Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2

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Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2 Page 98

by Bella Roccaforte

  “Bitch!” a voice growled behind her, making her jerk her gaze over her shoulder again.

  One of Damien’s goons reached for her, his hand inches from gripping her arm. She tried to run faster, but tripped, falling to the ground as her body turned, her face aimed to the sky. She watched as a gray wolf leaped over her, his paws outstretched, his growl ripping the air around them as he barreled into the man who chased her, hitting him in the chest and sending him backward, the wolf clawing at the man’s chest, his open mouth, fangs dripping saliva, going for the man’s throat.

  Purity scooted backward, her fingers clawing at the earth as she tried to get away from the battle going on at her feet. More wolves howled in the distance, getting closer.

  Run, the voice sounded in her head. Deacon’s behind me. Go to him. Now! The wolf growled, the voice sounding a lot like Deacon’s father, his claws digging into the man’s chest, blood streaking his body as his shirt ripped into threads.

  Purity hopped to her feet, her hands scrambling along the ground, as she shoved herself in the direction the wolf indicated.

  “No!” another voice screamed from behind her, a voice that sent chills down her back and froze her in place.

  Damien’s voice.

  Purity stopped, turning, eyes wide as she spotted Damien standing there, anger twisting his face into a knot of rage. She felt her heart pounding, felt the fear lock her into place. She could only stand there and stare.

  “You shouldn’t have run away,” Damien snarled. “It’s only going to make it harder on you when I get you back to the club.”

  The other men arrived, one of them hitting the gray wolf with a branch he snatched off the ground. The wolf whined, rolling over on its side, blood around its eye. The man he attacked stood and kicked the wolf in the gut, the man’s face a twisted snarl.

  “Stop!” Purity cried out, reaching out as she moved toward the wolf.

  “Don’t move,” Damien screamed at her. “Don’t you fucking move toward that wolf.” He turned to the man who kicked the animal, his lips turned up in a sneer. “Do what you want with that fucking mongrel. Put it out of our misery for all I care.” Damien then turned to Purity, rage filling his face. “This is the last time you humiliate me in front of my men, bitch.” He reached out to snatch at her arm. “You’re coming with me. Now!” He growled that last word.

  Purity! Deacon’s voice filled her head, filling her with hope. Duck! Now!

  What the hell? Not understanding, Purity just did what he told her to do and squatted down on her knees. As soon as she did, she felt something graze across the top of her head, and then immediately after, she heard something land on the ground in front of her. Looking up, she saw the darkest wolf she could imagine standing there, legs spread and braced as he ducked his head, growling at Damien who just stood there about to shit his pants. She could only assume the wolf was Deacon, his body a thick mass of anger ready to rip the man apart, hackles raised. The wolf barked and snapped, inching forward toward the club owner, saliva flying from his mouth as he made his threatening gestures.

  Damien’s men stopped tormenting the gray wolf, spinning to face this new threat. The one holding the branch moved to take a swing at the newest wolf, lifting the wood above his head. Purity turned to cry out a warning, but just as the man started to bring the branch down on Deacon’s back, the branch seemed frozen in the air, the man’s arm refusing to obey his intention to hit the wolf.

  “Not very nice to sneak up on someone from behind, is it?” Dara said as she eased out of the woods, her hands held in front of her. Purity could have sworn she saw blue flicks of flame snapping around the other woman’s hands. “Cowards never seem to fight fair and always come in numbers.”

  It’s a twisted pack mentality, another voice sounded in Purity’s head, snapping her attention to the other side of the small space as a dark wolf padded out into the chaos, his lips curved upward as he snarled at the men. This pack has no honor.

  Behind Damien, another wolf stepped into the melee, his head to the ground as he sniffed the fallen leaves. What do you expect from a man who beats a defenseless woman? She recognized Morgan’s voice, which meant the other wolf had to be Logan.

  Deacon growled, the sound a deep rumble from the middle of his chest as he eased forward, moving closer to Damien, each step a threat to destroy.

  Damien stood there, hands in front of him as if he could hold off the massive wolf stalking toward him, eyes wide with panic. “I think you better back off, whoever the fuck you are,” Damien spat. “You stuck your nose in where it didn’t belong. This will only get worse if you don’t turn around and leave now.”

  Purity could hear Deacon’s laughter in her ears. Worse? This won’t get worse, asshole, because it’s over. You’re not in Summermire any more. You’re in Dark Moon Falls. We don’t exactly take kindly to men threatening our ladies, and we especially won’t permit their abuse. He leaped forward, snapping his jaws at Damien’s outstretched hand.

  Damien screamed, falling over in his haste to get away from the attacking wolf. The others rushed to Damien’s aid, but Morgan and Logan leaped in front of them, snarling, teeth bared. Everyone just froze.

  Purity watched as Deacon walked over to where Damien lay huddled on the ground, his hands pressed against the earth as if ready to shove himself away. Deacon continued to walk toward him, walking up the man’s body as Damien pressed flat against the ground, his body visibly shaking as he stared at the growling wolf pinning him in place. Purity wasn’t sure what Deacon would do at this point, if his animal controlled him more than his human side did, and what that would mean to the man he threatened, the man who had threatened her.

  Deacon opened his mouth, saliva dripping from his razor-sharp fangs, and Purity feared he would bite Damien’s face off. “Deacon,” she said as she moved toward him, arm outstretched.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Anger raged through him as he witnessed Damien land on his ass, panic stretching the man’s features as he stared, wide-eyed, at the dark wolf easing his way toward him. When Deacon first arrived on the scene, all he could see was the battered way Purity looked, her bleeding face, bruised cheeks, torn shirt. He leaped into the air, putting himself between her and Damien, not even considering if the man had a gun or not, or a knife, or more men hiding in the woods or on their way. All he thought to do was use himself as a barrier between Purity and her attacker.

  Then other images came to his mind, his anger causing his wolf to lose control, to want to tear the man on the ground to pieces, images like Vic’s body battered and bruised until she had died. Deacon looked at Damien but saw two men—Damien and the bastard who killed Deacon’s sister. His wolf wanted revenge as much as he wanted to protect Purity. Someone had to pay, and Damien was the best candidate.

  Deacon’s wolf walked over the shaking man, Damien pressing himself into the earth as much as he could to avoid the sharp fangs that made their way toward his face. Rage blinded Deacon to common sense, to what the right thing to do was now that Damien was captured and Purity safe. He growled down at the man, saliva dripping from his fangs as he inched closer. Would Purity be safe, though? If Damien was alive, even in jail, would she be out of his reach or would someone else step in to take his place, claiming Purity now owed him for her sister’s debt? Deacon couldn’t allow that. He couldn’t allow a chance for someone—anyone—to come after her again. No, the best course of action was to chop the head off the beast who started the madness.

  He opened his jaws, ready to tear into the man below him, when he heard his name, felt her hand on his hackled fur. “He’s not worth it, Deacon,” she said as she stroked the fur along his back. “You got him. He’s not going anywhere. It’s over.” Her voice remained calm, comforting, coaxing him back off the edge of his rage. He felt her lean into him, her head pressed into his neck. “You saved me,” she told him. “Again. Thank you.”

  I will always save you, he sent to her as he pressed his head into hers, rub
bing against her. Always.

  “You wolves really should slow down and give a fellow a chance to catch up,” Deputy Rushton said as he gripped one of the pines and stepped into the small clearing. “Although, I heard what this jerk said. I think we can add attempted murder to the charges of assault and kidnapping.” He walked over to where Deacon still stood over Damien. Looking at the wolf with a smirk, he pulled his handcuffs from the back of his duty belt. “Um, if you step away, I can handcuff the man. I’ve called the others to help get the rest of these idiots out of here.”

  “Come on,” Purity said as she scratched Deacon’s back a little. “You’ve done what you needed to do. Let the deputy take it from here. Damien’s caught. That’s all that needed done.”

  “She’s right,” Deacon heard his father say, making him turn to see the man standing on his feet, leaning heavily on a tree. Blood soaked the man’s face, and it appeared as if he favored the arm not holding him, crooking it a little in front of him as if it were in a sling. “Let Ralph take the bastard to jail and let’s get a drink. Damn, I need a drink.”

  Dara had lowered her arms as Morgan and Logan shifted back to their human selves, and Madison appeared behind the deputy. “Trust me,” the witch said. “The others won’t get away before the other sheriffs arrive. Take your girl and your father to get some help. I’ll be by the motel room in a bit to give them a once over. I have supplies in my car to help the healing process.”

  Deacon turned and looked at the others, taking in his friends, the ones who joined him in rescuing Purity. His father looked like shit, having taken the brunt of the attack, but Deacon knew the man probably ached for the same revenge as he did for Vic. This was as much for atonement as it was a rescue.

  Moving to the side, Deacon allowed Ralph to flip Damien over, pin his arms behind his back, and handcuff him. Deacon didn’t move too far away, however, until the deputy had Purity’s attacker bound.

  She stood beside him, her hand still on his head, rubbing back and forth as they watched Deputy Rushton haul Damien to his feet. The others, Morgan, Logan, and Dara, stood next to the other men, ready to jump in if they tried to get away. Deputy Rushton reached into a pouch on his duty belt, pulling out several zip ties, and binding the men’s arms behind their backs.

  As soon as everyone was secure, Deacon shifted back, his clothes replacing his dark fur as his body stretched, his wolf’s legs becoming arms and human legs, paws transforming into feet and hands. Once the shift was over, he wrapped his arms around Purity and pulled her into a tight embrace, kissing the top of her blond head. Laying his head on hers, he took a deep breath, inhaling her scent as he held her. “That was too damn close,” he said. “I never should have left you.”

  “You couldn’t have known he would have found us that fast,” she told him, squeezing him back, her arms around his waist as she laid her head on his chest. “But it’s over. I’m safe.” She giggled a little as she leaned back and gave herself a once-over. “Banged up pretty good, but safe.”

  He pulled her back in, hugging her again and this time, kissing her softly on her lips, relishing the taste of her. When he pulled back, he looked at the others. “Thank you,” he said. “For everything.”

  They all said things like, “No problem,” or “That’s what friends do,” but Deacon would never forget how they each stepped in to help him save Purity, someone they just met.

  Deacon turned and looked at his father. “You all right?” he asked, releasing Purity as he moved over to where his father stood against the tree.

  Cal nodded, his lips pressed into a thin line as he took a deep breath in through his nose. “I’m fine. Just need a stiff drink. Did I see Jameson in your room?”

  Deacon laughed as he nodded. “You did. Let’s go get you some.” He moved over to allow his father to take his arm as support. “Lean on me. We’ll take it slow.”

  Purity moved to Cal’s other side, smiling as she slid an arm around his waist. “Let me help as well. Might be better in this uneven terrain.”

  “Dara, you go with them,” Madison said. “I’ll stay here with the boys until Ralph’s help arrives.”

  Dara just nodded as she moved in behind the others as they walked away.

  Deacon’s father clutched at his arm, his steps uneven due to his bad leg. Deacon came so close to losing both Purity and his father. Too close. If it hadn’t been for his father arriving in time, Damien’s men would have hurt Purity a lot worse than she was. If Dara hadn’t shown up when she did, Damien’s goon would have bashed in Deacon’s head. Everything was just too close for comfort, but better too close than too late. Purity and Deacon’s father were sore as hell, but walking, and once Dara had a chance to work her magic on them, they would start to feel better in no time. As it was, the older McKay would heal quickly anyway because of the healing powers of his wolf. For that, Deacon would be grateful.

  As he opened the car door, helping his father into the seat, giving the man his cane as a comfort to hold, Deacon wondered what would happen between Purity and him now that the threat of Damien Croft was over. He wasn’t ready for her to return to Summermire. He wasn’t the only one, he knew, as his wolf howled within him. But, how did Purity feel?

  He opened her door, helping her into the backseat as Dara went to her own car. Before Purity tucked herself inside, she stopped, placing a hand on Deacon’s as she stared into his dark eyes. “Thank you,” she said, her voice a soft whisper. “For everything.”

  He squeezed her hand, smiling back at her. “Anything for you,” he assured her. “I’m just glad we got there in time.”

  She grinned. “So am I.” Her stomach grumbled right then, making them both laugh. “God, I hope those breakfast sandwiches are still good.”

  He shook his head as he helped her sit down. “If they’re not, I’ll get you some more. Or whatever else you want.” He knelt beside her seat, one hand clutching the car door. “Whatever you want, Purity, it’s yours.”

  She reached out, cupping his cheek. “Same here,” she told him. “Same here.”

  He patted her leg. “Let’s get you home and in a shirt that isn’t revealing most of your body to the world.”

  She giggled as she nodded. “And here I thought you enjoyed the sneak peeks.”

  Cal cleared his throat from the front seat, making Deacon blush, which made Purity giggle even harder. “Careful,” Cal said with a smirk in his tone. “Apparently, Deacon doesn’t like those type of conversations.”

  Deacon stood, closing her door before moving over to his. This will be one twisted relationship, I’m sure.

  Chapter Twenty

  Purity watched as Dara cleaned up Cal’s cuts, washing away the blood and dirt, and making him some poultices to take home to help with his healing. A glass of Jameson rested in his hand, a double from what it looked like, not that she blamed him. They just went through hell. She could probably use a drink herself.

  Once Dara finished patching him up, Cal smiled and tapped the arms of the chair as he pushed himself to his feet. “Well, I should be getting my old ass home as well.” He turned to Deacon, nodding to the door. “You should join me at that dive bar at the end of this place. Give Dara time to look over your girl in privacy.”

  Deacon glanced over at Purity, uncertainty on his face. She just smiled and nodded back, reassuring him she was fine. “You should go with him,” she said. “It’ll do you good.”

  “I’ll take good care of her,” Dara promised, shooing him to the door. “Besides, she deserves to be doctored without you gawking at her. Now go.”

  Deacon sighed but took the hint. “Come on, Dad. Looks like I’m being kicked out of my own room.”

  “As it should be,” his father said. Cal walked over to Purity, placing a hand on her cheek as he smiled up into her eyes. “I’m glad you’re all right,” he told her. “And I do hope I get to talk to you some more. I enjoy talking to pretty girls.” He winked at her as he gave her a fatherly smile. He then moved over to Deacon
, shaking his head. “Well, I will say this, you know how to make an entrance into town.” He then looked around the small two-bed room. “This place is a dive. I have plenty of room at the house. You should consider joining me out there.” He then gestured to Purity. “And there’s room for your girl as well.” He smiled. “Might do these old bones good to have you both there. Keep me from talking to the damn cat all the time.”

  “Thanks,” Deacon said, smiling down at his father. “We’ll discuss it. Come on, drink’s on me.”

  As soon as they left, the witch moved over to Purity. “Come now, let’s get you out of that rag of a shirt and clean you up. Just think of me as a small-town doctor. Hell, the wolves of this damn town do, always showing up on my doorstep.” She laughed, shaking her head as she reached for the hem of Purity’s shirt.

  Purity lifted her arms, her body screaming against the pain, her muscles already a little stiff from the lack of movement after such a brutal attack. She sucked in a breath as Dara removed the shirt, bracing against the agony of simply moving. The air-conditioning caressed her bare skin as she sat on the bed, sending goosebumps along her flesh.

  Dara took her time looking over Purity’s body, doing her best to be tender as she washed the blood from wounds and bandaged them up. Purity had a ton of cuts and scrapes, bruises and gashes from not only Damien but also her escape into the woods. Her feet were torn apart from racing through the forests without shoes, and her fingers had tiny cuts from where she grabbed the bark and threw it into Damien’s face. Her entire body was one giant bruise.


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