Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2

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Dark Moon Falls: Volume 2 Page 118

by Bella Roccaforte

  “I hope it’s an easy fix.” She met his gaze. Hope mixed with the slight hint of apprehension reflected in her eyes.

  The need to help her, support her, and protect her rose from the depths of his soul. “I’ll do what I can.”

  He grabbed the chains, lowered himself to the ground, and then hooked the clip onto the frame, first the left side then the right. When he rose, she stepped into his path.

  “I have insurance, but it doesn’t cover repairs or towing. You take credit cards, right?” Her unique scent reminded him of fresh strawberries in spring, sweet and tempting.

  Unable to speak past his tight throat, he nodded and approached her open car door. His gaze riveted on the stick shift.

  He stared at her. “You drive a stick?”

  “Mom taught me. This was her car before…” She shook her head and leaned against the car. “I inherited it from her. Please, you have to fix it for me.”

  Respect for her competed with a sympathetic ache. She knew how to drive a manual transmission, but it appeared she’d lost her mother.

  He didn’t know how to respond, so he just nodded then slid into the seat, set the brake, and put the car in neutral. When he emerged, she’d regained her composure and studied him.

  “How far is it to town?”

  “About twelve miles, give or take.” He strode to the controls on the side of his truck and hit the lever to engage the winch. The car rolled forward until it rested on the deck.

  He stepped back into the car, put it in first gear to lock it, and then started on the straps to tie down each tire. The truck engine’s familiar cadence resounded in the quiet.

  She focused her attention on his every move. His inner wolf wanted to show her that he could protect her and take care of her. Issac ignored his wolf and concentrated on his task.

  “By the way, my name is Chloe. Chloe Bishop. I figure you’ll need to know. For the paperwork, right?”

  “Yeah. Chloe.” He liked the way her name rolled off his tongue.

  She bent down and leaned over his shoulder. “Wow, you’re a pro at this.”

  His inner wolf jumped for joy, and he couldn’t contain the slight rumble that burst from his chest.

  She took a step back, and he turned to glance at her.

  Her gaze widened, but there was no condemnation, only curiosity embedded within those Kelly green eyes. “You’re a shifter, aren’t you?”

  He nodded and checked the straps on the wheels, making sure they were tight. A stickler for routine, it wouldn’t do to have the car roll off the truck bed.

  “Wow, that’s awesome. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to run free, the wind whipping over your fur.” An intense enthusiasm radiated from her smile.

  He bathed in her vitality, enjoying her passion and spirit.

  “It’s different. That’s for sure.” He smiled, something he hadn’t done with a stranger in a very long time. The rightness of it settled into his chest, warming him in places he’d long forgotten. “Just need to finish loading your car and we can be on our way.”

  He strode to the controls once again and depressed the lever. The motor’s whine filled the air, and the deck with the strapped car nestled into the truck’s bed.

  “Thank you.” Chloe placed her hand on his jacket sleeve. “I appreciate you coming to get me.”

  Even through the material, he sensed her warmth, and his inner wolf howled and bucked against his control.

  Mate. Ours.

  The urge to tug her close and kiss her crested over him with such force, he took an unanticipated step toward her, stopping mere inches away. Thank goodness she hadn’t touched his skin. He wasn’t sure he could’ve resisted.

  “Just doing my job.” He strode to the passenger door, yanked it open, and held out his palm. “Your chariot awaits.”

  The words slipped from his lips before he could stop them. He never flirted, not anymore.

  She smiled, and her features brightened, becoming his sun once again. “Thank you, dear sir.”

  As Chloe stepped toward the truck, her foot slipped on the loose gravel. She stumbled forward, and Issac caught her in his arms.

  “Whoa, there. You all right?” Issac tightened his grip on her waist, and he couldn’t help but notice how she fit against him in all the right ways, despite the layers of clothing between them.

  “Yeah, that was a close one.” She smiled and studied his features, a blush turning her cheeks a rosy shade of pink and accentuating the adorable freckles scattered across her unblemished skin.

  So beautiful…

  Kiss her. Issac’s wolf hissed in his head.

  He focused on her lips. She darted her tongue over her plump, bottom lip, moistening it.

  The urge to crush his lips to hers and taste her sweet essence burned along his nerves like liquid fire. Gods, he was in trouble, big time. He didn’t know her, not at all, and his fear of rejection brought his shyness to the surface, dousing him like a bucket of ice.

  He released her in an instant and stepped away. Unwilling to meet her gaze, he glanced from the car in the bed of his truck and down the road before peering at her once again. “We better get a move on.”

  Chloe climbed into the cab, and he shut the door behind her. He eased around the back of the truck, checking each strap along the way. When he reached his door, he hesitated.

  His shyness stole his confidence once again. He shouldn’t have flirted with Chloe, not at all, but after holding her in his arms, he couldn’t deny his attraction to her.

  Although his wolf claimed she was his mate, he wasn’t so sure. Besides, she would only be here long enough for him to repair her vehicle.

  His wolf growled. Guess we better convince her to stay then.

  * * *

  Chloe settled into her seat, and the rumble from the engine vibrated through the fabric and into her bottom, tickling her. The truck’s spacious cab could’ve seated three across, easily. A stainless-steel coffee mug rested in the console, and a yellow tree air freshener hung from the rear-view mirror.

  As she breathed, the little tree’s citrus scent filtered into her senses, along with a deep, masculine spice. Heaven help her, she enjoyed Issac’s male fragrance far too much.

  After she’d tripped and he’d caught her in his arms, his scent had invaded her senses, and even through their clothes, his warmth had seeped into her skin. He’d seemed like he wanted to kiss her, but he’d backed away, a cute blush reddening his neck and ears.

  She wasn’t sure what to think, and the fact that she had wanted him to kiss her both scared and intrigued her.

  Issac opened the driver’s door and slid into his seat. With a firm yank, he shut the door, encasing them together in the enclosed space. He set his large, calloused hands on the steering wheel and glanced at her. His brown hair reached past his chin, the slight curve at the tips accentuating his strong, stubble-covered jawline. With eyes the color of rich chocolate, a straight nose, and full, tempting lips, he was a gorgeous man.

  Correction. A gorgeous shifter.

  He nodded toward her. “Better buckle up.”

  A coy smile formed on his lips before he glanced away. His shyness was in sharp contrast to Chad, who’d been all charm and bravado from the very start, but from the moment Chloe had encountered Issac, she’d experienced an unusual draw to him, and his chivalric, yet shy, nature had piqued her interest.

  Chloe reached for her buckle and yanked on the strap. The click of the safety lock echoed in the cab, and the strap stopped mid-pull. She released the belt, letting it fall back into place then tugged a second time. Once again, the strap’s safety mechanism engaged, stopping her progress.

  Heat flared in her cheeks. She hated to look like a fool.

  “Pearl is a bit tricky with her seatbelt at times. Let me help you.” Issac leaned toward her and grasped the buckle. His unique masculine scent wafted over her, settling into her lungs, and his fingers glided over her thigh as he buckled the strap into place. As
he drew away, he glanced at her.

  In his eyes swam something she couldn’t quite identify. Longing, maybe?

  “There. You’re all set.” The deep timbre of his voice rumbled in the space between them.

  She swallowed, trying to regain her composure, and asked the first question that came to mind. “Did you name your truck Pearl?”

  That coy grin tugged at his lip once again, and he nodded. “Like a gem amongst bits of sand, she’s reliable, strong, and durable.”

  Chloe blinked. Then a laugh burst from her throat. “That’s sweet. I like it.”

  He put the truck in gear, checked his side mirror, and pulled onto the road.

  Silence filled the truck for several long moments, and a sense of peace settled over her. Although she knew nothing about Issac, she felt safe in his presence, and his quiet, easy manner calmed the anxiousness that often buzzed along her nerves. She released a slow exhale and enjoyed the peacefulness.

  A few minutes later, Issac peered at her then returned his attention to the road. “What brought you to Dark Moon Falls?”

  The reality of her situation crashed down on her shoulders, heavy as a boulder. “I came here to get away from work for a day and snap pictures of the local waterfalls. Guess I won’t get the opportunity now.”

  Issac’s grip on the steering wheel tightened ever so slightly, and she noticed his large hands and long fingers. What would his touch feel like on her skin?

  The errant thought made her jerk. Sure he was handsome, sweet, and had the physique of an Adonis, but he probably had a girlfriend, maybe even a wife. She certainly didn’t need to get caught up in that. After all, she had a business in Seattle to run with the possibility of expansion, and the busy Christmas season was fast approaching.

  “What do you do for a living?” He studied her for a moment before checking his side mirror once again.

  He seemed genuinely interested, and that made it all the harder to resist him.

  “Me and my roommate, Brooklyn, sell crafts at local fairs and bazaars. We specialize in hand-made environmentally friendly products, mainly for the kitchen and the bathroom.” She held her breath and waited for his reaction. Would he downplay her efforts? Tell her that was a waste of time, just like her mother had said? For some reason, his answer was important to her, even though they’d just met.

  Issac’s sexy grin drew across his face, acceptance and pride embedded in his features. “That’s commendable. We need more people to tackle our environmental problems. You’re helping. As a shifter who loves the outdoors, I thank you.”

  Her throat tightened at the sincerity in his tone. She turned her head and glanced out the window so he wouldn’t see the tears that threatened to slip over her lashes. Through the glass, the trees slid by, a house or two visible in the open spaces.

  As the silence stretched around them and she became more at ease in his presence, she shared with him what had been on her mind. “Brooklyn and I put in an application for a spot in a building downtown. If we get that lease, it will mean the world to me. I’m hoping you can fix whatever is wrong with my car pretty quick. I need to return to Seattle.”

  “I’ll have to run a diagnostic first, but I’ll do my best to fix your car as soon as I can.” Issac slowed the truck. “We’re almost to town. My shop is at the far end.”

  After they rounded the corner, they drove along Main Street. Several buildings lined each side—The Wolf Inn, Hot Joy Café, a county post office, and a library just to name a few. If she’d blinked, she might have missed them.

  At the far end of town, a tall building with the sign “Issac’s Garage” graced the entrance.

  “We’re here. It’s not much, but it’s mine. I live upstairs, so I’m always around if anyone needs me.” He exited the cab, stepped to the large double doors and input a code into a keypad. One side of the double doors opened, and he disappeared inside.

  She opened the passenger door, slid from her seat, and followed him. Would he be able to fix her car so she could return to Seattle to prepare for the holiday rush? A tiny part of her, buried someplace deep inside, wanted to stay here in Dark Moon Falls. She didn’t understand its source and that frightened her more than anything.

  Chapter Four

  Chloe leaned against the old, well-worn workbench and glanced around Issac’s shop. A large, red roll-around toolbox stood next to a collection of hoses. Various tools, some she recognized, hung from pegboards. A Toyota Highlander sat in the next bay. Although the shop seemed crowded with equipment, a sense of well-organized neatness permeated the place.

  Issac had unloaded her car into the first of two garage bays, popped the hood, and had done a quick look around. Now, he knelt on the garage floor alongside the open driver’s door, head and shoulders buried under her dash. She couldn’t help but notice how well his jeans fit over his muscular legs and tight behind.

  Damn, girl. Stop. She exhaled and turned around, forcing herself to study the tools on his workbench. A couple of folded rags lay nestled next to a flashlight. A small box with several plastic drawers sat at the opposite corner. Each bin had a label—3/4” bolts, 1/2” nuts—

  “I found your problem.” Issac’s masculine voice interrupted her musing.

  She whipped around to face him. He held an unfamiliar electronic device about the size of a large cell phone. It had buttons on the bottom, a screen on the top, and a cord with a large plug on the end.

  “What’s wrong?” She twisted her fingers to release some of her nervous energy.

  He tapped his long, calloused index finger against the display. “The OBD scanner indicates you have a vacuum leak in the engine.”

  Chloe’s mind whirred. “What does that mean? Can you fix it?”

  Issac tracked his gaze from the machine in his hand to her eyes. After focusing his attention on her features for a long moment, he glanced away and lowered his head. He bit his lip and studied the machine. “The engine receives either too little fuel or too much air. I’ll have to pull the intake manifold and replace the gasket.”

  “Oh, that’s good. You can fix it.” Chloe’s shoulders relaxed, and she placed her hand over her heart. “How long will that take? I need to return to Seattle tonight.”

  Indeed, today’s jaunt to find the waterfalls was intended as a quick trip. She had way too much to do at home to prepare for the Christmas rush, not to mention if she and Brooklyn scored one of the coveted spots from the property management company. She couldn’t imagine—

  The whack of the car door closing echoed off the walls.

  Issac approached and set the scanner on the workbench. “I’m sorry, but I need to order a part. Could take a few days to arrive. Until then…”

  A few days… A sudden coldness tightened Chloe’s chest. She had so much to do, she couldn’t afford to remain here more than a day. In addition to her lost productivity, a repair bill was in her future. “How much will that cost?”

  “The part could be a couple hundred.”

  Double that for his labor, too. Between the cost for a motel and the repair on her car, she’d use up her meager savings. Even as it was, she practically lived paycheck to paycheck.

  Her heart pounded, fast and furious. Breathing became difficult. She turned around and gripped the edge of his workbench. The tools seemed to spin in her vision.

  “Hey, hey. It’s all right.” Issac stepped behind her and placed his palm over her hand. “I’ve got ’cha.”

  Warmth seeped into her skin along with a sense of peace. She latched on to the emotion, holding on as if it were a lifeline. After several moments her breathing calmed, and she relaxed against him, her back to his front.

  “Thank you. I sometimes have anxiety attacks if I get too wound up.” She enjoyed his calming nature, soaking it up like a sponge.

  He squeezed her hand then drew away. She glanced at him and caught a shy smile on his lips before it disappeared.

  “If you need a place to stay…” He cleared his throat and ran his pa
lm over his face.

  Had he intended to offer her a place to stay here? With him? His kindness swept over her like a warm wave, but his hesitation spoke volumes. Maybe he had a wife and kids. Shoot, she didn’t know him from Adam.

  Before she could stop herself, she glanced at his left hand. She didn’t see a ring, and an odd sense of relief tickled her insides. Stop. That doesn’t mean he’s not involved with someone.

  She forced herself to meet his gaze. “Is there a hotel in this town?”

  He nodded, and a few tips of his soft dark hair caressed his cheek. “A motel. Dark Moon Falls Motor Lodge. It’s just down the street. It’s off-season, so you shouldn’t have trouble finding a room. I can take you there, if you’d like.”

  Underneath his quiet nature, she sensed a kind, loving soul, one she might enjoy getting to know, but long distant relationships often didn’t turn out well.

  She drew on her internal determination she’d honed over the years and shook her head. “I’m sure I can find it, and I could use the walk. Thank you, though. You’ve been kind enough to me already.”

  A slight wince crossed his features, but he nodded in acquiescence. “As you wish. I’ll order the part right away.”

  Chloe strode to her car, opened the door, and fished her backpack from the passenger seat. At least she had an extra pair of underwear and socks along with her granola bars, water bottle, and a small first aid kit. You never knew when you’d need emergency supplies. Guess that was now.

  As she strode toward the open garage door, her attention drew past the Toyota Highlander in the next bay to a pile of dusty parts in a corner. The largest pieces consisted of two spoked wheels, a long, shiny pipe, a leather seat, and a gas tank with the word “Triumph” emblazoned on the side. A motorcycle.

  The disarray seemed contradictory to the rest of the clean and well-organized garage. Curiosity stopped Chloe in her tracks. She glanced over her shoulder. “What’s with the motorcycle?”


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