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The Demon Lord

Page 7

by Nikki Frank

  “She’s some random brownie.” He gave her neck a squeeze, at the same time he shot her a look to make blood chill. “State your business or beat it. Why would you even come here? You’re lucky we’re not killing on sight.”

  Brownies were part of the elven family, like Talon and I were part of the fairy family. Full grown, despite being shy of four feet, she snuck into homes at night and did household tasks to earn her magic. No evil at all. But what on earth did she think she’d accomplish by coming after a source?

  “I hate housework,” she cried. “I came to ask the source to pair-bond with me. I’ll be his partner. I’ll take good care of him, so long as I never have to go into a stranger’s house again.”

  I gave a strangled laugh. The idea of her with Emmett tickled my sense of irony. He was probably half her age and almost twice her height.

  “What’s all this?” Emmett wandered over rubbing his eyes and yawning.

  “Okay, here’s your chance.” Talon let go of the woman and pushed her toward Emmett. “He’s the source, Emmett. Ask away.”

  The light from the street lamps played up the open amusement on Talon’s face. I had to work harder to keep a sense of propriety. The situation might have all the hallmarks of a comedy sketch, but this woman really meant her request. At least I could let her get it out without making fun of her.

  The brownie barely hit Emmett’s waist. A quick duck of her head and she could have run between his legs. But she folded her hands together and looked up, fluttering her eyes at him.

  “Emmett,” she stammered. “Will you marry me?”

  Emmett stared at her in complete disbelief and I turned, snorting with repressed laughter.

  Talon clapped a hand over my mouth. “Shh . . . Don’t laugh. It’s hard work getting up the guts to propose.”

  “I know,” I hissed through his fingers.

  I’d hardly finished when his head hit my shoulder and he shook with laughter himself.

  I pried his hand off. “As if you’ve done so much proposing.”

  I opened my mouth to say more but at this point the brownie had dropped to one knee and taken Emmett’s hand. To reach she had her arms straight up over her head and her hands barely covered his fingers.

  I buried my face in Talon’s hair to keep from giggling out loud. Guilt niggled at me, but the two of them looked so stupid. She told Emmett her reason for wanting him and asked him again if he would pair-bond with her.

  At this point Talon had put so much effort into smothering his laughter he squeezed my arm to steady himself. I sucked in a deep breath to replace the air I kept blowing out in silent sniggering. Even through the hilarity I noticed the way Talon’s hair smelled―good.

  Immediately I felt like I’d been splashed in cold water. Just like during the harpy incident, my head said I should never find anything about this irritating man attractive. I pulled my face back and twisted away, crossing my arms. I needed to put space between us before anymore fuzzy feelings invaded my tummy.

  Emmett stammered at the poor, little brownie. “I . . . I’m flattered. But I . . .” He paused, presumably fishing for a nice way to let her down. Emmett had never been the type to hurt people’s feelings. “I don’t know you at all.”

  She hopped to her feet and gazed up at him. “That’s okay, we’ll get to know each other. I’m Brunhilda.”

  I bit my lip and without thinking stuffed my face into Talon’s shoulder against the laughter. Her name literally meant brown. It had the same effect as naming your dog Mutt. What the hell had her parents been thinking? Talon hauled me off behind a car a few spaces away from the door of our room. There he let his laughter out. He plucked me off and deposited me next to him.

  “You are not helping,” he gasped.

  “It’s not my fault.” I struggled for breath. “Did you catch her name?”

  Talon gave a snort. “Yeah.” His back hit the car, his body shaking with mirth. “I can’t believe she went down on one knee. She must really hate her job.”

  “Or she’s a cougar.” I slapped my hand over my mouth, and sputtered, “Maybe she likes little boys.”

  “Not so little.” Talon doubled over. “Can you imagine the wedding night!”

  I completely lost my composure and howled. Talon, too, laughed openly. Our amusement completely out of control, I knew Emmett and Brunhilda could hear us. So much for sparing their feelings.

  Talon took a steadying breath. “Either you don’t see her as competition or you’re taking her proposal really well.”

  “What do you mean?” I took a couple deep breaths myself, suppressing the rest of my giggles.

  “She’s after your man. You must have changed your mind about him, since you’ve been getting power from him every night.” Talon gave me a sly, sideways glance.

  “I didn’t want to last night.” I leaned against the car and let out a deep sigh as frustration resurfaced. “He’s really bothered by the whole kidnapping thing. I tried drawing from him the other night, but kissing has made things awkward. Last night I tried to hunt again, and he got really mad. So I got really mad. I kissed him out of anger and went to sleep on the floor ‘cause I couldn’t stand to share the bed with him. I meant to make things between us better by going hunting, instead, they’re getting worse.”

  “Oh. I had it all wrong. I thought you were on the floor so you guys wouldn’t . . . you know. Since there’s three of us in the room and all.”

  “Ew. No. Not with Emmett. Or anyone else for that matter,” I added for good measure.

  Talon raised an eyebrow. “Not even your boyfriend?”

  “I don’t have a boyfriend,” I snapped. His questions had gotten entirely too personal.

  “Hmm . . .” Talon continued staring thoughtfully at me.

  “You guys can come back now; she’s gone.” Emmett’s call to us stopped me seconds before I lashed out at Talon. “And stop laughing at me.”

  I ran from behind the car to get away from Talon. I had all these odd feelings about the last ten minutes. We’d acted like friends. And our little accord didn’t bother me like it should have, weird.

  “What did you end up telling her?” I asked, as much to distract myself as to get information.

  He let his shoulders drop. “She wouldn’t take no for an answer. Everything I came up with she found a way around. So, I finally used her age against her.” He looked at me with pleading in his eyes. “Livy, I made her cry. I tried so hard. I didn’t want to be mean.”

  I burst out laughing again. Emmett’s lip quivered for a moment and then he gave a grudging chuckle, too. Talon glanced nervously around the parking lot and shooed us all back inside. “In case the brownie wasn’t the only thing lurking.”

  ~ ~ ~

  The fourth day with Talon broke with the promise of continued boredom. We all slept late after the previous night’s excitement and I finally drug myself off the floor at ten. Talon still slept, sprawled across the whole double bed, his hair standing on end and his mouth hanging open. I giggled and snapped a picture. I could use the photo as leverage later if needed.

  “You wanted a picture because I’m shirtless, right?” he muttered into his pillow. “You know you’re gonna set my picture as your wallpaper later. You just want to press my gorgeous muscles against your face every time you make a call.”

  I grabbed a spare pillow and went to slam it down on his head, but he moved with incredible speed for someone who had supposedly been sound asleep moments before. He snatched the pillow from my hands knocking me backward. I caught myself on the opposite bed and squashed Emmett’s magazine in the process.

  Before I got to apologize Emmett had launched a pillow at Talon. “Be careful. You crushed my magazine.”

  “I did not.” Talon’s eyes were gleaming. “O . . . liv . . . i . . . a

  “You yanked the pillow out of her hand, setting her off,” Emmett countered.

  “She shouldn’t be trying to assault me with bedding.” His grin went straight to wicked and even though he spoke to Emmett, his eyes glittered at me.

  I scrambled up and over the bed to the far side. Who knew what he’d try. I crushed the rest of the magazine and Emmett let out a growl and slapped his pillow in my direction.

  Talon gave a little snarl as well. I knew that noise, but Emmett wouldn’t. My parents made the same noise when they played rough. He’d let out a very playful, impish sound. The next moment Talon leapt from his bed to mine and Emmett’s, landing on all fours.

  Without meaning to, I snarled back, then clapped a hand over my mouth as Emmett startled. My growl set Talon moving. He tackled me and the two of us flew off the bed landing on the floor. We blocked and grabbed, neither of us hitting hard enough to actually hurt the other, but not going easy either.

  We’d rolled into the far wall, my hand on his throat, him tickling me mercilessly when the door between the rooms slammed open and my mother burst in. Her eyes were wide, and she held a slip of paper in her hands.

  “I have some bad news.” She stared at Emmett. “I . . .” She came over and took his hands, pulling him into a hug. “I’m so sorry, Emmett.”

  I dropped my hold on Talon and squirmed out from under him, fear squeezing my chest. Had something happened to Emmett’s family? Maybe we should have left a guard there. I’d happily send Talon back.

  “The Synod has ruled for you,” Mom continued. “They’re worried about Zaemon getting a hold of you and using you to feed covert forces. So, um . . . new orders have come in for you kids.”

  “Mom, you’re stalling. Spit it out.”

  “The Lord High Governor’s daughter, Elita, will arrive for Emmett shortly. You’re to take the two of them to solidify their partnership. Also arriving will be Elita’s bodyguard and her personal attendant. You three bodyguards are to protect the other three until the partnership is settled. At which time Elita’s people will bring her and Emmett back to the Central Borderlands.”

  “But . . . I don’t . . . why?” Emmett stammered.

  My mom ran a hand across his face. “Dear boy, you’ve been bought by the aristocracy. You’re going back as Elita’s husband. Arsen and I are leaving. We’ve been given an assignment as well. We’re escorting your parents to the Central Borderlands to await your return and . . .” Mom gave a funny gulp. “Your nuptials.”

  “I’m only seventeen,” he protested. “Not to mention you can’t make someone get married.”

  “The people issuing the orders are not from the US, honey,” Mom soothed. “It’s not even a human society. They can arrange your marriage and they did.”

  “I’m not going.” Emmett crossed his arms. “I’ll partner with Livy. Then whoever got picked for me won’t matter.”

  “No,” Mom yelped. “You can’t. There’s a good chance they’d have Livy killed before you lock in the partnership. I’m sorry. I love you Emmett, but I can’t let you risk Livy.”

  “Okay, okay. I won’t,” Emmett rushed. “Isn’t there any way out of this?”

  “You have to find someone,” Talon pointed out. “At least meet her. Maybe you’ll like her.”

  I kicked his shin.

  Mom pulled Emmett into a hug and kissed his forehead. “At the very least you’ll never want for anything. You’ll be nobility. Look for the silver lining.” She let him go and pulled me into a hug. “I love you, Livy. I’ll see you when your quest is done. I’m sorry you’ve been sucked this deep.” She kissed each of my cheeks and squeezed me once more.

  Mom then took both of Talon’s hands in hers. “Young man, your attitude has left something to be desired up to this point.” She pulled him close and glared him down. “My daughter is in your care as your partner. Screw off and you could cost her life. Take her life and I’ll take yours. Are we clear?” Talon gulped and nodded. Then my mother did something unexpected. She pulled Talon into a hug, as well. “I love both these kids. Protect them for me.”

  “I . . .” Talon’s voice cracked, and he cleared his throat. “I will.”

  Mom let Talon out of the hug and turned back to the door. “Your father and I are leaving immediately. Elita and her aides will arrive shortly and then you were supposed to start as well. Good luck.”

  My father came and said goodbye, and before I’d fully grasped our new situation we been left alone to await the new arrivals. For a while a stifling silence settled over the room. Finally, Talon stood and started pulling me toward the door.

  “You get to sit and wait outside, O . . . liv . . . i . . . a.”

  “You sound dumb when you screw up my name. Just say Olivia normally. And why should I sit outside?”

  “Emmett is spoken for. I’m gonna give him a quick bachelor party, so unless you’re attending as the stripper.”

  He’d opened the door to push me out. I splayed my arms and legs and refused to go through the door. He shoved me from behind and my arms gave. The two of us tumbled out onto the sidewalk. I closed my eyes, waiting for pain as the pavement came straight for my face. My face hit something soft at the same time Talon crushed me. I cracked my eyes to his palm against my face. He’d caught my head before it hit.

  “Are they seriously professionals?” The girly voice sounded sneering and came with a disdainful sniff.

  A picture-perfect young woman with vibrant red hair and stunning green eyes stood over me, eyeing me contemptuously. Talon moved even faster than when he attacked, jumping up and pulling me to my feet at the same time. He gave a low bow.

  “You must be Lady Elita. It’s a pleasure―”

  She brushed past Talon as if he didn’t exist, pushing inside our room. “Where’s Enert?

  I swallowed the urge to hit her. “Emmett.” I pointed to the bathroom. “He’ll only be a minute, I’m sure.”

  She ignored me as well, and flounced over to the only chair the room contained. “Omri,” she whined, turning a two-syllable name into six. “Do something. It’s yucky.” She fluttered her hand in the direction of the chair.

  A young man with pale silver hair and over-large ears rushed to lay a cloth over the seat. Elita sat on the edge as if it still might contaminate her. The bathroom door opened and Elita jumped up, rushing over.

  “Egbert,” she squealed.

  I grimaced and tensed. From behind, a hand gripped my shoulder and gave a little squeeze, a subtle reminder from Talon to keep my mouth shut. Ten minutes ago, I’d thought Talon qualified as the most annoying person I’d ever met. Elita quickly changed my mind.

  Emmett’s eyes widened as he took Elita in. I didn’t blame him. She looked damn near perfect, like a doll. As long as she never opened her mouth he might be happy with her.

  “Does he not speak?” she snapped at me.

  “Nice to meet you, Rita,” Emmett answered.

  “It’s Elita,” she chirped at him.

  “It’s Emmett,” he retorted.

  She gave him a swift and dirty look before moving on. “Are we ready to go?”

  “If your people know our destination I’d appreciate the information,” Talon said.

  A tiny woman with black hair and almond eyes stepped forward. “We have a lead on a unicorn in the rainforests of Belize, spotted a week ago. We’re headed there.”

  Talon gave her a quick once over. “Good. And you are?”

  She returned him a polite bow of the head. “Yumiko.”

  I glanced between Yumiko and Omri. How could you tell the bodyguard and the attendant apart? One should never judge magic folk by their appearance but no one in their party volunteered any information.

  “Do you have a vehicle for six?” Talon asked Yumiko.

bsp; She simply shook her head.

  Elita slipped her arm through Emmett’s. “The four of us can take one car.” She wrinkled her nose at me. “The peasants can find their own way.”

  My ears got pointy. This girl excelled at getting under my skin.

  “But, Mistress,” Omri started, “they’re part of the guard for you and Master Emmett.”

  “I don’t want them in my car and I don’t want to be seen in a minivan.” She stomped her foot petulantly.

  “I couldn’t agree more.” I strode over to Emmett, grabbed his face and kissed him deeply, sucking as much magic from him as I could.

  When I broke the kiss everyone stared at me, stunned. But I had no desire to explain myself to these people. I stalked to the door, kicked it open and hotwired a speed bike in the parking lot. Talon could have gotten a ration for stealing, but I needed extra magic to do something outside my nature. Elita had a sleek little roadster whose backseat simply gave lip service to the word seat. I couldn’t imagine where all four of them would sit. Not my problem. At least they’d be able to keep up with my bike.

  “Talon, you heard her. Let’s go. Now.” I glared at Yumiko, mostly because I had the gut feeling she’d understand. “I’m obliging your mistress,” I told her. “It’s now your job to keep up.”

  I grabbed one of the helmets off the bike, hopped on and kicked it to life. Talon grabbed my arm. “Are you sure you should be driving?”

  “Get on or take your own.”

  He slapped on the other helmet and I barely waited for him to be settled before I peeled out of the parking lot.

  “Olivia, you need to stop.”

  I shook my head at Talon’s voice in my helmet.

  “You’ll be punished if you run off and anything happens to them. Pull over and wait.”

  Damn it, of all the times for him to go rational on me. I pulled the bike off and against my will something between a snarl and a sob escaped me.


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