack, withdrew a bottle of water, cracked it open, and handed it to her. She took it, and then a small drink while he rummaged around for the sandwiches he’d made for them.

  “Do you like turkey?”


  “Then you can have this one.”


  They unwrapped their meal and after taking a few bites, Grimm paused eating to start explaining his history to Lacy.

  “My mother went through a fairy tale stage while she was pregnant with me. She read them to me while I grew inside her. Her favorites were by the Brothers Grimm, and that’s why she named me what she did.”

  “Grimm, it’s very touching what she did, showing her love for you by doing that.”

  “I know, but everything got twisted later.”

  “Well, it is very unusual, but it’s also unique and beautiful.”

  “I’m glad you think so.”

  “So, what happened?”

  “It was rough when I was child. When my teachers or parents weren’t around, the taunts about it would start. Stuff like my mother didn’t want me… my dad died because he was disgusted and humiliated by having someone like me as a son... that the town knew when I was born I’d never be a proper shifter. Some even suggested that I kill myself to end the shame of my existence.”

  “Oh, my God! Kids can be so mean.”

  “Yeah. It was almost relentless. Later, words turned to shoves, which grew to punches. I couldn’t protect myself.”

  “Why didn’t you tell anyone?”

  He didn’t fault her for her question since it was a logical one. But Lacy wouldn’t understand his perspective like the pack members would.

  Grimm swallowed and said, “Shifters are supposed to be tough and strong. But me, I was late in developing. One day, I think I was fourteen or fifteen, after I’d picked myself up off the ground for what seemed like the hundredth time, I stumbled into the woods on my way home. If I didn’t do something to make it all end, it was only a matter of time until they really did some real and lasting physical damage. I knew that my wolf would take care of us, so I kept walking.”

  Lacy set her sandwich on her lap. “Oh, Grimm.”

  She leaned against him and he looked out into the distance.

  “It’s peaceful here. Nobody to yell at me or try to beat me.”

  Softly, Lacy said, “Didn’t they realize you’d gone missing?”

  “Yeah. They’d hunt for me, but I’d run. Elias, our Alpha, caught me several times and hauled me back home, but as soon as my mom was asleep, I was out the door. Eventually, they gave up.”

  “That’s why you live with her now.”

  Grimm nodded.

  “Everybody thought that I never visited her, but I did. I made sure she was okay and swore her to secrecy about my comings and goings. But eventually, Elias ordered me to go home, so I did. Honestly, I can’t believe it took as long for him to do it as it did. My saving grace is the business I started, taking people on excursions. I get to come back.”

  “How long were you out here by yourself?”

  “I lost track of the years. Twenty, I guess.”

  Lacy choked on the water she was drinking, and Grimm patted her back. Once she could speak, she said, “And they only made you go home recently?”

  “I think they were worried that I’d never move back home, and they were right in that. Maybe they thought I’d go feral. I really don’t know.”

  “What about school?

  “Though despite my treatment outside of it, I excelled with my studies, but I’d had enough of the place an
d my fellow students.”

  “I’m so sorry that happened to you.”

  “Don’t pity me. I don’t want it. I’m the man I am now because of all of that. In my opinion, I got to live the best life and grow up where my kind should be, and instead of getting into petty fights with other wolves, I battled grizzlies and the elements. Nothing scares me anymore.”


  Grimm huffed a laugh. “Yep. You know, I think I glimpsed Bigfoot once.”


  “Nah, I was joking. I didn’t see him.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Lacy’s heart hurt for the man beside her. His mother had chosen a name for her son that gave honor to her bearing him. She could picture a woman with a book in her hand, sitting in a rocking chair, rubbing her extended belly as she read aloud, wanting her unborn child to hear her voice, soothing and nurturing it with all the love she had for it.

  She wanted to find whomever had mistreated him when he was little and throttle them until they were within an inch of their life. How dare they treat one of their classmates in that manner! And Grimm had hid his abuse, ashamed that he couldn’t stand up for himself.

  What’s more, she couldn’t imagine a child fending for himself in the wilderness. Grimm had, and he’d not only survived, but thrived. Despite his description of himself in his youth, he’d grown to be built, with large muscles that bunched when he exerted them. And, even more surprisingly, though he had been subjected to what sounded like constant abuse, Grimm was sweet and thoughtful. The beginnings of love she’d started to feel blossomed deeper.

  Under her breath, she said, “I’m leaving in a few days.”

  Grimm turned and looked her in the face. “Is that what you want to do? Because I don’t want you to go.”

  Lacy stood and walked closer to the stream. Grimm had said things to her the prior night that she hadn’t thought he actually meant, but it appeared he’d been dead serious.

  “I was reminding myself, but honestly, Grimm, I don’t know what to say to that. We barely know each other.”

  “Pairings have happened in less time.”

  “Maybe for shifters.”

  “Humans too.”

  “Do you mean arranged marriages?”

  “I read about a couple who met in a place called Las Vegas, had their ceremony the next day, and are still happily wedded. That was over fifty years ago.”

  Lacy mused about the state of her mind, and the fact that she was actually considering his proposition. If she were honest with herself, she could imagine living in Dark Moon Falls, and the idea of being with Grimm long term was appealing in a lot of ways. She could certainly do worse… and had.

  The next thing she knew, Grimm made a growling sound. She flipped around just as he tackled her, taking her to the ground with a hand over her mouth. She was pinned underneath him, unable to move. Her heartbeat started to race at the sudden change of talking about his childhood, and then lying below him in the dirt.

  Was he going to take matters into his own hands and kidnap her? Had she been wrong about him this entire time?

  To her horror, she realized the predicament she was in—out in the woods with no means to make her way back on her own. Who would hear her if she screamed?

  She squirmed, trying to get one of her legs nearer to his crotch so she could knee him, get him off of her, and at least run for her life.

  Into her ear, he whispered, “Shh… Someone is out there. I scent two males with weapons. Sport hunting by humans isn’t allowed on pack property. There’s signage everywhere saying that and that offenders would be prosecuted. You saw those, right?”

  Lacy had and she nodded, but since she didn’t have the sense of smell that Grimm did, she didn’t know if he was making the entire story up to trick her.

  “Stay low and quiet. I’m taking you to my hideaway where you’ll be safe. We need to move fast.”

  Grimm let her go and, just as she opened her mouth to cry for help, a single gunshot blasted. She jolted at the sound, and she grabbed Grimm’s arm in protection.

  A guy shouted, “Fucking animals! I thought we were going to a park to find her, not a fucking mountainside!”

  Another answered, “We’ve got a job to do, so pull it together. They said they saw her and the wolf-man go this way. I thought I heard voices.”

  “What’s the bitch’s name again?”


  Any doubt Lacy had about what Grimm had told her vanished in that second.

  He hadn’t lied to her.

  He’d shielded her with his own body.

  Those men were after her, and she had no idea why.

  Chapter Sixteen

  If the humans thought they would harm his woman, they were sorely mistaken. His quickly put together plan was to get Lacy to his cave, which was stocked with food, water, oil lamps, blankets, and a small mattress and sleeping bags—all things he had stored there in case he was able to return. Once he had her settled, he’d take care of those guys and make an example of them to the person who sent them that anyone who dared attempt to hurt Lacy would die.

  Grimm also knew that if the pack had heard the gunfire, they would begin searching for the offenders in their midst. It seemed that Elias’ statement about needing the support of his pack had been correct.

  Though hating that she was following behind him where she was vulnerable, Grimm had no other choice but to lead her through the trees. He knew the woods, where the ground dipped deeply and unexpectedly, the spots that led to cliffs with little warning before a sudden drop-off, and dens of the larger animals that should be avoided.

  He wanted to change into his wolf, get her up onto his back, and run into the wilderness, but she hadn’t seen his beast yet, and he didn’t want to frighten her more than she already was. Grimm could hear her heartbeat, thudding and racing in her chest. But at the same time, rather than faltering, she stayed close to him, matching his pace although she took two steps to his one.

  After crossing another mile, Lacy grabbed him by his belt, letting him yank her along with him. “How much farther?”

  “A ways.”

  Thunder rumbled over their heads.

  She said, “A storm’s rolling in.”

  “Yeah, I can smell it. Don’t worry. Rain will slow those guys down, but not us.”

  “I need to stop.”

  Grimm lifted his head and sniffed to see if the guys were near their spot. The air was clear of the odor he’d picked up earlier, and he stopped walking. “We’re safe for the moment.”

  “Thank God.”

  When he glanced back at Lacy, she was looking at him with concern from where she had planted herself on the ground, leaning against a tree trunk.

  “What is it? Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, just trying to process everything. I don’t know why anyone would come after me. I haven’t done anything bad, Grimm!”

  He squatted in front of her and cupped her face in his hand. Lacy leaned into his touch, and her eyes glittered with unshed tears.

  “I don’t care why they’re here. It’s irrelevant. I’m not going to let them get close or hurt you. You’re mine to protect, and I’m going to do it. Trust me in that, Lacy.”

  “The only thing I can think of is my ex-husband.”

  “You were married?”

  Lacy coughed and explained, “He had ties to the mob and is in prison for his activities. I divorced him and moved across the country.”

  “He’s a criminal?”

  “Yeah. I didn’t know until our house was raided.”

  “And he’s a liar.”

  “Who knows what else he did, Grimm. I got out as fast as I could. See? I told you we didn’t know each other well.”

  Grimm paused in thought. The man Lacy was describing was the worst sort, involved with violent people, and they were whom she suspected were the ones chasing after her. The reason for their pursuit wasn’t important to Grimm. The fact that they dared threaten her

  “That male’s deceit and treachery is what I heard. I’m glad you’re not with him, and know with even more certainty that I’m the best man for you.”

  “How is it so simple for you, Grimm?”

  He shrugged.

  “My heart felt its mate. I have no desire to fight against what it told me.”

  “Which was?”

  A twig snapped in the distance, followed by a loud huff of breath. Grimm’s head whipped to the side as he growled, the low and throaty sound of his wolf responding automatically in warning to a large animal meandering the area. Hoofs pounded the earth as the elk bounded away.

  Grimm shook his head to clear it, and then focused on Lacy once more.

  “Your eyes… ”

  He waited until his voice was relaxed before speaking. “Do they scare you? I’ve been told they can be frightening. I think it’s because I was wild as long as I was.”

  “They do things I’ve never seen before, but I’m not afraid.”

  Thunder rolled around them, and rain began to fall. As tall as the trees of the forest were with wide, thick limbs and myriad leaves to protect them, the water came in dribbles and drops, but Grimm knew the pathway to his cavern would grow more difficult to traverse as the streams filled and rose.

  “Are you able to walk? Have you rested enough?”

  “I think so.”

  “Once we start, we can’t stop again. Tell me if you get tired. I’ll carry you the rest of the way.”


  “You aren’t heavy enough to slow me down.”

  Lacy grinned at what he’d said, and he winked at her before grabbing her hand, and hauling her to her feet. With his strength, he accidentally launched her into the air and had to snatch her back to him and set her down onto her feet.

  He softly said, “Sorry about that.”

  “I’m all right. Let’s get going.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Lacy tried to keep up with Grimm, but as the minutes dragged on, she stumbled over rocks and tree roots with more frequency. Exhaustion seeped through her, and the thought of those thugs finding her and Grimm was the sole thing propelling her forward to wherever Grimm was leading her.


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