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Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2

Page 88

by Bella Roccaforte

  Once she’s resting against the pillows I slide her feet and legs apart so I can feast on the sight of her glistening pussy. The smell of apples and cinnamon surrounds me. I’m covered in her scent, and I love it. My wolf howls in my head, he’s happy at our mating, but claim mate is an incessant thought he sends out over and over.

  I lift her right foot off the bed and bring it to my lips. I kiss and tickle on it until she starts to giggle and thrash on the bed. I draw the other foot to my lips and repeat myself, but it doesn’t last long as my lips and tongue start a journey up her legs, over her hips, on to her belly and finally I arrive at her gorgeous breast. I lavish each nipple with nips and licks until Gianna is calling out my name and pulling on my body, but oh no, I am going to eat her up and taste her as she climaxes on my tongue and know if she is made of apple pie or not.

  She withers on the bed and grips the sheets between her fingers, as soft moans fill the room and her scent is all consuming. I travel back down her body and position myself at her heated core. My tongue flicks her clit tentatively at first, but soon I’m all in, lavishing her clit with repeated licks and suck her little nub into my mouth. Gianna’s moans and scent drive me insane. My cock, already rigid, now throbs with a need to be buried inside her again.

  With one more lick, I slide two fingers inside of her, curling them slightly so I hit her g-spot. She explodes and her body comes off the bed, burying my face deeper within her folds.

  * * *


  My body hasn’t been this sated in forever, no one has ever taken the time to make me orgasm not once, but three or four times.

  “Damn,” I whisper against the pillow.

  “Are you okay up there?” Kaden asks as he slides up my body.

  “I’m not sure. I’ve been on an orgasmic high for hours, days, or whatever. All I know is I don’t want to come down from this cloud I’m floating on.

  “Good thing you never have to,” he says as he thrusts deeply into me and all thought leaves my head as euphoria takes over with each new thrust.

  His lips collide with mine and our tongues make up a dance all their own. Damn this man can kiss and fuck like no other.

  Sometime later we emerge from the bedroom, starving for food. Kaden sets up camp by the stove, after he props me up on the sofa, the tv is on music and it streams softly in the background.

  I must have dozed off, because when I wake up, dinner sits waiting in front of me on a tray.

  “I thought you could use some protein. I hope steak, a potato, and salad is okay.”

  “Sounds perfect to me,” I say digging into the delicious food.

  Kaden sits beside me on the sofa and starts to eat his meal.

  “Oh my goodness, this is so good. Thank you for taking such good care of me.”

  His cheeks redden at my praise and he utters a quick, “it’s my pleasure, Gianna.”

  I know my cheeks are red because I can feel the heat straining through from the mention of pleasure and damn my body has been well pleased.

  A moment of silence stretches between us as we both eat. When I’ve eaten my fill, I push the food backwards and lay back on the sofa.

  “I could get used to this,” I laugh.

  Kaden laughs with me and gathers up the dishes to take into the kitchen. I faintly hear him loading the dishwasher in the background, as my eyes drift closed.

  I awake sometime later to find myself cuddled in Kaden’s arms. He’s asleep, so I lay here and look at the perfection of the man beside me. My fingers itch to run through his unruly dark hair, so I lean forward on my elbow and brush a soft kiss on his forehead then slide my fingers through his tangled locks.

  As I play with his hair, I look around the room. We’re in his bedroom again, and I take in the surroundings. The sun shines brightly behind the curtains and I notice it’s very masculine, with chocolate and darker hues of blue. It matches the rest of his home perfectly.

  I let my eyes drift around until I notice the carvings in the wood around the ceiling. Each is of a wolf baying at the moon, or laying beneath a large redwood tree. They’re beautiful. I knew what Kaden did for a living, but I had no clue that he was a master of his profession.

  “See anything you like?” He questions as my eyes roam the bedroom walls.

  “Kaden, these are spectacular. You told me you were into woodwork, but I had no clue it was to this degree.”

  “Yeah babe, I’m good with my hands,” he says and laughs as my cheeks redden.

  “You are indeed,” I reply softly.

  As my eyes come back to the window, I see the blur of a black wolf run past.

  “Shit, Kaden.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I think Owen has found us. I just saw a black wolf run past the window.”

  “Calm down baby, there are black wolves in the pack. Maybe it was just one of them out for a run.”

  Just as he finishes the sentence there’s a crash in the front room. Kaden leaps out of the bed, pulls me to his chest, and ushers me into the bathroom.

  “Same as before. Stay inside until I come back to get you, or one of the pack does.”

  “Kaden, no. We’ll face this maniac together.”

  “Gianna, please do as I ask. He nearly killed you last time.”

  “I’m sick of this, of him. It’s time I stood on my own two fucking feet.”

  A look crosses Kaden’s beautiful face, and I can tell he’s battling with his wolf for control. He shakes from head to toe, then entwines our fingers and places me behind him. That’s how Owen finds us.

  “Well, lookie here. Isn’t this just sweet as sugar?” He growls.

  “Get out of my house,” Kaden snarls, and I flinch a little at the malice coating his words.

  “Not without her. She’s mine,” Owen snarls, and I hear a growl from deep within Kaden’s chest.

  “I’m no one’s property, but my own. Get that straight, you disgusting piece of filth.”

  At my words, Owen growls loudly, and a moment later, he is once again a black wolf.

  Kaden shoves his cell into my hand, never taking his eyes off the large, black wolf in front of us. “Call Deputy Jagger.”

  He brushes his lips against mine and then he shimmers, and his beautiful wolf stands in his place. His growl shakes the room and two seconds later he leaps through the air and lands on Owen’s back. His fangs are embedded into Owen’s neck, and he holds on while Owen’s wolf bucks, trying his best to knock Kaden off. I push nine one one on Kaden’s phone and it rings through.

  When the dispatcher responds, I immediately start talking.

  “Yes we need Deputy Jagger Johnson out at Kaden St. Claire’s cabin.”

  “Yes ma’am, I’ll get him on the way. Do you need an ambulance?” The dispatcher questions.

  “No, not this time, if you can just hurry Deputy Johnson along,” I reply.

  “He’s on his way.”

  “Thank you,” I hear the click as she hangs up and I turn my attention back to the two fighting wolves. Kaden still has the upper hand, but Owen is doing everything he can to escape the hold Kaden has over him.

  I watch as Owen shimmers, and his wolf is out of Kaden’s clutches and standing a few feet from where I am. His wolf is smiling up at me, freaking smiling, with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth like a dog. A second later, Kaden is on him again, biting and pulling his legs out from under him. Kaden stands over him, his teeth are bared and daring Owen to move, but before my eyes there’s a brief flash and Owen is gone again. Kaden whips around and faces the open doorway, but the crash comes from behind us and Owen has me by the neck, cutting off my air. I fight and claw at his arms, but he’s immovable.

  “Make one move and I’ll kill her.”

  I watch as Kaden shifts.

  “For someone that claims she’s your mate, you don’t mind threatening her and putting your hands on her. You should remember what I told you last time. She’s my mate, and you’ve laid your hands on
her for the last fucking time.” Kaden snarls.

  “She’s my mate dickhead. I’ve known it since her blood started singing to me when we first met. Being that I’m half witch and half wolf shifter, I would know, and she’s mine forever.”

  “You don’t know jackshit, you piece of fucking garbage,” Kaden snarls

  Owen backs away toward the window, and I know if he can reach it with me in tow he’ll take off. I punch him in the ribs with my elbow, and he tightens his grip on my neck until I see blackness creeping in along the edges of my eyes. Fuck he’s going to kill me right here in front of Kaden.

  Kaden’s teeth elongate and his nails become claws, he jumps the short distance to where Owen and I stand and whips his hand out lightning fast. His claws come within inches of my face, but he never touches me. I feel the warmth and stickiness of Owen’s blood as it seeps down my back and the pressure on my neck lightens, and I fall into Kaden’s arms.

  Owen collapses to the cabin floor, and blood pools at the side of his mouth. His head is barely hanging on to his neck and his eyes lose their color as he takes one last, long shuttering breath, and then he is gone, never to bother me or anyone else again.

  I clutch Kaden’s shoulders as tears start to build then stream down my face. Kaden wraps me in his arms and cuddles me close to his chest.

  That’s how we’re standing when Deputy Johnson and alpha Elias walk into Kaden’s home. I watch them as they look at the mess on the floor and then look up to both Kaden and me.

  Kaden turns us around to face the two gentlemen standing just inside the door.

  “You’re a little late,” Kaden says.

  “I can see that,” Elias replies and gestures to Owen’s body.

  “He threatened my mate and he got what was coming to him.”

  “I’ll have to question you both, of course,” Deputy Johnson says, sliding a notepad free of his shirt pocket.

  Kaden ushers me over to the sofa and he sits down, pulling me to his side, and captures one of my hands within his. I can hear the alpha on his phone, but my eyes land on the Deputy as he walks over and sits in the chair facing us. My nerves choose that moment to go into overdrive. My legs and hands start to shake as more tears slide down my face.

  “Shh, babe. It’s over,” Kaden’s whispers.

  “He would have killed me, I have no doubt about that. I was close to blacking out when you jumped in. Once again, I owe you my life.”

  “You don’t owe me anything,” he says while rubbing slow circles along my back.

  Deputy Johnson clears his throat and starts his questions. “Can you tell me how he got in?”

  “Well, as you can tell by my door laying on the floor, he clearly broke in,” Kaden replies dryly.

  Deputy Johnson writes in his note pad and continues with the questions. Somewhere in there, I zone out.

  When both men look at me expectantly, I clear my throat and say intelligently, “Huh?”

  “You’ve been through enough today. If you and Kaden can stop by the office sometime within the next week, it will be greatly appreciated.” Deputy Johnson says as he stands and walks over to Elias.

  Kaden follows him and the men have a short conversation about the body. Deputy Johnson calls in a clean-up crew, and they’ll be here within the hour to remove Owen’s body.



  After helping some members of the pack clean up Owen’s body and blood from the floor, I step into the living room to check on Gianna. Her neck is bruised, and I’m sure it’s painful, but she’s fast asleep with a throw blanket thrown across her lower body. I slide my arms under her and carry her into the bedroom, I lay her on the pillow and throw the blanket over her. My body still pulses with anger. I need to run, but I really don’t want to leave Gianna alone for her to worry about where I’ve gone. I decide to leave a note on my pillow and run outside to shift into my wolf. I can’t get the picture of Owen’s arm wrapped around Gianna’s throat out of my head.

  I keep running until I’m exhausted. When I look up into the sky, I see the sun peeking through the trees. I didn’t realize I’d ran the whole night. I’d let my wolf take control and he’d run endlessly. We dash back through the trees until we reach my cabin tucked away in the woods.

  As I approach my home, I see Gianna through the window. The sun illuminates her dark hair and body, and I watch as she turns from the window. A moment later, she steps outside with coffee in one hand, and the other gently rubbing the marks I can see around her throat. I should have made her go to the ER. Who the fuck am I kidding, she’s as stubborn as they come and rest is all she wanted.

  God, I love that woman, I realize as I watch her, and hope she’s beginning to have feelings for me.

  She sees me as I round the corner and lifts a hand to cover her eyes.

  “Good morning, beautiful. How are you feeling?” I ask and pull her into my arms.

  My lips meet hers and I lose myself for a second in the taste of coffee, the mint toothpaste she’d used, and her. I reluctantly lift my head from hers, and she takes a step back, and looks into my eyes. “I’m okay. I missed you last night.”

  Her cheeks flood with color, but she’s so damn beautiful I lift her up and gently twirl her around. My lips crash down on hers, and she opens for me. Our tongues collide in an all-consuming kiss that makes me forget about everything but her.

  “I missed you, too.” I reply into her hair. “I had to get out of here, for a while. I had to run and let off some of the rage that was building inside me.”

  She blushes, and sweeps the hair away from her eyes, and looks up at me.

  “What do we do now?” She questions.

  “Gianna, love, we can do anything as long as we’re together.”

  She smiles and shakes her head.

  “Okay, but I really need my own clothes. Not that yours haven’t been great, mind you.” She smiles and ducks her head before heading back inside.

  “Wait, I figured you’d want to head back to your cabin?”

  “Well, I do, for my clothes, and I need to tell Marcus I’m leaving.”

  “Where are you going babe?”

  “Ummm, back here, if that’s okay with you.”

  My heart jumps in my chest, my wolf howls in my head, and all I can do is smile. I lift her off the ground, and twirl her around. I’m so excited I can’t catch my breath.

  “I’m the happiest man alive right now,” I say and slide her down my body back to the ground.

  “We still have a lot to work on, but I’ve heard you say I’m your mate about a hundred times, and don’t mates umm, kind of live together?” She blushes and goes to turn her head.

  I lift her chin up and turn her back towards me.

  “Babe, wherever you are, I am home.”

  A tear falls silently down her cheek, but she’s wearing the brightest smile I’ve ever seen.

  “I think I’m falling in love with you, Kaden St. Claire.”

  “You think, babe? I’ve been in love with you since I got that first whiff of your apple and cinnamon scent.”

  “You only love it because it’s your Grandma’s apple pie,” she kids.

  “Well, that’s one of the reasons. The other is, it’s all you.”

  She laughs and throws her arms around my waist. I pull her closer and wrap her tightly against me. I brush my lips over her shoulder and travel up her jawline to her lips. She opens for me immediately, and our tongues reach out to touch and tangle. It’s a soul wrenching kiss, full of love and hope.

  We break apart and I grab her hand before she can get away. “Come with me. I need to check on my shop and see if I have any messages.”

  “I’d love to see your shop. I’ve been wondering about your woodworking and all of your master pieces.”

  We walk the short distance to Wooden It Be Nice hand in hand. When we reach the door, I turn the key and flip the light on. I totally lose Gianna as she rushes in, her hand touching every figure I’d carved. She “ooh’s
and ahh’s” here and there as I stand transfixed, watching the gorgeous woman who is walking around my shop. She stops at a table and runs her hands across the smooth surface.

  “Kaden, this is amazing. I abso-freaking-lutely love the wood grain. If I had the fifthteen hundred bucks, I’d snap it up.”

  I reach for her hand, draw it to my lips, and brush my lips across her knuckles.

  “It’s yours,” I say, looking up into her emerald eyes.

  “Kaden, no, sell it. I think it’s worth way more than you’re asking, though.”

  “Gianna, it’s my gift to you.”

  “You are a master at woodwork. You should be proud of yourself.”

  Running a hand through my hair I stare down at her. “I just want to make my Dad proud. He taught me everything about wood; from how to make sure the grain matches, to the right kind of stain. We were always building something for Mom.” I slide my hands along my jeans, my thoughts on so long ago.

  Gianna wraps herself around me, and holds me close. “I know he is. Look at the man you’ve become because of him.”

  I tilt her face up, and my lips collide with hers. We quickly get swept away.

  I push her against her new table, lift her up and push her onto the table. Her arms wrap around my neck, mine grip her hips. Slowly I start to draw her shirt up and over her arms. To my surprise she’s not wearing a bra and my fingers fall to her breast. I tweak and pinch her nipples until they stand tautly and brush against my chest. My lips fall to one, and I lick and suckle it while my other hand stays busy with her other nipple.

  Gianna moans and thrashes against me. When her core brushes against my shaft, I growl and push back.

  “Fuck.” I’m hard as a rock and all I want is to get Gianna undressed and bury myself deep inside her.

  “I agree. Come on, take these off,” Gianna says as she unbuttons my jeans and slides them down my legs with her feet.


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