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Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2

Page 84

by Bella Roccaforte

  “What’s up, Sam?” I ask her, and she stops what she’s doing to look at me.

  “On a tracking mission, and just happen to be roaming by your place. What’s got you in such a hurry?” She asks with a raised eyebrow.

  This girl didn’t miss a beat.

  “I have a date tonight.”

  “Oh, Kaden St. Clair has a date. It’s been awhile since you dated that girl Callie who lived in Summermire,” she says and frowns a little.

  “It has,” I reply.

  “I heard there is a new girl staying at one of Marcus’ cabins,” she says and her frown turn to a sly grin. “Is she who your date is with?”

  “You’re a nosy one, Sam,” I respond and chuckle.

  “Makes for a better hunter,” she says with a wink.

  “See you around, Sam,” I reply and walk to my door.

  “Yeah, see ya, Kaden,” she says and turns to leave, only to turn back before I can open my door. “Oh before I forget, there’s a rogue wolf. He’s jet black and not all there, if you know what I mean. He attacked someone two towns over and we’re searching for him before he can attack anyone here in Dark Moon Falls.”

  “I’ll be on the lookout,” I respond and make a mental note of the brief description she gave me.

  Sam nods, then leaves. Looking around to make sure everything is quiet, I go inside, strip, and jump in a steaming shower. My mind drifts to Gianna as the hot water streams down my body, and I grow hard just thinking of her.

  I can imagine her lips as they surround the head of my cock. My body jerks as I run my hands over my swollen shaft. I glide my hand up and down and over the head all while visualizing Gianna doing this with her lips and pretty little mouth. Encircling my dick in my hand, I hurry the strokes and I pump into my hand as I see Gianna’s smiling face in my mind’s eye.

  “Fuck!” I bellow as I reach my release. My knees are weak, and I have to brace myself on the shower wall for a moment to keep from falling.

  Feeling relieved, but not sated, I finish my shower quickly then jump out and towel off. After shaving as quickly as I dare, I head to my closet with a towel slung low on my hips. I reach in, and come out with two shirts. The first is my usual plaid, which is what I am most comfortable in, and the other is black and dressy, but not over the top.

  “Fuck, what the hell has come over me?” I ask aloud and grin at myself in the mirror.

  My wolf snickers in my head and I can hear an almost purring sound from him when I look at the black dress shirt. He wants to dress to impress our mate, and I happen to agree with him, so I grab the dressier of the two, dark jeans, and my newest pair of combat boots.

  Running back into the living room, I eye the clock and decide I may need to call the restaurant and reserve a table.

  “Summermire Italiano,” a young woman says over the line.

  “A reservation for two at seven-thirty under Kaden St. Clare,” I reply.

  “Yes sir, I have you down. See you soon,” she responds, and he grins. He really hoped his Gianna liked Italian food.

  I hang up, dash back to the bathroom, run a comb through my hair, brush my teeth, and head out to the truck, grabbing my keys as I go. Glancing down at my watch, I notice only an hour and a half has passed since I left Gianna.

  Damn, and I’m not expected there for another thirty minutes. I think to myself. Slamming the truck door, I walk over to my shop and slide the key into the lock. The scent of wood always calms my soul and my racing heart slows to its normal rate, but my wolf is still shouting in my mind to go to Gianna.

  “Not yet, buddy,” I whisper in the quiet shop.

  I run my hand over the new cedar blanks I’d gotten in last week and they called to me to get busy making more cabinets for Marcus. Wood had always been my balm, my go to when stressed or my wolf was giving me hell. I’d picked up woodworking when I was young. I was my father’s helper on tons of projects in my old pack, so this was natural.

  Opening a shop had been a labor of love. Coming up with the name for it was hard. I wanted humor, but also something that describes me. I’d settled on Wooden It Be Nice and put the shop by my cabin after being accepted into the Dark Moon Falls pack. I was soon put to work helping Marcus with new cabinets and building dining sets for a few of the shifters. I had also carved pieces to put in the shop. I wasn’t getting rich doing this, but I loved it, and that mattered more than all the money in the world.

  Clearing my head I look down at my watch, grab my truck keys off the counter, and dash outside. It’s time buddy. I think to my wolf.

  But honestly, I didn’t need to think anything. He was ready, willing and able to go to Gianna. His only thoughts were of her and the scent she emits when turned on, or the fear that permeated the air when she was afraid.

  I was having to fight him because all he wanted to do was shift and protect her then claim her as his mate. I had to remind him incessantly that she was is human, and probably doesn’t know about shifters, and we didn’t want to freak her out. I’ll take some time and explain when our relationship progresses, but for now, we had to let her think I am as human as she is.

  * * *


  After Kaden left, I rushed around to make sure everything was unpacked then looked for an outfit to wear out tonight. I brought a simple black dress and heels along with my dressier red dress and heels to match. I draw the black dress out of the closet, but my eyes land on my yellow floral dress with heeled flip flops. Dark Moon Falls feels more down to earth and I hope the outfit will be perfect for this evening.

  I quickly go through the routine of showering, then drying and brushing my hair, and brushing my teeth. I take my time on my appearance because I want to look good for Kaden. My hair falls in soft waves down my back and the mascara I apply brings out the green in my eyes. I add a tinted lip gloss to enhance the look and look in the mirror. I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.

  Just as I’m finishing up a knock sounds on the door, dashing back into the bedroom closet I grab my purse and the yellow wrap that matches the dress. I move slowly down the hall to the door. My mom always said to make a gentleman wait for a short while before making your appearance.

  Opening the door, I find the delectable Kaden St. Claire standing there with his fist raised to knock on the door again. Seeing his fist brings back memories of Owen and his previous treatment of me. Fear grabs hold of my heart and I back away from the door and Kaden.

  “Hey, hey. It’s okay. I’d never lay a finger on you. I can scent the fear all over you,” he says, and my eyes go wide at his words.

  I look up at him and I can see the truth as it shines from the depth of his blue eyes, but now what frightens me is what he said at the end.

  “What do you mean by scent the fear on me?”

  “I didn’t mean to say scent. I meant I can feel the fear pouring off you.”

  “Look, I really don’t want to discuss why I was afraid, but I think after my display of fright you deserve an answer, even though you didn’t ask, so here it is. I was in a pretty bad relationship recently. At the end, he started cheating and when I caught him and told him I was leaving, he beat me and choked me until he realized what he was doing, but he hasn’t given me a peaceful moment since leaving him. He calls or he texts so often, it’s almost a twenty-four seven occurrence. I left for my own peace of mind. I needed a place he nor I had ever been, and Dark Moon Falls already feels a little like home.”

  As I speak I see a dark look enter Kaden’s eyes and his chest does that growly thing I thought I’d heard earlier.

  “He’ll never touch you again,” he says, and I hear something in his voice that makes me tilt my head in confusion. “Not as long as I draw breath into this body.”

  “How.. How can you promise that? We just met?”

  “Just know that what I say, I mean, and that asshole will never touch you again.”

  I swear for a second I see his eyes flash a golden yellow. Instinctively, I jump away from him and turn
to go inside. My plan is to slam the door in his face and never see him again, but he reaches out a hand faster than humanly possible and stops me mid-step by grabbing hold of my elbow and rotating me around. A look of self-loathing is pasted on his face.

  “I’m so sorry, Gianna. I never meant to frighten you. Most everyone who comes here knows about the different creatures that live in the area. I never wanted to tell you like this. I had planned to wait awhile longer, to wait until we knew each other better, but I feel as though telling you will make you understand and believe what I said is true. All I ask is please remember I will never hurt you,” Kaden finishes on a sigh and buries his fingers in his hair.

  Frustration, and something I can’t quite place, jumps out at me from his eyes. I feel like I can trust him, even though we just met. And even though he clearly isn’t entirely human, he makes me feel safe and he sends my body into a tizzy with just a look from his beautiful sapphire eyes. What the hell is that about, I mean I’d not once in my life felt like this over a man, especially a man I knew basically nothing about.

  “Okay, I want to sit and talk,” I say and look at the steps. I sit, and look at him as he stands there looking torn. “I’m not sure the date will happen tonight, but it seems we need to clear the air, so to speak. I told you my secrets, and now it’s time for you to tell me about yours. So, go ahead and tell me, what’s up with your eyes changing from blue to gold?”

  He starts to pace back and forth in front of the cabin. I’ve noticed his nervous tick is to run his hands through his hair or down his jeans. It is a bit endearing and makes my heart race. What he has to tell me must be freaking huge.

  “So, I’ve been this way my whole life. It’s all I’ve ever known. I realize this may be hard for you to understand being that you were raised in the human world,” he takes a quick breather before continuing. “Ah hell, I’m screwing this all up.”

  A growl rumbles in his chest as he walks to the steps and sits down beside me, and looks down into my eyes. “I am a shifter. I belong to the Dark Moon Falls Pack.”

  He waits for me to say something, but I can’t think. I want to laugh and say haha funny, but I’d seen his eyes, I’d heard those growls coming from deep within his chest. All thoughts leave me as darkness creeps in from the sides of my eyes.

  I think I must have passed out because when I next open my eyes, I’m lying on the couch and Kaden is pacing in front of me. I watch him from my reclined position on the sofa, keeping my lids low over my eyes and my breathing slow and steady. His long legs carry him from the corner of the kitchen to the front door in seconds. His hands are tucked in his jean pockets, but from his mussed hair I can tell he’d been running his hands through his dark locks.

  God, he’s sexy. Just watching him pace turns my body to mush. I don’t know what has come over me, but no man has ever affected me the way he does. It’s like a switch has been flipped and I can’t turn it off. I go from cold to hot in a snap. Fuck, I scream inside my head. That’s when I realize he isn’t pacing any longer. He’s sitting on the coffee table in front of me.

  “Gianna, are you okay?” He asks while lifting my hand off my waist to hold between his large hands.

  “Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine.” I stutter.

  “I never should have told you like I did. I was going to wait awhile and see where this went between us, but I’ve never dated a human before. I totally fucked it up.”

  Laughing softly, I sit up. “I guess I had to find out sooner or later, I just wasn’t prepared.”

  “Well, most everyone who comes to Dark Moon Falls knows about the shifters who live here. Hell, it’s an attraction to some and they hope to catch us in the act of shifting.

  “I had no clue. I just wanted to get away.”

  “What are your feelings about shifters?” He asks while chewing on his bottom lip.

  “I never thought or even imagined that shifters were real. I’m lost for words on the subject. They’ve only ever been in the books I read,” I say and shake my hand lose from his to brush the hair from my eyes.

  His eyes light up at the mention of me reading about shifters. I’d always fantasied about finding a vampire or a sexy shifter and here I am with one sitting in front of me. My mind wondered for a moment, and I thought about what he’d said outside. He’d mentioned he was shifter, and there was a pack here, but he never mentioned what he shifted into.

  As my mind thinks about this, my mouth opens before I can stop it. “What do you shift into?”

  Fuck, fuck, fuckety fuck I think and seal my lips.

  “I’m a wolf.”

  Oh my God, I may pass the hell out again. Here’s my fantasy guy right in front of me, and not only is he hot as hell, but he turns into a flipping wolf.

  “Can I see your wolf one day?”

  His eyes brighten and then start melting into a shade of golden brown. His chest rumbles and he has to visibly shake himself before his eyes start bleeding back into his original shade of blue.

  “Yes, I’d love to show you my wolf,” he murmurs and the growl I’d heard before is back in his throat. I realize that sound is his wolf.

  When I stand abruptly, Kaden moves backwards on the coffee table.

  “This is just too much to take in all at once. I know I seem accepting and okay with it, but honestly I need a second. I mean, the creatures I’ve read about in books are real,” my breath starts to come out shallowly as I start to panic a little.

  “Gianna, relax. I’m not going to harm you, nor is any of the rest of the pack.”

  “How can you make such a promise?” I question.

  He stands and grasps my hands within his. “I can assure you, I will never allow a soul to put one finger on you.”

  I look up into his eyes and see the truth of his words.



  I see trepidation when I look into Gianna’s eyes and my heart guides me closer to her. I lift one of her hands and place it over my heart. It’s beating a mile a minute, and I know she’s afraid, but I want her to know she can trust me.

  “Do you feel that?”

  “What?” She whispers.

  With her in such close proximity, I can see the gold flecks in her green eyes better and the whisper faint scars that wrap around her neck. I hear her quickly indrawn breath and know without a doubt my eyes are gold. I’m having a hell of a time controlling my wolf. All he wants is to rip out the throat of whomever harmed his mate. My heart lurches at the thought of what she’s had to endure.

  “I’m afraid that what I’ve told you will push you away. I know we’ve just met, and don’t really know each other, but I’m drawn to you. I crave interaction with you. I crave your scent.”

  “What do I smell like to you?” She asks, and I can see the curiosity in her stunning eyes.

  “You smell like a mix of apples and cinnamon. The scent takes me back to my grandma’s kitchen, where she baked apple pies every fall, and all I want to do is see if you taste as good as my grandma’s apple pies.”

  She moves closer, and I smile. Whether she knows it or not, she’s as drawn to me as I am to her. Her hand still rests against my chest as her eyes drop to my lips and without another thought I brush my lips over hers.

  I wouldn’t really call it a kiss, it’s more a meet and greet, getting to know the other person through touch. Before we get ahead of ourselves, Gianna pushes away from me and her hand flies to her mouth, and she covers her lips.

  “I’m not ready for this, but I feel like I’m being pulled toward you and it’s electrifying, yet terrifying. I need a little time. I need room to breathe. Please, Kaden, you have to go.”

  “Just know I’ll be waiting,” I say as I turn away from Gianna and walk out into the night.

  My wolf battles me all the way to my truck. He wants to be here with his mate, which I mean, I fucking understand. My brain is on rapid fire motion going over our conversation. Yes, I’d royally fucked up and I hope with all that I am we can recover from my scr
ew up.

  I toss the keys on the truck seat, then turn and run into the woods. I let my wolf take over, and shift just as I break through the tree line. Soon, I am no longer a man and run on four legs.

  I shake out my coat and we zoom through the forest. The smells of all the little creatures scurrying along have my wolf in overdrive, and we’re off chasing them around. Finally, just before the sun touches the horizon, we collapse against a tall redwood and howl into the morning.

  A lone howl echoes mine from far off in the distance. My hackles raise on my back and a growl falls from between my lips. The howl seems vaguely familiar.

  Standing from the tree base, we run off toward the howl and soon we find ourselves at Gianna’s back door. Nose to the ground I scent around her house and follow a short trail, but it leads me nowhere. It’s as if someone, or something had erased their steps and their scent. How the hell is that even possible. I need to call The Pack Hunters in.

  I shift back into a man before stepping around the front of Gianna’s cabin. I run to my truck, but Gianna’s scent is so strong here my wolf wants to lay in it and embed it into his fur. I grind my teeth and control him as best I can, but my snout has once again elongated, and my teeth are shifting into fangs. A sharp, indrawn breath has every molecule in my body coming to a complete stop. I jerk around and see Gianna sitting in a rocking chair on her deck with a cup of coffee in her hand. Her body is covered by a loose-fitting robe that is belted at the waist.

  “Kaden?” She questions.

  Within a couple seconds I’ve shifted all the way back.

  “It’s me. I’m sorry if I frightened you.”

  “You didn’t. You startled me for a second, but it’s all good,” she pauses for a moment and takes a step down from the porch and continues talking. “Were you shifting?


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